# File src/library/tools/R/RdConv2.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ RdTags <- function(Rd) { res <- sapply(Rd, attr, "Rd_tag") if (!length(res)) res <- character() res } isBlankRd <- function(x) length(grep("^[[:blank:]]*\n?$", x, perl = TRUE)) == length(x) # newline optional isBlankLineRd <- function(x) { attr(x, "srcref")[2L] == 1 && length(grep("^[[:blank:]]*\n", x, perl = TRUE)) == length(x) # newline required } stopRd <- function(block, Rdfile, ...) { srcref <- attr(block, "srcref") if (missing(Rdfile) && !is.null(srcref)) { srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile") if (is.environment(srcfile)) Rdfile <- srcfile$filename } if (missing(Rdfile) || is.null(Rdfile)) Rdfile <- "" else Rdfile <- paste0(Rdfile, ":") msg <- if (is.null(srcref)) paste0(Rdfile, " ", ...) else { loc <- paste0(Rdfile, srcref[1L]) if (srcref[1L] != srcref[3L]) loc <- paste0(loc, "-", srcref[3L]) paste0(loc, ": ", ...) } stop(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } warnRd <- function(block, Rdfile, ...) { srcref <- attr(block, "srcref") if (missing(Rdfile) && !is.null(srcref)) { srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile") if (is.environment(srcfile)) Rdfile <- srcfile$filename } if (missing(Rdfile) || is.null(Rdfile)) Rdfile <- "" else Rdfile <- paste0(Rdfile, ":") msg <- if (is.null(srcref)) paste0(Rdfile, " ", ...) else { loc <- paste0(Rdfile, srcref[1L]) if (srcref[1L] != srcref[3L]) loc <- paste0(loc, "-", srcref[3L]) paste0(loc, ": ", ...) } warning(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE) } RweaveRdDefaults <- list( width = 6, height = 6, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE, echo = FALSE, keep.source = TRUE, results = "text", strip.white = "true", stage = "install") RweaveRdOptions <- function(options) { ## convert a character string to logical c2l <- function(x){ if(is.null(x)) return(FALSE) else return(as.logical(toupper(as.character(x)))) } NUMOPTS <- c("width", "height") NOLOGOPTS <- c(NUMOPTS, "results", "stage", "strip.white") for(opt in names(options)){ if(! (opt %in% NOLOGOPTS)){ oldval <- options[[opt]] if(!is.logical(options[[opt]])){ options[[opt]] <- c2l(options[[opt]]) } if(is.na(options[[opt]])) stop(gettextf("invalid value for '%s' : %s", opt, oldval), domain = NA) } else if(opt %in% NUMOPTS){ options[[opt]] <- as.numeric(options[[opt]]) } } if(!is.null(options$results)) options$results <- tolower(as.character(options$results)) options$results <- match.arg(options$results, c("text", "verbatim", "rd", "hide")) if(!is.null(options$stage)) options$stage <- tolower(as.character(options$stage)) options$stage <- match.arg(options$stage, c("build", "install", "render")) options } tagged <- function(x, tag, srcref = NULL) structure(x, Rd_tag = tag, srcref = srcref) evalWithOpt <- function(expr, options, env) { res <- structure("", Rd_tag="COMMENT") if(options$eval){ result <- tryCatch(withVisible(eval(expr, env)), error=function(e) e) if(inherits(result, "error")) return(result) switch(options$results, "text" = if (result$visible) res <- paste(as.character(result$value), collapse=" "), "verbatim" = if (result$visible) print(result$value), "rd" = res <- result$value) } return(res) } # The parser doesn't distinguish between types of Sexprs, we do expandDynamicFlags <- function(block, options = RweaveRdDefaults) { recurse <- function(block) { flags <- getDynamicFlags(block) if (flags["\\Sexpr"]) { if (identical(tag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag"), "\\Sexpr")) { if (is.null(opts <- attr(block, "Rd_option"))) opts <- "" # modify locally options <- utils:::SweaveParseOptions(opts, options, RweaveRdOptions) flags[options$stage] <- TRUE } else if (identical(tag, "\\RdOpts")) { # modify globally options <<- utils:::SweaveParseOptions(block, options, RweaveRdOptions) } else { # Has \Sexpr flag, so must be a list for (i in seq_along(block)) { block[[i]] <- recurse(block[[i]]) flags <- flags | getDynamicFlags(block[[i]]) } } block <- setDynamicFlags(block, flags) } block } recurse(block) } getDynamicFlags <- function(block) { flag <- attr(block, "dynamicFlag") if (is.null(flag)) c("#ifdef"=FALSE, "\\Sexpr"=FALSE, build=FALSE, install=FALSE, render=FALSE) else c("#ifdef" = flag %% 2L > 0L, # 1 "\\Sexpr" = (flag %/% 2L) %% 2L > 0L, # 2 build = (flag %/% 4L) %% 2L > 0L, # 4 install = (flag %/% 8L) %% 2L > 0L, # 8 render = (flag %/% 16L) %% 2L > 0L) # 16 } setDynamicFlags <- function(block, flags) { # flags in format coming from getDynamicFlags flag <- sum(flags * c(1L,2L,4L,8L,16L)) if (flag == 0L) flag <- NULL attr(block, "dynamicFlag") <- flag block } processRdChunk <- function(code, stage, options, env, Rdfile, macros) { if (is.null(opts <- attr(code, "Rd_option"))) opts <- "" codesrcref <- attr(code, "srcref") options <- utils:::SweaveParseOptions(opts, options, RweaveRdOptions) if (stage == options$stage) { # The code below is very similar to RWeaveLatexRuncode, but simplified # Results as a character vector for now; convert to list later res <- character(0) code <- code[RdTags(code) != "COMMENT"] chunkexps <- tryCatch(parse(text = code), error = identity) if (inherits(chunkexps, "error")) stopRd(code, Rdfile, chunkexps) if(length(chunkexps) == 0L) return(tagged(code, "LIST")) srcrefs <- attr(chunkexps, "srcref") lastshown <- 0L thisline <- 0 err <- NULL for(nce in seq_along(chunkexps)) { ce <- chunkexps[[nce]] if (nce <= length(srcrefs) && !is.null(srcref <- srcrefs[[nce]])) { srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile") showfrom <- srcref[1L] showto <- srcref[3L] dce <- getSrcLines(srcfile, lastshown+1, showto) leading <- showfrom-lastshown lastshown <- showto while (length(dce) && grepl("^[[:blank:]]*$", dce[1L])) { dce <- dce[-1L] leading <- leading - 1L } } else { dce <- deparse(ce, width.cutoff=0.75*getOption("width")) leading <- 1L } if(options$echo && length(dce)) { res <- c(res,"\n", paste(getOption("prompt"), dce[1L:leading], sep="", collapse="\n")) if (length(dce) > leading) res <- c(res, "\n", paste(getOption("continue"), dce[-(1L:leading)], sep="", collapse="\n")) thisline <- thisline + length(dce) } tmpcon <- file() sink(file = tmpcon) if(options$eval) err <- evalWithOpt(ce, options, env) res <- c(res, "\n") # make sure final line is complete sink() output <- readLines(tmpcon) close(tmpcon) ## delete empty output if(length(output) == 1L & output[1L] == "") output <- NULL if (inherits(err, "error")) { attr(code, "srcref") <- codesrcref stopRd(code, Rdfile, err$message) } if(length(output) & (options$results != "hide")){ output <- paste(output, collapse="\n") if(options$strip.white %in% c("all", "true")) { output <- sub("^[[:space:]]*\n", "", output) output <- sub("\n[[:space:]]*$", "", output) if(options$strip.white == "all") output <- sub("\n[[:space:]]*\n", "\n", output) } res <- c(res, output) remove(output) } } if (options$results == "rd") { res <- as.character(err) # The last value of the chunk tmpcon <- file() writeLines(res, tmpcon, useBytes = TRUE) parseFragment <- function(cond) { seek(tmpcon, 0) parse_Rd(tmpcon, fragment=TRUE, macros = macros) } res <- tryCatch(parse_Rd(tmpcon, fragment=FALSE, macros = macros), warning = parseFragment, error = parseFragment, finally = close(tmpcon)) # Now remove that extra newline added by the writeLines last <- res[[length(res)]] if (attr(last, "Rd_tag") == "TEXT" && (len <- length(last))) res[[length(res)]][len] <- gsub("\\n$", "", last[len]) flag <- getDynamicFlags(res) # We may have multiple chunks now. If they are in # a section, we can wrap them in LIST, but at top # level we can't, so we disallow multiple sections. # First clear out the junk. tags <- RdTags(res) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(tags)) for (i in seq_along(tags)) { if (tags[i] == "TEXT" && res[[i]] == "") keep[i] <- FALSE } res <- res[keep] tags <- tags[keep] if (length(res) > 1) { is_section <- !is.na(sectionOrder[tags]) if (!any(is_section)) res <- tagged(res, "LIST") else { if (sum(is_section) > 1) stop(gettextf("Only one Rd section per %s is supported.", "\\Sexpr"), domain = NA) res <- res[[which(is_section)]] } } else if (length(res) == 1) res <- res[[1]] else res <- tagged("", "TEXT") if (is.list(res)) { res <- setDynamicFlags(res, flag) res <- prepare_Rd(res, defines = .Platform$OS.type, options=options, stage2 = FALSE, stage3 = FALSE) } } else if (options$results == "text") res <- tagged(err, "TEXT") else if (length(res)) { res <- lapply(as.list(res), function(x) tagged(x, "VERB")) res <- tagged(res, "\\verb") } else res <- tagged("", "COMMENT") } else res <- code attr(res, "srcref") <- codesrcref res } processRdIfdefs <- function(blocks, defines) { recurse <- function(block) { if (!(getDynamicFlags(block)["#ifdef"])) return(block) if (!is.null(tag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag"))) { if (tag %in% c("#ifdef", "#ifndef")) { target <- block[[1L]][[1L]] # The target will have picked up some whitespace and a newline target <- psub("[[:blank:][:cntrl:]]*", "", target) if ((target %in% defines) == (tag == "#ifdef")) { flag <- getDynamicFlags(block[[2L]]) block <- tagged(block[[2L]], "#expanded") block <- setDynamicFlags(block, flag) } else block <- structure(tagged(paste(tag, target, "not active"), "COMMENT"), srcref = attr(block, "srcref")) } } if (is.list(block)) { i <- 1L flags <- getDynamicFlags(NULL) while (i <= length(block)) { newval <- recurse(block[[i]]) newtag <- attr(newval, "Rd_tag") if (!is.null(newtag) && newtag == "#expanded") { # ifdef has expanded. all <- seq_along(block) before <- all[all < i] after <- all[all > i] block <- structure(tagged(c(block[before], newval, block[after]), tag), srcref = attr(block, "srcref")) } else { flags <- flags | getDynamicFlags(newval) block[[i]] <- newval i <- i+1L } } block <- setDynamicFlags(block, flags) } block } recurse(blocks) } processRdSexprs <- function(block, stage, options = RweaveRdDefaults, env = new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = globalenv()), macros) { recurse <- function(block) { if (!any(getDynamicFlags(block)[stage])) return(block) if (is.list(block)) { if (!is.null(tag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag"))) { if (tag == "\\Sexpr") block <- processRdChunk(block, stage, options, env, macros=macros) else if (tag == "\\RdOpts") options <<- utils:::SweaveParseOptions(block, options, RweaveRdOptions) } if (is.list(block)) { for (i in seq_along(block)) block[[i]] <- recurse(block[[i]]) } } block } if (!any(getDynamicFlags(block)[stage])) return(block) expandDynamicFlags(recurse(block), options) } prepare_Rd <- function(Rd, encoding = "unknown", defines = NULL, stages = NULL, fragment = FALSE, options = RweaveRdDefaults, stage2 = TRUE, stage3 = TRUE, ..., msglevel = 0) { if (is.character(Rd)) { Rdfile <- Rd ## do it this way to get info in internal warnings Rd <- eval(substitute(parse_Rd(f, encoding = enc, fragment = frag, ...), list(f = Rd, enc = encoding, frag = fragment))) } else if(inherits(Rd, "connection")) { Rdfile <- summary(Rd) Rd <- parse_Rd(Rd, encoding = encoding, fragment=fragment, ...) } else Rdfile <- attr(Rd, "Rdfile") srcref <- attr(Rd, "srcref") if (is.null(Rdfile) && !is.null(srcref)) Rdfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")$filename if (fragment) meta <- NULL else { pratt <- attr(Rd, "prepared") if (is.null(pratt)) pratt <- 0L if ("build" %in% stages) Rd <- processRdSexprs(Rd, "build", options, macros=attr(Rd, "macros")) if (!is.null(defines)) Rd <- processRdIfdefs(Rd, defines) for (stage in c("install", "render")) if (stage %in% stages) Rd <- processRdSexprs(Rd, stage, options, macros=attr(Rd, "macros")) if (pratt < 2L && stage2) Rd <- prepare2_Rd(Rd, Rdfile) meta <- attr(Rd, "meta") if (pratt < 3L && stage3) Rd <- prepare3_Rd(Rd, Rdfile, msglevel = msglevel) # Restore flags from any sections that are left Rd <- setDynamicFlags(Rd, apply(sapply(Rd, getDynamicFlags), 1, any)) } structure(Rd, Rdfile = Rdfile, class = "Rd", meta = meta, srcref = srcref) } prepare2_Rd <- function(Rd, Rdfile) { sections <- RdTags(Rd) ## FIXME: we no longer make any use of \Rdversion version <- which(sections == "\\Rdversion") if (length(version) > 1L) stopRd(Rd[[version[2L]]], Rdfile, "Only one \\Rdversion declaration is allowed") ## Give warning (pro tem) for nonblank text outside a section if (length(bad <- grep("[^[:blank:][:cntrl:]]", unlist(Rd[sections == "TEXT"]), perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE ))) for(s in bad) warnRd(Rd[sections == "TEXT"][[s]], Rdfile, "All text must be in a section") drop <- rep.int(FALSE, length(sections)) ## Check other sections are unique unique_tags <- paste("\\", c("usage", "arguments", "synopsis", "format", "details", "value", "references", "source", "seealso", "examples", "author", "encoding"), sep = "") for (tag in unique_tags) { where <- which(sections == tag) if(length(where) > 1L) { warnRd(Rd[where[[2L]]], Rdfile, sprintf("Only one %s section is allowed: the first will be used", tag)) drop[where[-1L]] <- TRUE } } enc <- which(sections == "\\encoding") if (length(enc)) { encoding <- Rd[[enc]] if (!identical(RdTags(encoding), "TEXT")) stopRd(encoding, Rdfile, "'encoding' must be plain text") } dt <- which(sections == "\\docType") docTypes <- character(length(dt)) if(length(dt)) { if(length(dt) > 1L) warnRd(dt[[1L]], Rdfile, "Multiple \\docType sections are not supported") for(i in seq_along(dt)) { docType <- Rd[[dt[i]]] if(!identical(RdTags(docType), "TEXT")) stopRd(docType, Rdfile, "'docType' must be plain text") ## Some people have \docType{ package } and similar. docTypes[i] <- sub("^ *", "", sub(" *$", "", docType[[1L]])) if (! docTypes[i] %in% c("data", "package", "methods", "class", "import")) warnRd(dt[i], Rdfile, "docType ", sQuote(docTypes[i]), " is unrecognized") } } ## Drop all the parts that are not rendered extras <- c("COMMENT", "TEXT", "\\docType", "\\Rdversion", "\\RdOpts", "USERMACRO", "\\newcommand", "\\renewcommand") drop <- drop | (sections %in% extras) bad <- ! sections %in% c(names(sectionOrder), extras) if (any(bad)) { for(s in which(bad)) warnRd(Rd[[s]], Rdfile, "Section ", sections[s], " is unrecognized and will be dropped") drop <- drop | bad } Rd <- Rd[!drop] sections <- sections[!drop] sortorder <- order(sectionOrder[sections]) Rd <- Rd[sortorder] sections <- sections[sortorder] if (!identical(sections[1:2], c("\\title", "\\name"))) stopRd(Rd, Rdfile, "Sections \\title, and \\name must exist and be unique in Rd files") if (length(RdTags(Rd[[2L]])) > 1L) stopRd(RdTags(Rd[[2L]]), Rdfile,"\\name must only contain simple text") ## R-exts points out that ! | @ cause problems in \name: ## ggplot2 demonstrated it name_text <- as.character(Rd[[2L]]) if(grepl("[!|@]", name_text)) warnRd(RdTags(Rd[[2L]]), Rdfile,"\\name should not contain !, | or @") ## is this really what we want? docTypes is a vector. structure(Rd, meta = list(docType = docTypes)) } prepare3_Rd <- function(Rd, Rdfile, msglevel = 0) { ## Drop 'empty' sections: less rigorous than checkRd test keep <- rep(TRUE, length(Rd)) checkEmpty <- function(x, this) { if(this) return(TRUE) if(is.list(x)) for(xx in x) this <- checkEmpty(xx, this) else { tag <- attr(x, "Rd_tag") switch(tag, USERMACRO =, "\\newcommand" =, "\\renewcommand" =, COMMENT = {}, VERB =, RCODE =, TEXT = if(any(grepl("[^[:space:]]", s, perl = TRUE, useBytes=TRUE))) return(TRUE), return(TRUE) ) } this } for (i in seq_along(Rd)) { this <- FALSE s0 <- section <- Rd[[i]] tag <- attr(section, "Rd_tag") if(tag == "\\section") { tagtitle <- sQuote(as.character(section[[1L]])) section <- section[[2L]] } else tagtitle <- tag for(s in section) this <- checkEmpty(s, this) keep[i] <- this if(!this && msglevel > 0) warnRd(s0, Rdfile, "Dropping empty section ", tagtitle) } Rd[keep] } sectionOrder <- c("\\title"=1, "\\name"=2, "\\alias"=2.1, "\\concept"=2.2, "\\keyword"=2.3, "\\encoding"=2.4, "\\description"=3, "\\usage"=4, "\\arguments"=5, "\\format"=6, "\\details"=7, "\\value"=8, "\\section"=9, "\\note"=10, "\\author" = 11, "\\source"=12, "\\references"=13, "\\seealso"=14, "\\examples"=15) sectionTitles <- c("\\description"="Description", "\\usage"="Usage", "\\arguments"="Arguments", "\\format"="Format", "\\details"="Details", "\\note"="Note", "\\section"="section", "\\author"="Author(s)", "\\references"="References", "\\source"="Source", "\\seealso"="See Also", "\\examples"="Examples", "\\value"="Value") psub <- function(pattern, replacement, x) ## gsub(pattern, replacement, x, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) .Internal(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) psub1 <- function(pattern, replacement, x) ## sub(pattern, replacement, x, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) .Internal(sub(pattern, replacement, x, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) fsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x) ## gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) .Internal(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) fsub1 <- function(pattern, replacement, x) ## sub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) .Internal(sub(pattern, replacement, x, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) ## for lists of messages, see ../man/checkRd.Rd checkRd <- function(Rd, defines=.Platform$OS.type, stages = "render", unknownOK = TRUE, listOK = TRUE, ..., def_enc = FALSE) { warnRd <- function(block, Rdfile, ..., level=0) { srcref <- attr(block, "srcref") msg <- if (is.null(srcref)) paste0("file '", Rdfile, "': ", ...) else { loc <- paste0(Rdfile, ":", srcref[1L]) if (srcref[1L] != srcref[3L]) loc <- paste0(loc, "-", srcref[3L]) paste0(loc, ": ", ...) } msg <- sprintf("checkRd: (%d) %s", level, msg) .messages <<- c(.messages, msg) } checkLink <- function(tag, block) { option <- attr(block, "Rd_option") if(!is.null(option)) checkContent(option, tag) checkContent(block, tag) get_link(block, tag, Rdfile) ## to do the same as Rd2HTML } ## blocktag is unused checkBlock <- function(block, tag, blocktag) { switch(tag, ## parser already warned here UNKNOWN = if (!unknownOK) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Unrecognized macro ", block[[1L]]), VERB = , RCODE = , TEXT = { if(!def_enc) { ## check for encoding; this is UTF-8 if known ## (but then def_enc = TRUE?) msg2 <- if(inEnc2) "in second part of \\enc" else "without declared encoding" if(Encoding(block) == "UTF-8") warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -1, "Non-ASCII contents ", msg2) if(grepl("<[0123456789abcdef][0123456789abcdef]>", block)) warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -3, "Apparent non-ASCII contents ", msg2) } ## check if this renders as non-whitespace if(!grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", block)) has_text <<- TRUE }, USERMACRO =, "\\newcommand" =, "\\renewcommand" =, COMMENT = {}, LIST = if (length(block)) { deparse <- sQuote(paste(as.character.Rd(block), collapse="")) if(!listOK) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Unnecessary braces at ", deparse) else warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -3, "Unnecessary braces at ", deparse) checkContent(block, tag) }, "\\describe"=, "\\enumerate"=, "\\itemize"=, "\\bold"=, "\\cite"=, "\\command"=, "\\dfn"=, "\\emph"=, "\\kbd"= checkContent(block, tag), "\\code"=, "\\preformatted"= checkCodeBlock(block, tag), "\\Sexpr"=, "\\special"=, "\\strong"=, "\\var" =, "\\verb"= checkContent(block, tag), "\\linkS4class" =, "\\link" = checkLink(tag, block), "\\email" =, "\\url" = has_text <<- TRUE, "\\cr" ={}, "\\dots" =, "\\ldots" =, "\\R" = has_text <<- TRUE, "\\acronym" =, "\\env" =, "\\file" =, "\\option" =, "\\pkg" =, "\\samp" =, "\\sQuote" =, "\\dQuote" = checkContent(block, tag), "\\method" =, "\\S3method" =, "\\S4method" = warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = 7, "Tag ", tag, " not valid outside a code block"), "\\enc" = { checkContent(block[[1L]], tag) ## second arg should always be ASCII save_enc <- def_enc def_enc <<- FALSE inEnc2 <<- TRUE checkContent(block[[2L]], tag) def_enc <<- save_enc inEnc2 <<- FALSE }, "\\eqn" =, "\\deqn" =, "\\figure" = { checkContent(block[[1L]]) if (length(block) > 1L) checkContent(block[[2L]]) }, "\\tabular" = checkTabular(block), "\\subsection" = checkSection(block, tag), "\\if" =, "\\ifelse" = { condition <- block[[1L]] tags <- RdTags(condition) if (!all(tags %in% c("TEXT", "\\Sexpr"))) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Condition must be \\Sexpr or plain text") condition <- condition[tags == "TEXT"] allow <- trimws(strsplit(paste(condition, collapse=""), ",")[[1L]]) unknown <- allow[!(allow %in% c("", "latex", "example", "text", "html", "TRUE", "FALSE"))] if (length(unknown)) warnRd(block, Rdfile, "Unrecognized format: ", unknown) checkContent(block[[2L]]) if (tag == "\\ifelse") checkContent(block[[3L]]) }, "\\href" = { if (!identical(RdTags(block[[1L]]), "VERB")) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "First argument to \\href must be verbatim URL") checkContent(block[[2L]], tag) }, "\\out" = { tags <- RdTags(block) if (!all(tags == "VERB")) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Must contain verbatim text") }, warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = 7, "Tag ", tag, " not recognized")) } checkCodeBlock <- function(blocks, blocktag) { for (block in blocks) { tag <- attr(block, "Rd_tag") switch(tag, ## parser already warned here UNKNOWN = if (!unknownOK) stopRd(block, Rdfile, "Unrecognized macro ", block[[1L]]), VERB = , RCODE = , TEXT = { if(!def_enc) { ## check for encoding; this is UTF-8 if known ## (but then def_enc = TRUE?) msg2 <- if(inEnc2) "in second part of \\enc" else "without declared encoding" if(Encoding(block) == "UTF-8") warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -1, "Non-ASCII contents ", msg2) if(grepl("<[0123456789abcdef][0123456789abcdef]>", block)) warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -3, "Apparent non-ASCII contents ", msg2) } ## check if this renders as non-whitespace if(!grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", block)) has_text <<- TRUE }, USERMACRO =, "\\newcommand" =, "\\renewcommand" =, COMMENT = {}, "\\var" = checkCodeBlock(block, blocktag), # not preformatted, but the parser checks that "\\special" = checkCodeBlock(block, blocktag), "\\dots" = has_text <<- TRUE, "\\ldots" = { ## but it is rendered as ... in all converters warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = -3, "Tag ", tag, " is invalid in a code block") has_text <<- TRUE }, ## these are valid in \code, at least "\\linkS4class" =, "\\link" = checkLink(tag, block), "\\method" =, "\\S3method" =, "\\S4method" = if(blocktag == "\\usage") { checkContent(block[[1L]], tag) # generic checkContent(block[[2L]], tag) # class } else warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = 7, "Tag ", tag, " is only valid in \\usage"), "\\dontrun" =, "\\donttest" =, "\\dontshow" =, "\\testonly" = if(blocktag == "\\examples") checkCodeBlock(block, blocktag) else warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = 7, "Tag ", tag, " is only valid in \\examples"), { warnRd(block, Rdfile, level = 7, "Tag ", tag, " is invalid in a ", blocktag, " block") has_text <<- TRUE # likely, e.g. \url }) } } checkTabular <- function(table) { has_text <<- TRUE format <- table[[1L]] content <- table[[2L]] if (length(format) != 1 || RdTags(format) != "TEXT") warnRd(table, Rdfile, level = 7, "\\tabular format must be simple text") format <- strsplit(format[[1L]], "", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]] if (!all(format %in% c("l", "c", "r"))) warnRd(table, Rdfile, level = 7, "Unrecognized \\tabular format: ", table[[1L]][[1L]]) tags <- RdTags(content) newrow <- TRUE for (i in seq_along(tags)) { if (newrow) { newrow <- FALSE col <- 0 newcol <- TRUE } if (newcol) { col <- col + 1 if (col > length(format)) warnRd(table, Rdfile, level = 7, "Only ", length(format), " columns allowed in this table") newcol <- FALSE } switch(tags[i], "\\tab" = { newcol <- TRUE }, "\\cr" = { newrow <- TRUE }, checkBlock(content[[i]], tags[i], "\\tabular")) } } checkContent <- function(blocks, blocktag) { inlist <- FALSE tags <- RdTags(blocks) for (i in seq_along(tags)) { tag <- tags[i] block <- blocks[[i]] switch(tag, "\\item" = { if (!inlist) inlist <- TRUE switch(blocktag, "\\arguments"= { checkContent(block[[1L]], tag) checkContent(block[[2L]], tag) }, "\\value"=, "\\describe"= { checkContent(block[[1L]], tag) checkContent(block[[2L]], tag) }, "\\enumerate"=, "\\itemize"= {}) }, { # default if (inlist && !(blocktag %in% c("\\itemize", "\\enumerate")) && !(tag == "TEXT" && isBlankRd(block))) { inlist <- FALSE } checkBlock(block, tag, blocktag) }) } } has_text <- FALSE checkSection <- function(section, tag) { if (tag == "\\section" || tag == "\\subsection") { title <- section[[1L]] checkContent(title, tag) section <- section[[2L]] ## replace 'tag' in message below tagtitle <- sQuote(as.character(title)) } else tagtitle <- tag has_text <<- FALSE if (tag == "\\synopsis") stopRd(section, Rdfile, "\\synopsis was removed in R 3.1.0") if (tag %in% c("\\usage", "\\examples")) checkCodeBlock(section, tag) else checkContent(section, tag) if(!has_text) warnRd(section, Rdfile, level = 3, "Empty section ", tagtitle) } checkUnique <- function(tag) { # currently only used for \description which <- which(sections == tag) if (length(which) < 1L) warnRd(Rd, Rdfile, level = 5, "Must have a ", tag) else { if (length(which) > 1L) warnRd(Rd[[which[2L]]], Rdfile, level = 5, "Only one ", tag, " is allowed") empty <- TRUE for(block in Rd[which]) { switch(attr(block, "Rd_tag"), TEXT = if(!grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", block)) empty <- FALSE, empty <- FALSE) } if(empty) warnRd(Rd[[which[1L]]], Rdfile, level = 5, "Tag ", tag, " must not be empty") } } dt <- which(RdTags(Rd) == "\\docType") docTypes <- character(length(dt)) if (length(dt)) { for (i in dt) { docType <- Rd[[i]] if(!identical(RdTags(docType), "TEXT")) warnRd(docType, Rdfile, level = 7, "'docType' must be plain text") ## Some people have \docType{ package } and similar. docTypes[i] <- sub("^ *", "", sub(" *$", "", docType[[1L]])) } } .messages <- character() .whandler <- function(e) { .messages <<- c(.messages, paste("prepare_Rd:", conditionMessage(e))) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } Rd <- withCallingHandlers({ prepare_Rd(Rd, defines=defines, stages=stages, warningCalls = FALSE, ..., msglevel = 1) }, warning = .whandler) Rdfile <- attr(Rd, "Rdfile") sections <- RdTags(Rd) enc <- which(sections == "\\encoding") ## sanity was checked in prepare2_Rd if (length(enc)) def_enc <- TRUE inEnc2 <- FALSE if(!identical("package", docTypes)) checkUnique("\\description") ## Check other standard sections are unique ## \alias, \keyword and \note are allowed to be repeated ## Normally prepare_Rd will have dropped duplicates already unique_tags <- paste("\\", c("name", "title", # "description" checked above "usage", "arguments", "synopsis", "format", "details", "value", "references", "source", "seealso", "examples", "author", "encoding"), sep = "") for(tag in intersect(sections[duplicated(sections)], unique_tags)) warnRd(Rd, Rdfile, level = 5, sprintf("multiple sections named '%s' are not allowed", tag)) for (i in seq_along(sections)) checkSection(Rd[[i]], sections[i]) structure(.messages, class = "checkRd") } print.checkRd <- function(x, minlevel = -Inf, ...) { fromParse <- startsWith(x, "prepare_Rd") x1 <- x[fromParse] x2 <- x[!fromParse] levs <- as.numeric(sub("^checkRd: \\(([-0123456789]+)(.*)", "\\1", x2)) xx <- if(minlevel > 0) x2[levs >= minlevel] else c(x1, x2[levs >= minlevel]) writeLines(unique(xx)) invisible(x) } testRdConditional <- function(format, conditional, Rdfile) { condition <- conditional[[1L]] tags <- RdTags(condition) if (!all(tags == "TEXT")) stopRd(conditional, Rdfile, "condition must be plain text") allow <- trimws(strsplit(paste(condition, collapse=""), ",")[[1L]]) any(c("TRUE", format) %in% allow) } toRd <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("toRd") toRd.default <- function(obj, ...) { obj <- as.character(obj) obj <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", obj, fixed = TRUE) obj <- gsub("{", "\\{", obj, fixed = TRUE) obj <- gsub("}", "\\}", obj, fixed = TRUE) gsub("%", "\\%", obj, fixed = TRUE) }