# File src/library/tools/R/check.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ###- R based engine for R CMD check ## R developers can use this to debug the function by running it ## directly as tools:::.check_packages(args), where the args should ## be what commandArgs(TRUE) would return, that is a character vector ## of (space-delimited) terms that would be passed to R CMD checks. ## Used for INSTALL and Rd2pdf run_Rcmd <- function(args, out = "", env = "") { if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") system2(file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rcmd.exe"), args, out, out) else system2(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", args), out, out, env = env) } R_runR <- function(cmd = NULL, Ropts = "", env = "", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, stdin = NULL, arch = "") { if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { ## workaround Windows problem with input = cmd if (!is.null(cmd)) { ## In principle this should escape \ Rin <- tempfile("Rin"); on.exit(unlink(Rin)); writeLines(cmd, Rin) } else Rin <- stdin suppressWarnings(system2(if(nzchar(arch)) file.path(R.home(), "bin", arch, "Rterm.exe") else file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rterm.exe"), c(Ropts, paste("-f", Rin)), stdout, stderr, env = env)) } else { suppressWarnings(system2(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c(if(nzchar(arch)) paste0("--arch=", arch), Ropts), stdout, stderr, stdin, input = cmd, env = env)) } } setRlibs <- function(lib0 = "", pkgdir = ".", suggests = FALSE, libdir = NULL, self = FALSE, self2 = TRUE, quote = FALSE, LinkingTo = FALSE) { WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" useJunctions <- WINDOWS && !nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_WIN_NO_JUNCTIONS")) flink <- function(from, to) { res <- if(WINDOWS) { if(useJunctions) Sys.junction(from, to) else file.copy(from, to, recursive = TRUE) } else file.symlink(from, to) if (!res) stop(gettextf("cannot link from %s", from), domain = NA) } pi <- .split_description(.read_description(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))) thispkg <- unname(pi$DESCRIPTION["Package"]) ## We need to make some assumptions about layout: this version ## assumes .Library contains standard and recommended packages ## and nothing else. tmplib <- tempfile("RLIBS_") dir.create(tmplib) ## Since this is under the session directory and only contains ## symlinks and dummies (hence will be small) we never clean it up. test_recommended <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_NO_RECOMMENDED_", "FALSE")) if(test_recommended) { ## Now add dummies for recommended packages (removed later if declared) recommended <- .get_standard_package_names()$recommended ## grDevices has :: to KernSmooth ## stats has ::: to Matrix, Matrix depends on lattice ## which gives false positives in MASS and Rcpp ## codetools is really part of tools exceptions <- "codetools" if (thispkg %in% c("MASS", "Rcpp")) exceptions <- c(exceptions, "Matrix", "lattice") if (thispkg %in% c("Modalclust", "aroma.core", "iWebPlots", "openair", "oce", "pcalg", "tileHMM")) exceptions <- c(exceptions, "KernSmooth") recommended <- recommended[!recommended %in% exceptions] for(pkg in recommended) { if(pkg == thispkg) next dir.create(pd <- file.path(tmplib, pkg)) ## some people remove recommended packages .... f <- file.path(.Library, pkg, "DESCRIPTION") if(file.exists(f)) file.copy(f, pd) ## to make sure find.package throws an error: close(file(file.path(pd, "dummy_for_check"), "w")) } } sug <- if (suggests) names(pi$Suggests) else { ## we always need to be able to recognise 'vignettes' VB <- unname(pi$DESCRIPTION["VignetteBuilder"]) if(is.na(VB)) character() else { VB <- unlist(strsplit(VB, ",")) unique(gsub('[[:space:]]', '', VB)) } } deps <- unique(c(names(pi$Depends), names(pi$Imports), if(LinkingTo) names(pi$LinkingTo), sug)) if(length(libdir) && self2) flink(file.path(libdir, thispkg), tmplib) ## .Library is not necessarily canonical, but the .libPaths version is. lp <- .libPaths() poss <- c(lp[length(lp)], .Library) already <- thispkg more <- unique(deps[!deps %in% already]) # should not depend on itself ... while(length(more)) { m0 <- more; more <- character() for (pkg in m0) { if (test_recommended) { if (pkg %in% recommended) unlink(file.path(tmplib, pkg), TRUE) ## hard-code dependencies for now. if (pkg == "mgcv") unlink(file.path(tmplib, c("Matrix", "lattice", "nlme")), TRUE) if (pkg == "Matrix") unlink(file.path(tmplib, "lattice"), TRUE) if (pkg == "class") unlink(file.path(tmplib, "MASS"), TRUE) if (pkg == "nlme") unlink(file.path(tmplib, "lattice"), TRUE) } where <- find.package(pkg, quiet = TRUE) if(length(where)) { if (!(dirname(where) %in% poss)) flink(where, tmplib) else if (!test_recommended) # If the package is in the standard library we can # assume dependencies have been met, but we can # only skip the traversal if we aren't testing recommended # packages, because loading will fail if there is # an indirect dependency to one that has been hidden # by a dummy in tmplib. next pi <- readRDS(file.path(where, "Meta", "package.rds")) more <- c(more, names(pi$Depends), names(pi$Imports), names(pi$LinkingTo)) } } already <- c(already, m0) more <- unique(more[!more %in% already]) } if (self) flink(normalizePath(pkgdir), tmplib) # print(dir(tmplib)) rlibs <- tmplib if (nzchar(lib0)) rlibs <- c(lib0, rlibs) rlibs <- paste(rlibs, collapse = .Platform$path.sep) if(quote) rlibs <- shQuote(rlibs) c(paste("R_LIBS", rlibs, sep = "="), if(WINDOWS) " R_ENVIRON_USER='no_such_file'" else "R_ENVIRON_USER=''", if(WINDOWS) " R_LIBS_USER='no_such_dir'" else "R_LIBS_USER=''", " R_LIBS_SITE='no_such_dir'") } ###- The main function for "R CMD check" .check_packages <- function(args = NULL) { WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ## this requires on Windows: file.exe (optional) wrapLog <- function(...) { text <- paste(..., collapse = " ") ## strwrap expects paras separated by blank lines. ## Perl's wrap split on \n text <- strsplit(text, "\n", useBytes = TRUE)[[1L]] printLog(Log, paste(strwrap(text), collapse = "\n"), "\n") } ## Used for ## .check_packages_used ## .check_packages_used_in_examples ## .check_packages_used_in_tests ## .check_packages_used_in_vignettes ## checkS3methods ## checkReplaceFuns ## checkFF ## .check_code_usage_in_package (with full set) ## .check_T_and_F (with full set) ## .check_dotInternal (with full set) ## undoc, codoc, codocData, codocClasses ## checkDocFiles, checkDocStyle ## The default set of packages here are as they are because ## .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package needs utils,graphics,stats ## Used by checkDocStyle (which needs the generic visible) and checkS3methods. R_runR2 <- if(WINDOWS) { function(cmd, env = "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,grDevices,graphics,stats") { out <- R_runR(cmd, R_opts2, env) ## pesky gdata .... grep("^(ftype: not found|File type)", out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) } } else function(cmd, env = "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'") { out <- R_runR(cmd, R_opts2, env) ## htmltools produced non-UTF-8 output in Dec 2015 if (R_check_suppress_RandR_message) grep('^Xlib: *extension "RANDR" missing on display', out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) else out } td0 <- Inf # updated below print_time <- function(t1, t2, Log) { td <- t2 - t1 if(td[3L] < td0) return() td2 <- if (td[3L] > 600) { td <- td/60 if(WINDOWS) sprintf(" [%dm]", round(td[3L])) else sprintf(" [%dm/%dm]", round(sum(td[-3L])), round(td[3L])) } else { if(WINDOWS) sprintf(" [%ds]", round(td[3L])) else sprintf(" [%ds/%ds]", round(sum(td[-3L])), round(td[3L])) } cat(td2) if (!is.null(Log) && Log$con > 0L) cat(td2, file = Log$con) } parse_description_field <- function(desc, field, default=TRUE) { tmp <- desc[field] if (is.na(tmp)) default else switch(tmp, "yes"=, "Yes" =, "true" =, "True" =, "TRUE" = TRUE, "no" =, "No" =, "false" =, "False" =, "FALSE" = FALSE, default) } check_pkg <- function(pkg, pkgname, pkgoutdir, startdir, libdir, desc, is_base_pkg, is_rec_pkg, subdirs, extra_arch) { ## pkg is the argument we received from the main loop. ## pkgdir is the corresponding absolute path, checkingLog(Log, "package directory") setwd(startdir) pkg <- sub("/$", "", pkg) if (dir.exists(pkg)) { setwd(pkg) ## wrap in try()? pkgdir <- getwd() resultLog(Log, "OK") } else { errorLog(Log, "Package directory ", sQuote(pkg), "does not exist.") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } haveR <- dir.exists("R") && !extra_arch if (!extra_arch) { if(dir.exists("build")) check_build() check_meta() # Check DESCRIPTION meta-information. check_top_level() check_detritus() check_indices() check_subdirectories(haveR, subdirs) ## Check R code for non-ASCII chars which ## might be syntax errors in some locales. if (!is_base_pkg && haveR && R_check_ascii_code) check_non_ASCII() } # end of !extra_arch ## Check we can actually load the package: base is always loaded if (do_install && pkgname != "base") { if (this_multiarch) { Log$stars <<- "**" for (arch in inst_archs) { printLog(Log, "* loading checks for arch ", sQuote(arch), "\n") check_loading(arch) } Log$stars <<- "*" } else { check_loading() } } if (haveR) { check_R_code() # unstated dependencies, S3 methods, replacement, foreign check_R_files(is_rec_pkg) # codetools etc } check_Rd_files(haveR) check_data() # 'data' dir and sysdata.rda if (!is_base_pkg && !extra_arch) check_src_dir(desc) if(do_install && dir.exists("src") && length(so_symbol_names_table)) # suitable OS check_sos() miss <- file.path("inst", "doc", c("Rplots.ps", "Rplots.pdf")) if (any(f <- file.exists(miss))) { checkingLog(Log, "for left-overs from vignette generation") warningLog(Log) printLog(Log, paste(" file", paste(sQuote(miss[f]), collapse = ", "), "will not be installed: please remove it\n")) } if (dir.exists("inst/doc")) { if (R_check_doc_sizes) check_doc_size() else if (as_cran) warningLog(Log, "'qpdf' is needed for checks on size reduction of PDFs") } if (dir.exists("inst/doc") && do_install) check_doc_contents() if (dir.exists("vignettes")) check_vign_contents(ignore_vignettes) if (!ignore_vignettes) { if (dir.exists("inst/doc") && !dir.exists("vignettes")) { pattern <- vignetteEngine("Sweave")$pattern sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path("inst", "doc"), pattern = pattern), list.files("vignettes", pattern = pattern)) buildPkgs <- .get_package_metadata(".")["VignetteBuilder"] if (!is.na(buildPkgs)) { buildPkgs <- unlist(strsplit(buildPkgs, ",")) buildPkgs <- unique(gsub('[[:space:]]', '', buildPkgs)) engineList <- vignetteEngine(package = buildPkgs) for(nm in names(engineList)) { pattern <- engineList[[nm]]$pattern sources <- c(sources, setdiff(list.files(file.path("inst", "doc"), pattern = pattern), list.files("vignettes", pattern = pattern))) } } sources <- unique(sources) if(length(sources)) { checkingLog(Log, "for old-style vignette sources") msg <- c("Vignette sources only in 'inst/doc':", strwrap(paste(sQuote(sources), collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), "A 'vignettes' directory is required as from R 3.1.0", "and these will not be indexed nor checked") ## warning or error eventually noteLog(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) } } } setwd(pkgoutdir) ## Run the examples: this will be skipped if installation was if (dir.exists(file.path(libdir, pkgname, "help"))) { run_examples() } else if (dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "man"))) { checkingLog(Log, "examples") resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") } ## Run the package-specific tests. tests_dir <- file.path(pkgdir, test_dir) if (test_dir != "tests" && !dir.exists(tests_dir)) { warningLog(Log) printLog(Log, "directory ", sQuote(test_dir), " not found\n") } if (dir.exists(tests_dir) && # trackObjs has only *.Rin length(dir(tests_dir, pattern = "\\.(R|Rin)$"))) run_tests() ## Check package vignettes. setwd(pkgoutdir) if (!ignore_vignettes) run_vignettes(desc) } ## end{ check_pkg } check_file_names <- function() { ## Check for portable file names. checkingLog(Log, "for portable file names") ## Build list of exclude patterns. ignore <- get_exclude_patterns() ignore_file <- ".Rbuildignore" if (ignore_file %in% dir()) ignore <- c(ignore, readLines(ignore_file)) ## Ensure that the names of the files in the package are valid ## for at least the supported OS types. Under Unix, we ## definitely cannot have '/'. Under Windows, the control ## characters as well as " * : < > ? \ | (i.e., ASCII ## characters 1 to 31 and 34, 36, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, and 124) ## are or can be invalid. (In addition, one cannot have ## one-character file names consisting of just ' ', '.', or ## '~'., and '~' has a special meaning for 8.3 short file ## names). ## Based on information by Uwe Ligges, Duncan Murdoch, and ## Brian Ripley: see also ## http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247%28VS.85%29.aspx ## In addition, Windows does not allow the following DOS type ## device names (by themselves or with possible extensions), ## see e.g. ## http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/naming_a_file.asp ## http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247%28VS.85%29.aspx#naming_conventions ## and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename (which as of ## 2007-04-22 is wrong about claiming that COM0 and LPT0 are ## disallowed): ## ## CON: Keyboard and display ## PRN: System list device, usually a parallel port ## AUX: Auxiliary device, usually a serial port ## NUL: Bit-bucket device ## CLOCK$: System real-time clock ## COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9: ## Serial communications ports 1-9 ## LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9: ## parallel printer ports 1-9 ## In addition, the names of help files get converted to HTML ## file names and so should be valid in URLs. We check that ## they are ASCII and do not contain %, which is what is known ## to cause troubles. allfiles <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) allfiles <- c(allfiles, unique(dirname(allfiles))) allfiles <- af <- sub("^./", "", allfiles) ignore_re <- paste0("(", paste(ignore, collapse = "|"), ")") allfiles <- grep(ignore_re, allfiles, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) bad_files <- allfiles[grepl("[[:cntrl:]\"*/:<>?\\|]", basename(allfiles))] is_man <- grepl("man$", dirname(allfiles)) bad <- sapply(strsplit(basename(allfiles[is_man]), ""), function(x) any(grepl("[^ -~]|%", x))) if (length(bad)) bad_files <- c(bad_files, (allfiles[is_man])[bad]) bad <- tolower(basename(allfiles)) ## remove any extension(s) (see 'Writing R Extensions') bad <- sub("[.].*", "", bad) bad <- grepl("^(con|prn|aux|clock[$]|nul|lpt[1-9]|com[1-9])$", bad) bad_files <- c(bad_files, allfiles[bad]) if (nb <- length(bad_files)) { errorLog(Log) msg <- ngettext(nb, "Found the following file with a non-portable file name:\n", "Found the following files with non-portable file names:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") wrapLog("These are not valid file names", "on all R platforms.\n", "Please rename the files and try again.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") maybe_exit(1L) } ## Next check for name clashes on case-insensitive file systems ## (that is on Windows and (by default) on OS X). dups <- unique(allfiles[duplicated(tolower(allfiles))]) if (nb <- length(dups)) { errorLog(Log) wrapLog("Found the following files with duplicate lower-cased file names:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(dups), "\n") wrapLog("File names must not differ just by case", "to be usable on all R platforms.\n", "Please rename the files and try again.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") maybe_exit(1L) } ## NB: the omission of ' ' is deliberate. non_ASCII_files <- allfiles[grepl("[^-A-Za-z0-9._!#$%&+,;=@^(){}\'[\\]]", # basename(allfiles), perl = TRUE)] any <- FALSE if (nb <- length(non_ASCII_files)) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log) msg <- ngettext(nb, "Found the following file with a non-portable file name:\n", "Found the following files with non-portable file names:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(non_ASCII_files), "\n") wrapLog("These are not fully portable file names.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } ## now check lengths, as tarballs can only record up to 100 bytes ## plus perhaps 155 bytes as a prefix plus / af <- file.path(pkgname, af) lens <- nchar(af, "b") if (any(lens > 100L)) { bad_files <- af[lens > 100L] OK <- TRUE if (any(lens > 256L)) OK <- FALSE else { # check if can be splt for (f in bad_files) { name <- charToRaw(f) s <- max(which(name[1:155] == charToRaw("/"))) if(is.infinite(s) || s+100 < length(name)) { OK <- FALSE; break } } if (!OK) errorLog(Log) else if(!any) { noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE } } msg <- ngettext(length(bad_files), "Found the following non-portable file path:\n", "Found the following non-portable file paths:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n\n") wrapLog("Tarballs are only required to store paths of up to 100", "bytes and cannot store those of more than 256 bytes,", "with restrictions including to 100 bytes for the", "final component.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") if (!OK) maybe_exit(1L) } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") allfiles } check_permissions <- function(allfiles) { checkingLog(Log, "for sufficient/correct file permissions") ## This used to be much more 'aggressive', requiring that dirs ## and files have mode >= 00755 and 00644, respectively (with ## an error if not), and that files know to be 'text' have ## mode 00644 (with a warning if not). We now only require ## that dirs and files have mode >= 00700 and 00400, ## respectively, and try to fix insufficient permission in the ## INSTALL code (Unix only). ## ## In addition, we check whether files 'configure' and ## 'cleanup' exists in the top-level directory but are not ## executable, which is most likely not what was intended. ## Phase A. Directories at least 700, files at least 400. bad_files <- character() ## allfiles <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE, ## full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ## allfiles <- sub("^./", "", allfiles) if(length(allfiles)) { mode <- file.mode(allfiles) bad_files <- allfiles[(mode & "400") < as.octmode("400")] } if(length(alldirs <- unique(dirname(allfiles)))) { mode <- file.mode(alldirs) bad_files <- c(bad_files, alldirs[(mode & "700") < as.octmode("700")]) } if (length(bad_files)) { errorLog(Log) wrapLog("Found the following files with insufficient permissions:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") wrapLog("Permissions should be at least 700 for directories and 400 for files.\nPlease fix permissions and try again.\n") maybe_exit(1L) } ## Phase B. Top-level scripts 'configure' and 'cleanup' ## should really be mode at least 500, or they will not be ## necessarily be used (or should we rather change *that*?) bad_files <- character() for (f in c("configure", "cleanup")) { if (!file.exists(f)) next mode <- file.mode(f) if ((mode & "500") < as.octmode("500")) bad_files <- c(bad_files, f) } if (length(bad_files)) { warningLog(Log) wrapLog("The following files should most likely be executable (for the owner):\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") printLog(Log, "Please fix their permissions\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_meta <- function() { ## If we just installed the package (via R CMD INSTALL), we already ## validated most of the package DESCRIPTION metadata. Otherwise, ## let us be defensive about this ... checkingLog(Log, "DESCRIPTION meta-information") dfile <- if (is_base_pkg) "DESCRIPTION.in" else "DESCRIPTION" any <- FALSE ## FIXME: this does not need to be run in another process ## but that needs conversion to format(). Rcmd <- sprintf("tools:::.check_package_description(\"%s\", TRUE)", dfile) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if(any(!grepl("^Malformed (Title|Description)", out))) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } else { ## ## This is not quite right: if we issue a NOTE here, we ## can no longer issue a WARNING in the description ## encoding check below .... noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") ## } } ## Check the encoding. Rcmd <- sprintf("tools:::.check_package_description_encoding(\"%s\")", dfile) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } ## Check the license. ## For base packages, the DESCRIPTION.in files have non-canonical ## License: Part of R @VERSION@ ## entries because these really are a part of R: hence, skip the ## check. check_license <- if (!is_base_pkg) { Check_license <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LICENSE_", NA_character_) if(is.na(Check_license)) { ## The check code conditionalizes *output* on _R_CHECK_LICENSE_. Sys.setenv('_R_CHECK_LICENSE_' = "TRUE") TRUE } else config_val_to_logical(Check_license) } else FALSE if (!identical(check_license, FALSE)) { Rcmd <- sprintf("tools:::.check_package_license(\"%s\", \"%s\")", dfile, pkgdir) ## FIXME: this does not need to be run in another process out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if (check_license == "maybe") { if (!any) warningLog(Log) } else if(any(startsWith(out, "Standardizable: FALSE"), startsWith(out, "Invalid license file pointers:"))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) } else { if (!any) noteLog(Log) } any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } } ## .check_package_description() only checks Authors@R "if needed", ## and does not check for persons with no valid roles. db <- .read_description(dfile) if(!is.na(aar <- db["Authors@R"])) { out <- .check_package_description_authors_at_R_field(aar, strict = TRUE) if(length(out)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE out <- .format_check_package_description_authors_at_R_field_results(out) printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } ## and there might be stale Authors and Maintainer fields yorig <- db[c("Author", "Maintainer")] if(check_incoming &&any(!is.na(yorig))) { enc <- db["Encoding"] aar <- utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar) tmp <- utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_author(aar) ## uses strwrap, so will be in current locale if(!is.na(enc)) tmp <- iconv(tmp, "", enc) y <- c(Author = tmp, Maintainer = utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer(aar)) ## ignore formatting as far as possible clean_up <- function(x) { x <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", x) x <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", " ", x) sub("^[[:space:]]+$", " ", x) } yorig <- sapply(yorig, clean_up) y <- sapply(y, clean_up) diff <- y != yorig if(any(diff)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE if(diff[1L]) { printLog(Log, "Author field differs from that derived from Authors@R", "\n") printLog(Log, " Author: ", sQuote(yorig[1L]), "\n") printLog(Log, " Authors@R: ", sQuote(y[1L]), "\n") printLog(Log, "\n") } if(diff[2L]) { printLog(Log, "Maintainer field differs from that derived from Authors@R", "\n") printLog(Log, " Maintainer: ", sQuote(yorig[2L]), "\n") printLog(Log, " Authors@R: ", sQuote(y[2L]), "\n") printLog(Log, "\n") } } } } if(!is_base_pkg && is.na(db["Packaged"])) { if(!any) (noteLog(Log)) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Checking should be performed on sources prepared by 'R CMD build'.", "\n") } if(!is.na(ncomp <- db["NeedsCompilation"])) { if (!ncomp %in% c("yes", "no")) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "NeedsCompilation field must take value 'yes' or 'no'", "\n") } } out <- format(.check_package_description2(dfile)) if (length(out)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_build <- function() { ## currently only checks vignettes if (ignore_vignettes) return() fv <- file.path("build", "vignette.rds") if(!file.exists(fv)) return() checkingLog(Log, "'build' directory") any <- FALSE db <- readRDS(fv) ## do as CRAN-pack does keep <- nzchar(db$PDF) if(any(!keep)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c("Vignette(s) without any output listed in 'build/vignette.rds'", strwrap(sQuote(db$file[!keep]), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)) printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } pdfs <- file.path("inst", "doc", db[keep, ]$PDF) missing <- !file.exists(pdfs) if(any(missing)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c("Output(s) listed in 'build/vignette.rds' but not in package:", strwrap(sQuote(pdfs[missing]), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)) printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_top_level <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "top-level files") topfiles <- Sys.glob(c("install.R", "R_PROFILE.R")) any <- FALSE if (length(topfiles)) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(topfiles), "\n") wrapLog("These files are defunct.", "See manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n") } if(check_incoming) { ## CRAN must be able to convert ## inst/README.md or README.md ## inst/NEWS.md or NEWS.md ## to HTML using pandoc: check that this works fine. md_files <- c(Filter(file.exists, c(file.path("inst", "README.md"), "README.md"))[1L], Filter(file.exists, c(file.path("inst", "NEWS.md"), "NEWS.md"))[1L]) md_files <- md_files[!is.na(md_files)] if(length(md_files)) { if(nzchar(Sys.which("pandoc"))) { for(ifile in md_files) { ofile <- tempfile("pandoc", fileext = ".html") out <- .pandoc_md_for_CRAN(ifile, ofile) if(out$status) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, sprintf("Conversion of '%s' failed:\n", ifile), paste(out$stderr, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } unlink(ofile) } } else { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Files 'README.md' or 'NEWS.md' cannot be checked without 'pandoc' being installed.\n") } } } topfiles <- Sys.glob(c("LICENCE", "LICENSE")) if (length(topfiles)) { ## Are these mentioned in DESCRIPTION? lic <- desc["License"] if(!is.na(lic)) { found <- sapply(topfiles, function(x) grepl(x, lic, fixed = TRUE)) topfiles <- topfiles[!found] if (length(topfiles)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE one <- (length(topfiles) == 1L) msg <- c(if(one) "File" else "Files", "\n", .format_lines_with_indent(topfiles), "\n", if(one) { "is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.\n" } else { "are not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.\n" }) printLog(Log, msg) } } } topfiles <- Sys.glob(file.path("inst", c("LICENCE", "LICENSE"))) if (length(topfiles)) { ## Are these mentioned in DESCRIPTION? lic <- desc["License"] if(!is.na(lic)) { found <- sapply(basename(topfiles), function(x) grepl(x, lic, fixed = TRUE)) topfiles <- topfiles[!found] if (length(topfiles)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE one <- (length(topfiles) == 1L) msg <- c(if(one) "File" else "Files", "\n", .format_lines_with_indent(topfiles), "\n", if(one) { "will install at top-level and is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.\n" } else { "will install at top-level and are not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.\n" }) printLog(Log, msg) } } } if (!is_base_pkg && R_check_toplevel_files) { ## any others? if(is.null(topfiles0)) { topfiles <- dir() ## Now check if any of these were created since we started topfiles <- topfiles[file.info(topfiles, extra_cols = FALSE)$ctime <= .unpack.time] } else topfiles <- topfiles0 known <- c("DESCRIPTION", "INDEX", "LICENCE", "LICENSE", "LICENCE.note", "LICENSE.note", "MD5", "NAMESPACE", "NEWS", "PORTING", "COPYING", "COPYING.LIB", "GPL-2", "GPL-3", "BUGS", "Bugs", "ChangeLog", "Changelog", "CHANGELOG", "CHANGES", "Changes", "INSTALL", "README", "THANKS", "TODO", "ToDo", "INSTALL.windows", "README.md", "NEWS.md", "configure", "configure.win", "cleanup", "cleanup.win", "configure.ac", "configure.in", "datafiles", "R", "data", "demo", "exec", "inst", "man", "po", "src", "tests", "vignettes", "build", # used by R CMD build ".aspell", # used for spell checking packages "java", "tools", "noweb") # common dirs in packages. topfiles <- setdiff(topfiles, known) if (file.exists(file.path("inst", "AUTHORS"))) topfiles <- setdiff(topfiles, "AUTHORS") if (file.exists(file.path("inst", "COPYRIGHTS"))) topfiles <- setdiff(topfiles, "COPYRIGHTS") if (lt <- length(topfiles)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, ## dirs are files, but maybe not on Windows if(lt > 1L) "Non-standard files/directories found at top level:\n" else "Non-standard file/directory found at top level:\n" ) msg <- strwrap(paste(sQuote(topfiles), collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L) printLog0(Log, paste(c(msg, ""), collapse="\n")) cp <- grep("^copyright", topfiles, ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE) if (length(cp)) printLog(Log, "Copyright information should be in file inst/COPYRIGHTS\n") if("AUTHORS" %in% topfiles) printLog(Log, "Authors information should be in file inst/AUTHORS\n") } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_detritus <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "for left-over files") files <- dir(".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) bad <- grep("svn-commit[.].*tmp$", files, value = TRUE) bad <- c(bad, grep("^[.]/[^/]*[.][rR]d$", files, value = TRUE)) if (length(bad)) { bad <- sub("^[.]/", paste0(pkgname, "/"), bad) noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, "The following files look like leftovers:\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\nPlease remove them from your package.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_indices <- function() { ## Check index information. checkingLog(Log, "index information") any <- FALSE if (file.exists("INDEX") && !length(readLines("INDEX", warn = FALSE))) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log, "Empty file 'INDEX'.") } if (dir.exists("demo")) { index <- file.path("demo", "00Index") if (!file.exists(index) || !length(readLines(index, warn = FALSE))) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, sprintf("Empty or missing file %s.\n", sQuote(index))) } else { Rcmd <- "options(warn=1)\ntools:::.check_demo_index(\"demo\")\n" ## FIXME: this does not need to be run in another process out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(out)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } } } if (dir.exists(file.path("inst", "doc"))) { Rcmd <- "options(warn=1)\ntools:::.check_vignette_index(\"inst/doc\")\n" ## FIXME: this does not need to be run in another process out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(out)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } } if (any) wrapLog("See sections 'The INDEX file' and 'Package subdirectories' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_subdirectories <- function(haveR, subdirs) { checkingLog(Log, "package subdirectories") any <- FALSE if (haveR && !length(list_files_with_type("R", "code")) && !file.exists(file.path("R", "sysdata.rda"))) { haveR <- FALSE warningLog(Log, "Found directory 'R' with no source files.") any <- TRUE } if (R_check_subdirs_nocase) { ## Argh. We often get submissions where 'R' comes out as 'r', ## or 'man' comes out as 'MAN', and we've just ran into 'DATA' ## instead of 'data' (2007-03-31). Maybe we should warn about ## this unconditionally ... ## ## Actually, what we should really do is check whether there is ## any directory with lower-cased name matching a lower-cased ## name of a standard directory, while differing in name. ## ## Watch out for case-insensitive file systems if ("./r" %in% list.dirs(recursive = FALSE)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Found subdirectory 'r'.\n", "Most likely, this should be 'R'.\n") } if ("./MAN" %in% list.dirs(recursive = FALSE)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Found subdirectory 'MAN'.\n", "Most likely, this should be 'man'.\n") } if ("./DATA" %in% list.dirs(recursive = FALSE)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Found subdirectory 'DATA'.\n", "Most likely, this should be 'data'.\n") } } all_dirs <- list.dirs(".") ## several packages have had check dirs in the sources, e.g. ## ./languageR/languageR.Rcheck ## ./locfdr/man/locfdr.Rcheck ## ./clustvarsel/inst/doc/clustvarsel.Rcheck ## ./bicreduc/OldFiles/bicreduc.Rcheck ## ./waved/man/waved.Rcheck ## ./waved/..Rcheck ind <- grepl("\\.Rcheck$", all_dirs) if(any(ind)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(sum(ind), "Found the following directory with the name of a check directory:\n", "Found the following directories with names of check directories:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, msg, .format_lines_with_indent(all_dirs[ind]), "\n", "Most likely, these were included erroneously.\n") } ## Several packages had leftover Rd2dvi build directories in ## their sources ind <- grepl("^\\.Rd2(dvi|pdf)", basename(all_dirs)) if(any(ind)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(sum(ind), "Found the following directory with the name of a Rd2pdf directory:\n", "Found the following directories with names of Rd2pdf directories:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, msg, .format_lines_with_indent(all_dirs[ind]), "\n", "Most likely, these were included erroneously.\n") } if(!is_base_pkg && (istar || R_check_vc_dirs)) { ## Packages also should not contain version control subdirs ## provided that we check a .tar.gz or know we unpacked one. ind <- basename(all_dirs) %in% .vc_dir_names if(any(ind)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(sum(ind), "Found the following directory with the name of a version control directory:\n", "Found the following directories with names of version control directories:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, msg, .format_lines_with_indent(all_dirs[ind]), "\n", "These should not be in a package tarball.\n") } } if (subdirs != "no") { Rcmd <- "tools:::.check_package_subdirs(\".\")\n" ## We don't run this in the C locale, as we only require ## certain filenames to start with ASCII letters/digits, and not ## to be entirely ASCII. out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(out)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("Please remove or rename the files.\n", "See section 'Package subdirectories'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } } ## Subdirectory 'data' without data sets? if (dir.exists("data") && !length(list_files_with_type("data", "data"))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Subdirectory 'data' contains no data sets.\n") } ## Subdirectory 'demo' without demos? if (dir.exists("demo")) { demos <- list_files_with_type("demo", "demo") if(!length(demos)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Subdirectory 'demo' contains no demos.\n") } else { ## check for non-ASCII code in each demo bad <- character() for(d in demos) { x <- readLines(d, warn = FALSE) asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII") ind <- is.na(asc) | asc != x if (any(ind)) bad <- c(bad, basename(d)) } if (length(bad)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Demos with non-ASCII characters:") if(length(bad) > 1L) printLog0(Log, "\n", .format_lines_with_indent(bad), "\n") else printLog0(Log, " ", bad, "\n") wrapLog("Portable packages must use only ASCII", "characters in their demos.\n", "Use \\uxxxx escapes for other characters.\n") demos <- demos[! basename(demos) %in% bad] } ## check we can parse each demo. bad <- character() for(d in demos) tryCatch(parse(file = d), error = function(e) bad <<- c(bad, basename(d))) if (length(bad)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Demos which do not contain valid R code:") if(length(bad) > 1L) printLog0(Log, "\n", .format_lines_with_indent(bad), "\n") else printLog0(Log, " ", bad, "\n") } } } ## Subdirectory 'exec' without files? if (dir.exists("exec") && !length(dir("exec"))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Subdirectory 'exec' contains no files.\n") } ## Subdirectory 'inst' without files? if (dir.exists("inst") && !length(dir("inst", recursive = TRUE))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Subdirectory 'inst' contains no files.\n") } ## Subdirectory 'src' without sources? if (dir.exists("src")) { ## ## If there is a Makefile (or a Makefile.win), we cannot assume ## that source files have the predefined extensions. ## if (!any(file.exists(file.path("src", c("Makefile", "Makefile.win", "install.libs.R"))))) { if (!length(dir("src", pattern = "\\.([cfmM]|cc|cpp|f90|f95|mm)"))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) printLog(Log, "Subdirectory 'src' contains no source files.\n") any <- TRUE } } } ## Do subdirectories of 'inst' interfere with R package system ## subdirectories? if (dir.exists("inst")) { ## These include pre-2.10.0 ones R_system_subdirs <- c("Meta", "R", "data", "demo", "exec", "libs", "man", "help", "html", "latex", "R-ex", "build") allfiles <- dir("inst", full.names = TRUE) alldirs <- allfiles[dir.exists(allfiles)] suspect <- basename(alldirs) %in% R_system_subdirs if (any(suspect)) { ## check they are non-empty suspect <- alldirs[suspect] suspect <- suspect[sapply(suspect, function(x) { length(dir(x, all.files = TRUE)) > 2L })] if (length(suspect)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE wrapLog("Found the following non-empty", "subdirectories of 'inst' also", "used by R:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(suspect), "\n") wrapLog("It is recommended not to interfere", "with package subdirectories used by R.\n") } } } ## Valid NEWS.Rd? nfile <- file.path("inst", "NEWS.Rd") if(file.exists(nfile)) { ## Catch all warning and error messages. ## We use the same construction in at least another place, ## so maybe factor out a common utility function ## .try_catch_all_warnings_and_errors ## eventually. ## For testing package NEWS.Rd files, we really need a real ## QC check function eventually ... .warnings <- NULL .error <- NULL withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd(nfile), error = function(e) .error <<- conditionMessage(e)), warning = function(e) { .warnings <<- c(.warnings, conditionMessage(e)) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }) msg <- c(.warnings, .error) if(length(msg)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Problems with news in 'inst/NEWS.Rd':\n") printLog0(Log, paste(" ", unlist(strsplit(msg, "\n", fixed = TRUE)), sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n") } } ## Valid CITATION metadata? if (file.exists(file.path("inst", "CITATION"))) { Rcmd <- if(do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_citation(\"inst/CITATION\", \"%s\")\n", file.path(if(is_base_pkg) .Library else libdir, pkgname)) else "tools:::.check_citation(\"inst/CITATION\")\n" out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils") if(length(out)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Invalid citation information in 'inst/CITATION':\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(out), "\n") } } ## CITATION files in non-standard places? ## Common problems: rather than inst/CITATION, have ## CITATION ## CITATION.txt ## inst/doc/CITATION ## Of course, everything in inst is justifiable, so only give a ## note for now. files <- dir(".", pattern = "^CITATION.*", recursive = TRUE) files <- files[file_path_sans_ext(basename(files)) == "CITATION" & files != file.path("inst", "CITATION")] if(length(files)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(length(files), "Found the following CITATION file in a non-standard place:\n", "Found the following CITATION files in a non-standard place:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(files), "\n") wrapLog("Most likely 'inst/CITATION' should be used instead.\n") } if(!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_non_ASCII <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "R files for non-ASCII characters") out <- R_runR("tools:::.check_package_ASCII_code('.')", R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) msg <- ngettext(length(out), "Found the following file with non-ASCII characters:\n", "Found the following files with non-ASCII characters:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(out), "\n") wrapLog("Portable packages must use only ASCII", "characters in their R code,\n", "except perhaps in comments.\n", "Use \\uxxxx escapes for other characters.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") checkingLog(Log, "R files for syntax errors") Rcmd <- "options(warn=1);tools:::.check_package_code_syntax(\"R\")" out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (any(startsWith(out, "Error"))) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) maybe_exit(1L) } else if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_R_code <- function() { ## if (!is_base_pkg) { checkingLog(Log, "dependencies in R code") if (do_install) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1, showErrorCalls=FALSE)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_packages_used(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if(any(grepl("(not declared from|Including base/recommended)", out))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) ## wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } else { ## this needs to read the package code, and will fail on ## syntax errors such as non-ASCII code. Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1, showErrorCalls=FALSE)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_packages_used(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if(any(grepl("not declared from", out))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) ## wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## } ## Check whether methods have all arguments of the corresponding ## generic. checkingLog(Log, "S3 generic/method consistency") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", "options(expressions=1000)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::checkS3methods(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::checkS3methods(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { pos <- grep("^Found the following apparent S3 methods", out) if(!length(pos)) { out1 <- out out2 <- character() } else { pos <- pos[1L] out1 <- out[seq_len(pos - 1L)] out2 <- out[seq.int(pos, length(out))] } if(length(out1)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out1, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("See section 'Generic functions and methods'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } else noteLog(Log) if(length(out2)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(if(length(out1)) "", out2, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("See section 'Registering S3 methods'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") ## Check whether replacement functions have their final argument ## named 'value'. checkingLog(Log, "replacement functions") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::checkReplaceFuns(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::checkReplaceFuns(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { ## ## We really want to stop if we find offending replacement ## functions. But we cannot use error() because output may ## contain warnings ... warningLog(Log) ## printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("The argument of a replacement function", "which corresponds to the right hand side", "must be named 'value'.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") ## Check foreign function calls. ## The neverending story ... ## For the time being, allow to turn this off by setting the environment ## variable _R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_ to an empty value. if (nzchar(R_check_FF)) { registration <- identical(R_check_FF, "registration") && install != "fake" checkingLog(Log, "foreign function calls") DUP <- R_check_FF_DUP if(as_cran) { Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_FF_AS_CRAN_" = "TRUE") DUP <- TRUE } Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::checkFF(package = \"%s\", registration = %s, check_DUP = %s)\n", pkgname, registration, DUP) else sprintf("tools::checkFF(dir = \"%s\", registration = %s, check_DUP = %s)\n", pkgdir, "FALSE", DUP)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) Sys.unsetenv("_R_CHECK_FF_AS_CRAN_") if (length(out)) { if(any(grepl("^Foreign function calls? with(out| empty)", out)) || (!is_base_pkg && any(grepl("to a base package:", out))) || any(grepl("^Undeclared packages? in", out)) || any(grepl("parameter[s]*, expected ", out)) ) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) if(!is_base_pkg && any(grepl("to a base package:", out))) wrapLog("Packages should not make", ".C/.Call/.External/.Fortran", "calls to a base package.", "They are not part of the API,", "for use only by R itself", "and subject to change without notice.") else if(any(grepl("with DUP:", out))) wrapLog("DUP is no longer supported and will be ignored.") else wrapLog("See chapter 'System and foreign language interfaces' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } } check_R_files <- function(is_rec_pkg) { checkingLog(Log, "R code for possible problems") if (!is_base_pkg) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_shlib(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { errorLog(Log) wrapLog("Incorrect (un)loading of package", "shared object.\n") printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("The system-specific extension for", "shared objects must not be added.\n", "See ?library.dynam.\n") maybe_exit(1L) } } Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_startup_functions(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out1 <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_unload_functions(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out1a <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") out1 <- if (length(out1) && length(out1a)) c(out1, "", out1a) else c(out1, out1a) out2 <- out3 <- out4 <- out5 <- out6 <- out7 <- out8 <- NULL if (!is_base_pkg && R_check_unsafe_calls) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_tampers(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out2 <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") } if (R_check_use_codetools && do_install) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_code_usage_in_package(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_USAGE_WITH_ONLY_BASE_ATTACHED_", "true"))) { out3 <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(pos <- grep("^Undefined global functions or variables:", out3))) { Rcmd <- sprintf("writeLines(strwrap(tools:::imports_for_undefined_globals(\"%s\"), exdent = 11))\n", paste(utils::tail(out3, -pos), collapse = " ")) miss <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") if(length(miss)) { msg3 <- if(length(grep("^importFrom\\(\"methods\"", miss))) { strwrap("to your NAMESPACE file (and ensure that your DESCRIPTION Imports field contains 'methods').") } else "to your NAMESPACE file." out3 <- c(out3, c("Consider adding", paste0(" ", miss), msg3)) } } } else out3 <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") } if(!is_base_pkg && R_check_use_codetools && R_check_dot_internal) { details <- pkgname != "relax" # has .Internal in a 10,000 line fun Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_dotInternal(package = \"%s\",details=%s)\n", pkgname, details) else sprintf("tools:::.check_dotInternal(dir = \"%s\",details=%s)\n", pkgdir, details)) out4 <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") ## Hmisc, gooJSON, quantmod give spurious output if (!any(grepl("^Found.* .Internal call", out4))) out4 <- NULL } if(!is_base_pkg && R_check_code_assign_to_globalenv) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out5 <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") } if(!is_base_pkg && R_check_code_attach) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_attach(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out6 <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") } if(!is_base_pkg && R_check_code_data_into_globalenv) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_code_data_into_globalenv(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out7 <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") } ## Use of deprecated, defunct and platform-specific devices? if(!is_base_pkg && R_check_use_codetools && R_check_depr_def) { win <- !is.na(OS_type) && OS_type == "windows" Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_depdef(package = \"%s\", WINDOWS = %s)\n", pkgname, win) else sprintf("tools:::.check_depdef(dir = \"%s\", WINDOWS = %s)\n", pkgdir, win)) out8 <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=") } if (length(out1) || length(out2) || length(out3) || length(out4) || length(out5) || length(out6) || length(out7) || length(out8)) { ini <- character() if(length(out4) || length(grep("^Found the defunct/removed function", out8))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) if (length(out4)) { first <- grep("^Found.* .Internal call", out4)[1L] if(first > 1L) out4 <- out4[-seq_len(first-1)] printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out4, "", ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog(c("Packages should not call .Internal():", "it is not part of the API,", "for use only by R itself", "and subject to change without notice.")) ini <- "" } if (length(out8)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out8, ""), collapse = "\n")) if(length(grep("^Found the defunct/removed function", out8))) ini <- "" } ## All remaining checks give notes and not warnings. if(length(ini)) ini <- c("", "In addition to the above warning(s), found the following notes:", "") if (length(out1)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out1, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } if (length(out2)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, "Found the following possibly unsafe calls:", out2, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } if (length(out3)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out3, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } if (length(out5)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out5, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } if (length(out6)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out6, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" wrapLog(gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.", sQuote("Good practice"), "?attach")) } if (length(out7)) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(ini, out7, ""), collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" wrapLog(gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.", sQuote("Good practice"), "?data")) } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_Rd_files <- function(haveR) { msg_writing_Rd <- c("See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") if (dir.exists("man") && !extra_arch) { checkingLog(Log, "Rd files") minlevel <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_CHECKRD_MINLEVEL_", "-1") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_package_parseRd('.', minlevel=%s)\n", minlevel)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if(length(grep("^prepare.*Dropping empty section", out, invert = TRUE))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") checkingLog(Log, "Rd metadata") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_metadata(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_metadata(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check Rd line widths. if(dir.exists("man") && R_check_Rd_line_widths) { checkingLog(Log, "Rd line widths") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if(do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_line_widths(\"%s\", installed = TRUE)\n", file.path(if(is_base_pkg) .Library else libdir, pkgname)) else sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_line_widths(\"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(out)) { noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("These lines will be truncated in the PDF manual.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check cross-references in R documentation files. ## ## Installing a package warns about missing links (and hence R CMD ## check knows about this too provided an install log is used). ## However, under Windows the install-time check verifies the links ## against what is available in the default library, which might be ## considerably more than what can be assumed to be available. ## ## The formulations in section "Cross-references" of R-exts are not ## quite clear about this, but CRAN policy has for a long time ## enforced anchoring links to targets (aliases) from non-base ## packages. ## if (dir.exists("man") && R_check_Rd_xrefs) { checkingLog(Log, "Rd cross-references") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_xrefs(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_xrefs(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if (!all(grepl("Package[s]? unavailable to check", out))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check for missing documentation entries. if (!extra_arch && (haveR || dir.exists("data"))) { checkingLog(Log, "for missing documentation entries") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::undoc(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::undoc(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) ## This is needed to pick up undocumented S4 classes. ## even for packages which only import methods. ## But as that check needs to run get() on all the lazy-loaded ## promises, avoid if possible. ## desc exists in the body of this function. use_methods <- if(pkgname == "methods") TRUE else { pi <- .split_description(desc) "methods" %in% c(names(pi$Depends), names(pi$Imports)) } out <- if (use_methods) { env <- if(WINDOWS) "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods" else "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods'" R_runR2(Rcmd, env = env) } else R_runR2(Rcmd) ## Grr, get() in undoc can change the search path ## Current example is TeachingDemos out <- grep("^Loading required package:", out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) err <- grep("^Error", out) if (length(err)) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) maybe_exit(1L) } else if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("All user-level objects", "in a package", if (any(startsWith(out, "Undocumented S4"))) "(including S4 classes and methods)", "should have documentation entries.\n") wrapLog(msg_writing_Rd) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches. if (dir.exists("man") && !extra_arch) { checkingLog(Log, "for code/documentation mismatches") if (!do_codoc) resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") else { any <- FALSE ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in functions. if (haveR) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::codoc(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::codoc(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in data sets. if (do_install) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools::codocData(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in S4 classes. if (do_install && haveR) { Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools::codocClasses(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } ## Check Rd files, for consistency of \usage with \arguments (are ## all arguments shown in \usage documented in \arguments?) and ## aliases (do all functions shown in \usage have an alias?) if (dir.exists("man") && !extra_arch) { checkingLog(Log, "Rd \\usage sections") msg_doc_files <- c("Functions with \\usage entries", "need to have the appropriate \\alias entries,", "and all their arguments documented.\n", "The \\usage entries must correspond to syntactically", "valid R code.\n") any <- FALSE Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::checkDocFiles(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::checkDocFiles(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog(msg_doc_files) wrapLog(msg_writing_Rd) } if (R_check_Rd_style && haveR) { msg_doc_style <- c("The \\usage entries for S3 methods should use", "the \\method markup and not their full name.\n") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools::checkDocStyle(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools::checkDocStyle(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd) if (length(out)) { if (!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog(msg_doc_style) wrapLog(msg_writing_Rd) } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check Rd contents if (dir.exists("man") && R_check_Rd_contents && !extra_arch) { checkingLog(Log, "Rd contents") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", if (do_install) sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_contents(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname) else sprintf("tools:::.check_Rd_contents(dir = \"%s\")\n", pkgdir)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check undeclared dependencies in examples (if any) if (dir.exists("man") && do_install && !extra_arch && !is_base_pkg) { checkingLog(Log, "for unstated dependencies in examples") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1, showErrorCalls=FALSE)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_packages_used_in_examples(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) # wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## FIXME, what if no install? } check_data <- function() { ## Check contents of 'data' if (!is_base_pkg && dir.exists("data")) { checkingLog(Log, "contents of 'data' directory") fi <- list.files("data") if (!any(grepl("\\.[Rr]$", fi))) { # code files can do anything dataFiles <- basename(list_files_with_type("data", "data")) odd <- fi[! fi %in% c(dataFiles, "datalist")] if (length(odd)) { warningLog(Log) msg <- c(sprintf("Files not of a type allowed in a %s directory:\n", sQuote("data")), paste0(.pretty_format(odd), "\n"), sprintf("Please use e.g. %s for non-R data files\n", sQuote("inst/extdata"))) printLog0(Log, msg) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check for non-ASCII characters in 'data' if (!is_base_pkg && R_check_ascii_data && dir.exists("data")) { checkingLog(Log, "data for non-ASCII characters") out <- R_runR("tools:::.check_package_datasets('.')", R_opts2) out <- grep("Loading required package", out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) out <- grep("Warning: changing locked binding", out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE) if (length(out)) { bad <- grep("^Warning:", out) if (length(bad)) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(out), "\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check for ASCII and uncompressed/unoptimized saves in 'data' if (!is_base_pkg && R_check_compact_data && dir.exists("data")) { checkingLog(Log, "data for ASCII and uncompressed saves") out <- R_runR("tools:::.check_package_compact_datasets('.', TRUE)", R_opts2) out <- grep("Warning: changing locked binding", out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE) if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(out), "\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check for ASCII and uncompressed/unoptimized saves in 'sysdata': ## no base package has this if (R_check_compact_data && file.exists(file.path("R", "sysdata.rda"))) { checkingLog(Log, "R/sysdata.rda") out <- R_runR("tools:::.check_package_compact_sysdata('.', TRUE)", R_opts2) if (length(out)) { bad <- grep("^Warning:", out) if (length(bad)) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(out), "\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } } check_doc_contents <- function() { ## Have already checked that inst/doc exists doc_dir <- file.path(libdir, pkgname, "doc") if (!dir.exists(doc_dir)) return() checkingLog(Log, "installed files from 'inst/doc'") ## special case common problems. any <- FALSE files <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "inst", "doc")) already <- c("jss.cls", "jss.bst", "Rd.sty", "Sweave.sty") bad <- files[files %in% already] if (length(bad)) { noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files are already in R: ", paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please remove them from your package.\n") } files2 <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "inst", "doc"), recursive = TRUE, pattern = "[.](cls|sty|drv)$", full.names = TRUE) ## Skip Rnews.sty and RJournal.sty for now files2 <- files2[! basename(files2) %in% c("jss.cls", "jss.drv", "Rnews.sty", "RJournal.sty")] bad <- character() for(f in files2) { pat <- "%% (This generated file may be distributed as long as the|original source files, as listed above, are part of the|same distribution.)" if(length(grep(pat, readLines(f, warn = FALSE), useBytes = TRUE)) == 3L) bad <- c(bad, basename(f)) } if (length(bad)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files contain a license that requires\n", "distribution of original sources:\n", " ", paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please ensure that you have complied with it.\n") } ## Now look for TeX leftovers (and soiltexture, Amelia ...). bad <- grepl("[.](log|aux|bbl|blg|dvi|toc|out|Rd|Rout|dbj|drv|ins)$", files, ignore.case = TRUE) if (any(bad)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files look like leftovers/mistakes:\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(files[bad]), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\nPlease remove them from your package.\n") } files <- dir(doc_dir) files <- files[! files %in% already] bad <- grepl("[.](tex|lyx|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|bst|cls|sty|ps|eps|img)$", files, ignore.case = TRUE) bad <- bad | grepl("(Makefile|~$)", files) ## How about any pdf files which look like figures files from vignettes? vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = pkgdir) if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs)) { vf <- vigns$names pat <- paste(vf, collapse="|") pat <- paste0("^(", pat, ")-[0-9]+[.]pdf") bad <- bad | grepl(pat, files) } bad <- bad | grepl("^fig.*[.]pdf$", files) badf <- files[bad] dirs <- basename(list.dirs(doc_dir, recursive = FALSE)) badd <- dirs[dirs %in% c("auto", "Bilder", "fig", "figs", "figures", "Figures", "img", "images", "JSSstyle", "jssStyle", "screenshots2", "src", "tex", "tmp")] if (length(c(badf, badd))) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE if(length(badf)) printLog0(Log, "The following files should probably not be installed:\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(badf), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\n") if(length(badd)) printLog0(Log, "The following directories should probably not be installed:\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(badd), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\n") printLog0(Log, "\nConsider the use of a .Rinstignore file: see ", sQuote("Writing R Extensions"), ",\n", "or move the vignette sources from ", sQuote("inst/doc"), " to ", sQuote("vignettes"), ".\n") } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_vign_contents <- function(ignore_vignettes = FALSE) { checkingLog(Log, "files in 'vignettes'") if (ignore_vignettes) { resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") return() } ## special case common problems. any <- FALSE pattern <- vignetteEngine("Sweave")$pattern vign_dir <- file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes") sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path(pkgdir, "inst", "doc"), pattern = pattern), list.files(vign_dir, pattern = pattern)) if(length(sources)) { warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c("Vignette sources in 'inst/doc' missing from the 'vignettes' directory:", strwrap(paste(sQuote(sources), collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L), "") printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) } files <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes")) already <- c("jss.cls", "jss.bst", "Rd.sty", "Sweave.sty") bad <- files[files %in% already] if (length(bad)) { noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files are already in R: ", paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please remove them from your package.\n") } files2 <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE, pattern = "[.](cls|sty|drv)$", full.names = TRUE) files2 <- files2[! basename(files2) %in% c("jss.cls", "jss.drv", "Rnews.sty", "RJournal.sty")] bad <- character() for(f in files2) { pat <- "%% (This generated file may be distributed as long as the|original source files, as listed above, are part of the|same distribution.)" if(length(grep(pat, readLines(f, warn = FALSE), useBytes = TRUE)) == 3L) bad <- c(bad, basename(f)) } if (length(bad)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files contain a license that requires\n", "distribution of original sources:\n", " ", paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please ensure that you have complied with it.\n") } ## Now look for TeX leftovers (and soiltexture, Amelia ...). bad <- grepl("[.](log|aux|bbl|blg|dvi|toc|out|Rd|Rout|dbj|drv|ins)$", files, ignore.case = TRUE) bad <- bad | (files %in% c("Rplots.ps", "Rplots.pdf")) if (any(bad)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, "The following files look like leftovers/mistakes:\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(files[bad]), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\nPlease remove them from your package.\n") } ## Probable leftovers from knitr dirs <- file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes", c("cache", "figure")) dirs <- basename(dirs[dir.exists(dirs)]) if(length(dirs)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog0(Log, if(length(dirs)> 1L) "The following directories look like leftovers from 'knitr':\n" else "The following directory looks like a leftover from 'knitr':\n", paste(strwrap(paste(sQuote(dirs), collapse = ", "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"), "\nPlease remove from your package.\n") } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_doc_size <- function() { ## Have already checked that inst/doc exists and qpdf can be found pdfs <- dir('inst/doc', pattern="\\.pdf", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) pdfs <- setdiff(pdfs, "inst/doc/Rplots.pdf") if (length(pdfs)) { checkingLog(Log, "sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc'") any <- FALSE td <- tempfile('pdf') dir.create(td) file.copy(pdfs, td) res <- compactPDF(td, gs_quality = "none") # use qpdf res <- format(res, diff = 1e5) if(length(res)) { noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " 'qpdf' made some significant size reductions:\n", paste(" ", res, collapse = "\n"), "\n", " consider running tools::compactPDF() on these files\n") } if (R_check_doc_sizes2) { gs_cmd <- find_gs_cmd() if (nzchar(gs_cmd)) { res <- compactPDF(td, gs_cmd = gs_cmd, gs_quality = "ebook") res <- format(res, diff = 2.56e5) # 250 KB for now if(length(res)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " 'gs+qpdf' made some significant size reductions:\n", paste(" ", res, collapse = "\n"), "\n", ' consider running tools::compactPDF(gs_quality = "ebook") on these files\n') } } else { if (!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Unable to find GhostScript executable to run checks on size reduction\n") } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } check_src_dir <- function(desc) { ## Check C/C++/Fortran sources/headers for CRLF line endings. ## ## Does ISO C really require LF line endings? (Reference?) ## We know that some versions of Solaris cc and f77/f95 ## will not accept CRLF or CR line endings. ## (Sun Studio 12 definitely objects to CR in both C and Fortran). ## if(dir.exists("src")) { checkingLog(Log, "line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers") ## pattern is "([cfh]|cc|cpp)" files <- dir("src", pattern = "\\.([cfh]|cc|cpp)$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ## exclude dirs starting src/win, e.g for tiff files <- grep("^src/[Ww]in", files, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) bad_files <- character() for(f in files) { contents <- readChar(f, file.size(f), useBytes = TRUE) if (grepl("\r", contents, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) bad_files <- c(bad_files, f) } if (length(bad_files)) { warningLog(Log, "Found the following sources/headers with CR or CRLF line endings:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") printLog(Log, "Some Unix compilers require LF line endings.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check src/Make* for LF line endings, as Sun make does not accept CRLF ## .win files are not checked, as CR/CRLF work there all_files <- dir("src", pattern = "^(Makevars|Makevars.in|Makefile|Makefile.in)$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) all_files <- c(all_files, dir(".", pattern = "^Makefile$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)) all_files <- sub("^[.]/", "", all_files) all_files <- unique(sort(all_files)) if(length(all_files)) { checkingLog(Log, "line endings in Makefiles") bad_files <- noEOL<- character() for(f in all_files) { if (!file.exists(f)) next contents <- readChar(f, file.size(f), useBytes = TRUE) if (grepl("\r", contents, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) bad_files <- c(bad_files, f) if (!grepl("\n$", contents, useBytes = TRUE)) noEOL <- c(noEOL, f) } if (length(bad_files)) { warningLog(Log, "Found the following Makefile(s) with CR or CRLF line endings:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") printLog(Log, "Some Unix 'make' programs require LF line endings.\n") } else if (length(noEOL)) { noteLog(Log, "Found the following Makefile(s) without a final LF:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(noEOL), "\n") printLog(Log, "Some 'make' programs ignore lines not ending in LF.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check src/Makevars[.in] compilation flags. if (length(makevars)) { checkingLog(Log, "compilation flags in Makevars") Rcmd <- sprintf("tools:::.check_make_vars(\"src\", %s)\n", deparse(makevars)) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { if(any(grepl("^(Non-portable flags|Variables overriding)", out))) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## Check GNUisms if (length(all_files)) { checkingLog(Log, "for GNU extensions in Makefiles") bad_files <- character() for(f in all_files) { contents <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE) contents <- grep("^ *#", contents, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) ## Things like $(SUBDIRS:=.a) contents <- grep("[$][(].+:=.+[)]", contents, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) if (any(grepl("([+]=|:=|[$][(]wildcard|[$][(]shell|[$][(]eval|[$][(]call|[$][(]patsubst|^ifeq|^ifneq|^ifdef|^ifndef|^endif)", contents))) bad_files <- c(bad_files, f) } SysReq <- desc["SystemRequirements"] if (length(bad_files)) { if(!is.na(SysReq) && grepl("GNU [Mm]ake", SysReq)) { noteLog(Log, "GNU make is a SystemRequirements.") } else { warningLog(Log, "Found the following file(s) containing GNU extensions:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_files), "\n") wrapLog("Portable Makefiles do not use GNU extensions", "such as +=, :=, $(shell), $(wildcard),", "ifeq ... endif.", "See section 'Writing portable packages'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## check src/Makevar*, src/Makefile* for correct use of BLAS_LIBS ## FLIBS is not needed on Windows, at least currently (as it is ## statically linked). makefiles <- Sys.glob(file.path("src", c("Makevars", "Makevars.in", "Makefile", "Makefile.win"))) if(length(makefiles)) { checkingLog(Log, "for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS)") any <- FALSE for (f in makefiles) { lines <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE) ## Combine lines ending in escaped newlines. if(any(ind <- grepl("[\\]$", lines, useBytes = TRUE))) { ## Eliminate escape. lines[ind] <- sub("[\\]$", "", lines[ind], useBytes = TRUE) ## Determine ids of blocks that need to be joined. ind <- seq_along(ind) - c(0, cumsum(ind)[-length(ind)]) ## And join. lines <- unlist(lapply(split(lines, ind), paste, collapse = " ")) } c1 <- grepl("^[[:space:]]*PKG_LIBS", lines, useBytes = TRUE) c2l <- grepl("\\$[{(]{0,1}LAPACK_LIBS", lines, useBytes = TRUE) c2b <- grepl("\\$[{(]{0,1}BLAS_LIBS", lines, useBytes = TRUE) c3 <- grepl("\\$[{(]{0,1}FLIBS", lines, useBytes = TRUE) if (any(c1 & c2l & !c2b)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " apparently using $(LAPACK_LIBS) without $(BLAS_LIBS) in ", sQuote(f), "\n") } if (any(c1 & (c2b | c2l) & !c3)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " apparently PKG_LIBS is missing $(FLIBS) in ", sQuote(f), "\n") } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } check_sos <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "compiled code") ## from sotools.R Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1)\n", sprintf("tools:::check_compiled_code(\"%s\")", file.path(libdir, pkgname))) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if(length(out) == 1L && startsWith(out, "Note:")) { ## This will be a note about symbols.rds not being available if(!is_base_pkg) { noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, c(out, "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } else if(length(out)) { ## If we have named objects then we have symbols.rds and ## will not be picking up symbols just in system libraries. haveObjs <- any(grepl("^ *Object", out)) pat <- paste("possibly from", sQuote("(abort|assert|exit|_exit|_Exit)")) if(haveObjs && any(grepl(pat, out)) && !pkgname %in% c("parallel", "fork")) # need _exit in forked child warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) nAPIs <- length(grep("Found non-API", out)) nBad <- length(grep(", possibly from ", out)) msg <- if (nBad) { if(haveObjs) c("Compiled code should not call entry points which", "might terminate R nor write to stdout/stderr instead", "of to the console, nor the system RNG.\n") else c("Compiled code should not call entry points which", "might terminate R nor write to stdout/stderr instead", "of to the console, nor the system RNG.", "The detected symbols are linked", "into the code but might come from libraries", "and not actually be called.\n") } else character() if(nAPIs) msg <- c(msg, "Compiled code should not call non-API entry points in R.\n") wrapLog("\n", paste(msg, collapse = " "), "\n", "See 'Writing portable packages'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_loading <- function(arch = "") { checkingLog(Log, "whether the package can be loaded") Rcmd <- sprintf("library(%s)", pkgname) opts <- if(nzchar(arch)) R_opts4 else R_opts2 env <- "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL" env1 <- if(nzchar(arch)) env0 else character() out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, env1, arch = arch) if(length(st <- attr(out, "status"))) { errorLog(Log) wrapLog("Loading this package had a fatal error", "status code ", st, "\n") if(length(out)) printLog0(Log, paste(c("Loading log:", out, ""), collapse = "\n")) summaryLog(Log) do_exit() } if (any(startsWith(out, "Error"))) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("\nIt looks like this package", "has a loading problem: see the messages", "for details.\n") maybe_exit(1L) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") checkingLog(Log, "whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies") out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, c(env, env1), arch = arch) if (any(startsWith(out, "Error")) || length(attr(out, "status"))) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("\nIt looks like this package", "(or one of its dependent packages)", "has an unstated dependence on a standard", "package. All dependencies must be", "declared in DESCRIPTION.\n") wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") checkingLog(Log, "whether the package can be unloaded cleanly") Rcmd <- sprintf("suppressMessages(library(%s)); cat('\n---- unloading\n'); detach(\"package:%s\")", pkgname, pkgname) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, c(env, env1), arch = arch) if (any(grepl("^(Error|\\.Last\\.lib failed)", out)) || length(attr(out, "status"))) { warningLog(Log) ll <- grep("---- unloading", out) if(length(ll)) { ll <- ll[length(ll)] out <- out[ll:length(out)] } printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") ## and if it has a namespace, that we can load/unload just ## the namespace if (file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "NAMESPACE"))) { checkingLog(Log, "whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies") Rcmd <- sprintf("options(warn=1)\ntools:::.load_namespace_rather_quietly(\"%s\")", pkgname) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, c(env, env1), arch = arch) any <- FALSE if (any(startsWith(out, "Error")) || length(attr(out, "status"))) { warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE } else { ## Drop tcltk warning if no DISPLAY variable if(pkgname == "tcltk") out <- grep("Warning: no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available", out, fixed = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) ## Drop warnings about replacing previous imports unless ## these were disabled for the installation check. check_imports_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_REPLACING_IMPORTS_", "TRUE") if(config_val_to_logical(check_imports_flag)) out <- grep("Warning: replacing previous import", out, fixed = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) if(any(startsWith(out, "Warning"))) { noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE } } if(any) { printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("\nA namespace must be able to be loaded", "with just the base namespace loaded:", "otherwise if the namespace gets loaded by a", "saved object, the session will be unable", "to start.\n\n", "Probably some imports need to be declared", "in the NAMESPACE file.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") checkingLog(Log, "whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly") Rcmd <- sprintf("invisible(suppressMessages(loadNamespace(\"%s\"))); cat('\n---- unloading\n'); unloadNamespace(\"%s\")", pkgname, pkgname) out <- if (is_base_pkg && pkgname != "stats4") R_runR(Rcmd, opts, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL", arch = arch) else R_runR(Rcmd, opts, env1) if (any(grepl("^(Error|\\.onUnload failed)", out)) || length(attr(out, "status"))) { warningLog(Log) ll <- grep("---- unloading", out) if(length(ll)) { ll <- ll[length(ll)] out <- out[ll:length(out)] } printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## No point in this test if already installed in .Library if (!pkgname %in% dir(.Library)) { checkingLog(Log, "loading without being on the library search path") Rcmd <- sprintf("library(%s, lib.loc = '%s')", pkgname, libdir) opts <- if(nzchar(arch)) R_opts4 else R_opts2 env <- setRlibs(pkgdir = pkgdir, libdir = libdir, self2 = FALSE, quote = TRUE) if(nzchar(arch)) env <- c(env, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, env, arch = arch) if (any(startsWith(out, "Error"))) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) wrapLog("\nIt looks like this package", "has a loading problem when not on .libPaths:", "see the messages for details.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } if(!extra_arch && !is_base_pkg) { check_S3reg <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_OVERWRITE_REGISTERED_S3_METHODS_", "NA") check_S3reg <- if(check_S3reg == "NA") check_incoming else { config_val_to_logical(check_S3reg) } if(check_S3reg) { checkingLog(Log, "use of S3 registration") Rcmd <- sprintf("suppressPackageStartupMessages(loadNamespace('%s', lib.loc = '%s'))", pkgname, libdir) opts <- if(nzchar(arch)) R_opts4 else R_opts2 env <- paste0("_R_LOAD_CHECK_OVERWRITE_S3_METHODS_=", pkgname) out <- R_runR(Rcmd, opts, env, arch = arch) if (any(grepl("^Registered S3 method.*overwritten", out))) { out <- grep("^ ### \\* [^\n]+\n> \n> flush[^\n]+\n> \n", useBytes = TRUE)[[1L]] if((ll <- length(chunks)) >= 2) { printLog(Log, "The error most likely occurred in:\n\n") printLog0(Log, chunks[ll], "\n") } else { ## most likely error before the first example ## so show all the output. printLog(Log, "The error occurred in:\n\n") printLog0(Log, txt, "\n") } return(FALSE) } print_time(t1, t2, Log) ## Look at the output from running the examples. For ## the time being, report warnings about use of ## deprecated , as the next release will make ## them defunct and hence using them an error. bad <- FALSE lines <- readLines(exout, warn = FALSE) bad_lines <- grep("^Warning: .*is deprecated.$", lines, useBytes = TRUE, value = TRUE) if(length(bad_lines)) { bad <- TRUE warningLog(Log, "Found the following significant warnings:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_lines), "\n") wrapLog("Deprecated functions may be defunct as", "soon as of the next release of R.\n", "See ?Deprecated.\n") } bad_lines <- grep("^Warning.*screen devices should not be used in examples", lines, useBytes = TRUE, value = TRUE) if(length(bad_lines)) { if(!bad) { warningLog(Log, "Found the following significant warnings:") bad <- TRUE } printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_lines), "\n") wrapLog("dev.new() is the preferred way to open a new device,", "in the unlikely event one is needed.") } bad_lines <- grep("^Warning: .*simultaneous processes spawned$", lines, useBytes = TRUE, value = TRUE) if(length(bad_lines)) { if(!bad) { warningLog(Log, "Found the following significant warnings:") bad <- TRUE } printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(bad_lines), "\n") wrapLog("Note that CRAN packages must never use more than two", "cores simultaneously during their checks.") } any <- any || bad if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") if (do_timings) { tfile <- paste0(pkgname, "-Ex.timings") times <- utils::read.table(tfile, header = TRUE, row.names = 1L, colClasses = c("character", rep("numeric", 3))) o <- order(times[[1]]+times[[2]], decreasing = TRUE) times <- times[o, ] keep <- (times[[1]] + times[[2]] > 5) | (times[[3]] > 5) if(any(keep)) { printLog(Log, "Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s\n") times <- utils::capture.output(format(times[keep, ])) printLog0(Log, paste(times, collapse = "\n"), "\n") } } ## Try to compare results from running the examples to ## a saved previous version. exsave <- file.path(pkgdir, test_dir, "Examples", paste0(pkgname, "-Ex.Rout.save")) if (file.exists(exsave)) { checkingLog(Log, "differences from ", sQuote(basename(exout)), " to ", sQuote(basename(exsave))) cmd <- paste0("invisible(tools::Rdiff('", exout, "', '", exsave, "',TRUE,TRUE))") out <- R_runR(cmd, R_opts2) resultLog(Log, "OK") if(length(out)) printLog0(Log, paste(c("", out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } TRUE } checkingLog(Log, "examples") if (!do_examples) resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") else { pkgtopdir <- file.path(libdir, pkgname) cmd <- sprintf('tools:::.createExdotR("%s", "%s", silent = TRUE, use_gct = %s, addTiming = %s, commentDontrun = %s, commentDonttest = %s)', pkgname, pkgtopdir, use_gct, do_timings, !run_dontrun, !run_donttest) Rout <- tempfile("Rout") ## any arch will do here status <- R_runR(cmd, R_opts2, "LC_ALL=C", stdout = Rout, stderr = Rout) exfile <- paste0(pkgname, "-Ex.R") if (status) { errorLog(Log, paste("Running massageExamples to create", sQuote(exfile), "failed")) printLog0(Log, paste(readLines(Rout, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), "\n") maybe_exit(1L) } ## It ran, but did it create any examples? if (file.exists(exfile)) { enc <- if (!is.na(e <- desc["Encoding"])) { paste("--encoding", e, sep="=") } else "" if (!this_multiarch) { exout <- paste0(pkgname, "-Ex.Rout") if(!run_one_arch(exfile, exout)) maybe_exit(1L) } else { printLog(Log, "\n") Log$stars <<- "**" res <- TRUE for (arch in inst_archs) { printLog(Log, "** running examples for arch ", sQuote(arch), " ...") if (arch %in% R_check_skip_examples_arch) { resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") } else { tdir <- paste0("examples_", arch) dir.create(tdir) if (!dir.exists(tdir)) { errorLog(Log, "unable to create examples directory") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } od <- setwd(tdir) exout <- paste0(pkgname, "-Ex_", arch, ".Rout") res <- res & run_one_arch(file.path("..", exfile), file.path("..", exout), arch) setwd(od) } } Log$stars <<- "*" if (!res) maybe_exit(1L) } cntFile <- paste0(exfile, "-cnt") if (file.exists(cntFile)) { unlink(cntFile) if (as_cran) printLog(Log, "** found \\donttest examples:", " check also with --run-donttest\n") } } else { resultLog(Log, "NONE") no_examples <<- TRUE } } } run_tests <- function() { if (!extra_arch && !is_base_pkg) { checkingLog(Log, "for unstated dependencies in ", sQuote(test_dir)) Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1, showErrorCalls=FALSE)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_packages_used_in_tests(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", pkgdir, test_dir)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) # wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } if (test_dir == "tests") checkingLog(Log, "tests") else checkingLog(Log, "tests in ", sQuote(test_dir)) run_one_arch <- function(arch = "") { testsrcdir <- file.path(pkgdir, test_dir) testdir <- file.path(pkgoutdir, "tests") if(nzchar(arch)) testdir <- paste(testdir, arch, sep = "_") if(!dir.exists(testdir)) dir.create(testdir, mode = "0755") if(!dir.exists(testdir)) { errorLog(Log, sprintf("unable to create %s", sQuote(testdir))) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } file.copy(Sys.glob(paste0(testsrcdir, "/*")), testdir, recursive = TRUE) setwd(testdir) extra <- character() if (use_gct) extra <- c(extra, "use_gct = TRUE") if (use_valgrind) extra <- c(extra, "use_valgrind = TRUE") tf <- gsub("\\", "/", tempfile(), fixed=TRUE) extra <- c(extra, paste0('Log="', tf, '"')) ## might be diff-ing results against tests/*.R.out.save ## so force LANGUAGE=en cmd <- paste0("tools:::.runPackageTestsR(", paste(extra, collapse = ", "), ")") t1 <- proc.time() status <- R_runR(cmd, if(nzchar(arch)) R_opts4 else R_opts2, env = c("LANGUAGE=en", "_R_CHECK_INTERNALS2_=1", if(nzchar(arch)) env0, jitstr, elibs), stdout = "", stderr = "", arch = arch) t2 <- proc.time() if (status) { errorLog(Log) ## Don't just fail: try to log where the problem occurred. ## First, find the test which failed. ## (Maybe there was an error without a failing test.) bad_files <- dir(".", pattern="\\.Rout\\.fail") if (length(bad_files)) { ## Read in output from the (first) failed test ## and retain at most the last 13 lines ## (13? why not?). file <- bad_files[1L] lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) file <- file.path(test_dir, sub("out\\.fail", "", file)) ll <- length(lines) lines <- lines[max(1, ll-12):ll] if (R_check_suppress_RandR_message) lines <- grep('^Xlib: *extension "RANDR" missing on display', lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) printLog(Log, sprintf("Running the tests in %s failed.\n", sQuote(file))) printLog(Log, "Last 13 lines of output:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(lines), "\n") } return(FALSE) } else { print_time(t1, t2, Log) resultLog(Log, "OK") if (Log$con > 0L && file.exists(tf)) { ## write results only to 00check.log lines <- readLines(tf, warn = FALSE) cat(lines, sep="\n", file = Log$con) unlink(tf) } } setwd(pkgoutdir) TRUE } if (do_install && do_tests) { if (!this_multiarch) { res <- run_one_arch() } else { printLog(Log, "\n") res <- TRUE for (arch in inst_archs) if (!(arch %in% R_check_skip_tests_arch)) { printLog(Log, "** running tests for arch ", sQuote(arch), " ...") res <- res & run_one_arch(arch) } } if (!res) maybe_exit(1L) } else resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") } run_vignettes <- function(desc) { libpaths <- .libPaths() .libPaths(c(libdir, libpaths)) vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = pkgdir) .libPaths(libpaths) if (is.null(vigns) || !length(vigns$docs)) return() if(do_install && !spec_install && !is_base_pkg && !extra_arch) { ## fake installs don't install inst/doc checkingLog(Log, "for unstated dependencies in vignettes") Rcmd <- paste("options(warn=1, showErrorCalls=FALSE)\n", sprintf("tools:::.check_packages_used_in_vignettes(package = \"%s\")\n", pkgname)) out <- R_runR2(Rcmd, "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL") if (length(out)) { noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(c(out, ""), collapse = "\n")) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } checkingLog(Log, "package vignettes in ", sQuote("inst/doc")) any <- FALSE ## Do PDFs or HTML files exist for all package vignettes? ## A base source package need not have PDFs to avoid ## frequently-changing binary files in the SVN archive. if (!is_base_pkg) { dir <- file.path(pkgdir, "inst", "doc") outputs <- character(length(vigns$docs)) for (i in seq_along(vigns$docs)) { file <- vigns$docs[i] name <- vigns$names[i] engine <- vignetteEngine(vigns$engines[i]) outputs[i] <- tryCatch({ find_vignette_product(name, what="weave", final=TRUE, dir=dir, engine = engine) }, error = function(ex) NA) } bad_vignettes <- vigns$docs[is.na(outputs)] if (nb <- length(bad_vignettes)) { any <- TRUE warningLog(Log) msg <- ngettext(nb, "Package vignette without corresponding PDF/HTML:\n", "Package vignettes without corresponding PDF/HTML:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, msg) printLog0(Log, paste(c(paste(" ", sQuote(basename(bad_vignettes))), "", ""), collapse = "\n")) } defaultEncoding <- .get_package_metadata(pkgdir)["Encoding"] encs <- vapply(vigns$docs, getVignetteEncoding, "", default = defaultEncoding) bad_vignettes <- vigns$docs[encs == "non-ASCII"] if(nb <- length(bad_vignettes)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(nb, "Non-ASCII package vignette without specified encoding:\n", "Non-ASCII package vignettes without specified encoding:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, " ", msg) printLog0(Log, paste(c(paste(" ", sQuote(basename(bad_vignettes))), "", ""), collapse = "\n")) } } # FIXME: we should do this check in build, not here. Currently not doing it at all. # ## Do any of the .R files which will be generated # ## exist in inst/doc? If so the latter will be ignored, # sources <- # basename(list_files_with_exts(file.path(pkgdir, "inst/doc"), "R")) # custom <- !is.na(desc["VignetteBuilder"]) # if (length(sources) && !custom) { # new_sources <- paste0(vigns$names, ".R") # dups <- sources[sources %in% new_sources] # if(nb <- length(dups)) { # if(!any) warningLog(Log) # any <- TRUE # msg <- ngettext(nb, # "Unused file in 'inst/doc' which is pointless or misleading", # "Unused files in 'inst/doc' which are pointless or misleading", domain = NA) # printLog(Log, " ", # paste(msg, # " as they will be re-created from the vignettes:", "", # sep = "\n")) # printLog(Log, # paste(c(paste(" ", dups), "", ""), # collapse = "\n")) # } # } ## avoid case-insensitive matching if ("makefile" %in% dir(vigns$dir)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " Found 'inst/doc/makefile': should be 'Makefile' and will be ignored\n") } if ("Makefile" %in% dir(vigns$dir)) { f <- file.path(vigns$dir, "Makefile") lines <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE) ## remove comment lines lines <- grep("^[[:space:]]*#", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) if(any(grepl("[^/]R +CMD", lines))) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " Found 'R CMD' in Makefile: should be '\"$(R_HOME)/bin/R\" CMD'\n") } contents <- readChar(f, file.size(f), useBytes = TRUE) if(any(grepl("\r", contents, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, "Found Makefile with CR or CRLF line endings:\n") printLog(Log, "some Unix 'make' programs require LF line endings.\n") } if(any(grepl("[^/]Rscript", lines))) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE printLog(Log, " Found 'Rscript' in Makefile: should be '\"$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript\"'\n") } } ## If the vignettes declare an encoding, are they actually in it? ## (We don't check the .tex, though) bad_vignettes <- character() for (i in seq_along(vigns$docs)) { v <- vigns$docs[i] enc <- vigns$encodings[i] if (enc %in% c("", "non-ASCII", "unknown")) next lines <- readLines(v, warn = FALSE) # some miss final NA lines2 <- iconv(lines, enc, "UTF-16LE", toRaw = TRUE) if(any(vapply(lines2, is.null, TRUE))) bad_vignettes <- c(bad_vignettes, v) if(nb <- length(bad_vignettes)) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(nb, "Package vignette which is not in its specified encoding:\n", "Package vignettes which are not in their specified encoding:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, " ", msg) printLog0(Log, paste(c(paste(" ", sQuote(basename(bad_vignettes))), "", ""), collapse = "\n")) } } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") if (do_install && do_vignettes) { ## Can we run the code in the vignettes? ## Should checking the vignettes assume the system default ## packages, or just base? ## FIXME: should we do this for multiple sub-archs? ## Re-building the vignette outputs also runs the code, so ## doing so as well creates no additional value unless the ## results are compared against saved results (which could ## perhaps also be integrated into buildVignettes(). ## Hence, when re-building, skip running the code when there ## are no saved results. ## Could make this controllable via some env var ... build_vignettes <- parse_description_field(desc, "BuildVignettes", TRUE) if (!build_vignettes && as_cran) { ## FOSS packages must be able to rebuild their vignettes info <- analyze_license(desc["License"]) build_vignettes <- info$is_verified } do_build_vignettes <- do_build_vignettes && build_vignettes skip_run_maybe <- R_check_vignettes_skip_run_maybe && do_build_vignettes vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = pkgdir) savefiles <- file.path(dirname(vigns$docs), paste0(vigns$names, ".Rout.save")) ran <- FALSE if(!skip_run_maybe || any(file.exists(savefiles))) { checkingLog(Log, "running R code from vignettes") res <- character() cat("\n") def_enc <- desc["Encoding"] if( (is.na(def_enc))) def_enc <- "" t1 <- proc.time() iseq <- seq_along(savefiles) if(skip_run_maybe) iseq <- iseq[file.exists(savefiles)] for (i in iseq) { file <- vigns$docs[i] name <- vigns$names[i] enc <- vigns$encodings[i] cat(" ", sQuote(basename(file)), if(nzchar(enc)) paste("using", sQuote(enc)), "...") Rcmd <- paste0("options(warn=1)\ntools:::.run_one_vignette('", basename(file), "', '", vigns$dir, "'", if (nzchar(enc)) paste0(", encoding = '", enc, "'"), ", pkgdir='", vigns$pkgdir, "')") outfile <- paste0(basename(file), ".log") t1b <- proc.time() status <- R_runR(Rcmd, if (use_valgrind) paste(R_opts2, "-d valgrind") else R_opts2, ## add timing as footer, as BATCH does env = c(jitstr, "R_BATCH=1234", elibs, "_R_CHECK_INTERNALS2_=1"), stdout = outfile, stderr = outfile) t2b <- proc.time() out <- readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE) pos <- which(out == " *** Run successfully completed ***") if(!length(pos) || any(nzchar(out[seq_len(pos[1L] - 1L)]))) ran <- TRUE savefile <- savefiles[i] if(length(grep("^ When (running|tangling|sourcing)", out, useBytes = TRUE))) { cat(" failed\n") res <- c(res, paste("when running code in", sQuote(basename(file))), " ...", utils::tail(out, as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_NLINES_", "10")))) } else if(status || ! " *** Run successfully completed ***" %in% out) { ## (Need not be the final line if running under valgrind) cat(" failed to complete the test\n") out <- c(out, "", "... incomplete output. Crash?") res <- c(res, paste("when running code in", sQuote(basename(file))), " ...", utils::tail(out, as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_NLINES_", "10")))) } else if (file.exists(savefile)) { cmd <- paste0("invisible(tools::Rdiff('", outfile, "', '", savefile, "',TRUE,TRUE))") out2 <- R_runR(cmd, R_opts2) if(length(out2)) { print_time(t1b, t2b, NULL) cat("\ndifferences from ", sQuote(basename(savefile)), "\n", sep = "") writeLines(c(out2, "")) } else { print_time(t1b, t2b, NULL) cat(" OK\n") if (!config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ALWAYS_LOG_VIGNETTE_OUTPUT_", use_valgrind))) unlink(outfile) } } else { print_time(t1b, t2b, NULL) cat(" OK\n") if (!config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ALWAYS_LOG_VIGNETTE_OUTPUT_", use_valgrind))) unlink(outfile) } } t2 <- proc.time() if(!ran) { resultLog(Log, "NONE") } else { print_time(t1, t2, Log) if(R_check_suppress_RandR_message) res <- grep('^Xlib: *extension "RANDR" missing on display', res, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if(length(res)) { if(length(grep("there is no package called", res, useBytes = TRUE))) { warningLog(Log, "Errors in running code in vignettes:") printLog0(Log, paste(c(res, "", ""), collapse = "\n")) } else { errorLog(Log, "Errors in running code in vignettes:") printLog0(Log, paste(c(res, "", ""), collapse = "\n")) maybe_exit(1L) } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } } if (do_build_vignettes) { checkingLog(Log, "re-building of vignette outputs") ## copy the whole pkg directory to check directory ## so we can work in place, and allow ../../foo references. dir.create(vd2 <- "vign_test") if (!dir.exists(vd2)) { errorLog(Log, "unable to create 'vign_test'") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } file.copy(pkgdir, vd2, recursive = TRUE) ## since so many people use 'R CMD' in Makefiles, oPATH <- Sys.getenv("PATH") Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(R.home("bin"), oPATH, sep = .Platform$path.sep)) on.exit(Sys.setenv(PATH = oPATH)) ## And too many inst/doc/Makefile are not safe for ## parallel makes Sys.setenv(MAKEFLAGS="") ## we could use clean = FALSE, but that would not be ## testing what R CMD build uses. Rcmd <- "options(warn=1)\nlibrary(tools)\n" Rcmd <- paste0(Rcmd, "buildVignettes(dir = '", file.path(pkgoutdir, "vign_test", pkgname0), "')") t1 <- proc.time() outfile <- file.path(pkgoutdir, "build_vignettes.log") status <- R_runR(Rcmd, R_opts2, jitstr, stdout = outfile, stderr = outfile) t2 <- proc.time() out <- readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE) if(R_check_suppress_RandR_message) out <- grep('^Xlib: *extension "RANDR" missing on display', out, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) warns <- grep("^Warning: file .* is not portable", out, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if (status) { if(skip_run_maybe || !ran) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) out <- utils::tail(out, as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_NLINES_", "25"))) printLog0(Log, paste(c("Error in re-building vignettes:", " ...", out, "", ""), collapse = "\n")) } else if(nw <- length(warns)) { if(skip_run_maybe || !ran) warningLog(Log) else noteLog(Log) msg <- ngettext(nw, "Warning in re-building vignettes:\n", "Warnings in re-building vignettes:\n", domain = NA) wrapLog(msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(warns), "\n") } else { ## clean up if (config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CLEAN_VIGN_TEST_", "true"))) unlink(vd2, recursive = TRUE) if (!config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ALWAYS_LOG_VIGNETTE_OUTPUT_", "false"))) unlink(outfile) print_time(t1, t2, Log) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } else { checkingLog(Log, "re-building of vignette outputs") resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") } } else { checkingLog(Log, "running R code from vignettes") resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") checkingLog(Log, "re-building of vignette outputs") resultLog(Log, "SKIPPED") } } check_pkg_manual <- function(pkgdir, pkgname) { ## Run Rd2pdf on the manual, if there are man pages ## If it is installed there is a 'help' dir ## and for a source package, there is a 'man' dir if (dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "help")) || dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "man"))) { topdir <- pkgdir Rd2pdf_opts <- "--batch --no-preview" checkingLog(Log, "PDF version of manual") build_dir <- gsub("\\", "/", tempfile("Rd2pdf"), fixed = TRUE) man_file <- paste0(pkgname, "-manual.pdf ") ## precautionary remove in case some other attempt left it behind if(file.exists(man_file)) unlink(man_file) args <- c( "Rd2pdf ", Rd2pdf_opts, paste0("--build-dir=", shQuote(build_dir)), "--no-clean", "-o ", man_file , shQuote(topdir)) res <- run_Rcmd(args, "Rdlatex.log") latex_log <- file.path(build_dir, "Rd2.log") if (file.exists(latex_log)) file.copy(latex_log, paste0(pkgname, "-manual.log")) if (res == 11) { ## return code from Rd2pdf errorLog(Log, "Rd conversion errors:") lines <- readLines("Rdlatex.log", warn = FALSE) lines <- grep("^(Hmm|Execution)", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) printLog0(Log, paste(c(lines, ""), collapse = "\n")) unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) maybe_exit(1L) } else if (res > 0) { latex_file <- file.path(build_dir, "Rd2.tex") if (file.exists(latex_file)) file.copy(latex_file, paste0(pkgname, "-manual.tex")) warningLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste0("LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.\n", "This typically indicates Rd problems.\n")) ## If possible, indicate the problems found. if (file.exists(latex_log)) { lines <- .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file(latex_log) printLog(Log, "LaTeX errors found:\n") printLog0(Log, paste(c(lines, ""), collapse = "\n")) } unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) ## for Windows' sake: errors can make it unwritable build_dir <- gsub("\\", "/", tempfile("Rd2pdf"), fixed = TRUE) checkingLog(Log, "PDF version of manual without hyperrefs or index") ## Also turn off hyperrefs. Sys.setenv(R_RD4PDF = "times") args <- c( "Rd2pdf ", Rd2pdf_opts, paste0("--build-dir=", shQuote(build_dir)), "--no-clean", "--no-index", "-o ", man_file, topdir) if (run_Rcmd(args, "Rdlatex.log")) { ## FIXME: the info is almost certainly in Rdlatex.log errorLog(Log) latex_log <- file.path(build_dir, "Rd2.log") if (file.exists(latex_log)) file.copy(latex_log, paste0(pkgname, "-manual.log")) else { ## No log file and thus no chance to find out ## what went wrong. Hence, re-run without ## redirecting stdout/stderr and hope that this ## gives the same problem ... # printLog(Log, "Error when running command:\n") # cmd <- paste(c("R CMD", args), collapse = " ") # printLog(Log, strwrap(cmd, indent = 2, exdent = 4), "\n") printLog(Log, "Re-running with no redirection of stdout/stderr.\n") unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) build_dir <- gsub("\\", "/", tempfile("Rd2pdf"), fixed = TRUE) args <- c( "Rd2pdf ", Rd2pdf_opts, paste0("--build-dir=", shQuote(build_dir)), "--no-clean", "--no-index", "-o ", paste0(pkgname, "-manual.pdf "), topdir) run_Rcmd(args) } unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) maybe_exit(1L) } else { unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } else { unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE) resultLog(Log, "OK") } } } check_executables <- function() { owd <- setwd(pkgdir) allfiles <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) allfiles <- sub("^./","", allfiles) ## this is tailored to the FreeBSD/Linux 'file', ## see http://www.darwinsys.com/file/ ## (Solaris has a different 'file' without --version) ## Most systems are now on >= 5.03, but Mac OS 10.5 was 4.17 ## version 4.21 writes to stdout, ## 4.23 to stderr and sets an error status code FILE <- "file" lines <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system2(FILE, "--version", TRUE, TRUE), error = function(e) "error")) ## a reasonable check -- it does not identify itself well have_free_file <- any(grepl("^(file-[45]|magic file from)", lines)) if (!have_free_file) { ## OpenCSW calls this 'gfile' FILE <- "gfile" lines <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system2(FILE, "--version", TRUE, TRUE), error = function(e) "error")) have_free_file <- any(grepl("magic file from", lines)) } if (have_free_file) { checkingLog(Log, "for executable files") ## Watch out for spaces in file names here ## Do in parallel for speed on Windows, but in batches ## since there may be a line-length limit. execs <- character() files <- allfiles while(ll <- length(files)) { chunk <- seq_len(min(100, ll)) these <- files[chunk] files <- files[-chunk] lines <- suppressWarnings(system2(FILE, shQuote(these), TRUE, TRUE)) ## avoid match to is_executable.Rd ex <- grepl(" executable", lines, useBytes=TRUE) ex2 <- grepl("script", lines, useBytes=TRUE) & grepl("text", lines, useBytes=TRUE) execs <- c(execs, lines[ex & !ex2]) } if(length(execs)) { execs <- sub(":[[:space:]].*$", "", execs, useBytes = TRUE) known <- rep(FALSE, length(execs)) pexecs <- file.path(pkgname, execs) ## known false positives for(fp in c("foreign/tests/datefactor.dta", "msProcess/inst/data[12]/.*.txt", "WMBrukerParser/inst/Examples/C3ValidationExtractSmall/RobotRun1/2-100kDa/0_B1/1/1SLin/fid", "bayesLife/inst/ex-data/bayesLife.output/predictions/traj_country104.rda", # file 5.16 "alm/inst/vign/cache/signposts1_c96f55a749822dd089b636087766def2.rdb" # Sparc Solaris, file 5.16 ) ) known <- known | grepl(fp, pexecs) execs <- execs[!known] } } else { ## no 'file', so just check extensions checkingLog(Log, "for .dll and .exe files") execs <- grep("\\.(exe|dll)$", allfiles, value = TRUE) } if (R_check_executables_exclusions && file.exists("BinaryFiles")) { excludes <- readLines("BinaryFiles") execs <- execs[!execs %in% excludes] } if (nb <- length(execs)) { msg <- ngettext(nb, "Found the following executable file:", "Found the following executable files:", domain = NA) warningLog(Log, msg) printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(execs), "\n") wrapLog("Source packages should not contain undeclared executable files.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") setwd(owd) } ## CRAN-pack knows about .hidden_file_exclusions <- c(".Renviron", ".Rprofile", ".Rproj.user", ".Rhistory", ".Rapp.history", ".tex", ".log", ".aux", ".pdf", ".png", ".backups", ".cvsignore", ".cproject", ".directory", ".dropbox", ".exrc", ".gdb.history", ".gitattributes", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", ".hgignore", ".hgtags", ".project", ".seed", ".settings", ".tm_properties") check_dot_files <- function(cran = FALSE) { checkingLog(Log, "for hidden files and directories") owd <- setwd(pkgdir) dots <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "^[.]") dots <- sub("^./","", dots) allowed <- c(".Rbuildignore", ".Rinstignore", "vignettes/.install_extras") dots <- dots[!dots %in% allowed] alldirs <- list.dirs(".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) alldirs <- sub("^./","", alldirs) alldirs <- alldirs[alldirs != "."] bases <- basename(alldirs) dots <- c(dots, setdiff(alldirs[startsWith(bases, ".")], ".aspell")) if (length(dots)) { noteLog(Log, "Found the following hidden files and directories:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(dots), "\n") wrapLog("These were most likely included in error.", "See section 'Package structure'", "in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") if(cran) { known <- basename(dots) %in% .hidden_file_exclusions known <- known | grepl("^.Rbuildindex[.]", dots) | ## or? startsWith(dots,".Rbuildindex.") | endsWith(dots, "inst/doc/.Rinstignore") | endsWith(dots, "inst/doc/.build.timestamp") | endsWith(dots, "vignettes/.Rinstignore") | grepl("^src.*/[.]deps$", dots) if (all(known)) printLog(Log, "\nCRAN-pack knows about all of these\n") else if (any(!known)) { printLog(Log, "\nCRAN-pack does not know about\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(dots[!known]), "\n") } } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") setwd(owd) } check_install <- function() { ## Option '--no-install' turns off installation and the tests ## which require the package to be installed. When testing ## recommended packages bundled with R we can skip ## installation, and do so if '--install=skip' was given. If ## command line option '--install' is of the form ## 'check:FILE', it is assumed that installation was already ## performed with stdout/stderr redirected to FILE, the ## contents of which need to be checked (without repeating the ## installation). In this case, one also needs to specify ## *where* the package was installed to using command line ## option '--library'. if (install == "skip") messageLog(Log, "skipping installation test") else { use_install_log <- (startsWith(install, "check") || R_check_use_install_log || !isatty(stdout())) INSTALL_opts <- install_args ## don't use HTML, checkRd goes over the same ground. INSTALL_opts <- c(INSTALL_opts, "--no-html") if (install == "fake") INSTALL_opts <- c(INSTALL_opts, "--fake") else if (!multiarch) INSTALL_opts <- c(INSTALL_opts, "--no-multiarch") INSTALL_opts <- paste(INSTALL_opts, collapse = " ") args <- c("INSTALL", "-l", shQuote(libdir), INSTALL_opts, shQuote(if (WINDOWS) utils::shortPathName(pkgdir) else pkgdir)) if (!use_install_log) { ## Case A: No redirection of stdout/stderr from installation. ## This is very rare: needs _R_CHECK_USE_INSTALL_LOG_ set ## to false. message("") ## Rare use of R CMD INSTALL if (run_Rcmd(args)) { errorLog(Log, "Installation failed.") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } message("") } else { ## Case B. All output from installation redirected, ## or already available in the log file. checkingLog(Log, "whether package ", sQuote(desc["Package"]), " can be installed") outfile <- file.path(pkgoutdir, "00install.out") if (startsWith(install, "check")) { if (!nzchar(arg_libdir)) printLog(Log, "\nWarning: --install=check... specified without --library\n") thislog <- substr(install, 7L, 1000L) #owd <- setwd(startdir) if (!file.exists(thislog)) { errorLog(Log, sprintf("install log %s does not exist", sQuote(thislog))) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(2L) } file.copy(thislog, outfile) #setwd(owd) install <- "check" lines <- readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE) ## ## We used to have ## $install_error = ($lines[$#lines] !~ /^\* DONE/); ## but what if there is output from do_cleanup ## in (Unix) R CMD INSTALL? ## install_error <- !any(grepl("^\\* DONE", lines)) } else { ## record in the log what options were used cat("* install options ", sQuote(INSTALL_opts), "\n\n", sep = "", file = outfile) ## env <- "" ## Normal use of R CMD INSTALL t1 <- proc.time() install_error <- run_Rcmd(args, outfile) t2 <- proc.time() print_time(t1, t2, Log) lines <- readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE) } if (install_error) { errorLog(Log, "Installation failed.") printLog0(Log, "See ", sQuote(outfile), " for details.\n") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } ## There could still be some important warnings that ## we'd like to report. For the time being, start ## with compiler warnings about non ISO C code (or ## at least, what looks like it), and also include ## warnings resulting from the const char * CHAR() ## change in R 2.6.0. (In theory, we should only do ## this when using GCC ...) if (install != "check") lines <- readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE) lines0 <- lines warn_re <- c("^WARNING:", "^Warning:", ## ## New style Rd conversion ## which may even show errors: "^Rd (warning|error): ", ## ": warning: .*ISO C", ": warning: .* discards qualifiers from pointer target type", ": warning: .* is used uninitialized", ": warning: .* set but not used", ": warning: unused", ": warning: .* makes pointer from integer", # gcc ": warning: .* pointer.* conversion", # clang ": warning: improper pointer", # Solaris ## clang warning about invalid returns. "warning: void function", "warning: control reaches end of non-void function", "warning: control may reach end of non-void function", "warning: no return statement in function returning non-void", ": #warning", # these are from era of static HTML "missing links?:") ## Warnings spotted by gcc with ## '-Wimplicit-function-declaration' ## which is implied by '-Wall'. ## Currently only accessible via an internal environment ## variable. check_src_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SRC_MINUS_W_IMPLICIT_", "FALSE") ## (Not quite perfect, as the name should really ## include 'IMPLICIT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION'.) if (config_val_to_logical(check_src_flag)) { warn_re <- c(warn_re, ": warning: implicit declaration of function", ": warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function") } ## Warnings spotted by clang with ## '-Wreturn-type-c-linkage': warn_re <- c(warn_re, ": warning: .* \\[-Wreturn-type-c-linkage\\]") ## gcc and clang warnings about sequencing ## gcc warnings warn_re <- c(warn_re, ": warning: pointer of type .* used in arithmetic", ": warning: .* \\[-Wformat-contains-nul\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wformat-zero-length\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wpointer-to-int-cast\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wsequence-point\\]") ## clang warnings warn_re <- c(warn_re, ": warning: .* GNU extension", ": warning: .* \\[-Wdeprecated-register\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wformat-extra-args\\]", # also gcc ": warning: .* \\[-Wformat-security\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wheader-guard\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wpointer-arith\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wunsequenced\\]", ": warning: .* \\[-Wvla-extension\\]", ": warning: format string contains '[\\]0'", ": warning: .* \\[-Wc[+][+]11-long-long\\]", ": warning: empty macro arguments are a C99 feature" ) warn_re <- paste0("(", paste(warn_re, collapse = "|"), ")") lines <- grep(warn_re, lines, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) ## skip for now some c++11-long-long warnings. ex_re <- "(/BH/include/boost/|/RcppParallel/include/|/usr/include/|/usr/local/include/|/opt/X11/include/|/usr/X11/include/).*\\[-Wc[+][+]11-long-long\\]" lines <- grep(ex_re, lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) ## and GNU extensions in system headers ex_re <- "^ *(/usr/|/opt/).*GNU extension" lines <- grep(ex_re, lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) ## Ignore install-time readLines() warnings about ## files with incomplete final lines. Most of these ## come from .install_package_indices(), and should be ## safe to ignore ... lines <- grep("Warning: incomplete final line found by readLines", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) check_Stangle <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_STANGLE_WARNINGS_", "TRUE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_Stangle)) lines <- grep("Warning: value of .* option should be lowercase", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) ## Package writers cannot really do anything about ## non ISO C code in *system* headers. Also, ## GCC >= 3.4 warns about function pointers ## casts which are "needed" for dlsym(), but it ## seems that all systems which have dlsym() also ## support the cast. Hence, try to ignore these by ## default, but make it possible to get all ISO C ## warnings via an environment variable. if (!R_check_all_non_ISO_C) { lines <- grep("^ */.*: warning: .*ISO C", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) lines <- grep("warning: *ISO C forbids.*function pointer", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } ## Warnings spotted by gcc with ## '-Wunused' ## which is implied by '-Wall'. ## Currently only accessible via an internal environment ## variable. check_src_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SRC_MINUS_W_UNUSED_", "FALSE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_src_flag)) { lines <- grep("warning: unused", lines, ignore.case = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) lines <- grep("warning: .* set but not used", lines, ignore.case = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } ## (gfortran seems to use upper case.) ## Warnings spotted by clang with ## '-Wsometimes-uninitialized' ## which is implied by '-Wall'. ## Currently only accessible via an internal environment ## variable. check_src_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SRC_MINUS_W_SOMETIMES_UNINITIALIZED_", "FALSE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_src_flag)) { lines <- grep("warning: .* is used uninitialized whenever", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } ## Warnings spotted by gfortran >= 4.0 with '-Wall'. ## Justified in principle, it seems. ## Let's filter them for the time being, and maybe ## revert this later on ... but make it possible to ## suppress filtering out by setting the internal ## environment variable _R_CHECK_WALL_FORTRAN_ to ## something "true". check_src_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_WALL_FORTRAN_", "FALSE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_src_flag)) { warn_re <- c("Label .* at \\(1\\) defined but not used", "Line truncated at \\(1\\)", "ASSIGN statement at \\(1\\)", "Assigned GOTO statement at \\(1\\)", "arithmetic IF statement at \\(1\\)", "Nonconforming tab character (in|at)") warn_re <- paste0("(", paste(warn_re, collapse = "|"), ")") lines <- grep(warn_re, lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) } if (WINDOWS) { ## Warning on Windows with some packages that ## cannot transparently be installed bi-arch. lines <- grep("Warning: this package has a non-empty 'configure.win' file", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) ## Warning on x64 Windows gcc 4.5.1 that ## seems to be spurious lines <- grep("Warning: .drectve .* unrecognized", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) } check_imports_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_REPLACING_IMPORTS_", "TRUE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_imports_flag)) lines <- grep("Warning: replacing previous import", lines, fixed = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) else { this <- unique(grep("Warning: replacing previous import", lines, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)) this <- grep(paste0(sQuote(pkgname), "$"), this, value = TRUE) lines <- grep("Warning: replacing previous import", lines, fixed = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) lines <- c(lines, this) } check_FirstLib_flag <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DOT_FIRSTLIB_", "FALSE") if (!config_val_to_logical(check_FirstLib_flag)) lines <- grep("Warning: ignoring .First.lib()", lines, fixed = TRUE, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) lines <- unique(lines) ## Can get reports like ## Warning: No generic function ‘as.vector’ found corresponding to requested imported methods from package ‘Matrix’ when loading ‘MatrixModels’ (malformed exports?) ## Exclude these unless they are about the current package. load_re <- "Warning: No generic function.*corresponding to requested imported methods" ex <- grepl(load_re, lines, useBytes = TRUE) & !grepl(pkgname, lines, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) lines <- lines[!ex] note_re <- "warning: control may reach end of non-void function" notes <- grep(note_re, lines0, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) notes <- unique(notes) if (length(lines)) { warningLog(Log, "Found the following significant warnings:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(lines), "\n") if(length(notes)) { printLog(Log, "Found the following additional warnings:\n") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(notes), "\n") } printLog0(Log, sprintf("See %s for details.\n", sQuote(outfile))) } else if(length(notes)) { noteLog(Log, "Found the following warnings:") printLog0(Log, .format_lines_with_indent(notes), "\n") printLog0(Log, sprintf("See %s for details.\n", sQuote(outfile))) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } ## end of case B } } ## This requires a GNU-like 'du' with 1k block sizes, ## so use -k (which POSIX requires). ## It also depends on the total being last. check_install_sizes <- function() { pd <- file.path(libdir, pkgname) ## if we used a log, the installation would not need to remain. if (!dir.exists(pd)) return() checkingLog(Log, "installed package size") owd <- setwd(pd) res <- system2("du", "-k", TRUE, TRUE) sizes <- as.integer(sub("\\D.*", "", res)) dirs <- sub("^\\d*\\s*", "", res) res2 <- data.frame(size = sizes, dir = I(dirs)) total <- res2[nrow(res2), 1L] if(!is.na(total) && total > 1024*5 && # report at 5Mb pkgname != "Matrix") { # <- large recommended package noteLog(Log) printLog(Log, sprintf(" installed size is %4.1fMb\n", total/1024)) rest <- res2[-nrow(res2), ] rest[, 2L] <- sub("./", "", rest[, 2L]) ## keep only top-level directories rest <- rest[!grepl("/", rest[, 2L]), ] rest <- rest[rest[, 1L] > 1024, ] # > 1Mb if(nrow(rest)) { o <- sort.list(rest[, 2L]) printLog(Log, " sub-directories of 1Mb or more:\n") size <- sprintf('%4.1fMb', rest[, 1L]/1024) printLog0(Log, paste0(" ", format(rest[o, 2L], justify = "left"), " ", format(size[o], justify = "right"), "\n")) } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") setwd(owd) } check_description <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "for file ", sQuote(file.path(pkgname0, "DESCRIPTION"))) if ("DESCRIPTION" %in% dir(pkgdir)) { f <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION") desc <- try(.read_description(f)) if (inherits(desc, "try-error") || !length(desc)) { resultLog(Log, "EXISTS but not correct format") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } mandatory <- c("Package", "Version", "License", "Description", "Title", "Author", "Maintainer") OK <- sapply(desc[mandatory], function(x) !is.na(x) && nzchar(x)) if(!all(OK)) { fail <- mandatory[!OK] msg <- ngettext(length(fail), "Required field missing or empty:", "Required fields missing or empty:") msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", .pretty_format(fail)) errorLog(Log, msg) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } if(!grepl("^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]*[[:alnum:]]$", desc["Package"]) || grepl("[.]$", desc["Package"])) { warningLog(Log) printLog(Log," Package name is not portable:\n", " It must start with a letter, contain letters, digits or dot\n", " have at least 2 characters and not end with a dot.\n") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") encoding <- desc["Encoding"] } else if (file.exists(f <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))) { errorLog(Log, "File DESCRIPTION does not exist but there is a case-insensitive match.") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } else { resultLog(Log, "NO") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } if (!is.na(desc["Type"])) { # standard packages do not have this checkingLog(Log, "extension type") resultLog(Log, desc["Type"]) if (desc["Type"] != "Package") { printLog(Log, "Only 'Type = Package' extensions can be checked.\n") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(0L) } } if (!is.na(desc["Bundle"])) { messageLog(Log, "looks like ", sQuote(pkgname0), " is a package bundle -- they are defunct") errorLog(Log, "") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } messageLog(Log, sprintf("this is package %s version %s", sQuote(desc["Package"]), sQuote(desc["Version"]))) if (!is.na(encoding)) messageLog(Log, "package encoding: ", encoding) desc } check_CRAN_incoming <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "CRAN incoming feasibility") res <- .check_package_CRAN_incoming(pkgdir) bad <- FALSE if(length(res)) { out <- format(res) if(length(out) == 1L && startsWith(out, "Maintainer: ")) { ## Special-case when there is only the maintainer ## address to note (if at all). maintainer <- res$Maintainer if(nzchar(maintainer) && identical(maintainer, Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_MAINTAINER_ADDRESS_"))) { resultLog(Log, "OK") out <- character() } else resultLog(Log, "Note_to_CRAN_maintainers") } else if(length(res$bad_package)) { errorLog(Log) bad <- TRUE } else if(length(res$bad_version) || identical(res$foss_with_BuildVignettes, TRUE) || res$empty_Maintainer_name || res$Maintainer_needs_quotes) warningLog(Log) else if(length(res) > 1L) noteLog(Log) else resultLog(Log, "OK") printLog0(Log, c(paste(out, collapse = "\n\n"), "\n")) if(bad) maybe_exit(1L) } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_dependencies <- function() { ## Try figuring out whether the package dependencies can be ## resolved at run time. Ideally, the installation ## mechanism would do this, and we also do not check ## versions ... also see whether vignette and namespace ## package dependencies are recorded in DESCRIPTION. ## ## We are not checking base packages here, so all packages do ## have a description file. ## ## ## If a package has a namespace, checking dependencies will ## try making use of it without the NAMESPACE file ever ## being validated. ## Uncaught errors can lead to messages like ## * checking package dependencies ... ERROR ## Error in e[[1]] : object is not subsettable ## Execution halted ## which are not too helpful :-( ## Hence, we try to intercept this here. if (!extra_arch && file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "NAMESPACE"))) { checkingLog(Log, "package namespace information") ns <- tryCatch(parseNamespaceFile(basename(pkgdir), dirname(pkgdir)), error = function(e) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, "Invalid NAMESPACE file, parsing gives:", "\n", as.character(e), "\n") msg_NAMESPACE <- c("See section 'Package namespaces'", " in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") wrapLog(msg_NAMESPACE) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) }) OK <- TRUE ## Look for empty importFrom imp <- ns$imports lens <- lengths(imp) imp <- imp[lens == 2L] nm <- sapply(imp, "[[", 1) lens <- sapply(imp, function(x) length(x[[2]])) bad <- nm[lens == 0L] if(length(bad)) { OK <- FALSE msg <- if(length(bad) == 1L) sprintf(" Namespace with empty importFrom: %s", sQuote(bad)) else paste(" Namespaces with empty importFrom:", .pretty_format(sort(bad)), sep = "\n") noteLog(Log, msg) } nS3methods <- nrow(ns$S3methods) if (nS3methods > 500L) { ## check that this is installable in R 3.0.1 meta <- .read_description(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")) deps <- .split_description(meta, verbose = TRUE)$Rdepends2 status <- 0L current <- as.numeric_version("3.0.1") for(depends in deps) { ## .check_package_description will insist on these operators if(!depends$op %in% c("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "==", "!=")) next status <- if(inherits(depends$version, "numeric_version")) !do.call(depends$op, list(current, depends$version)) else { ver <- R.version if (ver$status %in% c("", "Patched")) FALSE else !do.call(depends$op, list(ver[["svn rev"]], as.numeric(sub("^r", "", depends$version)))) } if(status != 0L) break } if (status == 0L) { OK <- FALSE msg <- sprintf("R < 3.0.2 had a limit of 500 registered S3 methods: found %d", nS3methods) noteLog(Log, msg) } } if(OK) resultLog(Log, "OK") } checkingLog(Log, "package dependencies") ## Everything listed in Depends or Suggests or Imports ## should be available for successfully running R CMD check. ## \VignetteDepends{} entries not "required" by the package code ## must be in Suggests. Note also that some of us think that a ## package vignette must require its own package, which OTOH is ## not required in the package DESCRIPTION file. ## Namespace imports must really be in Depends. res <- .check_package_depends(pkgdir, R_check_force_suggests, check_incoming, ignore_vignettes) if(any(lengths(res) > 0L)) { out <- format(res) allowed <- c("suggests_but_not_installed", "enhances_but_not_installed", "many_depends", "skipped", "hdOnly", if(!check_incoming) "bad_engine") if(!all(names(res) %in% allowed)) { errorLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n"), "\n") if(length(res$suggested_but_not_installed)) wrapLog("The suggested packages are required for", "a complete check.\n", "Checking can be attempted without them", "by setting the environment variable", "_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_", "to a false value.\n\n") wrapLog(msg_DESCRIPTION) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } else { noteLog(Log) printLog0(Log, paste(out, collapse = "\n")) } } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } check_sources <- function() { checkingLog(Log, "if this is a source package") ## ## This check should be adequate, but would not catch a manually ## installed package, nor one installed prior to 1.4.0. ## if (!is.na(desc["Built"])) { errorLog(Log) printLog(Log, "Only *source* packages can be checked.\n") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } else if (!startsWith(install, "check")) { ini <- character() ## Check for package 'src' subdirectories with object ## files (but not if installation was already performed). pat <- "(a|o|[ls][ao]|sl|obj|dll)" # Object file/library extensions. any <- FALSE srcd <- file.path(pkgdir, "src") if (dir.exists(srcd) && length(of <- list_files_with_exts(srcd, pat))) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE of <- sub(paste0(".*/", file.path(pkgname, "src"), "/"), "", of) printLog0(Log, sprintf("Subdirectory %s contains apparent object files/libraries\n", sQuote(file.path(pkgname, "src"))), paste(strwrap(paste(of, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), collapse = "\n"), "\nObject files/libraries should not be included in a source package.\n") ini <- "" } ## A submission had src-i386 etc from multi-arch builds ad <- list.dirs(pkgdir, recursive = FALSE) if(thispkg_src_subdirs != "no" && any(ind <- grepl("/src-(i386|x64|x86_64|ppc)$", ad))) { if(!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- ngettext(sum(ind), "Found the following directory with a name of a multi-arch build directory:\n", "Found the following directories with names of multi-arch build directories:\n", domain = NA) printLog0(Log, ini, msg, .format_lines_with_indent(basename(ad[ind])), "\n", "Most likely, these were included erroneously.\n") ini <- "" } if (thispkg_src_subdirs != "no" && dir.exists(srcd)) { setwd(srcd) if (!file.exists("Makefile") && !file.exists("Makefile.win") && !(file.exists("Makefile.in") && spec_install)) { ## Recognized extensions for sources or headers. srcfiles <- dir(".", all.files = TRUE) srcfiles <- srcfiles[!dir.exists(srcfiles)] srcfiles <- grep("(\\.([cfmCM]|cc|cpp|f90|f95|mm|h|o|so)$|^Makevars|-win\\.def|^install\\.libs\\.R$)", srcfiles, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) if (length(srcfiles)) { if (!any) warningLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c(ini, paste("Subdirectory", sQuote("src"), "contains:"), strwrap(paste(srcfiles, collapse = " "), indent = 2, exdent = 2), strwrap("These are unlikely file names for src files."), "") printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } } setwd(startdir) } ## All remaining checks give notes and not warnings. if(length(ini)) ini <- c("", "In addition to the above warning(s), found the following notes:", "") files <- list.files(pkgdir, recursive = TRUE) ## Check for object files not directly in src. ## (Note that the above does not look for object files in ## subdirs of src.) bad <- files[grepl(sprintf("\\.%s$", pat), basename(files))] bad <- bad[dirname(bad) != "src" | dirname(dirname(bad)) != "."] if(length(bad)) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c(ini, "Found the following apparent object files/libraries:", strwrap(paste(bad, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), "Object files/libraries should not be included in a source package.\n") printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) ini <- "" } ## Check for installed copies of the package in some subdir. files <- files[basename(dirname(files)) == "Meta"] if(length(files) && all(!is.na(match(c("package.rds", "hsearch.rds"), basename(files))))) { if(!any) noteLog(Log) any <- TRUE msg <- c(ini, sprintf("Subdirectory %s seems to contain an installed version of the package.\n", sQuote(dirname(dirname(files[1L]))))) printLog0(Log, paste(msg, collapse = "\n")) } if (!any) resultLog(Log, "OK") } else resultLog(Log, "OK") } do_exit <- function(status = 1L) q("no", status = status, runLast = FALSE) maybe_exit <- function(status = 1L) { if (R_check_exit_on_first_error) { printLog(Log, "NOTE: Quitting check on first error.\n") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(status) } } env_path <- function(...) { paths <- c(...) paste(paths[nzchar(paths)], collapse = .Platform$path.sep) } Usage <- function() { cat("Usage: R CMD check [options] pkgs", "", "Check R packages from package sources, which can be directories or", "package 'tar' archives with extension '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2',", "'.tar.xz' or '.tgz'.", "", "A variety of diagnostic checks on directory structure, index and", "control files are performed. The package is installed into the log", "directory and production of the package PDF manual is tested.", "All examples and tests provided by the package are tested to see if", "they run successfully. By default code in the vignettes is tested,", "as is re-building the vignette PDFs.", "", "Options:", " -h, --help print short help message and exit", " -v, --version print version info and exit", " -l, --library=LIB library directory used for test installation", " of packages (default is outdir)", " -o, --output=DIR directory for output, default is current directory.", " Logfiles, R output, etc. will be placed in 'pkg.Rcheck'", " in this directory, where 'pkg' is the name of the", " checked package", " --no-clean do not clean 'outdir' before using it", " --no-codoc do not check for code/documentation mismatches", " --no-examples do not run the examples in the Rd files", " --no-install skip installation and associated tests", " --no-tests do not run code in 'tests' subdirectory", " --no-manual do not produce the PDF manual", " --no-vignettes do not run R code in vignettes nor build outputs", " --no-build-vignettes do not build vignette outputs", " --ignore-vignettes skip all tests on vignettes", " --run-dontrun do run \\dontrun sections in the Rd files", " --run-donttest do run \\donttest sections in the Rd files", " --use-gct use 'gctorture(TRUE)' when running examples/tests", " --use-valgrind use 'valgrind' when running examples/tests/vignettes", " --timings record timings for examples", " --install-args= command-line args to be passed to INSTALL", " --test-dir= look in this subdirectory for test scripts (default tests)", " --check-subdirs=default|yes|no", " run checks on the package subdirectories", " (default is yes for a tarball, no otherwise)", " --as-cran select customizations similar to those used", " for CRAN incoming checking", "", "The following options apply where sub-architectures are in use:", " --extra-arch do only runtime tests needed for an additional", " sub-architecture.", " --multiarch do runtime tests on all installed sub-archs", " --no-multiarch do runtime tests only on the main sub-architecture", " --force-multiarch run tests on all sub-archs even for packages", " with no compiled code", "", "By default, all test sections are turned on.", "", "Report bugs at bugs.r-project.org .", sep="\n") } ###--- begin{.check_packages()} "main" --- options(showErrorCalls=FALSE, warn = 1) ## Read in check environment file. Renv <- Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_ENVIRON", unset = NA_character_) if(!is.na(Renv)) { ## Do not read any check environment file if R_CHECK_ENVIRON is ## set to empty of something non-existent. if(nzchar(Renv) && file.exists(Renv)) readRenviron(Renv) } else { ## Read in ~/.R/check.Renviron[.rarch] (if it exists). rarch <- .Platform$r_arch if (nzchar(rarch) && file.exists(Renv <- paste("~/.R/check.Renviron", rarch, sep = "."))) readRenviron(Renv) else if (file.exists(Renv <- "~/.R/check.Renviron")) readRenviron(Renv) } td0 <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_")) if (is.na(td0)) td0 <- Inf ## A user might have turned on JIT compilation. That does not ## work well, so mostly disable it jit <- Sys.getenv("R_ENABLE_JIT") jitstr <- if(nzchar(jit)) { Sys.setenv(R_ENABLE_JIT = "0") paste0("R_ENABLE_JIT=", jit) } else character() if (is.null(args)) { args <- commandArgs(TRUE) ## it seems that splits on spaces, so try harder. args <- paste(args, collapse=" ") args <- strsplit(args,'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L] } clean <- TRUE do_codoc <- TRUE do_examples <- TRUE do_install_arg <- TRUE; install <- "" do_tests <- TRUE do_vignettes <- TRUE do_build_vignettes <- TRUE ignore_vignettes <- FALSE do_manual <- TRUE use_gct <- FALSE use_valgrind <- FALSE do_timings <- FALSE install_args <- NULL test_dir <- "tests" check_subdirs <- "" # defaults to R_check_subdirs_strict extra_arch <- FALSE spec_install <- FALSE multiarch <- NA force_multiarch <- FALSE as_cran <- FALSE run_dontrun <- FALSE run_donttest <- FALSE libdir <- "" outdir <- "" pkgs <- character() while(length(args)) { a <- args[1L] if (a %in% c("-h", "--help")) { Usage() do_exit(0L) } else if (a %in% c("-v", "--version")) { cat("R add-on package check: ", R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]], " (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "") cat("", "Copyright (C) 1997-2013 The R Core Team.", "This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2", "or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.", sep="\n") do_exit(0L) } else if (a == "-o") { if (length(args) >= 2L) {outdir <- args[2L]; args <- args[-1L]} else stop("-o option without value", call. = FALSE) } else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--output=") { outdir <- substr(a, 10, 1000) } else if (a == "-l") { if (length(args) >= 2L) {libdir <- args[2L]; args <- args[-1L]} else stop("-l option without value", call. = FALSE) } else if (substr(a, 1, 10) == "--library=") { libdir <- substr(a, 11, 1000) } else if (a == "--no-clean") { clean <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-codoc") { do_codoc <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-examples") { do_examples <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-install") { do_install_arg <- FALSE } else if (substr(a, 1, 10) == "--install=") { install <- substr(a, 11, 1000) } else if (a == "--no-tests") { do_tests <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-build-vignettes") { do_build_vignettes <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-rebuild-vignettes") { # pre-3.0.0 version stop("'--no-rebuild-vignettes' is defunct: use '--no-build-vignettes' instead", call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } else if (a == "--no-vignettes") { do_vignettes <- FALSE } else if (a == "--ignore-vignettes") { ignore_vignettes <- TRUE do_vignettes <- FALSE do_build_vignettes <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-manual") { do_manual <- FALSE } else if (a == "--no-latex") { stop("'--no-latex' is defunct: use '--no-manual' instead", call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } else if (a == "--run-dontrun") { run_dontrun <- TRUE } else if (a == "--run-donttest") { run_donttest <- TRUE } else if (a == "--use-gct") { use_gct <- TRUE } else if (a == "--use-valgrind") { use_valgrind <- TRUE } else if (a == "--timings") { do_timings <- TRUE } else if (substr(a, 1, 15) == "--install-args=") { install_args <- substr(a, 16, 1000) } else if (substr(a, 1, 11) == "--test-dir=") { test_dir <- substr(a, 12, 1000) } else if (substr(a, 1, 16) == "--check-subdirs=") { check_subdirs <- substr(a, 17, 1000) } else if (a == "--extra-arch") { extra_arch <- TRUE } else if (a == "--multiarch") { multiarch <- TRUE } else if (a == "--no-multiarch") { multiarch <- FALSE } else if (a == "--force-multiarch") { force_multiarch <- TRUE } else if (a == "--as-cran") { as_cran <- TRUE } else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--rcfile=") { warning("configuration files are not supported as from R 2.12.0") } else if (substr(a, 1, 1) == "-") { message("Warning: unknown option ", sQuote(a)) } else pkgs <- c(pkgs, a) args <- args[-1L] } ## record some of the options used. opts <- character() if (install == "fake") opts <- c(opts, "--install=fake") if (!do_install_arg) opts <- c(opts, "--no-install") if (install == "no") { opts <- c(opts, "--install=no") do_install_arg <- FALSE } if (run_dontrun) opts <- c(opts, "--run-dontrun") if (run_donttest) opts <- c(opts, "--run-donttest") opts0 <- opts # other options are added later. if (install == "fake") { ## If we fake installation, then we cannot *run* any code. do_examples <- do_tests <- do_vignettes <- do_build_vignettes <- 0 spec_install <- TRUE multiarch <- FALSE } if (!identical(multiarch, FALSE)) { ## see if there are multiple installed architectures, and if they work if (WINDOWS) { ## always has sub-archs as from R 2.12.0. ## usually if two are installed, it was done on a 64-bit OS, ## but the filesystem might be shared betweeen OSes. f <- dir(file.path(R.home(), "bin")) archs <- f[f %in% c("i386", "x64")] ## if we have x64, can only run it on a 64-bit OS if (length(archs) > 1L && !grepl("x64", utils::win.version())) archs <- "i386" } else { wd2 <- setwd(file.path(R.home("bin"), "exec")) archs <- Sys.glob("*") setwd(wd2) if (length(archs) > 1L) for (arch in archs) { if (arch == rarch) next cmd <- paste0(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "R"), " --arch=", arch, " --version > /dev/null") if (system(cmd)) archs <- archs[archs != arch] } } if (length(archs) <= 1L && isTRUE(multiarch)) warning("'--multiarch' specified with only one usable sub-architecture", call.=FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) multiarch <- length(archs) > 1L } ## Use system default unless explicitly specified otherwise. Sys.setenv(R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES="") ## Configurable variables R_check_use_install_log <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_USE_INSTALL_LOG_", "TRUE")) R_check_subdirs_nocase <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SUBDIRS_NOCASE_", "TRUE")) R_check_all_non_ISO_C <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ALL_NON_ISO_C_", "FALSE")) R_check_subdirs_strict <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SUBDIRS_STRICT_", "default") R_check_Rd_contents <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_CONTENTS_", "TRUE")) R_check_Rd_line_widths <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_LINE_WIDTHS_", "FALSE")) R_check_Rd_style <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_STYLE_", "TRUE")) R_check_Rd_xrefs <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_XREFS_", "TRUE")) R_check_use_codetools <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_USE_CODETOOLS_", "TRUE")) ## Howver, we cannot use this if we did not install the recommended packages if(R_check_use_codetools) { tmp <- tryCatch(find.package('codetools'), error = identity) if(inherits(tmp, "error")) R_check_use_codetools <- FALSE } R_check_executables <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_EXECUTABLES_", "TRUE")) R_check_executables_exclusions <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_EXECUTABLES_EXCLUSIONS_", "TRUE")) R_check_permissions <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PERMISSIONS_", as.character(.Platform$OS.type == "unix"))) R_check_dot_internal <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DOT_INTERNAL_", "TRUE")) R_check_depr_def <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DEPRECATED_DEFUNCT_", "FALSE")) R_check_ascii_code <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ASCII_CODE_", "TRUE")) R_check_ascii_data <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ASCII_DATA_", "TRUE")) R_check_compact_data <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_COMPACT_DATA_", "TRUE")) R_check_vc_dirs <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_VC_DIRS_", "FALSE")) R_check_pkg_sizes <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PKG_SIZES_", "TRUE")) && nzchar(Sys.which("du")) R_check_doc_sizes <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DOC_SIZES_", "TRUE")) && nzchar(Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_QPDF", "qpdf"))) R_check_doc_sizes2 <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DOC_SIZES2_", "FALSE")) R_check_code_assign_to_globalenv <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_ASSIGN_TO_GLOBALENV_", "FALSE")) R_check_code_attach <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_ATTACH_", "FALSE")) R_check_code_data_into_globalenv <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_DATA_INTO_GLOBALENV_", "FALSE")) ## Only relevant when the package is loaded, thus installed. R_check_suppress_RandR_message <- do_install_arg && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SUPPRESS_RANDR_MESSAGE_", "TRUE")) R_check_force_suggests <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_", "TRUE")) R_check_skip_tests_arch <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SKIP_TESTS_ARCH_"), ",")[[1]]) R_check_skip_examples_arch <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SKIP_EXAMPLES_ARCH_"), ",")[[1]]) R_check_skip_arch <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SKIP_ARCH_"), ",")[[1]]) R_check_unsafe_calls <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_UNSAFE_CALLS_", "TRUE")) R_check_depends_only <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_", "FALSE")) R_check_suggests_only <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SUGGESTS_ONLY_", "FALSE")) R_check_FF <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_", "true") R_check_FF_DUP <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FF_DUP_", "TRUE")) R_check_toplevel_files <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_TOPLEVEL_FILES_", "FALSE")) R_check_exit_on_first_error <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_EXIT_ON_FIRST_ERROR_", "FALSE")) R_check_vignettes_skip_run_maybe <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_SKIP_RUN_MAYBE_", "FALSE")) if (!nzchar(check_subdirs)) check_subdirs <- R_check_subdirs_strict if (as_cran) { if (extra_arch) { message("'--as-cran' turns off '--extra-arch'") extra_arch <- FALSE } Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_" = "10") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_INSTALL_DEPENDS_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_NO_RECOMMENDED_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_SHLIB_BUILD_OBJECTS_SYMBOL_TABLES_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_DOT_FIRSTLIB_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_CRAN_INCOMING_NOTES_" = "TRUE") prev <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", NA_character_) if(is.na(prev)) Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_" = "TRUE") prev <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SCREEN_DEVICE_", NA_character_) if(is.na(prev)) Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_SCREEN_DEVICE_" = "stop") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_USAGE_VIA_NAMESPACES_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_USAGE_WITH_ONLY_BASE_ATTACHED_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_S3_METHODS_NOT_REGISTERED_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_DATASETS_SUPPRESS_NOTES_" = "TRUE") Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_IGNORE_UNUSED_IMPORTS_" = "TRUE") R_check_vc_dirs <- TRUE R_check_executables_exclusions <- FALSE R_check_doc_sizes2 <- TRUE R_check_suggests_only <- TRUE R_check_code_assign_to_globalenv <- TRUE R_check_code_attach <- TRUE R_check_code_data_into_globalenv <- TRUE R_check_depr_def <- TRUE R_check_Rd_line_widths <- TRUE R_check_FF <- "registration" do_timings <- TRUE R_check_toplevel_files <- TRUE R_check_vignettes_skip_run_maybe <- TRUE } else { ## do it this way so that INSTALL produces symbols.rds ## when called from check but not in general. if(is.na(Sys.getenv("_R_SHLIB_BUILD_OBJECTS_SYMBOL_TABLES_", NA_character_))) Sys.setenv("_R_SHLIB_BUILD_OBJECTS_SYMBOL_TABLES_" = "TRUE") } if (extra_arch) { R_check_Rd_contents <- R_check_all_non_ISO_C <- R_check_Rd_xrefs <- R_check_use_codetools <- R_check_Rd_style <- R_check_executables <- R_check_permissions <- R_check_dot_internal <- R_check_ascii_code <- R_check_ascii_data <- R_check_compact_data <- R_check_pkg_sizes <- R_check_doc_sizes <- R_check_doc_sizes2 <- R_check_unsafe_calls <- R_check_toplevel_files <- FALSE R_check_Rd_line_widths <- FALSE } startdir <- getwd() if (is.null(startdir)) stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained") if (!nzchar(outdir)) outdir <- startdir setwd(outdir) outdir <- getwd() setwd(startdir) R_LIBS <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS") arg_libdir <- libdir if (nzchar(libdir)) { setwd(libdir) libdir <- getwd() Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = env_path(libdir, R_LIBS)) setwd(startdir) } ## all the analysis code is run with --slave ## examples and tests are not. R_opts <- "--vanilla" R_opts2 <- "--vanilla --slave" ## do run Renviron.site for some multiarch runs ## We set R_ENVIRON_USER to skip .Renviron files. R_opts3 <- "--no-site-file --no-init-file --no-save --no-restore" R_opts4 <- "--no-site-file --no-init-file --no-save --no-restore --slave" env0 <- if(WINDOWS) "R_ENVIRON_USER='no_such_file'" else "R_ENVIRON_USER=''" msg_DESCRIPTION <- c("See section 'The DESCRIPTION file' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n") if (!length(pkgs)) { message("Error: no packages were specified") do_exit(1L) } ## This is the main loop over all packages to be checked. for (pkg in pkgs) { ## pkg should be the path to the package root source ## directory, either absolute or relative to startdir. ## As from 2.1.0 it can also be a tarball ## The previous package may have set do_install to FALSE do_install <- do_install_arg no_examples <- FALSE ## $pkgdir is the corresponding absolute path. ## pkgname0 is the name of the top-level directory ## (and often the name of the package). setwd(startdir) pkg <- sub("/$", "", pkg) # strip any trailing '/' pkgname0 <- basename(pkg) is_ascii <- FALSE thispkg_subdirs <- check_subdirs ## is this a tar archive? if (dir.exists(pkg)) { istar <- FALSE if (thispkg_subdirs == "default") thispkg_subdirs <- "no" } else if (file.exists(pkg)) { istar <- TRUE if (thispkg_subdirs == "default") thispkg_subdirs <- "yes-maybe" pkgname0 <- sub("\\.(tar\\.gz|tgz|tar\\.bz2|tar\\.xz)$", "", pkgname0) pkgname0 <- sub("_[0-9.-]*$", "", pkgname0) } else { warning(sQuote(pkg), " is neither a file nor directory, skipping\n", domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) next } pkgoutdir <- file.path(outdir, paste(pkgname0, "Rcheck", sep = ".")) if (clean && dir.exists(pkgoutdir)) { unlink(pkgoutdir, recursive = TRUE) if(WINDOWS) Sys.sleep(0.5) # allow for antivirus interference } dir.create(pkgoutdir, mode = "0755") if (!dir.exists(pkgoutdir)) { message(sprintf("ERROR: cannot create check dir %s", sQuote(pkgoutdir))) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } Log <- newLog(file.path(pkgoutdir, "00check.log")) if (istar) { dir <- file.path(pkgoutdir, "00_pkg_src") dir.create(dir, mode = "0755") if (!dir.exists(dir)) { errorLog(Log, sprintf("cannot create %s", sQuote(dir))) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } ## force the use of internal untar unless over-ridden ## so e.g. .tar.xz works everywhere if (utils::untar(pkg, exdir = dir, tar = Sys.getenv("R_INSTALL_TAR", "internal"))) { errorLog(Log, sprintf("cannot unpack %s", sQuote(pkg))) summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } size <- file.info(pkg)$size Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_SIZE_OF_TARBALL_" = size) ## this assumes foo_x.y.tar.gz unpacks to foo, but we are about ## to test that. pkg <- file.path(dir, pkgname0) } if (!dir.exists(pkg)) stop(gettextf("package directory %s does not exist", sQuote(pkg)), domain = NA) setwd(pkg) pkgdir <- getwd() thispkg_src_subdirs <- thispkg_subdirs if (thispkg_src_subdirs == "yes-maybe") { ## now see if there is a 'configure' file ## configure files are only used if executable, but ## -x is always false on Windows. if (WINDOWS) { if (file_test("-f", "configure")) thispkg_src_subdirs <- "no" } else { if (file_test("-x", "configure")) thispkg_src_subdirs <- "no" } } setwd(startdir) messageLog(Log, "using log directory ", sQuote(pkgoutdir)) messageLog(Log, "using ", R.version.string) messageLog(Log, "using platform: ", R.version$platform, " (", 8*.Machine$sizeof.pointer, "-bit)") charset <- if (l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) "UTF-8" else utils::localeToCharset() messageLog(Log, "using session charset: ", charset) is_ascii <- charset == "ASCII" .unpack.time <- Sys.time() ## report options used opts <- opts0 if (!do_codoc) opts <- c(opts, "--no-codoc") if (!do_examples && !spec_install) opts <- c(opts, "--no-examples") if (!do_tests && !spec_install) opts <- c(opts, "--no-tests") if (!do_manual && !spec_install) opts <- c(opts, "--no-manual") if (ignore_vignettes) opts <- c(opts, "--ignore-vignettes") else { if (!do_vignettes && !spec_install) opts <- c(opts, "--no-vignettes") if (!do_build_vignettes && !spec_install) opts <- c(opts, "--no-build-vignettes") } if (use_gct) opts <- c(opts, "--use-gct") if (use_valgrind) opts <- c(opts, "--use-valgrind") if (as_cran) opts <- c(opts, "--as-cran") if (length(opts) > 1L) messageLog(Log, "using options ", sQuote(paste(opts, collapse=" "))) else if (length(opts) == 1L) messageLog(Log, "using option ", sQuote(opts)) if (!nzchar(libdir)) { libdir <- pkgoutdir Sys.setenv(R_LIBS = env_path(libdir, R_LIBS)) } if (WINDOWS && grepl(" ", libdir)) # need to avoid spaces in libdir libdir <- gsub("\\", "/", utils::shortPathName(libdir), fixed = TRUE) ## Package sources from the R distribution are special. They ## have a 'DESCRIPTION.in' file (instead of 'DESCRIPTION'), ## with Version and License fields containing '@VERSION@' for ## substitution by configure. Earlier bundles had packages ## containing DESCRIPTIION.in, hence the extra check for ## Makefile.in. is_base_pkg <- is_rec_pkg <- FALSE if (file.exists(f <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION.in")) && file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "Makefile.in"))) { desc <- try(read.dcf(f)) if (inherits(desc, "try-error") || !length(desc)) { resultLog(Log, "EXISTS but not correct format") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } desc <- desc[1L, ] if (identical(desc["Priority"], c(Priority = "base"))) { # Priority might be missing messageLog(Log, "looks like ", sQuote(pkgname0), " is a base package") messageLog(Log, "skipping installation test") is_base_pkg <- TRUE pkgname <- desc["Package"] # should be same as pkgname0 } } this_multiarch <- multiarch if (!is_base_pkg) { desc <- check_description() pkgname <- desc["Package"] is_rec_pkg <- identical(desc["Priority"], c(Priority = "recommended")) ## Check if we have any hope of installing OS_type <- desc["OS_type"] if (do_install && !is.na(OS_type)) { if (WINDOWS && OS_type != "windows") { messageLog(Log, "will not attempt to install this package on Windows") do_install <- FALSE } if (!WINDOWS && OS_type == "windows") { messageLog(Log, "this is a Windows-only package, skipping installation") do_install <- FALSE } } else OS_type <- NA check_incoming <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_", "NA") check_incoming <- if(check_incoming == "NA") as_cran else { config_val_to_logical(check_incoming) } if (check_incoming) check_CRAN_incoming() ## ## We want to check for dependencies early, since missing ## dependencies may make installation fail, and in any case we ## give up if they are missing. But we don't check them if ## we are not going to install and hence not run any code. ## if (do_install) { topfiles0 <- dir(pkgdir) check_dependencies() } else topfiles0 <- NULL check_sources() checkingLog(Log, "if there is a namespace") ## careful: we need a case-sensitive match if ("NAMESPACE" %in% dir(pkgdir)) resultLog(Log, "OK") else if (file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "NAMESPACE"))) { errorLog(Log, "File NAMESPACE does not exist but there is a case-insenstiive match.") summaryLog(Log) do_exit(1L) } else if (dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "R"))) { errorLog(Log) wrapLog("All packages need a namespace as from R 3.0.0.\n", "R CMD build will produce a suitable starting point,", "but it is better to handcraft a NAMESPACE file.") maybe_exit(1L) } else { noteLog(Log) wrapLog("Packages without R code can be installed without", "a NAMESPACE file, but it is cleaner to add", "an empty one.") } ## we need to do this before installation if (R_check_executables) check_executables() ## (Alternatively, could use .unpack.time.) check_dot_files(check_incoming) setwd(pkgdir) allfiles <- check_file_names() if (R_check_permissions) check_permissions(allfiles) setwd(startdir) ## record this before installation. ## ## Could also teach the code to check 'src/Makevars[.in]' ## files to use .unpack.time. ## (But we want to know if the sources contain ## 'src/Makevars' and INSTALL re-creates this.) ## makevars <- Sys.glob(file.path(pkgdir, "src", c("Makevars.in", "Makevars"))) makevars <- basename(makevars) if (do_install) { check_install() if(R_check_pkg_sizes) check_install_sizes() } if (multiarch) { if (force_multiarch) inst_archs <- archs else { ## check which architectures this package is installed for if (dir.exists(dd <- file.path(libdir, pkgname, "libs"))) { inst_archs <- dir(dd) ## xlsReadWrite has spurious subdir 'template' inst_archs <- inst_archs[inst_archs %in% archs] if (!identical(inst_archs, archs)) { if (length(inst_archs) > 1) printLog0(Log, "NB: this package is only installed for sub-architectures ", paste(sQuote(inst_archs), collapse=", "), "\n") else { printLog0(Log, "NB: this package is only installed for sub-architecture ", sQuote(inst_archs), "\n") if(inst_archs == .Platform$r_arch) this_multiarch <- FALSE } } } else this_multiarch <- FALSE # no compiled code } if (this_multiarch && length(R_check_skip_arch)) inst_archs <- inst_archs[!(inst_archs %in% R_check_skip_arch)] } } else check_incoming <- FALSE ## end of if (!is_base_pkg) elibs <- if(is_base_pkg) character() else if(R_check_depends_only) setRlibs(pkgdir = pkgdir, libdir = libdir) else if(R_check_suggests_only) setRlibs(pkgdir = pkgdir, libdir = libdir, suggests = TRUE) else character() setwd(startdir) check_pkg(pkgdir, pkgname, pkgoutdir, startdir, libdir, desc, is_base_pkg, is_rec_pkg, thispkg_subdirs, extra_arch) if (!extra_arch && do_manual) { setwd(pkgoutdir) instdir <- file.path(libdir, pkgname) if (dir.exists(file.path(instdir, "help"))) check_pkg_manual(instdir, desc["Package"]) else check_pkg_manual(pkgdir, desc["Package"]) } if (!is_base_pkg && check_incoming && no_examples && dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "R"))) { tests_dir <- file.path(pkgdir, test_dir) if (dir.exists(tests_dir) && length(dir(tests_dir, pattern = "\\.(R|Rin)$"))) no_examples <- FALSE vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = pkgdir) if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs)) no_examples <- FALSE if (no_examples) { ## figure out if the R code exercises anything ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(pkgdir), dirname(pkgdir)) if(length(ns$exports) || length(ns$exportPatterns) || length(ns$exportMethods) || length(ns$S3methods)) { checkingLog(Log, "for code which exercises the package") warningLog(Log, "No examples, no tests, no vignettes") } } } summaryLog(Log) if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_STATUS_SUMMARY_", "FALSE"))) { s <- summarize_CRAN_check_status(pkgname) if(nzchar(s)) { writeLines(c("", s), Log$con) } } if(Log$errors > 0L) do_exit(1L) closeLog(Log) message("") } ## end for (pkg in pkgs) } ###--- end{ .check_packages } .format_lines_with_indent <- function(x) paste0(" ", x, collapse = "\n") ## Hard-wire indent of 2 for now. ### Local variables: ### mode: R ### page-delimiter: "^###[#-]" ### End: