# File src/library/tools/R/build.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ #### R based engine for R CMD build ## R developers can use this to debug the function by running it ## directly as tools:::.build_packages(args), where the args should ## be what commandArgs(TRUE) would return, that is a character vector ## of (space-delimited) terms that would be passed to R CMD build. writeDefaultNamespace <- function(filename, desc = file.path(dirname(filename), "DESCRIPTION")) { pkgInfo <- .split_description(.read_description(desc)) pkgs <- unique(c(names(pkgInfo$Imports), names(pkgInfo$Depends))) pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs != "base"] writeLines(c("# Default NAMESPACE created by R", "# Remove the previous line if you edit this file", "", "# Export all names", "exportPattern(\".\")", if (length(pkgs)) c("", "# Import all packages listed as Imports or Depends", "import(", paste(" ", pkgs, collapse = ",\n"), ")")), filename) } ### formerly Perl R::Utils::get_exclude_patterns ## Return list of file patterns excluded by R CMD build and check. ## Kept here so that we ensure that the lists are in sync, but not exported. ## Has Unix-style '/' path separators hard-coded, but that is what dir() uses. get_exclude_patterns <- function() c("^\\.Rbuildignore$", "(^|/)\\.DS_Store$", "^\\.(RData|Rhistory)$", "~$", "\\.bak$", "\\.swp$", "(^|/)\\.#[^/]*$", "(^|/)#[^/]*#$", ## Outdated ... "^TITLE$", "^data/00Index$", "^inst/doc/00Index\\.dcf$", ## Autoconf "^config\\.(cache|log|status)$", "(^|/)autom4te\\.cache$", # ncdf4 had this in subdirectory 'tools' ## Windows dependency files "^src/.*\\.d$", "^src/Makedeps$", ## IRIX, of some vintage "^src/so_locations$", ## Sweave detrius "^inst/doc/Rplots\\.(ps|pdf)$" ) ### based on Perl build script .build_packages <- function(args = NULL, no.q = interactive()) { ## this requires on Windows sh make WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" Sys.umask("022") # Perl version did not have this. writeLinesNL <- function(text, file) { ## a version that uses NL line endings everywhere con <- file(file, "wb") on.exit(close(con)) writeLines(text, con) } ## This version of system_with_capture merges stdout and stderr ## Used to run R to install package and build vignettes. system_with_capture <- function (command, args) { outfile <- tempfile("xshell") on.exit(unlink(outfile)) status <- system2(command, args, outfile, outfile) list(status = status, stdout = readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE)) } ## Run silently Ssystem <- function(command, args = character(), ...) system2(command, args, stdout = NULL, stderr = NULL, ...) do_exit <- if(no.q) function(status = 1L) stop(".build_package() exit status ", status) else function(status = 1L) q("no", status = status, runLast = FALSE) env_path <- function(...) file.path(..., fsep = .Platform$path.sep) ## Used for BuildVignettes, BuildManual, BuildKeepEmpty, ## and (character not logical) BuildResaveData parse_description_field <- function(desc, field, default = TRUE, logical = TRUE) { tmp <- desc[field] if (is.na(tmp)) default else if(logical) switch(tmp, "yes"=, "Yes" =, "true" =, "True" =, "TRUE" = TRUE, "no" =, "No" =, "false" =, "False" =, "FALSE" = FALSE, default) else tmp } Usage <- function() { cat("Usage: R CMD build [options] pkgdirs", "", "Build R packages from package sources in the directories specified by", sQuote("pkgdirs"), "", "Options:", " -h, --help print short help message and exit", " -v, --version print version info and exit", "", " --force force removal of INDEX file", " --keep-empty-dirs do not remove empty dirs", " --no-build-vignettes do not (re)build package vignettes", " --no-manual do not build the PDF manual even if \\Sexprs are present", " --resave-data= re-save data files as compactly as possible:", ' "no", "best", "gzip" (default)', " --resave-data same as --resave-data=best", " --no-resave-data same as --resave-data=no", " --compact-vignettes= try to compact PDF files under inst/doc:", ' "no" (default), "qpdf", "gs", "gs+qpdf", "both"', " --compact-vignettes same as --compact-vignettes=qpdf", " --md5 add MD5 sums", "", "Report bugs at bugs.r-project.org .", sep = "\n") } add_build_stamp_to_description_file <- function(ldpath, pkgdir) { db <- .read_description(ldpath) if(is.na(db["NeedsCompilation"])) db["NeedsCompilation"] <- if(dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "src"))) "yes" else "no" ## this is an optional function, so could fail user <- Sys.info()["user"] if(user == "unknown") user <- Sys.getenv("LOGNAME") db["Packaged"] <- sprintf("%s; %s", format(Sys.time(), '', tz = 'UTC', usetz = TRUE), user) .write_description(db, ldpath) } ## ## This should really be combined with ## add_build_stamp_to_description_file(). ## Also, the build code reads DESCRIPTION files too often ... add_expanded_R_fields_to_description_file <- function(ldpath) { db <- .read_description(ldpath) fields <- .expand_package_description_db_R_fields(db) if(length(fields)) .write_description(c(db, fields), ldpath) } ## temp_install_pkg <- function(pkgdir, libdir) { dir.create(libdir, mode = "0755", showWarnings = FALSE) ## assume vignettes only need one arch if (WINDOWS) { cmd <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rcmd.exe") args <- c("INSTALL -l", shQuote(libdir), "--no-multiarch", shQuote(pkgdir)) } else { cmd <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R") args <- c("CMD", "INSTALL -l", shQuote(libdir), "--no-multiarch", shQuote(pkgdir)) } res <- system_with_capture(cmd, args) if (res$status) { printLog(Log, " -----------------------------------\n") printLog0(Log, paste(c(res$stdout, ""), collapse = "\n")) printLog(Log, " -----------------------------------\n") unlink(libdir, recursive = TRUE) printLog(Log, "ERROR: package installation failed\n") do_exit(1) } Sys.setenv("R_BUILD_TEMPLIB" = libdir) TRUE } prepare_pkg <- function(pkgdir, desc, Log) { owd <- setwd(pkgdir); on.exit(setwd(owd)) ## pkgname <- basename(pkgdir) checkingLog(Log, "DESCRIPTION meta-information") res <- try(.check_package_description("DESCRIPTION")) if (inherits(res, "try-error")) { resultLog(Log, "ERROR") messageLog(Log, "running '.check_package_description' failed") } else { if (any(lengths(res))) { resultLog(Log, "ERROR") print(res) # FIXME print to Log? do_exit(1L) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } cleanup_pkg(pkgdir, Log) libdir <- tempfile("Rinst") ensure_installed <- function() if (!pkgInstalled) { messageLog(Log, "installing the package to build vignettes") pkgInstalled <<- temp_install_pkg(pkgdir, libdir) } pkgInstalled <- build_Rd_db(pkgdir, libdir, desc) if (file.exists("INDEX")) update_Rd_index("INDEX", "man", Log) doc_dir <- file.path("inst", "doc") if ("makefile" %in% dir(doc_dir)) { # avoid case-insensitive match messageLog(Log, "renaming 'inst/doc/makefile' to 'inst/doc/Makefile'") file.rename(file.path(doc_dir, "makefile"), file.path(doc_dir, "Makefile")) } if (vignettes && parse_description_field(desc, "BuildVignettes", TRUE)) { vignette_index_path <- file.path("build", "vignette.rds") if(file.exists(vignette_index_path)) unlink(vignette_index_path) ## this is not a logical field ## if (nchar(parse_description_field(desc, "VignetteBuilder", ""))) ## ensure_installed() ## PR#15775: check VignetteBuilder packages are installed ## This is a bit wasteful: we do not need them in this process loadVignetteBuilder(pkgdir, TRUE) ## Look for vignette sources vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = '.', check = TRUE) if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs)) { ensure_installed() ## Good to do this in a separate process: it might die creatingLog(Log, "vignettes") R_LIBS <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS", NA_character_) if (!is.na(R_LIBS)) { on.exit(Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = R_LIBS), add = TRUE) Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = env_path(libdir, R_LIBS)) } else { on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("R_LIBS"), add = TRUE) Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = libdir) } # Tangle all vignettes now. cmd <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript") args <- c("--vanilla", "--default-packages=", # some vignettes assume methods "-e", shQuote("tools::buildVignettes(dir = '.', tangle = TRUE)")) ## since so many people use 'R CMD' in Makefiles, oPATH <- Sys.getenv("PATH") Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(R.home("bin"), oPATH, sep = .Platform$path.sep)) res <- system_with_capture(cmd, args) Sys.setenv(PATH = oPATH) if (res$status) { resultLog(Log, "ERROR") printLog0(Log, paste(c(res$stdout, ""), collapse = "\n")) do_exit(1L) } else { # Rescan for weave and tangle output files vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = '.', output = TRUE, source = TRUE) stopifnot(!is.null(vigns)) resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## We may need to install them. if (basename(vigns$dir) == "vignettes") { ## inst may not yet exist dir.create(doc_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) file.copy(c(vigns$docs, vigns$outputs, unlist(vigns$sources)), doc_dir) unlink(c(vigns$outputs, unlist(vigns$sources))) extras_file <- file.path("vignettes", ".install_extras") if (file.exists(extras_file)) { extras <- readLines(extras_file, warn = FALSE) if(length(extras)) { allfiles <- dir("vignettes", all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE) inst <- rep(FALSE, length(allfiles)) for (e in extras) inst <- inst | grepl(e, allfiles, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE) file.copy(allfiles[inst], doc_dir, recursive = TRUE) } } } vignetteIndex <- .build_vignette_index(vigns) if(NROW(vignetteIndex) > 0L) { ## remove any files with no R code (they will have header comments). ## if not correctly declared they might not be in the current encoding sources <- vignetteIndex$R for(i in seq_along(sources)) { file <- file.path(doc_dir, sources[i]) if (!file_test("-f", file)) next bfr <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) if(all(grepl("(^###|^[[:space:]]*$)", bfr, useBytes = TRUE))) { unlink(file) vignetteIndex$R[i] <- "" } } } ## Save the list dir.create("build", showWarnings = FALSE) saveRDS(vignetteIndex, file = vignette_index_path) } } else { fv <- file.path("build", "vignette.rds") if(file.exists(fv)) { checkingLog(Log, "vignette meta-information") db <- readRDS(fv) pdfs <- file.path("inst", "doc", db[nzchar(db$PDF), ]$PDF) missing <- !file.exists(pdfs) if(any(missing)) { msg <- c("Output(s) listed in 'build/vignette.rds' but not in package:", strwrap(sQuote(pdfs[missing]), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), "Run R CMD build without --no-build-vignettes to re-create") errorLog(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) do_exit(1L) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } } if (compact_vignettes != "no" && length(pdfs <- dir(doc_dir, pattern = "[.]pdf", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))) { messageLog(Log, "compacting vignettes and other PDF files") if(compact_vignettes %in% c("gs", "gs+qpdf", "both")) { gs_cmd <- find_gs_cmd() gs_quality <- "ebook" } else { gs_cmd <- "" gs_quality <- "none" } qpdf <- ifelse(compact_vignettes %in% c("qpdf", "gs+qpdf", "both"), Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_QPDF", "qpdf")), "") res <- compactPDF(pdfs, qpdf = qpdf, gs_cmd = gs_cmd, gs_quality = gs_quality) res <- format(res, diff = 1e5) if(length(res)) printLog0(Log, paste(" ", format(res), collapse = "\n"), "\n") } if (pkgInstalled) { unlink(libdir, recursive = TRUE) ## And finally, clean up again. cleanup_pkg(pkgdir, Log) } } cleanup_pkg <- function(pkgdir, Log) { owd <- setwd(pkgdir); on.exit(setwd(owd)) pkgname <- basename(pkgdir) if (dir.exists("src")) { setwd("src") messageLog(Log, "cleaning src") if (WINDOWS) { have_make <- nzchar(Sys.which(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"))) if (file.exists("Makefile.win")) { if (have_make) Ssystem(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"), "-f Makefile.win clean") else warning("unable to run 'make clean' in 'src'", domain = NA) } else { if (file.exists("Makevars.win")) { if (have_make) { makefiles <- paste() makefiles <- paste("-f", shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "clean.mk")), "-f Makevars.win") Ssystem(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"), c(makefiles, "clean")) } else warning("unable to run 'make clean' in 'src'", domain = NA) } ## Also cleanup possible Unix leftovers ... unlink(c(Sys.glob(c("*.o", "*.sl", "*.so", "*.dylib")), paste0(pkgname, c(".a", ".dll", ".def")), "symbols.rds")) if (dir.exists(".libs")) unlink(".libs", recursive = TRUE) if (dir.exists("_libs")) unlink("_libs", recursive = TRUE) } } else { makefiles <- paste("-f", shQuote(file.path(R.home("etc"), Sys.getenv("R_ARCH"), "Makeconf"))) if (file.exists("Makefile")) { makefiles <- paste(makefiles, "-f", "Makefile") Ssystem(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"), c(makefiles, "clean")) } else { if (file.exists("Makevars")) { ## ensure we do have a 'clean' target. makefiles <- paste(makefiles, "-f", shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "clean.mk")), "-f Makevars") Ssystem(Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make"), c(makefiles, "clean")) } ## Also cleanup possible Windows leftovers ... unlink(c(Sys.glob(c("*.o", "*.sl", "*.so", "*.dylib")), paste0(pkgname, c(".a", ".dll", ".def")), "symbols.rds")) if (dir.exists(".libs")) unlink(".libs", recursive = TRUE) if (dir.exists("_libs")) unlink("_libs", recursive = TRUE) } } } setwd(owd) ## It is not clear that we want to do this: INSTALL should do so. ## Also, certain environment variables should be set according ## to 'Writing R Extensions', but were not in Perl version (nor ## was cleanup.win used). if (WINDOWS) { if (file.exists("cleanup.win")) { ## check we have sh.exe first if (nzchar(Sys.which("sh.exe"))) { Sys.setenv(R_PACKAGE_NAME = pkgname) Sys.setenv(R_PACKAGE_DIR = pkgdir) Sys.setenv(R_LIBRARY_DIR = dirname(pkgdir)) messageLog(Log, "running 'cleanup.win'") Ssystem("sh", "./cleanup.win") } } } else if (file_test("-x", "cleanup")) { Sys.setenv(R_PACKAGE_NAME = pkgname) Sys.setenv(R_PACKAGE_DIR = pkgdir) Sys.setenv(R_LIBRARY_DIR = dirname(pkgdir)) messageLog(Log, "running 'cleanup'") Ssystem("./cleanup") } } update_Rd_index <- function(oldindex, Rd_files, Log) { newindex <- tempfile() res <- try(Rdindex(Rd_files, newindex)) if (inherits(res, "try-error")) { errorLog(Log, "computing Rd index failed") do_exit(1L) } checkingLog(Log, "whether ", sQuote(oldindex), " is up-to-date") if (file.exists(oldindex)) { ol <- readLines(oldindex, warn = FALSE) # e.g. BaM had missing final NL nl <- readLines(newindex) if (!identical(ol, nl)) { resultLog(Log, "NO") if (force) { messageLog(Log, "removing ", sQuote(oldindex), " as '--force' was given") unlink(oldindex) } else { messageLog(Log, "use '--force' to remove ", "the existing ", sQuote(oldindex)) unlink(newindex) } } else { resultLog(Log, "OK") unlink(newindex) } } else { resultLog(Log, "NO") messageLog(Log, "creating new ", sQuote(oldindex)) file.rename(newindex, oldindex) } } build_Rd_db <- function(pkgdir, libdir, desc) { build_partial_Rd_db_path <- file.path("build", "partial.rdb") if(file.exists(build_partial_Rd_db_path)) unlink(build_partial_Rd_db_path) ## Use a full path as this could be passed to ..Rd2pdf(). build_refman_path <- file.path(pkgdir, "build", paste0(basename(pkgdir), ".pdf")) if(file.exists(build_refman_path)) unlink(build_refman_path) db <- .build_Rd_db(pkgdir, stages = NULL, os = c("unix", "windows"), step = 1) if (!length(db)) return(FALSE) # Strip the pkgdir off the names names(db) <- substring(names(db), nchar(file.path(pkgdir, "man")) + 2L) containsSexprs <- which(sapply(db, function(Rd) getDynamicFlags(Rd)["\\Sexpr"])) if (!length(containsSexprs)) return(FALSE) messageLog(Log, "installing the package to process help pages") dir.create(libdir, mode = "0755", showWarnings = FALSE) savelib <- .libPaths() .libPaths(c(libdir, savelib)) on.exit(.libPaths(savelib), add = TRUE) temp_install_pkg(pkgdir, libdir) containsBuildSexprs <- which(sapply(db, function(Rd) getDynamicFlags(Rd)["build"])) if (length(containsBuildSexprs)) { for (i in containsBuildSexprs) db[[i]] <- prepare_Rd(db[[i]], stages = "build", stage2 = FALSE, stage3 = FALSE) messageLog(Log, "saving partial Rd database") partial <- db[containsBuildSexprs] dir.create("build", showWarnings = FALSE) saveRDS(partial, build_partial_Rd_db_path) } needRefman <- manual && parse_description_field(desc, "BuildManual", TRUE) && any(sapply(db, function(Rd) any(getDynamicFlags(Rd)[c("install", "render")]))) if (needRefman) { messageLog(Log, "building the PDF package manual") dir.create("build", showWarnings = FALSE) ..Rd2pdf(c("--force", "--no-preview", paste0("--output=", build_refman_path), pkgdir), quit = FALSE) } return(TRUE) } ## also fixes up missing final NL fix_nonLF_in_files <- function(pkgname, dirPattern, Log) { if(dir.exists(sDir <- file.path(pkgname, "src"))) { files <- dir(sDir, pattern = dirPattern, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ## FIXME: This "destroys" all timestamps for (ff in files) { lines <- readLines(ff, warn = FALSE) writeLinesNL(lines, ff) } } } fix_nonLF_in_source_files <- function(pkgname, Log) { fix_nonLF_in_files(pkgname, dirPattern = "\\.([cfh]|cc|cpp)$", Log) } fix_nonLF_in_make_files <- function(pkgname, Log) { fix_nonLF_in_files(pkgname, paste0("^(", paste(c("Makefile", "Makefile.in", "Makefile.win", "Makevars", "Makevars.in", "Makevars.win"), collapse = "|"), ")$"), Log) ## Other Makefiles makes <- dir(pkgname, pattern = "^Makefile$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) for (ff in makes) { lines <- readLines(ff, warn = FALSE) writeLinesNL(lines, ff) } } find_empty_dirs <- function(d) { ## dir(recursive = TRUE) did not include directories, so ## we needed to do this recursively files <- dir(d, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) for (dd in files[dir.exists(files)]) { if (grepl("/\\.+$", dd)) next find_empty_dirs(dd) } ## allow per-package override keep_empty1 <- parse_description_field(desc, "BuildKeepEmpty", keep_empty) if (!keep_empty1) # might have removed a dir files <- dir(d, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) if (length(files) <= 2L) { # always has ., .. if (keep_empty1) { printLog(Log, "WARNING: directory ", sQuote(d), " is empty\n") } else { unlink(d, recursive = TRUE) printLog(Log, "Removed empty directory ", sQuote(d), "\n") } } } fixup_R_dep <- function(pkgname, ver = "2.10") { desc <- .read_description(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION")) Rdeps <- .split_description(desc)$Rdepends2 for(dep in Rdeps) { if(dep$op != '>=') next if(dep$version >= package_version(ver)) return() } on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))) Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") flatten <- function(x) { if(length(x) == 3L) paste0(x$name, " (", x$op, " ", x$version, ")") else x[[1L]] } deps <- desc["Depends"] desc["Depends"] <- if(!is.na(deps)) { deps <- .split_dependencies(deps) deps <- deps[names(deps) != "R"] # could be more than one paste(c(sprintf("R (>= %s)", ver), sapply(deps, flatten)), collapse = ", ") } else sprintf("R (>= %s)", ver) .write_description(desc, file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION")) printLog(Log, " NB: this package now depends on R (>= ", ver, ")\n") } resave_data_rda <- function(pkgname, resave_data) { if (resave_data == "no") return() ddir <- file.path(pkgname, "data") if(resave_data == "best") { files <- Sys.glob(c(file.path(ddir, "*.rda"), file.path(ddir, "*.RData"), file.path(pkgname, "R", "sysdata.rda"))) messageLog(Log, "re-saving image files") resaveRdaFiles(files) rdas <- checkRdaFiles(files) if(any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) fixup_R_dep(pkgname, "2.10") } else { ## ddir need not exist if just R/sysdata.rda rdas <- checkRdaFiles(Sys.glob(c(file.path(ddir, "*.rda"), file.path(ddir, "*.RData")))) if(nrow(rdas)) { update <- with(rdas, ASCII | compress == "none" | version < 2) if(any(update)) { messageLog(Log, "re-saving image files") resaveRdaFiles(row.names(rdas)[update], "gzip") } } if(file.exists(f <- file.path(pkgname, "R", "sysdata.rda"))) { rdas <- checkRdaFiles(f) update <- with(rdas, ASCII | compress == "none" | version < 2) if(any(update)) { messageLog(Log, "re-saving sysdata.rda") resaveRdaFiles(f, "gzip") } } } } resave_data_others <- function(pkgname, resave_data) { if (resave_data == "no") return() if(!dir.exists(ddir <- file.path(pkgname, "data"))) return() ddir <- normalizePath(ddir) dataFiles <- grep("\\.(rda|RData)$", list_files_with_type(ddir, "data"), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) if (!length(dataFiles)) return() resaved <- character() on.exit(unlink(resaved)) Rs <- grep("\\.[Rr]$", dataFiles, value = TRUE) if (length(Rs)) { # these might use .txt etc messageLog(Log, "re-saving .R files as .rda") ## ensure utils is visible ## library("utils") lapply(Rs, function(x){ envir <- new.env(hash = TRUE) sys.source(x, chdir = TRUE, envir = envir) save(list = ls(envir, all.names = TRUE), file = sub("\\.[Rr]$", ".rda", x), compress = TRUE, compression_level = 9, envir = envir) resaved <<- c(resaved, x) }) printLog(Log, " NB: *.R converted to .rda: other files may need to be removed\n") } tabs <- grep("\\.(CSV|csv|TXT|tab|txt)$", dataFiles, value = TRUE) if (length(tabs)) { messageLog(Log, "re-saving tabular files") if (resave_data == "gzip") { lapply(tabs, function(nm) { ## DiceDesign/data/greenwood.table.txt is missing NL x <- readLines(nm, warn = FALSE) con <- gzfile(paste(nm, "gz", sep = "."), "wb") writeLines(x, con) close(con) resaved <<- c(resaved, nm) }) } else { OK <- TRUE lapply(tabs, function(nm) { x <- readLines(nm, warn = FALSE) nm3 <- paste(nm, c("gz", "bz2", "xz"), sep = ".") con <- gzfile(nm3[1L], "wb", compression = 9L); writeLines(x, con); close(con) con <- bzfile(nm3[2L], "wb", compression = 9L); writeLines(x, con); close(con) con <- xzfile(nm3[3L], "wb", compression = 9L); writeLines(x, con); close(con) sizes <- file.size(nm3) * c(0.9, 1, 1) ind <- which.min(sizes) if(ind > 1) OK <<- FALSE resaved <<- c(resaved, nm, nm3[-ind]) }) if (!OK) fixup_R_dep(pkgname, "2.10") } } } force <- FALSE vignettes <- TRUE manual <- TRUE # Install the manual if Rds contain \Sexprs with_md5 <- FALSE ## INSTALL_opts <- character() pkgs <- character() options(showErrorCalls = FALSE, warn = 1) ## Read in build environment file. Renv <- Sys.getenv("R_BUILD_ENVIRON", unset = NA_character_) if(!is.na(Renv)) { ## Do not read any build environment file if R_BUILD_ENVIRON is ## set to empty of something non-existent. if(nzchar(Renv) && file.exists(Renv)) readRenviron(Renv) } else { ## Read in ~/.R/build.Renviron[.rarch] (if existent). rarch <- .Platform$r_arch if (nzchar(rarch) && file.exists(Renv <- paste("~/.R/build.Renviron", rarch, sep = "."))) readRenviron(Renv) else if (file.exists(Renv <- "~/.R/build.Renviron")) readRenviron(Renv) } ## Configurable variables. compact_vignettes <- Sys.getenv("_R_BUILD_COMPACT_VIGNETTES_", "no") resave_data <- Sys.getenv("_R_BUILD_RESAVE_DATA_", "gzip") keep_empty <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_BUILD_KEEP_EMPTY_DIRS_", "FALSE")) if (is.null(args)) { args <- commandArgs(TRUE) ## it seems that splits on spaces, so try harder. args <- paste(args, collapse = " ") args <- strsplit(args,'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L] } while(length(args)) { a <- args[1L] if (a %in% c("-h", "--help")) { Usage() do_exit(0L) } else if (a %in% c("-v", "--version")) { cat("R add-on package builder: ", R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]], " (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "") cat("", "Copyright (C) 1997-2013 The R Core Team.", "This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2", "or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.", sep = "\n") do_exit(0L) } else if (a == "--force") { force <- TRUE } else if (a == "--keep-empty-dirs") { keep_empty <- TRUE } else if (a == "--no-build-vignettes") { vignettes <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-vignettes") { # pre-3.0.0 version stop("'--no-vignettes' is defunct:\n use '--no-build-vignettes' instead", call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } else if (a == "--resave-data") { resave_data <- "best" } else if (a == "--no-resave-data") { resave_data <- "no" } else if (substr(a, 1, 14) == "--resave-data=") { resave_data <- substr(a, 15, 1000) } else if (a == "--no-manual") { manual <- FALSE } else if (substr(a, 1, 20) == "--compact-vignettes=") { compact_vignettes <- substr(a, 21, 1000) } else if (a == "--compact-vignettes") { compact_vignettes <- "qpdf" } else if (a == "--md5") { with_md5 <- TRUE } else if (substr(a, 1, 1) == "-") { message("Warning: unknown option ", sQuote(a)) } else pkgs <- c(pkgs, a) args <- args[-1L] } if(!compact_vignettes %in% c("no", "qpdf", "gs", "gs+qpdf", "both")) { warning(gettextf("invalid value for '--compact-vignettes', assuming %s", "\"qpdf\""), domain = NA) compact_vignettes <-"qpdf" } Sys.unsetenv("R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES") startdir <- getwd() if (is.null(startdir)) stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained") ## R_platform <- Sys.getenv("R_PLATFORM", "unknown-binary") ## libdir <- tempfile("Rinst") if (WINDOWS) { ## Some people have *assumed* that R_HOME uses / in Makefiles ## Spaces in paths might still cause trouble. rhome <- chartr("\\", "/", R.home()) Sys.setenv(R_HOME = rhome) } for(pkg in pkgs) { Log <- newLog() # if not stdin; on.exit(closeLog(Log)) ## remove any trailing /, for Windows' sake pkg <- sub("/$", "", pkg) ## 'Older versions used $pkg as absolute or relative to $startdir. ## This does not easily work if $pkg is a symbolic link. ## Hence, we now convert to absolute paths.' setwd(startdir) res <- tryCatch(setwd(pkg), error = function(e)e) if (inherits(res, "error")) { errorLog(Log, "cannot change to directory ", sQuote(pkg)) do_exit(1L) } pkgdir <- getwd() pkgname <- basename(pkgdir) checkingLog(Log, "for file ", sQuote(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))) f <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION") if (file.exists(f)) { desc <- try(.read_description(f)) if (inherits(desc, "try-error") || !length(desc)) { resultLog(Log, "EXISTS but not correct format") do_exit(1L) } resultLog(Log, "OK") } else { resultLog(Log, "NO") do_exit(1L) } intname <- desc["Package"] ## make a copy, cd to parent of copy setwd(dirname(pkgdir)) filename <- paste0(intname, "_", desc["Version"], ".tar") filepath <- file.path(startdir, filename) Tdir <- tempfile("Rbuild") dir.create(Tdir, mode = "0755") if (WINDOWS) { ## This preserves read-only for files, but not dates if (!file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE)) { errorLog(Log, "copying to build directory failed") do_exit(1L) } } else { ## This should preserve dates and permissions (subject to ## umask, if that is consulted which it seems it usually is not). ## Permissions are increased later. cp_sw <- if(Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Linux") ## << need GNU cp ## unfortunately, '-pr' does not dereference sym.links "-Lr --preserve=timestamps" else "-pr" if (system(paste("cp", cp_sw, shQuote(pkgname), shQuote(Tdir)))) { errorLog(Log, "copying to build directory failed") do_exit(1L) } } setwd(Tdir) ## Now correct the package name (PR#9266) if (pkgname != intname) { if (!file.rename(pkgname, intname)) { message(gettextf("Error: cannot rename directory to %s", sQuote(intname)), domain = NA) do_exit(1L) } pkgname <- intname } ## prepare the copy messageLog(Log, "preparing ", sQuote(pkgname), ":") prepare_pkg(normalizePath(pkgname, "/"), desc, Log); owd <- setwd(pkgname) ## remove exclude files allfiles <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE) allfiles <- substring(allfiles, 3L) # drop './' bases <- basename(allfiles) exclude <- rep(FALSE, length(allfiles)) ignore <- get_exclude_patterns() ## handle .Rbuildignore: ## 'These patterns should be Perl regexps, one per line, ## to be matched against the file names relative to ## the top-level source directory.' ignore_file <- file.path(pkgdir, ".Rbuildignore") if (file.exists(ignore_file)) ignore <- c(ignore, readLines(ignore_file, warn = FALSE)) for(e in ignore[nzchar(ignore)]) exclude <- exclude | grepl(e, allfiles, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE) isdir <- dir.exists(allfiles) ## old (pre-2.10.0) dirnames exclude <- exclude | (isdir & (bases %in% c("check", "chm", .vc_dir_names))) exclude <- exclude | (isdir & grepl("([Oo]ld|\\.Rcheck)$", bases)) ## FIXME: GNU make uses GNUmakefile (note capitalization) exclude <- exclude | bases %in% c("Read-and-delete-me", "GNUMakefile") ## Mac resource forks exclude <- exclude | startsWith(bases, "._") exclude <- exclude | (isdir & grepl("^src.*/[.]deps$", allfiles)) ## Windows DLL resource file exclude <- exclude | (allfiles == paste0("src/", pkgname, "_res.rc")) ## inst/doc/.Rinstignore is a mistake exclude <- exclude | endsWith(allfiles, "inst/doc/.Rinstignore") | endsWith(allfiles, "inst/doc/.build.timestamp") | endsWith(allfiles, "vignettes/.Rinstignore") ## leftovers exclude <- exclude | grepl("^.Rbuildindex[.]", allfiles) ## or simply? exclude <- exclude | startsWith(allfiles, ".Rbuildindex.") exclude <- exclude | (bases %in% .hidden_file_exclusions) unlink(allfiles[exclude], recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) setwd(owd) ## Fix up man, R, demo inst/doc directories res <- .check_package_subdirs(pkgname, TRUE) if (any(lengths(res))) { messageLog(Log, "excluding invalid files") print(res) # FIXME print to Log? } setwd(Tdir) ## Fix permissions for all files to be at least 644, and dirs 755 ## Not restricted by umask. if (!WINDOWS) .Call(dirchmod, pkgname, group.writable=FALSE) ## Add build stamp to the DESCRIPTION file. add_build_stamp_to_description_file(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), pkgdir) ## Add expanded R fields to the DESCRIPTION file. add_expanded_R_fields_to_description_file(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION")) messageLog(Log, "checking for LF line-endings in source and make files") fix_nonLF_in_source_files(pkgname, Log) fix_nonLF_in_make_files(pkgname, Log) messageLog(Log, "checking for empty or unneeded directories"); find_empty_dirs(pkgname) for(dir in c("Meta", "R-ex", "chtml", "help", "html", "latex")) { d <- file.path(pkgname, dir) if (dir.exists(d)) { msg <- paste("WARNING: Removing directory", sQuote(d), "which should only occur", "in an installed package") printLog(Log, paste(strwrap(msg, indent = 0L, exdent = 2L), collapse = "\n"), "\n") unlink(d, recursive = TRUE) } } ## remove subarch build directories unlink(file.path(pkgname, c("src-i386", "src-x64", "src-x86_64", "src-ppc")), recursive = TRUE) ## work on 'data' directory if present if(dir.exists(file.path(pkgname, "data")) || file_test("-f", file.path(pkgname, "R", "sysdata.rda"))) { messageLog(Log, "looking to see if a 'data/datalist' file should be added") ## in some cases data() needs the package installed as ## there are links to the package's namespace tryCatch(add_datalist(pkgname), error = function(e) printLog(Log, " unable to create a 'datalist' file: may need the package to be installed\n")) ## allow per-package override resave_data1 <- parse_description_field(desc, "BuildResaveData", resave_data, FALSE) resave_data_others(pkgname, resave_data1) resave_data_rda(pkgname, resave_data1) } ## add NAMESPACE if the author didn't write one if(!file.exists(namespace <- file.path(pkgname, "NAMESPACE")) ) { messageLog(Log, "creating default NAMESPACE file") writeDefaultNamespace(namespace) } if(with_md5) { messageLog(Log, "adding MD5 file") .installMD5sums(pkgname) } else { ## remove any stale file unlink(file.path(pkgname, "MD5")) } ## Finalize filename <- paste0(pkgname, "_", desc["Version"], ".tar.gz") filepath <- file.path(startdir, filename) ## NB: ../../../../tests/reg-packages.R relies on this exact format! messageLog(Log, "building ", sQuote(filename)) res <- utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = "gzip", compression_level = 9L, tar = Sys.getenv("R_BUILD_TAR"), extra_flags = NULL) # use trapdoor if (res) { errorLog(Log, "packaging into .tar.gz failed") do_exit(1L) } message("") # blank line setwd(startdir) unlink(Tdir, recursive = TRUE) on.exit() # cancel closeLog closeLog(Log) } do_exit(0L) }