# File src/library/tools/R/Rd2latex.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## TODO: can we do something useful with cross-package links? ### * .Rd_get_latex # Return latex form of text, encoded in UTF-8. Note that # textConnection converts to the local encoding, and we convert back, # so unrepresentable characters will be lost .Rd_get_latex <- function(x) { # We'd like to use capture.output here, but don't want to depend # on utils, so we duplicate some of it rval <- NULL file <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE) save <- options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) sink(file) tryCatch(Rd2latex(x, fragment=TRUE), finally = {sink(); options(save); close(file)}) if (is.null(rval)) rval <- character() else enc2utf8(rval) } latex_canonical_encoding <- function(encoding) { if (encoding == "") encoding <- utils::localeToCharset()[1L] encoding <- tolower(encoding) encoding <- sub("iso_8859-([0-9]+)", "iso-8859-\\1", encoding) encoding <- sub("iso8859-([0-9]+)", "iso-8859-\\1", encoding) encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-1"] <- "latin1" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-2"] <- "latin2" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-3"] <- "latin3" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-4"] <- "latin4" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-5"] <- "cyrillic" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-6"] <- "arabic" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-7"] <- "greek" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-8"] <- "hebrew" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-9"] <- "latin5" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-10"] <- "latin6" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-14"] <- "latin8" encoding[encoding %in% c("latin-9", "iso-8859-15")] <- "latin9" encoding[encoding == "iso-8859-16"] <- "latin10" encoding[encoding == "utf-8"] <- "utf8" encoding } ## 'encoding' is passed to parse_Rd, as the input encoding Rd2latex <- function(Rd, out="", defines=.Platform$OS.type, stages="render", outputEncoding = "ASCII", fragment = FALSE, ..., writeEncoding = TRUE) { encode_warn <- FALSE WriteLines <- if(outputEncoding == "UTF-8" || (outputEncoding == "" && l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]])) { function(x, con, outputEncoding, ...) writeLines(x, con, useBytes = TRUE, ...) } else { function(x, con, outputEncoding, ...) { x <- iconv(x, "UTF-8", outputEncoding, mark=FALSE) if (anyNA(x)) { x <- iconv(x, "UTF-8", outputEncoding, sub="byte", mark=FALSE) encode_warn <<- TRUE } writeLines(x, con, useBytes = TRUE, ...) } } last_char <- "" of0 <- function(...) of1(paste0(...)) of1 <- function(text) { nc <- nchar(text) last_char <<- substr(text, nc, nc) WriteLines(text, con, outputEncoding, sep = "") } trim <- function(x) { x <- psub1("^\\s*", "", as.character(x)) psub1("\\s*$", "", x) } envTitles <- c("\\description"="Description", "\\usage"="Usage", "\\arguments"="Arguments", "\\format"="Format", "\\details"="Details", "\\note"="Note", "\\section"="", "\\author"="Author", "\\references"="References", "\\source"="Source", "\\seealso"="SeeAlso", "\\examples"="Examples", "\\value"="Value") sectionExtras <- c("\\usage"="verbatim", "\\arguments"="ldescription", "\\examples"="ExampleCode") inCodeBlock <- FALSE ## used to indicate to texify where we are inCode <- FALSE inEqn <- FALSE inPre <- FALSE sectionLevel <- 0 hasFigures <- FALSE startByte <- function(x) { srcref <- attr(x, "srcref") if (is.null(srcref)) NA else srcref[2L] } addParaBreaks <- function(x, tag) { start <- startByte(x) if (isBlankLineRd(x)) "\n" else if (identical(start, 1L)) psub("^\\s+", "", x) else x } texify <- function(x, code = inCodeBlock) { if(inEqn) return(x) if (!code) { # Need to be careful to handle backslash, so do it in three steps. # First, mark all the ones in the original text, but don't add # any other special chars x <- fsub("\\", "\\bsl", x) # Second, escape other things, introducing more backslashes x <- psub("([&$%_#])", "\\\\\\1", x) ## pretty has braces in text. x <- fsub("{", "\\{", x) x <- fsub("}", "\\}", x) x <- fsub("^", "\\textasciicircum{}", x) x <- fsub("~", "\\textasciitilde{}", x) # Third, add the terminal braces to the backslash x <- fsub("\\bsl", "\\bsl{}", x) } else { x <- psub("\\\\[l]{0,1}dots", "...", as.character(x)) ## unescape (should not be escaped: but see kappa.Rd) x <- psub("\\\\([$^&~_#])", "\\1", x) ## inCodeBlock/inPre is in alltt, where only \ { } have their usual meaning if (inCodeBlock) { ## We do want to escape { }, but unmatched braces had ## to be escaped in earlier versions (e.g. Paren.Rd, body.tex). ## So fix up for now x <- fsub1('"\\{"', '"{"', x) } else if (inPre) { BSL = '@BSL@'; x <- fsub("\\", BSL, x) x <- psub("(?>", ">{}>", x) x <- fsub(",,", ",{},", x) # ,, is a ligature in the ae font. ## cat(sprintf("\ntexify out: '%s'\n", x)) } } x } # The quotes were Rd.sty macros, but Latex limitations (e.g. nesting \preformatted within) # mean we get better results expanding them here. wrappers <- list("\\dQuote" =c("``", "''"), "\\sQuote" =c("`", "'"), "\\cite" =c("\\Cite{", "}")) writeWrapped <- function(block, tag) { wrapper <- wrappers[[tag]] if (is.null(wrapper)) wrapper <- c(paste0(tag, "{"), "}") of1(wrapper[1L]) writeContent(block, tag) of1(wrapper[2L]) } writeURL <- function(block, tag) { ## really verbatim if (tag == "\\url") url <- as.character(block) else { url <- as.character(block[[1L]]) tag <- "\\Rhref" } ## cleanup URL url <- trimws(gsub("\n", "", paste(as.character(url), collapse = ""), fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) ## escape % for LaTeX url <- gsub("%", "\\%", url, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) of0(tag, "{", url, "}") if (tag == "\\Rhref") { of1("{") writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) of1("}") } } ## Currently ignores [option] except for [=dest] form ## (as documented) writeLink <- function(tag, block) { parts <- get_link(block, tag) of0("\\LinkA{", latex_escape_link(parts$topic), "}{", latex_link_trans0(parts$dest), "}") } writeDR <- function(block, tag) { if (length(block) > 1L) { of1('## Not run: ') writeContent(block, tag) of1('\n## End(Not run)') } else { of1('## Not run: ') writeContent(block, tag) } } ltxstriptitle <- function(x) { x <- fsub("\\R", "\\R{}", x) x <- psub("(?>", ">{}>", x) x } latex_escape_link <- function(x) { ## _ is already escaped x <- fsub("\\_", "_", x) latex_escape_name(x) } latex_link_trans0 <- function(x) { x <- fsub("\\Rdash", ".Rdash.", x) x <- fsub("-", ".Rdash.", x) x <- fsub("\\_", ".Rul.", x) x <- fsub("\\$", ".Rdol.", x) x <- fsub("\\^", ".Rcaret.", x) x <- fsub("^", ".Rcaret.", x) x <- fsub("_", ".Rul.", x) x <- fsub("$", ".Rdol.", x) x <- fsub("\\#", ".Rhash.", x) # x <- fsub("#", ".Rhash.", x) # x <- fsub("\\&", ".Ramp.", x) x <- fsub("&", ".Ramp.", x) x <- fsub("\\~", ".Rtilde.", x) x <- fsub("~", ".Rtilde.", x) x <- fsub("\\%", ".Rpcent.", x) x <- fsub("%", ".Rpcent.", x) x <- fsub("\\\\", ".Rbl.", x) x <- fsub("{", ".Rlbrace.", x) x <- fsub("}", ".Rrbrace.", x) x } latex_code_alias <- function(x) { x <- fsub("{", "\\{", x) x <- fsub("}", "\\}", x) x <- psub("(? 1L) { includeoptions <- .Rd_get_latex(block[[2]]) if (length(includeoptions) && startsWith(includeoptions, "options: ")) of0(sub("^options: ", "", includeoptions)) } of0('}') hasFigures <<- TRUE }, "\\dontshow" =, "\\testonly" = {}, # do nothing "\\method" =, "\\S3method" =, "\\S4method" = { ## should not get here }, "\\tabular" = writeTabular(block), "\\subsection" = writeSection(block, tag), "\\if" =, "\\ifelse" = if (testRdConditional("latex", block, Rdfile)) writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) else if (tag == "\\ifelse") writeContent(block[[3L]], tag), "\\out" = for (i in seq_along(block)) of1(block[[i]]), stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Tag ", tag, " not recognized") ) } writeTabular <- function(table) { ## FIXME does no check of correct format format <- table[[1L]] content <- table[[2L]] if (length(format) != 1L || RdTags(format) != "TEXT") stopRd(table, Rdfile, "\\tabular format must be simple text") tags <- RdTags(content) of0('\n\\Tabular{', format, '}{') for (i in seq_along(tags)) { switch(tags[i], "\\tab" = of1("&"), "\\cr" = of1("\\\\{}"), writeBlock(content[[i]], tags[i], "\\tabular")) } of1('}') } writeContent <- function(blocks, blocktag) { inList <- FALSE itemskip <- FALSE tags <- RdTags(blocks) i <- 0 while (i < length(tags)) { i <- i + 1 block <- blocks[[i]] tag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag") ## this should not be null, but it might be in a erroneous Rd file if(!is.null(tag)) switch(tag, "\\method" =, "\\S3method" =, "\\S4method" = { blocks <- transformMethod(i, blocks, Rdfile) tags <- RdTags(blocks) i <- i - 1 }, "\\item" = { if (blocktag == "\\value" && !inList) { of1("\\begin{ldescription}\n") inList <- TRUE } switch(blocktag, "\\describe" = { of1('\\item[') writeContent(block[[1L]], tag) of1('] ') writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) }, "\\value"=, "\\arguments"={ of1('\\item[\\code{') inCode <<- TRUE writeContent(block[[1L]], tag) inCode <<- FALSE of1('}] ') writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) }, "\\enumerate" =, "\\itemize"= { of1("\\item ") itemskip <- TRUE }) itemskip <- TRUE }, "\\cr" = of1("\\\\{}"), ## might be followed by [ { # default if (inList && !(tag == "TEXT" && isBlankRd(block))) { of1("\\end{ldescription}\n") inList <- FALSE } if (itemskip) { ## The next item must be TEXT, and start with a space. itemskip <- FALSE if (tag == "TEXT") { txt <- psub("^ ", "", as.character(block)) of1(texify(txt)) } else writeBlock(block, tag, blocktag) # should not happen } else writeBlock(block, tag, blocktag) }) } if (inList) of1("\\end{ldescription}\n") } writeSectionInner <- function(section, tag) { if (length(section)) { ## need \n unless one follows, so nxt <- section[[1L]] if (!attr(nxt, "Rd_tag") %in% c("TEXT", "RCODE") || substr(as.character(nxt), 1L, 1L) != "\n") of1("\n") writeContent(section, tag) inCodeBlock <<- FALSE if (last_char != "\n") of1("\n") } } writeSection <- function(section, tag) { if (tag %in% c("\\encoding", "\\concept")) return() save <- sectionLevel sectionLevel <<- sectionLevel + 1 if (tag == "\\alias") writeAlias(section, tag) else if (tag == "\\keyword") { key <- trim(section) of0("\\keyword{", latex_escape_name(key), "}{", ltxname, "}\n") } else if (tag == "\\section" || tag == "\\subsection") { macro <- c("Section", "SubSection", "SubSubSection")[min(sectionLevel, 3)] of0("%\n\\begin{", macro, "}{") writeContent(section[[1L]], tag) of1("}") writeSectionInner(section[[2L]], tag) of0("\\end{", macro, "}\n") } else { title <- envTitles[tag] of0("%\n\\begin{", title, "}") if(tag %in% c("\\author", "\\description", "\\details", "\\note", "\\references", "\\seealso", "\\source")) of1("\\relax") extra <- sectionExtras[tag] if(!is.na(extra)) of0("\n\\begin{", extra, "}") if(tag %in% c("\\usage", "\\examples")) inCodeBlock <<- TRUE writeSectionInner(section, tag) inCodeBlock <<- FALSE if(!is.na(extra)) of0("\\end{", extra, "}\n") of0("\\end{", title, "}\n") } sectionLevel <<- save } Rd <- prepare_Rd(Rd, defines=defines, stages=stages, fragment=fragment, ...) Rdfile <- attr(Rd, "Rdfile") sections <- RdTags(Rd) if (is.character(out)) { if(out == "") { con <- stdout() } else { con <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(con)) } } else { con <- out out <- summary(con)$description } if (outputEncoding != "ASCII") { latexEncoding <- latex_canonical_encoding(outputEncoding) if(writeEncoding) of0("\\inputencoding{", latexEncoding, "}\n") } else latexEncoding <- NA if (fragment) { if (sections[1L] %in% names(sectionOrder)) for (i in seq_along(sections)) writeSection(Rd[[i]], sections[i]) else for (i in seq_along(sections)) writeBlock(Rd[[i]], sections[i], "") } else { ## we know this has been ordered by prepare2_Rd, but ## need to sort the aliases (if any) nm <- character(length(Rd)) isAlias <- sections == "\\alias" sortorder <- if (any(isAlias)) { nm[isAlias] <- sapply(Rd[isAlias], as.character) order(sectionOrder[sections], toupper(nm), nm) } else order(sectionOrder[sections]) Rd <- Rd[sortorder] sections <- sections[sortorder] title <- .Rd_get_latex(.Rd_get_section(Rd, "title")) ## This might have blank lines title <- paste(title[nzchar(title)], collapse = " ") name <- Rd[[2L]] name <- trim(as.character(Rd[[2L]][[1L]])) ltxname <- latex_escape_name(name) of0('\\HeaderA{', ltxname, '}{', ltxstriptitle(title), '}{', latex_link_trans0(name), '}\n') for (i in seq_along(sections)[-(1:2)]) writeSection(Rd[[i]], sections[i]) } if (encode_warn) warnRd(Rd, Rdfile, "Some input could not be re-encoded to ", outputEncoding) invisible(structure(out, latexEncoding = latexEncoding, hasFigures = hasFigures)) }