# File src/library/tools/R/Vignettes.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ vignette_is_tex <- function(file, ...) { (regexpr("[.]tex$", file, ignore.case = TRUE) != -1L) } # Infers the vignette type (PDF or HTML) from the filename of the # final vignette product. vignette_type <- function(file) { ext <- tolower(file_ext(file)) type <- c(pdf="PDF", html="HTML")[ext] if (is.na(type)) stop(gettextf("Vignette product %s does not have a known filename extension (%s)", sQuote(file), paste(sQuote(names(type)), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) unname(type) } # Locates the vignette weave, tangle and texi2pdf product(s) based on the # vignette name. All such products must have the name as their filename # prefix (i.e. "^"). # For weave, final = TRUE will look for .pdf and .html, whereas # with final = FALSE it also looks for .tex (if .pdf is also # found, it will be returned). For tangle, main = TRUE will look .R, # whereas main = FALSE will look for *.R. # For texipdf, .pdf is located. find_vignette_product <- function(name, by = c("weave", "tangle", "texi2pdf"), final = FALSE, main = TRUE, dir = ".", engine, ...) { stopifnot(length(name) == 1L, dir.exists(dir)) by <- match.arg(by) exts <- ## (lower case here): switch(by, "weave" = if (final) c("pdf", "html") else c("pdf", "html", "tex"), "tangle" = c("r", "s"), "texi2pdf" = "pdf") exts <- c(exts, toupper(exts)) pattern1 <- sprintf("^%s[.](%s)$", name, paste(exts, collapse = "|")) output0 <- list.files(path = dir, all.files = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, no.. = TRUE) output0 <- output0[file_test("-f", file.path(dir, output0))] output <- grep(pattern1, output0, value = TRUE) # If main is FALSE, we want to find all other files with related # names. We make sure that the main file is in position 1. # FIXME: we should check a timestamp or something to see that # these were produced by tangling for the "name" vignette, # they aren't just coincidentally similar names. if (!main) { pattern2 <- sprintf("^%s.*[.](%s)$", name, paste(exts, collapse = "|")) output2 <- grep(pattern2, output0, value = TRUE) output <- c(output, setdiff(output2, output)) } if (by == "weave") { if (length(output) == 0L) stop(gettextf("Failed to locate the %s output file (by engine %s) for vignette with name %s. The following files exist in directory %s: %s", sQuote(by), sQuote(sprintf("%s::%s", engine$package, engine$name)), sQuote(name), sQuote(dir), paste(sQuote(output0), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) if (length(output) > 2L || (final && length(output) > 1L)) stop(gettextf("Located more than one %s output file (by engine %s) for vignette with name %s: %s", sQuote(by), sQuote(sprintf("%s::%s", engine$package, engine$name)), sQuote(name), paste(sQuote(output), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) # If weave produced a TeX and then a PDF without cleaning out # the TeX, consider the newer one (PDF wins a tie) as the weave product if (length(output) == 2L) { idxs <- match(tolower(file_ext(output)), exts) output <- output[order(idxs)] if (file_test("-nt", output[2L], output[1L])) output <- output[2L] else output <- output[1L] } } else if (by == "tangle") { if (main) stopifnot(length(output) <= 1L) } else if (by == "texi2pdf") { if (length(output) == 0L) stop(gettextf("Failed to locate the %s output file (by engine %s) for vignette with name %s. The following files exist in directory %s: %s", sQuote(by), sQuote(sprintf("%s::%s", engine$package, engine$name)), sQuote(name), sQuote(dir), paste(sQuote(output0), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) if (length(output) > 1L) stop(gettextf("Located more than one %s output file (by engine %s) for vignette with name %s: %s", sQuote(by), sQuote(sprintf("%s::%s", engine$package, engine$name)), sQuote(name), paste(sQuote(output), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) } ## return : if (length(output) > 0L) { if (dir == ".") basename(output) else file.path(dir, output) } ## else NULL } ### * checkVignettes ### ### Run a tangle+source and a weave on all vignettes of a package. checkVignettes <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, tangle = TRUE, weave = TRUE, latex = FALSE, workdir = c("tmp", "src", "cur"), keepfiles = FALSE) { vigns <- pkgVignettes(package = package, dir = dir, lib.loc = lib.loc) if(is.null(vigns)) return(NULL) workdir <- match.arg(workdir) wd <- getwd() if (is.null(wd)) stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained") if(workdir == "tmp") { tmpd <- tempfile("Sweave") ## <= Rename? if(!dir.create(tmpd)) stop(gettextf("unable to create temp directory %s ", sQuote(tmpd)), domain = NA) setwd(tmpd) } else { keepfiles <- TRUE if(workdir == "src") setwd(vigns$dir) } on.exit({ setwd(wd) if(!keepfiles) unlink(tmpd, recursive = TRUE) }) file.create(".check.timestamp") result <- list(tangle = list(), weave = list(), source = list(), latex = list()) loadVignetteBuilder(vigns$pkgdir) startdir <- getwd() for(i in seq_along(vigns$docs)) { file <- vigns$docs[i] file <- basename(file) name <- vigns$names[i] engine <- vignetteEngine(vigns$engines[i]) enc <- vigns$encodings[i] if (enc == "non-ASCII") stop(gettextf("Vignette '%s' is non-ASCII but has no declared encoding", name), domain = NA) if(tangle) { message(" Running ", sQuote(file)) .eval_with_capture({ result$tangle[[file]] <- tryCatch({ engine$tangle(file, quiet = TRUE, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) # in case a vignette changes the working dir find_vignette_product(name, by = "tangle", main = FALSE, engine = engine) }, error = function(e) e) }) } if(weave) { setwd(startdir) # in case a vignette changes the working dir then errored out .eval_with_capture({ result$weave[[file]] <- tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = TRUE, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) }, error = function(e) e) }) } setwd(startdir) # in case a vignette changes the working dir then errored out } # Assert that output files were not overwritten for (name in c("weave", "tangle")) { resultsT <- result[[name]] if (length(resultsT) <= 1L) next for (i in 1L:(length(resultsT)-1L)) { outputsI <- resultsT[[i]] if (inherits(outputsI, "error")) next; outputsI <- normalizePath(outputsI) for (j in (i+1L):length(resultsT)) { outputsJ <- resultsT[[j]] if (inherits(outputsJ, "error")) next; outputsJ <- normalizePath(outputsJ) bad <- intersect(outputsJ, outputsI) if (length(bad) > 0L) { stop(gettextf("Vignette %s overwrites the following %s output by vignette %s: %s", sQuote(basename(names(resultsT)[j])), sQuote(name), sQuote(basename(names(resultsT)[i])), paste(basename(bad), collapse=", ")), domain = NA) } } } } if(tangle) { ## Tangling can create several source files if splitting is on, ## and these can be .R or .S (at least). However, there is ## no guarantee that running them in alphabetical order in a ## session will work -- with named chunks it normally will not. cwd <- getwd() if (is.null(cwd)) stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained") for(i in seq_along(result$tangle)) { sources <- result$tangle[[i]] if (inherits(sources, "error")) next sources <- sources[file_test("-nt", sources, ".check.timestamp")] for(file in sources) { .eval_with_capture({ result$source[[file]] <- tryCatch({ source(file) }, error = function(e) e) }) setwd(startdir) } } } if(weave && latex) { if(!("Makefile" %in% list.files(vigns$dir))) { ## ## This used to run texi2pdf on *all* vignettes, including ## the ones already known from the above to give trouble. ## In addition, texi2pdf errors were not caught, so that in ## particular the results of the previous QC analysis were ## *not* returned in case of such errors ... ## Hence, let us ## * Only run texi2pdf() on previously unproblematic vignettes ## * Catch texi2pdf() errors similar to the above. ## * Do *not* immediately show texi2pdf() output as part of ## running checkVignettes(). ## (For the future, maybe keep this output and provide it as ## additional diagnostics ...) ## for (i in seq_along(result$weave)) { file <- names(result$weave)[i] output <- result$weave[i] if (inherits(output, "error")) next if (!vignette_is_tex(output)) next .eval_with_capture({ result$latex[[file]] <- tryCatch({ texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) }, error = function(e) e) }) } } } # Cleanup results for (name in c("tangle", "weave", "source", "latex")) { resultsT <- result[[name]] resultsT <- lapply(resultsT, FUN = function(res) { if (inherits(res, "error")) conditionMessage(res) else NULL }) resultsT <- resultsT[!sapply(resultsT, FUN = is.null)] result[[name]] <- resultsT } file.remove(".check.timestamp") class(result) <- "checkVignettes" result } print.checkVignettes <- function(x, ...) { mycat <- function(y, title) { if(length(y)){ cat("\n", title, "\n\n", sep = "") for(k in seq_along(y)) { cat("File", names(y)[k], ":\n") cat(as.character(y[[k]]), "\n") } } } mycat(x$tangle, "*** Tangle Errors ***") mycat(x$source, "*** Source Errors ***") mycat(x$weave, "*** Weave Errors ***") mycat(x$latex, "*** PDFLaTeX Errors ***") invisible(x) } ### get the engine from a file getVignetteEngine <- function(filename, lines = readLines(filename, warn=FALSE)) { c(.get_vignette_metadata(lines, "Engine"), "utils::Sweave")[1L] } ### * engineMatches ### ### does the engine from a vignette match one of the registered ones? ### engineMatches <- function(regengine, vigengine) { if (!grepl("::", vigengine)) regengine <- sub("^.*::", "", regengine) regengine == vigengine } ### * pkgVignettes ### ### Get an object of class pkgVignettes which contains a list of ### vignette source files, the registered vignette engine for ### each of them, and the name of the directory which contains them. ### A vector of 'subdirs' is allowed for historical reasons but the ### first which exists is used. pkgVignettes <- function(package, dir, subdirs = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, output = FALSE, source = FALSE, check = FALSE) { ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) } if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else { dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) if (is.null(subdirs)) subdirs <- if (missing(package)) "vignettes" else "doc" for (subdir in subdirs) { docdir <- file.path(dir, subdir) if(dir.exists(docdir)) break } } if(!dir.exists(docdir)) return(NULL) # Locate all vignette files buildPkgs <- loadVignetteBuilder(dir, mustwork = FALSE) engineList <- vignetteEngine(package = buildPkgs) docs <- names <- engines <- patterns <- character() allFiles <- list.files(docdir, all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE) matchedPattern <- rep.int(FALSE, length(allFiles)) msg <- character() if (length(allFiles) > 0L) { for (name in names(engineList)) { engine <- engineList[[name]] for (pattern in engine$pattern) { idxs <- grep(pattern, allFiles) matchedPattern[idxs] <- TRUE keep <- vapply(allFiles[idxs], function(.d.) engineMatches(name, getVignetteEngine(.d.)), NA) if (any(keep)) { idxs <- idxs[keep] if (is.function(engine$weave)) { docsT <- allFiles[idxs] docs <- c(docs, docsT) names <- c(names, gsub(pattern, "", basename(docsT))) engines <- c(engines, rep.int(name, length(idxs))) patterns <- c(patterns, rep.int(pattern, length(idxs))) } matchedPattern <- matchedPattern[-idxs] allFiles <- allFiles[-idxs] if (length(allFiles) == 0L) break } } } if (check && any(matchedPattern)) { files <- substring(allFiles[matchedPattern], nchar(dir) + 2) msg <- c("Files named as vignettes but with no recognized vignette engine:", paste(" ", sQuote(files)), "(Is a VignetteBuilder field missing?)") } } # Assert stopifnot(length(names) == length(docs), length(engines) == length(docs), length(patterns) == length(docs), !anyDuplicated(docs)) defaultEncoding <- .get_package_metadata(dir)["Encoding"] encodings <- vapply(docs, getVignetteEncoding, "", default = defaultEncoding) z <- list(docs=docs, names=names, engines=engines, patterns=patterns, encodings = encodings, dir = docdir, pkgdir = dir, msg = msg) if (output) { outputs <- character(length(docs)) for (i in seq_along(docs)) { file <- docs[i] name <- names[i] outputI <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", dir = docdir, engine = engine) outputs[i] <- outputI } z$outputs <- outputs } if (source) { sources <- list() for (i in seq_along(docs)) { file <- docs[i] name <- names[i] sourcesI <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "tangle", main = FALSE, dir = docdir, engine = engine) sources[[file]] <- sourcesI } z$sources <- sources } class(z) <- "pkgVignettes" z } ### * buildVignettes ### ### Run a weave and pdflatex on all vignettes of a package and try to ### remove all temporary files that were created. buildVignettes <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE, clean = TRUE, tangle = FALSE) { vigns <- pkgVignettes(package = package, dir = dir, lib.loc = lib.loc, check = TRUE) if(is.null(vigns)) return(invisible()) if(length(vigns$msg)) warning(paste(vigns$msg, collapse = "\n"), domain = NA) ## Check that duplicated vignette names do not exist, e.g. ## 'vig' and 'vig' from 'vig.Rnw' and 'vig.Snw'. dups <- duplicated(vigns$names) if (any(dups)) { names <- unique(vigns$names[dups]) docs <- sort(basename(vigns$docs[vigns$names %in% names])) stop(gettextf("Detected vignette source files (%s) with shared names (%s) and therefore risking overwriting each others output files", paste(sQuote(docs), collapse = ", "), paste(sQuote(names), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } ## unset SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT here to avoid problems Sys.unsetenv("SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT") op <- options(warn = 1) # we run vignettes in this process wd <- getwd() if (is.null(wd)) stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained") on.exit({ setwd(wd) options(op) }) setwd(vigns$dir) ## FIXME: should this recurse into subdirs? origfiles <- list.files(all.files = TRUE) ## Note, as from 2.13.0, only this case have.makefile <- "Makefile" %in% origfiles WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" file.create(".build.timestamp") loadVignetteBuilder(vigns$pkgdir) outputs <- NULL sourceList <- list() startdir <- getwd() for(i in seq_along(vigns$docs)) { file <- basename(vigns$docs[i]) name <- vigns$names[i] engine <- vignetteEngine(vigns$engines[i]) enc <- vigns$encodings[i] if (enc == "non-ASCII") stop(gettextf("Vignette '%s' is non-ASCII but has no declared encoding", file), domain = NA, call. = FALSE) output <- tryCatch({ ## FIXME: run this in a separate process engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) }, error = function(e) { stop(gettextf("processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE) }) ## This can fail if run in a directory whose path contains spaces. if(!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output) if (tangle) { # This is set for all engines as of 3.0.2 output <- tryCatch({ ## FIXME: run this in a separate process engine$tangle(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) find_vignette_product(name, by = "tangle", main = FALSE, engine = engine) }, error = function(e) { stop(gettextf("tangling vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE) }) sourceList[[file]] <- output } } if(have.makefile) { if (WINDOWS) { ## Some people have *assumed* that R_HOME uses / in Makefiles ## Spaces in paths might still cause trouble. rhome <- chartr("\\", "/", R.home()) Sys.setenv(R_HOME = rhome) } make <- Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make") if(!nzchar(make)) make <- "make" yy <- system(make) if(yy > 0) stop("running 'make' failed") ## See if Makefile has a clean: target, and if so run it. if(clean && any(startsWith(readLines("Makefile", warn = FALSE), "clean:"))) system(paste(make, "clean")) } else { ## Badly-written vignettes open a pdf() device on Rplots.pdf and ## fail to close it. grDevices::graphics.off() keep <- c(outputs, unlist(sourceList)) if(clean) { f <- setdiff(list.files(all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE), keep) newer <- file_test("-nt", f, ".build.timestamp") ## some packages, e.g. SOAR, create directories unlink(f[newer], recursive = TRUE) f <- setdiff(list.files(all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE), c(keep, origfiles)) f <- f[file_test("-f", f)] file.remove(f) } } # Assert stopifnot(length(outputs) == length(vigns$docs)) vigns$outputs <- outputs vigns$sources <- sourceList if(file.exists(".build.timestamp")) file.remove(".build.timestamp") ## Might have been in origfiles ... invisible(vigns) } ### * buildVignette ### ### Run a weave and/or tangle on one vignette and try to ### remove all temporary files that were created. ### Also called from 'R CMD Sweave' via .Sweave() in ../../utils/R/Sweave.R buildVignette <- function(file, dir = ".", weave = TRUE, latex = TRUE, tangle = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, clean = TRUE, keep = character(), engine = NULL, buildPkg = NULL, encoding = getVignetteEncoding(file), ...) { if (!file_test("-f", file)) stop(gettextf("file '%s' not found", file), domain = NA) if (!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) if (!is.null(buildPkg)) for (pkg in buildPkg) loadNamespace(pkg) if (is.null(engine)) # Infer vignette engine from vignette content engine <- getVignetteEngine(file) # Get the vignette engine if (is.character(engine)) engine <- vignetteEngine(engine, package = buildPkg) # Infer the vignette name names <- sapply(engine$pattern, FUN = sub, "", file) name <- basename(names[(names != file)][1L]) # A non-matching filename? if (is.na(name)) stop(gettextf("vignette filename '%s' does not match any of the '%s' filename patterns", file, paste(engine$package, engine$name, sep="::")), domain = NA) if (encoding == "non-ASCII") stop(gettextf("Vignette '%s' is non-ASCII but has no declared encoding", name)) # Set output directory temporarily file <- file_path_as_absolute(file) olddir <- setwd(dir) if (!is.null(olddir)) on.exit(setwd(olddir)) ## # Record existing files ## origfiles <- list.files(all.files = TRUE) if (is.na(clean) || clean) { file.create(".build.timestamp") } tdir <- getwd()# if 'dir' was relative, resetting to tdir will work output <- NULL # Weave final <- if (weave) { engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = encoding, ...) setwd(tdir) # In case weave/vignette changed it output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) # Compile TeX to PDF? if(latex && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } else output } # else NULL # Tangle sources <- if (tangle) { engine$tangle(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = encoding, ...) setwd(tdir) # In case tangle changed it find_vignette_product(name, by = "tangle", main = FALSE, engine = engine) } # else NULL ## Cleanup newly created files unless those in 'keep' keep <- c(sources, final, keep) if (is.na(clean)) { # Use NA to signal we want .tex (or .md) files kept. keep <- c(keep, output) clean <- TRUE } if (clean) { f <- setdiff(list.files(all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE), keep) newer <- file_test("-nt", f, ".build.timestamp") ## some packages create directories unlink(f[newer], recursive = TRUE) } ### huh? 2nd round of cleaning even if clean is FALSE ?? ## f <- setdiff(list.files(all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE), c(keep, origfiles)) ## f <- f[file_test("-f", f)] ## file.remove(f) ## #} if((is.na(clean) || clean) && file.exists(".build.timestamp")) { file.remove(".build.timestamp") } unique(keep) } ### * getVignetteEncoding getVignetteEncoding <- function(file, ...) { lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) .getVignetteEncoding(lines, ...) } .getVignetteEncoding <- function(lines, default = NA) { res <- .get_vignette_metadata(lines, "Encoding")[1L] if(is.na(res)) { poss <- grep("^[[:space:]]*%+[[:space:]]*\\\\SweaveUTF8[[:space:]]*$", lines, useBytes = TRUE) if (length(poss)) res <- "UTF-8" else { ## Look for input enc lines using inputenc or inputenx ## Note, multiple encodings are excluded. poss <- grep("^[[:space:]]*\\\\usepackage\\[([[:alnum:]]+)\\]\\{inputen[cx]\\}", lines, useBytes = TRUE) ## Check it is in the preamble start <- grep("^[[:space:]]*\\\\begin\\{document\\}", lines, useBytes = TRUE) if(length(start)) poss <- poss[poss < start[1L]] if(length(poss)) { poss <- lines[poss[1L]] res <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*\\\\usepackage\\[([[:alnum:]]+)\\].*", "\\1", poss) # This line should be ASCII. ## see Rd2latex.R. ## Currently utf8, utf8x, latin1, latin9 and ansinew are in use. res <- switch(res, "utf8" =, "utf8x" = "UTF-8", "latin1" =, "iso-8859-1" = "latin1", "latin2" =, "iso-8859-2" = "latin2", "latin9" =, "iso-8859-15" = "latin-9", # only form known to GNU libiconv "latin10" =, "iso-8859-16" = "latin10", "cyrillic" =, "iso-8859-5" = "ISO-8859-5", # inputenx "koi8-r" = "KOI8-R", # inputenx "arabic" = "ISO-8859-6", # Not clear next 3 are known to latex "greek" =, "iso-8859-7" = "ISO-8859-7", "hebrew" =, "iso-8859-8" = "ISO-8859-8", "ansinew" = "CP1252", "applemac" = "macroman", ## assume these only get used on Windows "cp1250" = "CP1250", "cp1252" = "CP1252", "cp1257" = "CP1257", "unknown") } else if (!is.na(default)) { res <- default } else { # Nothing else has indicated an encoding, maybe it's just ASCII asc <- iconv(lines, "latin1", "ASCII") ind <- is.na(asc) | asc != lines if(any(ind)) res <- "non-ASCII" else res <- "" # or "ASCII" } } } res } ### * .build_vignette_index .get_vignette_metadata <- function(lines, tag) { ## ## Why don't we anchor this to the beginning of a line? meta_RE <- paste0("[[:space:]]*%+[[:space:]]*\\\\Vignette", tag, "\\{([^}]*(\\{[^}]*\\})*[^}]*)\\}.*") ## meta <- grep(meta_RE, lines, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) trimws(gsub(meta_RE, "\\1", meta)) } vignetteInfo <- function(file) { lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) ## ## Can only proceed with lines which are valid in the current locale. ## Unfortunately, vignette encodings are a mess: package encodings ## might apply, but be overridden by \inputencoding commands. ## For now, assume that vignette metadata occur in all ASCII lines. ## (Could also iconv() using sub = "byte".) lines[is.na(nchar(lines, "c", TRUE))] <- "" ## ## \VignetteIndexEntry title <- c(.get_vignette_metadata(lines, "IndexEntry"), "")[1L] ## \VignetteDepends depends <- .get_vignette_metadata(lines, "Depends") if(length(depends)) depends <- unlist(strsplit(depends[1L], ", *")) ## \VignetteKeyword and old-style \VignetteKeywords keywords <- .get_vignette_metadata(lines, "Keywords") keywords <- if(!length(keywords)) { ## No old-style \VignetteKeywords entries found. .get_vignette_metadata(lines, "Keyword") } else unlist(strsplit(keywords[1L], ", *")) ## no point in recording the file path since this is called on ## package installation. engine <- getVignetteEngine(lines=lines) list(file = basename(file), title = title, depends = depends, keywords = keywords, engine = engine) } ## builds vignette indices from 'vigns', a pkgVignettes() result .build_vignette_index <- function(vigns) { stopifnot(inherits(vigns, "pkgVignettes")) files <- vigns$docs names <- vigns$names dir <- vigns$dir sources <- vigns$sources if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) nvigns <- length(files) if(nvigns == 0L) { out <- data.frame(File = character(), Title = character(), PDF = character(), R = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) out$Depends <- list() out$Keywords <- list() return(out) } # Check for duplicated vignette names if (any(dups <- duplicated(names))) { dupname <- names[dups][1L] dup <- basename(files[dups][1L]) orig <- basename(files[ names == dupname ][1L]) stop(gettextf("In '%s' vignettes '%s' and '%s' have the same vignette name", basename(dirname(dir)), orig, dup), domain = NA) } # Read vignette annotation from vignette source files contents <- vector("list", length = nvigns * 5L) dim(contents) <- c(nvigns, 5L) for(i in seq_along(files)) contents[i, ] <- vignetteInfo(files[i]) colnames(contents) <- c("File", "Title", "Depends", "Keywords", "Engine") ## This is to cover a temporary package installation ## by 'R CMD build' (via 'R CMD INSTALL -l ) ## which in case vignettes have not been built. outputs <- vigns$outputs outputs <- if(!is.null(outputs)) basename(outputs) else character(nvigns) out <- data.frame(File = unlist(contents[, "File"]), Title = unlist(contents[, "Title"]), PDF = outputs, # Not necessarily PDF, but name it that for back compatibility R = "", # May or may not be present row.names = NULL, # avoid trying to compute row # names stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Optional for (i in seq_along(sources)) if (length(s <- sources[[i]])) out$R[which(names(sources)[i] == files)] <- basename(s[1L]) out$Depends <- contents[, "Depends"] out$Keywords <- contents[, "Keywords"] stopifnot(NROW(out) == nvigns) out } ### * .check_vignette_index .check_vignette_index <- function(vignetteDir, pkgdir = ".") { dir <- file.path(pkgdir, vignetteDir) if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) subdir <- gsub(pkgdir, "", dir, fixed=TRUE) vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = pkgdir, subdirs = subdir) vignetteIndex <- .build_vignette_index(vigns) badEntries <- vignetteIndex[grep("^[[:space:]]*$", vignetteIndex[, "Title"]), "File"] class(badEntries) <- "check_vignette_index" badEntries } print.check_vignette_index <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x)) { writeLines(c("Vignettes with missing or empty \\VignetteIndexEntry:", paste(" ", basename(unclass(x))))) } invisible(x) } ### * .writeVignetteHtmlIndex ## NB SamplerCompare has a .Rnw file which produces no R code. .writeVignetteHtmlIndex <- function(pkg, con, vignetteIndex = NULL) { ## FIXME: in principle we could need to set an encoding here html <- c(HTMLheader("Vignettes and other documentation"), paste0("

Vignettes from package '", pkg,"'

")) if(NROW(vignetteIndex) == 0L) { ## NROW(NULL) = 0 html <- c(html, "The package contains no vignette meta-information.") } else { vignetteIndex <- cbind(Package = pkg, as.matrix(vignetteIndex[, c("File", "Title", "PDF", "R")])) html <- c(html, makeVignetteTable(vignetteIndex, depth = 3L)) } otherfiles <- list.files(system.file("doc", package = pkg)) if(NROW(vignetteIndex)) otherfiles <- setdiff(otherfiles, c(vignetteIndex[, c("PDF", "File", "R")], "index.html")) if (length(otherfiles)) { otherfiles <- ifelse(dir.exists(system.file(file.path("doc", otherfiles), package = pkg)), paste0(otherfiles, "/"), otherfiles) urls <- paste0('', otherfiles, '') html <- c(html, '

Other files in the doc directory

', '', '', '', '', paste0('"), "
', iconv(urls, "", "UTF-8"), "
") } html <- c(html, "") writeLines(html, con=con) } vignetteDepends <- function(vignette, recursive = TRUE, reduce = TRUE, local = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL) { if (length(vignette) != 1L) stop("argument 'vignette' must be of length 1") if (!nzchar(vignette)) return(invisible()) # lets examples work. if (!file.exists(vignette)) stop(gettextf("file '%s' not found", vignette), domain = NA) vigDeps <- vignetteInfo(vignette)$depends depMtrx <- getVigDepMtrx(vigDeps) instPkgs <- utils::installed.packages(lib.loc=lib.loc) getDepList(depMtrx, instPkgs, recursive, local, reduce) } getVigDepMtrx <- function(vigDeps) { ## Taken almost directly out of 'package.dependencies' if (length(vigDeps)) { z <- unlist(strsplit(vigDeps, ",", fixed=TRUE)) z <- sub("^[[:space:]]*(.*)", "\\1", z) z <- sub("(.*)[[:space:]]*$", "\\1", z) pat <- "^([^\\([:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*\\(([^\\)]+)\\).*" depMtrx <- cbind(sub(pat, "\\1", z), sub(pat, "\\2", z), NA) noversion <- depMtrx[, 1L] == depMtrx[, 2L] depMtrx[noversion, 2L] <- NA pat <- "[[:space:]]*([[<>=]+)[[:space:]]+(.*)" depMtrx[!noversion, 2:3] <- c(sub(pat, "\\1", depMtrx[!noversion, 2L]), sub(pat, "\\2", depMtrx[!noversion, 2L])) depMtrx } else NA } ### * .run_one_vignette ### helper for R CMD check .run_one_vignette <- function(vig_name, docDir, encoding = "", pkgdir) { ## The idea about encodings here is that Stangle reads the ## file, converts on read and outputs in the current encoding. ## Then source() can assume the current encoding. td <- tempfile() dir.create(td) file.copy(docDir, td, recursive = TRUE) setwd(file.path(td, basename(docDir))) subdir <- gsub(pkgdir, "", docDir, fixed=TRUE) vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir=pkgdir, subdirs=subdir) if (is.null(vigns)) { cat("\n When running vignette ", sQuote(vig_name), ":\n", sep="") stop("No vignettes available", call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } i <- which(basename(vigns$docs) == vig_name) if (length(i) == 0L) { cat("\n When running vignette ", sQuote(vig_name), ":\n", sep="") stop("No such vignette ", sQuote(vig_name), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } stopifnot(length(i) == 1L) loadVignetteBuilder(pkgdir) file <- vigns$docs[i] file <- basename(file) name <- vigns$names[i] engine <- vignetteEngine(vigns$engines[i]) output <- tryCatch({ engine$tangle(file, quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding) find_vignette_product(name, by = "tangle", engine = engine) }, error = function(e) { cat("\n When tangling ", sQuote(file), ":\n", sep="") stop(conditionMessage(e), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) }) if(length(output) == 1L) { tryCatch({ source(output, echo = TRUE) }, error = function(e) { cat("\n When sourcing ", sQuote(output), ":\n", sep="") stop(conditionMessage(e), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) }) } cat("\n *** Run successfully completed ***\n") } vignetteEngine <- local({ registry <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) engineKey <- function(name, package) { key <- strsplit(name, split = "::", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] if (length(key) == 1L) { if (missing(package)) stop("Vignette engine package not specified", call.=FALSE) key[2L] <- key[1L] key[1L] <- package } else if (length(key) != 2L) { stop("Unsupported engine name ", sQuote(name)) } key } getEngine <- function(name, package) { if (missing(name)) { result <- as.list(registry) if (length(result) > 0L && !is.null(package)) { package <- unique(package) pkgs <- sapply(result, function(engine) engine$package) keep <- is.element(pkgs, package) if (!any(keep)) { stop(gettextf("None of packages %s have registered vignette engines", paste(sQuote(package), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } result <- result[keep] pkgs <- pkgs[keep] if (length(package) > 1L) { result <- result[order(match(pkgs, package))] } } } else { result <- NULL if (is.null(package)) { if (name == "Sweave") { key <- engineKey(name, package = "utils") } else { key <- engineKey(name) } loadNamespace(key[1]) name <- paste(key, collapse = "::") result <- registry[[name]] if (is.null(result)) stop(gettextf("Vignette engine %s is not registered", sQuote(name)), domain = NA) } else { for (pkg in package) { key <- engineKey(name, pkg) try(loadNamespace(key[1]), silent = TRUE) nameT <- paste(key, collapse = "::") result <- registry[[nameT]] if (!is.null(result)) break } if (is.null(result)) stop(gettextf("Vignette engine %s is not registered by any of the packages %s", sQuote(name), paste(sQuote(package), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } if (!is.null(package) && !is.element(result$package, package)) stop(gettextf("Vignette engine %s is not registered by any of the packages %s", sQuote(name), paste(sQuote(package), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } result } setEngine <- function(name, package, pattern, weave, tangle, aspell = list()) { key <- engineKey(name, package) if (!is.null(package) && key[1L] != package) stop(gettextf("Engine name %s and package %s do not match", sQuote(name), sQuote(package)), domain = NA) rname <- paste(key, collapse = "::") if (is.null(weave)) { result <- NULL if (exists(rname, envir = registry)) rm(list = rname, envir = registry) } else { if (!is.function(weave) && is.na(weave)) { if (missing(tangle)) tangle <- NA } else { if (!is.function(weave)) stop(gettextf("Argument %s must be a function and not %s", sQuote("weave"), sQuote(class(weave)[1L])), domain = NA) if (!is.function(tangle)) stop(gettextf("Argument %s must be a function and not %s", sQuote("tangle"), sQuote(class(tangle)[1L])), domain = NA) } if (is.null(pattern)) pattern <- "[.][rRsS](nw|tex)$" else if (!is.character(pattern)) stop(gettextf("Argument %s must be a character vector or NULL and not %s", sQuote("pattern"), sQuote(class(pattern)[1L])), domain = NA) result <- list(name = key[2L], package = key[1L], pattern = pattern, weave = weave, tangle = tangle, aspell = aspell) assign(rname, result, registry) } result } setEngine(name = "Sweave", package = "utils", pattern = NULL, weave = function(...) utils::Sweave(...), tangle = function(...) utils::Stangle(...), aspell = list(filter = "Sweave", control = "-t")) function(name, weave, tangle, pattern = NULL, package = NULL, aspell = list()) { if (missing(weave)) { # we're getting the engine getEngine(name, package) } else { # we're setting a new engine if (is.element(name, c("Sweave", "utils::Sweave"))) { stop(gettextf("Cannot change the %s engine or use an engine of that name", sQuote("Sweave")), domain = NA) } if (missing(package)) package <- utils::packageName(parent.frame()) result <- setEngine(name, package, pattern = pattern, weave = weave, tangle = tangle, aspell = aspell) invisible(result) } } }) loadVignetteBuilder <- function(pkgdir, mustwork = TRUE) { pkgs <- .get_package_metadata(pkgdir)["VignetteBuilder"] if (is.na(pkgs)) pkgs <- NULL else if (length(pkgs)) { pkgs <- unlist(strsplit(pkgs, ",")) pkgs <- gsub('[[:space:]]', '', pkgs) } pkgs <- unique(c(pkgs, "utils")) for (pkg in pkgs) { res <- tryCatch(loadNamespace(pkg), error = function(e)e) if (mustwork && inherits(res, "error")) stop(gettextf("vignette builder '%s' not found", pkg), domain = NA) } pkgs } # This gets the info for installed packages getVignetteInfo <- function(package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE) { if (is.null(package)) { package <- .packages(all.available = all, lib.loc) ## allow for misnamed dirs paths <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE) } else paths <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Find the directories with a 'doc' subdirectory *possibly* ## containing vignettes. paths <- paths[dir.exists(file.path(paths, "doc"))] empty <- cbind(Package = character(0), Dir = character(0), Topic = character(0), File = character(0), Title = character(0), R = character(0), PDF = character(0)) getVinfo <- function(dir) { entries <- NULL if (file.exists(INDEX <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "vignette.rds"))) entries <- readRDS(INDEX) if (NROW(entries) > 0) { # FIXME: this test is unnecessary? if (is.null(entries$R)) R <- rep("", NROW(entries)) else R <- entries$R file <- basename(entries$File) pdf <- entries$PDF topic <- file_path_sans_ext(ifelse(R == "", ifelse(pdf == "", file, pdf), R)) cbind(Package = basename(dir), Dir = dir, Topic = topic, File = file, Title = entries$Title, R = R, PDF = pdf)[order(entries$Title), , drop=FALSE] } else empty } if (length(paths)) do.call(rbind, lapply(paths, getVinfo)) else empty } ### Local variables: *** ### mode: outline-minor *** ### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" *** ### End: ***