# File src/library/tools/R/parseRd.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ parse_Rd <- function(file, srcfile = NULL, encoding = "unknown", verbose = FALSE, fragment = FALSE, warningCalls = TRUE, macros = file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd", "macros", "system.Rd"), permissive = FALSE) { if(is.character(file)) { file0 <- file if(file == "") { file <- stdin() } else { ## keep.source is FALSE in batch use ## encoding issues here, for now use file encoding if (missing(srcfile)) ## && isTRUE(getOption("keep.source"))) srcfile <- srcfile(file) } } else file0 <- "" lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) if(is.character(macros)) macros <- initialRdMacros(macros = macros) ## remove old-style marking for data, keep line nos lines[lines == "\\non_function{}"] <- "" ## Extract the encoding if marked in the file: ## do this in two steps to minimize warnings in MBCS locales ## Note this is required to be on a line by itself, ## but some people have preceding whitespace enc <- grep("\\encoding{", lines, fixed = TRUE, useBytes=TRUE) enc <- grep("^[[:space:]]*\\\\encoding\\{([^}]*)\\}.*", lines[enc], value=TRUE) if(length(enc)) { if(length(enc) > 1L) warning(file0, ": multiple \\encoding lines, using the first", domain = NA, call. = warningCalls) ## keep first one enc <- enc[1L] enc <- sub("^[[:space:]]*\\\\encoding\\{([^}]*)\\}.*", "\\1", enc) if(verbose) message("found encoding ", enc, domain = NA) encoding <- if(enc %in% c("UTF-8", "utf-8", "utf8")) "UTF-8" else enc } if (encoding == "unknown") encoding <- "" ## the internal function must get some sort of srcfile if (!inherits(srcfile, "srcfile")) srcfile <- srcfile(file0) basename <- basename(srcfile$filename) srcfile$encoding <- encoding srcfile$Enc <- "UTF-8" if (encoding == "ASCII") { if (any(is.na(iconv(lines, "", "ASCII")))) stop(file0, ": non-ASCII input and no declared encoding", domain = NA, call. = warningCalls) } else if (encoding != "UTF-8") lines <- iconv(lines, encoding, "UTF-8", sub = "byte") tcon <- file() writeLines(lines, tcon, useBytes = TRUE) on.exit(close(tcon)) warndups <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_WARN_DUPLICATE_RD_MACROS_", "FALSE")) if (permissive) # FIXME: this should test for a special class of warning rather than testing the # message, but those are currently not easily generated from C code. result <- withCallingHandlers(.External2(C_parseRd, tcon, srcfile, "UTF-8", verbose, basename, fragment, warningCalls, macros, warndups), warning = function(w) if (grepl("unknown macro", conditionMessage(w))) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") ) else result <- .External2(C_parseRd, tcon, srcfile, "UTF-8", verbose, basename, fragment, warningCalls, macros, warndups) result <- expandDynamicFlags(result) if (permissive) result <- permissify(result) result } print.Rd <- function(x, deparse = FALSE, ...) { cat(as.character.Rd(x, deparse = deparse), sep = "", collapse = "") invisible(x) } as.character.Rd <- function(x, deparse = FALSE, ...) { ZEROARG <- c("\\cr", "\\dots", "\\ldots", "\\R", "\\tab") # Only these cause trouble when {} is added TWOARG <- c("\\section", "\\item", "\\enc", "\\method", "\\S3method", "\\S4method", "\\tabular") USERMACROS <- c("USERMACRO", "\\newcommand", "\\renewcommand") EQN <- c("\\deqn", "\\eqn", "\\figure") modes <- c(RLIKE = 1L, LATEXLIKE = 2L, VERBATIM = 3L, INOPTION = 4L, COMMENTMODE = 5L, UNKNOWNMODE = 6L) tags <- c(RCODE = 1L, TEXT = 2L, VERB = 3L, COMMENT = 5L, UNKNOWN = 6L) state <- c(braceDepth = 0L, inRString = 0L) needBraces <- FALSE # if next character is alphabetic, separate by braces. inEqn <- 0L pr <- function(x, quoteBraces) { tag <- attr(x, "Rd_tag") if (is.null(tag) || tag == "LIST") tag <- "" if (is.list(x)) { savestate <- state state <<- c(0L, 0L) needBraces <<- FALSE if (tag == "Rd") { # a whole file result <- character() for (i in seq_along(x)) result <- c(result, pr(x[[i]], quoteBraces)) } else if (length(grep("^#", tag))) { if (deparse) { dep <- deparseRdElement(x[[1L]][[1L]], c(state, modes["LATEXLIKE"], inEqn, as.integer(quoteBraces))) result <- c(tag, dep[[1L]]) } else result <- c(tag, x[[1L]][[1L]]) for (i in seq_along(x[[2L]])) result <- c(result, pr(x[[2L]][[i]], quoteBraces)) result <- c(result, "#endif\n") } else if (tag %in% ZEROARG) { result <- tag needBraces <<- TRUE } else if (tag %in% TWOARG) { result <- tag for (i in seq_along(x)) result <- c(result, pr(x[[i]], quoteBraces)) } else if (tag %in% EQN) { result <- tag inEqn <<- 1L result <- c(result, pr(x[[1L]], quoteBraces)) inEqn <<- 0L if (length(x) > 1L) result <- c(result, pr(x[[2L]], quoteBraces)) } else { result <- tag if (!is.null(option <- attr(x, "Rd_option"))) result <- c(result, "[", pr(option, quoteBraces), "]") result <- c(result, "{") for (i in seq_along(x)) result <- c(result, pr(x[[i]], quoteBraces)) result <- c(result, "}") } if (state[1L]) # If braces didn't match within the list, try again, quoting them result <- pr(x, TRUE) state <<- savestate } else if (tag %in% USERMACROS) { result <- c() } else { if (deparse) { dep <- deparseRdElement(as.character(x), c(state, tags[tag], inEqn, as.integer(quoteBraces))) result <- dep[[1L]] state <<- dep[[2L]][1L:2L] } else { if (inherits(x, "Rd")) class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "Rd") # Avoid infinite recursion from misuse (PR#16448) result <- as.character(x) } if (needBraces) { if (grepl("^[[:alpha:]]", result)) result <- c("{}", result) needBraces <<- FALSE } } result } if (is.null(attr(x, "Rd_tag"))) attr(x, "Rd_tag") <- "Rd" pr(x, quoteBraces = FALSE) } deparseRdElement <- function(element, state) .Call(C_deparseRd, element, state) # Convert unknown tags into text displaying the tag with braces if necessary # This allows unknown LateX macros to be embedded in the text, and to be just passed # through. permissify <- function(Rd) { tags <- RdTags(Rd) oldclass <- class(Rd) oldsrcref <- utils::getSrcref(Rd) oldtag <- attr(Rd, "Rd_tag") i <- 0 while (i < length(tags)) { i <- i+1 if (tags[i] == "UNKNOWN") { Rd[[i]] <- tagged(Rd[[i]], "TEXT", utils::getSrcref(Rd[[i]])) while (i < length(tags)) { if (tags[i+1] == "LIST") { Rd <- c(Rd[seq_len(i)], list(tagged("{", "TEXT", utils::getSrcref(Rd[[i+1]]))), permissify(Rd[[i+1]]), list(tagged("}", "TEXT", utils::getSrcref(Rd[[i+1]]))), Rd[seq_along(Rd)[-seq_len(i+1)]]) tags <- RdTags(Rd) i <- i+3 } else if (tags[i+1] == "TEXT" && grepl("^ *$", Rd[[i+1]])) i <- i + 1 else break } } else if (is.recursive(Rd[[i]])) Rd[[i]] <- permissify(Rd[[i]]) } class(Rd) <- oldclass attr(Rd, "srcref") <- oldsrcref attr(Rd, "Rd_tag") <- oldtag Rd }