# File src/library/tools/R/parseLatex.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## this is called during package installation via makeLatex() parseLatex <- function(text, filename = deparse(substitute(text)), verbose = FALSE, verbatim = c("verbatim", "verbatim*", "Sinput", "Soutput") ) { ## the internal function must get some sort of srcfile srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, text, file.mtime(filename)) text <- paste(text, collapse="\n") .External2("C_parseLatex", text, srcfile, verbose, as.character(verbatim), PACKAGE = "tools") } # This converts a latex object into a single element character vector deparseLatex <- function(x, dropBraces = FALSE) { result <- character() lastTag <- "TEXT" for (i in seq_along(x)) { a <- x[[i]] tag <- attr(a, "latex_tag") if (is.null(tag)) tag <- "NULL" switch(tag, VERB = , TEXT = , MACRO = , COMMENT = result <- c(result, a), BLOCK = result <- c(result, if (dropBraces && lastTag == "TEXT") deparseLatex(a) else c("{", deparseLatex(a), "}")), ENVIRONMENT = result <- c(result, "\\begin{", a[[1L]], "}", deparseLatex(a[[2L]]), "\\end{", a[[1L]], "}"), MATH = result <- c(result, "$", deparseLatex(a), "$"), NULL = stop("Internal error, no tag", domain = NA) ) lastTag <- tag } paste(result, collapse="") } print.LaTeX <- function(x, ...) cat(deparseLatex(x), "\n") latex_tag <- function(x, tag) { if (!is.null(x)) attr(x, "latex_tag") <- tag x } # This makes substitutions within a latex object to replace latex characters # with UTF8 characters where possible. latexToUtf8 <- function(x) { i <- 0L whitespace <- c(' ', '\t', '\n') while (i < length(x)) { i <- i + 1L a <- x[[i]] tag <- attr(a, "latex_tag") if (tag == "MACRO") { numargs <- latexArgCount[a] if (!is.na(numargs)) { # Do we know this macro? args <- vector("list", numargs) j <- i getNext <- TRUE k <- 1L while (k <= numargs) { if (getNext) { j <- j + 1L if (j > length(x)) { warning("argument for ", c(a), " not found", domain = NA) nextobj <- latex_tag("", "TEXT") nexttag <- "TEXT" nextchars <- "" } else { nextobj <- x[[j]] nexttag <- attr(nextobj, "latex_tag") if (nexttag == "TEXT") nextchars <- strsplit(nextobj, "")[[1L]] } getNext <- FALSE } switch(nexttag, TEXT = { args[[k]] <- latex_tag(nextchars[1L], "TEXT") nextchars <- nextchars[-1L] if (!length(nextchars)) getNext <- TRUE if (args[[k]] %in% whitespace) next k <- k+1L }, COMMENT = getNext <- TRUE, # strip comments BLOCK =, ENVIRONMENT =, MATH = { args[[k]] <- latexToUtf8(nextobj) k <- k+1L getNext <- TRUE }, NULL = stop("Internal error: NULL tag", domain = NA)) } index <- a for (i1 in seq_along(args)) { if (is.null(latexTable[[index]])) break nextobj1 <- args[[i1]] nexttag1 <- attr(nextobj1, "latex_tag") index <- c(index, switch(nexttag1, MACRO =, TEXT = nextobj1, BLOCK = deparseLatex(nextobj1, dropBraces=TRUE))) } subst <- latex_tag(latexTable[[index]], "TEXT") if (!is.null(subst) && !is.list(subst)) { # We've made a substitution, which will always # be a new latex object, possibly containing UTF8 x[[i]] <- subst if (numargs) { if (nexttag == "TEXT" && length(nextchars)) { # We've partially used up the next one, so rebuild it nextobj[1L] <- paste(nextchars, collapse="") x[[j]] <- nextobj j <- j-1L } while (j > i) { # Remove the used up args x[[j]] <- NULL j <- j-1L } } } else i <- j } } else if (tag == "BLOCK") x[[i]] <- latexToUtf8(a) } x } makeLatexTable <- function(utf8table) { all <- list() for (i in seq_along(utf8table)) { if (grepl("^[{].*[}]$", c <- utf8table[i])) all[[as.character(i)]] <- parseLatex(c)[[1L]] } table <- list() for (i in names(all)) { codepoint <- as.numeric(i) macro <- all[[i]][[1L]] args <- all[[i]][-1L] index <- macro getNext <- TRUE repeat { if (getNext) { if (!length(args)) break nextobj <- args[[1L]] args <- args[-1L] nexttag <- attr(nextobj, "latex_tag") if (nexttag == "TEXT") nextchars <- strsplit(nextobj, "")[[1L]] else nextchars <- character() getNext <- FALSE } if (nexttag == "TEXT") { if (length(nextchars)) { arg <- nextchars[1L] nextchars <- nextchars[-1L] } else { getNext <- TRUE next } } else if (nexttag == "BLOCK") { if (!length(nextobj)) { arg <- "" # or character()? getNext <- TRUE } else { arg <- nextobj[[1L]] nextobj <- nextobj[-1L] argtag <- attr(arg, "latex_tag") if (argtag != "TEXT") stop("internal error", domain = NA) } } else if (nexttag == "MACRO") { arg <- nextobj[1L] getNext <- TRUE } index <- c(index, arg) } repeat{ # Need to record \a macros twice oldArgCount <- latexArgCount[macro] argCount <- length(index) - 1L if (is.na(oldArgCount)) latexArgCount[macro] <<- argCount else if (oldArgCount != length(index) - 1L) stop("Inconsistent arg count for ", macro, domain = NA) for (i in seq_along(index)) { if (is.null(entry <- table[[index[1L:i]]])) { if (i < length(index)) table[[index[1L:i]]] <- list() else table[[index]] <- intToUtf8(codepoint) } else if (!is.list(entry)) warning("entry for ", codepoint, "=", index[1L:i], " already defined to be", entry, domain = NA) } if (index[1L] != "\\a") break index <- index[-1L] index[1L] <- macro <- sub("^", "\\\\", index[1L]) } } table }