# File src/library/tools/R/index.R
# Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
# Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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### Miscellaneous indexing functions.
## Currently indices are represented as 2-column character matrices.
## To 'merge' indices in the sense of using the values from index B for
## all keys in index A also present in index B, we currently use
## idx <- match(indA[ , 1L], indB[ , 1L], 0L)
## indA[which(idx != 0L), 2L] <- indB[idx, 2L]
## which could be abstracted into a function .mergeIndexEntries().
### * .build_data_index
.build_data_index <-
function(dataDir, contents)
## Build an index with information about all available data sets.
## See .build_demo_index() for an explanation of what we do here.
## We could also have an interface like
## .build_data_index(dir, contents = NULL)
## where @code{dir} is the path to a package's root source dir and
## contents is
## Rd_contents(list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "man"),
## "docs")).
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dataDir),
domain = NA)
## dataFiles <- list_files_with_type(dataDir, "data")
dataTopics <- list_data_in_pkg(dataDir=dataDir)
if(!length(dataTopics)) return(matrix("", 0L, 2L))
names(dataTopics) <- paste0(names(dataTopics), "/")
datasets <- unlist(dataTopics)
## it is possible to have topics that create no object:
## BioC's makecdfenv did.
if(!length(datasets)) return(matrix("", 0L, 2L))
names(datasets) <- sub("/[^/]*$", "", names(datasets))
datasets <- sort(datasets)
dataIndex <- cbind(datasets, "", deparse.level = 0L)
dimnames(dataIndex) <- NULL
## Note that NROW(contents) might be 0.
if(length(datasets) && NROW(contents)) {
aliasIndices <-
rep(1 : NROW(contents), lengths(contents$Aliases))
idx <- match(datasets, unlist(contents$Aliases), 0L)
dataIndex[which(idx != 0L), 2L] <-
contents[aliasIndices[idx], "Title"]
dataIndex[, 1L] <-
as.vector(ifelse(datasets == names(datasets), datasets,
paste0(datasets, " (", names(datasets), ")")))
### * .build_demo_index
.build_demo_index <-
## Build an index with information about all available demos.
## We use both the contents of @file{00Index} (if possible) and the
## information which demos are actually available to build the real
## demo index.
## This ensures that demo() really lists all *available* demos, even
## if some might be 'undocumented', i.e., without index information.
## Use .check_demo_index() to check whether available demo code and
## docs are in sync.
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", demoDir),
domain = NA)
demoFiles <- list_files_with_type(demoDir, "demo")
demoTopics <- unique(basename(file_path_sans_ext(demoFiles)))
if(!length(demoTopics)) return(matrix("", 0L, 2L))
demoIndex <- cbind(demoTopics, "")
if(file_test("-f", INDEX <- file.path(demoDir, "00Index"))) {
demoEntries <- tryCatch(read.00Index(INDEX), error = identity)
if(inherits(demoEntries, "error"))
warning(gettextf("cannot read index information in file '%s'",
domain = NA)
else {
idx <- match(demoTopics, demoEntries[ , 1L], 0L)
demoIndex[which(idx != 0L), 2L] <- demoEntries[idx, 2L]
dimnames(demoIndex) <- NULL
### * .check_demo_index
.check_demo_index <-
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", demoDir),
domain = NA)
info_from_build <- .build_demo_index(demoDir)
info_from_index <-
tryCatch(read.00Index(file.path(demoDir, "00Index")),
error = function(e)
stop(gettextf("cannot read index information in file '%s'",
file.path(demoDir, "00Index")),
domain = NA))
bad_entries <-
list(missing_from_index =
info_from_build[ , 2L]),
missing_from_demos =
info_from_index[!info_from_index[ , 1L]
%in% info_from_build[ , 1L],
class(bad_entries) <- "check_demo_index"
print.check_demo_index <-
function(x, ...)
if(length(bad <- x$missing_from_index)) {
writeLines(c("Demos with missing or empty index information:",
paste(" ", bad)))
if(length(bad <- x$missing_from_demos)) {
writeLines(c("Demo index entries without corresponding demo:",
paste(" ", bad)))
### * .build_hsearch_index
.build_hsearch_index <-
function(contents, packageName, defaultEncoding = NULL)
## Build an index of the Rd contents in 'contents', of a package
## named 'packageName' in a form useful for help.search().
## As from 2.3.0 the installation directory is no longer recorded,
## but the format is kept for back-compatibility.
dbAliases <- dbConcepts <- dbKeywords <-
matrix(character(), ncol = 3L)
if((nr <- NROW(contents)) > 0L) {
## IDs are used for indexing the Rd objects in the help.search
## db.
IDs <- seq_len(nr)
if(!is.data.frame(contents)) {
colnames(contents) <-
c("Name", "Aliases", "Title", "Keywords")
base <- contents[, c("Name", "Title"), drop = FALSE]
## If the contents db is not a data frame, then it has the
## aliases collapsed. Split again as we need the first
## alias as the help topic to indicate for matching Rd
## objects.
aliases <- strsplit(contents[, "Aliases"], " +")
## Don't do this for keywords though, as these might be
## non-standard (and hence contain white space ...).
encoding <- NULL
else {
base <- as.matrix(contents[, c("Name", "Title")])
aliases <- contents[, "Aliases"]
encoding <- contents$Encoding # may not be there ...
encoding <- character(length = nr)
encoding[!nzchar(encoding)] <- defaultEncoding
keywords <- contents[, "Keywords"]
## We create 4 character matrices (cannot use data frames for
## efficiency reasons): 'dbBase' holds all character string
## data; 'dbAliases', 'dbConcepts' and 'dbKeywords' hold
## character vector data in a 3-column character matrix format
## with entry, ID of the Rd object the entry comes from, and the
## package the object comes from. The latter is useful when
## subscripting the help.search db according to package.
dbBase <- cbind(packageName, "", IDs, base,
topic = sapply(aliases, "[", 1L), encoding)
## If there are no aliases at all, cbind() below would give
## matrix(packageName, ncol = 1L). (Of course, Rd objects
## without aliases are useless ...)
if(length(tmp <- unlist(aliases)))
dbAliases <-
cbind(tmp, rep.int(IDs, lengths(aliases)),
## And similarly if there are no keywords at all.
if(length(tmp <- unlist(keywords)))
dbKeywords <-
cbind(tmp, rep.int(IDs, lengths(keywords)),
## Finally, concepts are a feature added in R 1.8 ...
if("Concepts" %in% colnames(contents)) {
concepts <- contents[, "Concepts"]
if(length(tmp <- unlist(concepts)))
dbConcepts <-
cbind(tmp, rep.int(IDs, lengths(concepts)),
dbBase <- matrix(character(), ncol = 7L)
colnames(dbBase) <- hsearch_index_colnames$Base
colnames(dbAliases) <- hsearch_index_colnames$Aliases
colnames(dbKeywords) <- hsearch_index_colnames$Keywords
colnames(dbConcepts) <- hsearch_index_colnames$Concepts
list(dbBase, dbAliases, dbKeywords, dbConcepts)
hsearch_index_colnames <-
list(Base = c("Package", "LibPath", "ID", "Name", "Title", "Topic",
Aliases = c("Alias", "ID", "Package"),
Keywords = c("Keyword", "ID", "Package"),
Concepts = c("Concept", "ID", "Package"))
### * .build_links_index
.build_links_index <-
function(contents, package)
if(length(contents)) {
aliases <- contents$Aliases
lens <- lengths(aliases)
files <- sub("\\.[Rr]d$", "\\.html", contents$File)
structure(file.path("../..", package, "html", rep.int(files, lens)),
names = unlist(aliases))
} else character()
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