# File src/library/tools/R/Rd2txt.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## This stops on ## unrecognized tag ## \\tabular format must be simple text ## too many columns for format ## invalid markup in \[S3]method ## "Tag ", tag, " not expected in code block" tabExpand <- function(x) { srcref <- attr(x, "srcref") if (is.null(srcref)) start <- 0L else start <- srcref[5L] - 1L .Call(doTabExpand, x, start) } Rd2txt_options <- local({ opts <- list(width = 80L, minIndent = 10L, extraIndent = 4L, sectionIndent = 5L, sectionExtra = 2L, itemBullet = "* ", enumFormat = function(n) sprintf("%d. ", n), showURLs = FALSE, code_quote = TRUE, underline_titles = TRUE) function(...) { args <- list(...) if (!length(args)) return(opts) else { if (is.list(args[[1L]])) args <- args[[1L]] result <- opts[names(args)] opts[names(args)] <<- args invisible(result) } } }) transformMethod <- function(i, blocks, Rdfile) { editblock <- function(block, newtext) list(structure(newtext, Rd_tag = attr(block, "Rd_tag"), srcref = attr(block, "srcref"))) # Most of the internal functions below are more like macros # than functions; they mess around with these variables: chars <- NULL char <- NULL j <- NULL findOpen <- function(i) { j <- i char <- NULL while (j < length(blocks)) { j <- j + 1L tag <- attr(blocks[[j]], "Rd_tag") if (tag == "RCODE") { # FIXME: This search and the ones below will be fooled # by "#" comments chars <- strsplit(blocks[[j]], "")[[1]] parens <- cumsum( (chars == "(") - (chars == ")") ) if (any(parens > 0)) { char <- which.max(parens > 0) break } } } if (is.null(char)) stopRd(block, Rdfile, sprintf("no parenthesis following %s", blocktag)) chars <<- chars char <<- char j <<- j } findComma <- function(i) { j <- i level <- 1L char <- NULL while (j < length(blocks)) { j <- j + 1L tag <- attr(blocks[[j]], "Rd_tag") if (tag == "RCODE") { chars <- strsplit(blocks[[j]], "")[[1]] parens <- level + cumsum( (chars == "(") - (chars == ")") ) if (any(parens == 1 & chars == ",")) { char <- which.max(parens == 1 & chars == ",") break } if (any(parens == 0)) break level <- parens[length(parens)] } } if (is.null(char)) stopRd(block, Rdfile, sprintf("no comma in argument list following %s", blocktag)) chars <<- chars char <<- char j <<- j } findClose <- function(i) { j <- i level <- 1L char <- NULL while (j < length(blocks)) { j <- j + 1L tag <- attr(blocks[[j]], "Rd_tag") if (tag == "RCODE") { chars <- strsplit(blocks[[j]], "")[[1]] parens <- level + cumsum( (chars == "(") - (chars == ")") ) if (any(parens == 0)) { char <- which(parens == 0)[1] break } level <- parens[length(parens)] } } if (is.null(char)) stopRd(block, Rdfile, sprintf("no closing parenthesis following %s", blocktag)) chars <<- chars char <<- char j <<- j } rewriteBlocks <- function() c(blocks[seq_len(j-1L)], editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars[seq_len(char)], collapse="")), if (char < length(chars)) editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars[-seq_len(char)], collapse="")), if (j < length(blocks)) blocks[-seq_len(j)]) deleteBlanks <- function() { while (char < length(chars)) { if (chars[char + 1] == " ") { char <- char + 1 chars[char] <- "" } else break } char <<- char chars <<- chars } block <- blocks[[i]] blocktag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag") srcref <- attr(block, "srcref") class <- block[[2L]] # or signature generic <- as.character(block[[1L]]) default <- as.character(class) == "default" if(generic %in% c("[", "[[", "$")) { ## need to assemble the call by matching parens in RCODE findOpen(i) # Sets chars, char and j chars[char] <- "" blocks <- c(blocks[seq_len(j-1L)], editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars[seq_len(char)], collapse="")), if (char < length(chars)) editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars[-seq_len(char)], collapse="")), if (j < length(blocks)) blocks[-seq_len(j)]) findComma(j) # Sets chars, char and j chars[char] <- generic # Delete blanks after the comma deleteBlanks() blocks <- rewriteBlocks() findClose(j) # Edit the closing paren chars[char] <- switch(generic, "[" = "]", "[[" = "]]", "$" = "") blocks[j] <- editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars, collapse="")) methodtype <- if (grepl("<-", blocks[[j]])) "replacement " else "" } else if(grepl(sprintf("^%s$", paste(c("\\+", "\\-", "\\*", "\\/", "\\^", "<=?", ">=?", "!=?", "==", "\\&", "\\|", "!", "\\%[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*\\%"), collapse = "|")), generic)) { ## Binary operators and unary '!'. findOpen(i) if (generic != "!") { chars[char] <- "" blocks <- rewriteBlocks() findComma(j) chars[char] <- paste0(" ", generic, " ") # Delete blanks after the comma deleteBlanks() blocks <- rewriteBlocks() } else { chars[char] <- "!" blocks <- rewriteBlocks() } findClose(j) chars[char] <- "" blocks[j] <- editblock(blocks[[j]], paste(chars, collapse="")) methodtype <- "" } else { findOpen(i) chars[char] <- paste0(generic, "(") blocks <- rewriteBlocks() findClose(j) methodtype <- if (grepl("<-", blocks[[j]])) "replacement " else "" } if (blocktag == "\\S4method") { ## some signatures are very long. blocks <- if(nchar(class) > 50L) { cl <- paste0("'", as.character(class), "'") if(nchar(cl) > 70L) { cl <- strsplit(cl, ",")[[1L]] ncl <- length(cl) cl[-ncl] <- paste0(cl[-ncl], ",") cl[-1L] <- paste0(" ", cl[-1L]) } cl <- paste("##", cl, collapse="\n") c( blocks[seq_len(i-1L)], list(structure(paste0("## S4 ", methodtype, "method for signature \n"), Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), list(structure(cl, Rd_tag="TEXT", srcref=srcref)), list(structure("\n", Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), blocks[-seq_len(i)] ) } else c( blocks[seq_len(i-1L)], list(structure(paste0("## S4 ", methodtype, "method for signature '"), Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), class, list(structure("'\n", Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), blocks[-seq_len(i)] ) } else if (default) blocks <- c( blocks[seq_len(i-1)], list(structure(paste0("## Default S3 ", methodtype, "method:\n"), Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), blocks[-seq_len(i)] ) else blocks <- c( blocks[seq_len(i-1)], list(structure(paste0("## S3 ", methodtype, "method for class '"), Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), class, list(structure("'\n", Rd_tag="RCODE", srcref=srcref)), blocks[-seq_len(i)] ) blocks } Rd2txt <- function(Rd, out="", package = "", defines=.Platform$OS.type, stages = "render", outputEncoding = "", fragment = FALSE, options, ...) { ## we need to keep track of where we are. buffer <- character() # Buffer not yet written to con # Newlines have been processed, each line in buffer is # treated as a separate input line (but may be wrapped before output) linestart <- TRUE # At start of line? indent <- 0L # Default indent wrapping <- TRUE # Do word wrap? keepFirstIndent <- FALSE # Keep first line indent? dropBlank <- FALSE # Drop initial blank lines? haveBlanks <- 0L # How many blank lines have just been written? enumItem <- 0L # Last enumeration item number inEqn <- FALSE # Should we do edits needed in an eqn? sectionLevel <- 0 # How deeply nested within sections/subsections saveOpts <- Rd2txt_options() on.exit(Rd2txt_options(saveOpts))# Rd files may change these, so restore them # whether or not the caller set them. if (!missing(options)) Rd2txt_options(options) ## these attempt to mimic pre-2.10.0 layout WIDTH <- 0.9 * Rd2txt_options()$width HDR_WIDTH <- WIDTH - 2L startCapture <- function() { save <- list(buffer=buffer, linestart=linestart, indent=indent, wrapping=wrapping, keepFirstIndent=keepFirstIndent, dropBlank=dropBlank, haveBlanks=haveBlanks, enumItem=enumItem, inEqn=inEqn) buffer <<- character() linestart <<- TRUE indent <<- 0L wrapping <<- TRUE keepFirstIndent <<- FALSE dropBlank <<- FALSE haveBlanks <<- 0L enumItem <<- 0L inEqn <<- FALSE save } endCapture <- function(saved) { result <- buffer buffer <<- saved$buffer linestart <<- saved$linestart indent <<- saved$indent wrapping <<- saved$wrapping keepFirstIndent <<- saved$keepFirstIndent dropBlank <<- saved$dropBlank haveBlanks <<- saved$haveBlanks enumItem <<- saved$enumItem inEqn <<- saved$inEqn result } ## for efficiency WriteLines <- if(outputEncoding == "UTF-8" || (outputEncoding == "" && l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]])) { function(x, con, outputEncoding, ...) writeLines(x, con, useBytes = TRUE, ...) } else { function(x, con, outputEncoding, ...) { x <- iconv(x, "UTF-8", outputEncoding, sub="byte", mark=FALSE) writeLines(x, con, useBytes = TRUE, ...) } } ## Use display widths as used by cat not print. frmt <- function(x, justify="left", width = 0L) { justify <- match.arg(justify, c("left", "right", "centre", "none")) w <- sum(nchar(x, "width")) # copes with 0-length x if(w < width && justify != "none") { excess <- width - w left <- right <- 0L if(justify == "left") right <- excess else if(justify == "right") left <- excess else if(justify == "centre") { left <- excess %/% 2 right <- excess-left } paste(c(rep_len(" ", left), x, rep_len(" ", right)), collapse = "") } else x } wrap <- function(doWrap = TRUE) if (doWrap != wrapping) { flushBuffer(); wrapping <<- doWrap } putw <- function(...) { wrap(TRUE); put(...) } putf <- function(...) { wrap(FALSE); put(...) } put <- function(...) { txt <- paste0(..., collapse="") trail <- grepl("\n$", txt) # Convert newlines txt <- strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] if (dropBlank) { while(length(txt) && grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", txt[1L])) txt <- txt[-1L] if (length(txt)) dropBlank <<- FALSE } if(!length(txt)) return() haveBlanks <<- 0 if (linestart) buffer <<- c(buffer, txt) else if (length(buffer)) { buffer[length(buffer)] <<- paste0(buffer[length(buffer)], txt[1L]) buffer <<- c(buffer, txt[-1L]) } else buffer <<- txt linestart <<- trail } flushBuffer <- function() { if (!length(buffer)) return() if (wrapping) { if (keepFirstIndent) { first <- nchar(psub1("[^ ].*", "", buffer[1L])) keepFirstIndent <<- FALSE } else first <- indent buffer <<- c(buffer, "") # Add an extra blank sentinel blankLines <- grep("^[[:space:]]*$", buffer) result <- character() start <- 1L for (i in seq_along(blankLines)) { if (blankLines[i] > start) { result <- c(result, strwrap(paste(buffer[start:(blankLines[i]-1L)], collapse = " "), WIDTH, indent = first, exdent = indent)) first <- indent } result <- c(result, "") start <- blankLines[i]+1L } ## we want to collapse multiple blank lines when wrapping ## and to remove the sentinel (which we need to do first or ## we will drop a single blank line) buffer <<- result[-length(result)] empty <- !nzchar(buffer) drop <- empty & c(FALSE, empty[-length(empty)]) buffer <<- buffer[!drop] } else { # Not wrapping if (keepFirstIndent) { if (length(buffer) > 1L) buffer[-1L] <<- paste0(strrep(" ", indent), buffer[-1L]) keepFirstIndent <- FALSE } else buffer <<- paste0(strrep(" ", indent), buffer) } if (length(buffer)) WriteLines(buffer, con, outputEncoding) buffer <<- character() linestart <<- TRUE } encoding <- "unknown" li <- l10n_info() ## See the comment in ?Rd2txt as to why we do not attempt fancy quotes ## in Windows CJK locales -- and in any case they would need more work ## This covers the common single-byte locales and Thai (874) use_fancy_quotes <- (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && ((li$codepage >= 1250 && li$codepage <= 1258) || li$codepage == 874)) || li[["UTF-8"]] if(!identical(getOption("useFancyQuotes"), FALSE) && use_fancy_quotes) { ## On Windows, Unicode literals are translated to local code page LSQM <- intToUtf8("0x2018") # Left single quote RSQM <- intToUtf8("0x2019") # Right single quote LDQM <- intToUtf8("0x201c") # Left double quote RDQM <- intToUtf8("0x201d") # Right double quote } else { LSQM <- RSQM <- "'" LDQM <- RDQM <- '"' } trim <- function(x) { x <- psub1("^\\s*", "", x) psub1("\\s*$", "", x) } ## underline via backspacing txt_header <- function(header) { opts <- Rd2txt_options() header <- paste(strwrap(header, WIDTH), collapse="\n") if (opts$underline_titles) { letters <- strsplit(header, "", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] isaln <- grep("[[:alnum:]]", letters) letters[isaln] <- paste0("_\b", letters[isaln]) paste(letters, collapse = "") } else header } unescape <- function(x) { x <- psub("(---|--)", "-", x) x } writeCode <- function(x) { txt <- as.character(x) if(inEqn) txt <- txt_eqn(txt) txt <- fsub('"\\{"', '"{"', txt) ## \dots gets left in noquote.Rd txt <- fsub("\\dots", "...", txt) put(txt) } # This function strips pending blank lines, then adds n new ones. blankLine <- function(n = 1L) { while (length(buffer) && grepl("^[[:blank:]]*$", buffer[length(buffer)])) buffer <<- buffer[-length(buffer)] flushBuffer() if (n > haveBlanks) { buffer <<- rep_len("", n - haveBlanks) flushBuffer() haveBlanks <<- n } dropBlank <<- TRUE } txt_eqn <- function(x) { x <- psub("\\\\(Alpha|Beta|Gamma|Delta|Epsilon|Zeta|Eta|Theta|Iota|Kappa|Lambda|Mu|Nu|Xi|Omicron|Pi|Rho|Sigma|Tau|Upsilon|Phi|Chi|Psi|Omega|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega|sum|prod|sqrt)", "\\1", x) x <- psub("\\\\(dots|ldots)", "...", x) x <- fsub("\\le", "<=", x) x <- fsub("\\ge", ">=", x) x <- fsub("\\infty", "Inf", x) ## FIXME: are these needed? x <- psub("\\\\(bold|strong|emph|var)\\{([^}]*)\\}", "\\2", x) x <- psub("\\\\(code|samp)\\{([^}]*)\\}", "'\\2'", x) x } writeDR <- function(block, tag) { if (length(block) > 1L) { putf('## Not run:\n') writeCodeBlock(block, tag) blankLine(0L) putf('## End(Not run)\n') } else { putf('## Not run: ') writeCodeBlock(block, tag) blankLine(0L) } } writeQ <- function(block, tag, quote=tag) { if (use_fancy_quotes) { if (quote == "\\sQuote") { put(LSQM); writeContent(block, tag); put(RSQM) } else { put(LDQM); writeContent(block, tag); put(RDQM) } } else { if (quote == "\\sQuote") { put("'"); writeContent(block, tag); put("'") } else { put("\""); writeContent(block,tag); put("\"") } } } writeBlock <- function(block, tag, blocktag) { switch(tag, UNKNOWN =, VERB =, RCODE = writeCode(tabExpand(block)), TEXT = if(blocktag == "\\command") putw(block) else putw(unescape(tabExpand(block))), USERMACRO =, "\\newcommand" =, "\\renewcommand" =, COMMENT = {}, LIST = writeContent(block, tag), "\\describe" = { blankLine(0L) writeContent(block, tag) blankLine() }, "\\itemize"=, "\\enumerate"= { blankLine(0L) enumItem0 <- enumItem enumItem <<- 0L indent0 <- indent opts <- Rd2txt_options() indent <<- max(opts$minIndent, indent + opts$extraIndent) dropBlank <<- TRUE writeContent(block, tag) blankLine() indent <<- indent0 enumItem <<- enumItem0 }, "\\code"=, "\\command"=, "\\env"=, "\\file"=, "\\kbd"=, "\\option"=, "\\pkg"=, "\\samp" = { opts <- Rd2txt_options() if(opts$code_quote) writeQ(block, tag, quote="\\sQuote") else writeContent(block,tag) }, "\\email" = { put("") }, "\\url" = { put("") }, "\\href" = { opts <- Rd2txt_options() writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) if (opts$showURLs) put(" (URL: ", trimws(gsub("\n", "", paste(as.character(block[[1L]]), collapse=""))), ")") }, "\\Sexpr"= put(as.character.Rd(block, deparse=TRUE)), "\\acronym" =, "\\cite"=, "\\dfn"= , "\\special" = , "\\var" = writeContent(block, tag), "\\bold"=, "\\strong"= { put("*") writeContent(block, tag) put("*") }, "\\emph"= { put("_") writeContent(block, tag) put("_") }, "\\sQuote" =, "\\dQuote"= writeQ(block, tag) , "\\preformatted"= { putf("\n") writeCodeBlock(block, tag) }, "\\verb"= put(block), "\\linkS4class" =, "\\link" = writeContent(block, tag), "\\cr" = { ## we want to print out what we have, and if ## followed immediately by \n (as it usually is) ## discard that. This is not entirely correct, ## but it is better than before .... flushBuffer() dropBlank <<- TRUE }, "\\dots" =, "\\ldots" = put("..."), "\\R" = put("R"), "\\enc" = { ## Test to see if we can convert the encoded version txt <- as.character(block[[1L]]) test <- iconv(txt, "UTF-8", outputEncoding, mark = FALSE) txt <- if(!is.na(test)) txt else as.character(block[[2L]]) put(txt) } , "\\eqn" = { block <- block[[length(block)]] ## FIXME: treat 2 of 2 differently? inEqn0 <- inEqn inEqn <<- TRUE writeContent(block, tag) inEqn <<- inEqn0 }, "\\deqn" = { blankLine() block <- block[[length(block)]] save <- startCapture() inEqn <<- TRUE writeContent(block, tag) eqn <- endCapture(save) eqn <- frmt(eqn, justify="centre", width=WIDTH-indent) putf(paste(eqn, collapse="\n")) blankLine() }, "\\figure" = { blankLine() save <- startCapture() writeContent(block[[length(block)]], tag) alt <- endCapture(save) if (length(alt)) { alt <- frmt(alt, justify = "centre", width = WIDTH - indent) putf(paste(alt, collapse = "\n")) blankLine() } }, "\\tabular" = writeTabular(block), "\\subsection" = writeSection(block, tag), "\\if"=, "\\ifelse" = if (testRdConditional("text", block, Rdfile)) writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) else if (tag == "\\ifelse") writeContent(block[[3L]], tag), "\\out" = for (i in seq_along(block)) put(block[[i]]), stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Tag ", tag, " not recognized") ) } writeTabular <- function(table) { formats <- table[[1L]] content <- table[[2L]] if (length(formats) != 1L || RdTags(formats) != "TEXT") stopRd(table, Rdfile, "\\tabular format must be simple text") formats <- strsplit(formats[[1L]], "", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] tags <- RdTags(content) entries <- list() row <- 1L col <- 1L save <- startCapture() dropBlank <<- TRUE newEntry <- function() { entries <<- c(entries, list(list(text=trim(endCapture(save)), row=row, col=col))) save <<- startCapture() dropBlank <<- TRUE } for (i in seq_along(tags)) { switch(tags[i], "\\tab" = { newEntry() col <- col + 1 if (col > length(formats)) stopRd(content[[i]], Rdfile, sprintf("too many columns for format '%s'", table[[1L]])) }, "\\cr" = { newEntry() row <- row + 1L col <- 1L }, writeBlock(content[[i]], tags[i], "\\tabular") ) } newEntry() endCapture(save) entries <- with(entries[[length(entries)]], { if (!length(text) && col == 1L) entries[-length(entries)] else entries }) rows <- entries[[length(entries)]]$row cols <- max(sapply(entries, function(e) e$col)) widths <- rep_len(0L, cols) lines <- rep_len(1L, rows) for (i in seq_along(entries)) { e <- entries[[i]] while(length(e$text) && !nzchar(e$text[length(e$text)])) { e$text <- e$text[-length(e$text)] entries[[i]] <- e } if (any(nzchar(e$text))) widths[e$col] <- max(widths[e$col], max(nchar(e$text, "w"))) lines[e$row] <- max(lines[e$row], length(e$text)) } result <- matrix("", sum(lines), cols) for (i in seq_len(cols)) result[, i] <- strrep(" ", widths[i]) firstline <- c(1L, 1L+cumsum(lines)) for (i in seq_along(entries)) { e <- entries[[i]] if(!length(e$text)) next ## FIXME: this is not right: it justifies strings as if ## they are escaped, so in particular \ takes two columns. text <- frmt(e$text, justify=formats[e$col], width=widths[e$col]) for (j in seq_along(text)) result[firstline[e$row] + j - 1L, e$col] <- text[j] } blankLine() indent0 <- indent indent <<- indent + 1L for (i in seq_len(nrow(result))) { putf(paste0(" ", result[i,], " ", collapse="")) # This version stripped leading blanks on the first line # for (j in seq_len(cols)) # putf(" ", result[i,j], " ") putf("\n") } blankLine() indent <<- indent0 } writeCodeBlock <- function(blocks, blocktag) { tags <- RdTags(blocks) i <- 0 while (i < length(tags)) { i <- i + 1 block <- blocks[[i]] tag <- tags[i] switch(tag, "\\method" =, "\\S3method" =, "\\S4method" = { blocks <- transformMethod(i, blocks, Rdfile) tags <- RdTags(blocks) i <- i - 1 }, UNKNOWN =, VERB =, RCODE =, TEXT = writeCode(tabExpand(block)), "\\donttest" =, "\\special" =, "\\var" = writeCodeBlock(block, tag), "\\dots" =, # \ldots is not really allowed "\\ldots" = put("..."), "\\dontrun"= writeDR(block, tag), USERMACRO =, "\\newcommand" =, "\\renewcommand" =, COMMENT =, "\\dontshow" =, "\\testonly" = {}, # do nothing ## All the markup such as \emph stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Tag ", tag, " not expected in code block") ) } } writeContent <- function(blocks, blocktag) { itemskip <- FALSE tags <- RdTags(blocks) for (i in seq_along(tags)) { tag <- tags[i] block <- blocks[[i]] switch(tag, "\\item" = { switch(blocktag, "\\describe"= { blankLine() save <- startCapture() dropBlank <<- TRUE writeContent(block[[1L]], tag) DLlab <- endCapture(save) indent0 <- indent opts <- Rd2txt_options() indent <<- max(opts$minIndent, indent + opts$extraIndent) keepFirstIndent <<- TRUE putw(strrep(" ", indent0), frmt(paste0(DLlab), justify="left", width=indent), " ") writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) blankLine(0L) indent <<- indent0 }, "\\value"=, "\\arguments"= { blankLine() save <- startCapture() dropBlank <<- TRUE writeContent(block[[1L]], tag) DLlab <- endCapture(save) indent0 <- indent opts <- Rd2txt_options() indent <<- max(opts$minIndent, indent + opts$extraIndent) keepFirstIndent <<- TRUE putw(frmt(paste0(DLlab, ": "), justify="right", width=indent)) writeContent(block[[2L]], tag) blankLine(0L) indent <<- indent0 }, "\\itemize" =, "\\enumerate" = { blankLine() keepFirstIndent <<- TRUE opts <- Rd2txt_options() if (blocktag == "\\itemize") label <- opts$itemBullet else { enumItem <<- enumItem + 1L label <- opts$enumFormat(enumItem) } putw(frmt(label, justify="right", width=indent)) }) itemskip <- TRUE }, { # default if (itemskip) { ## The next item must be TEXT, and start with a space. itemskip <- FALSE if (tag == "TEXT") { txt <- psub("^ ", "", as.character(tabExpand(block))) put(txt) } else writeBlock(block, tag, blocktag) # should not happen } else writeBlock(block, tag, blocktag) }) } } writeSection <- function(section, tag) { if (tag %in% c("\\alias", "\\concept", "\\encoding", "\\keyword")) return() save <- c(indent, sectionLevel, keepFirstIndent, dropBlank, wrapping) blankLine(min(sectionLevel, 1L)) titlePrefix <- strrep(" ", sectionLevel) opts <- Rd2txt_options() indent <<- opts$sectionIndent + opts$sectionExtra*sectionLevel sectionLevel <<- sectionLevel + 1 keepFirstIndent <<- TRUE if (tag == "\\section" || tag == "\\subsection") { ## section header could have markup title <- .Rd_format_title(.Rd_get_text(section[[1L]])) putf(titlePrefix, txt_header(title), ":") blankLine() dropBlank <<- TRUE wrapping <<- TRUE keepFirstIndent <<- FALSE writeContent(section[[2L]], tag) } else if (tag %in% c("\\usage", "\\examples")) { putf(txt_header(sectionTitles[tag]), ":") blankLine() dropBlank <<- TRUE wrapping <<- FALSE keepFirstIndent <<- FALSE writeCodeBlock(section, tag) } else { putf(txt_header(sectionTitles[tag]), ":") blankLine() dropBlank <<- TRUE wrapping <<- TRUE keepFirstIndent <<- FALSE writeContent(section, tag) } blankLine() indent <<- save[1L] sectionLevel <<- save[2L] keepFirstIndent <<- save[3L] dropBlank <<- save[4L] wrapping <<- save[5L] } if (is.character(out)) { if(out == "") { con <- stdout() } else { con <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(con), add=TRUE) } } else { con <- out out <- summary(con)$description } Rd <- prepare_Rd(Rd, defines=defines, stages=stages, fragment=fragment, ...) Rdfile <- attr(Rd, "Rdfile") sections <- RdTags(Rd) if (fragment) { if (sections[1L] %in% names(sectionOrder)) for (i in seq_along(sections)) writeSection(Rd[[i]], sections[i]) else for (i in seq_along(sections)) writeBlock(Rd[[i]], sections[i], "") } else { title <- .Rd_format_title(.Rd_get_title(Rd)) name <- trim(Rd[[2L]][[1L]]) if(nzchar(package)) { left <- name mid <- if(nzchar(package)) paste0("package:", package) else "" right <- "R Documentation" if(encoding != "unknown") right <- paste0(right, "(", encoding, ")") pad <- max(HDR_WIDTH - nchar(left, "w") - nchar(mid, "w") - nchar(right, "w"), 0) pad0 <- pad %/% 2L pad1 <- strrep(" ", pad0) pad2 <- strrep(" ", pad - pad0) putf(paste0(left, pad1, mid, pad2, right, "\n\n")) } putf(txt_header(title)) blankLine() for (i in seq_along(sections)[-(1:2)]) writeSection(Rd[[i]], sections[i]) } blankLine(0L) invisible(out) }