# File src/library/tools/R/xgettext.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ xgettext <- function(dir, verbose = FALSE, asCall = TRUE) { dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) bn <- basename(dir) dir <- file.path(dir, "R") exts <- .make_file_exts("code") R_files <- list_files_with_exts(dir, exts) for(d in c("unix", "windows")) { OSdir <- file.path(dir, d) if(dir.exists(OSdir)) R_files <- c(R_files, list_files_with_exts(OSdir, exts)) } if(bn == "base") { ## include loader files in R_HOME/share/R shdir <- file.path(dir, "../../../../share/R") R_files <- c(R_files, list_files_with_exts(shdir, exts)) } out <- vector("list", length = length(R_files)) names(out) <- R_files find_strings <- function(e) { find_strings2 <- function(e, suppress) { if(is.character(e)) { if(!suppress) strings <<- c(strings, e) } else if(is.call(e)) { if(is.name(e[[1L]]) && (as.character(e[[1L]]) %in% c("gettext", "gettextf"))) { domain <- e[["domain"]] suppress <- !is.null(domain) && !is.name(domain) && is.na(domain) if(as.character(e[[1L]]) == "gettextf") { e <- match.call(gettextf, e) e <- e["fmt"] # just look at fmt arg } else if(as.character(e[[1L]]) == "gettext" && !is.null(names(e))) { e <- e[!(names(e) == "domain")] # remove domain arg } } for(i in seq_along(e)) find_strings2(e[[i]], suppress) } } if(is.call(e) && is.name(e[[1L]]) && (as.character(e[[1L]]) %in% c("warning", "stop", "message", "packageStartupMessage", "gettext", "gettextf"))) { domain <- e[["domain"]] suppress <- !is.null(domain) && !is.name(domain) && is.na(domain) ## remove named args if(!is.null(names(e))) e <- e[!names(e) %in% c("call.", "immediate.", "domain")] if(asCall) { if(!suppress) strings <<- c(strings, as.character(e)[-1L]) } else { if(as.character(e[[1L]]) == "gettextf") { e <- match.call(gettextf, e) e <- e["fmt"] # just look at fmt arg } for(i in seq_along(e)) find_strings2(e[[i]], suppress) } } else if(is.recursive(e)) for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]]) } for(f in R_files) { if(verbose) message(gettextf("parsing '%s'", f), domain = NA) strings <- character() for(e in parse(file = f)) find_strings(e) ## strip leading and trailing white space strings <- sub("^[ \t\n]*", "", strings) strings <- sub("[ \t\n]*$", "", strings) out[[f]] <- structure(unique(strings), class="xgettext") } out[lengths(out) > 0L] } print.xgettext <- function(x, ...) { cat(x, sep = "\n") invisible(x) } print.xngettext <- function(x, ...) { lapply(x, function(x) cat("\nmsgid = ", x[1L], "\nmsgid_plural = ", x[2L], "\n", sep = "")) invisible(x) } xngettext <- function(dir, verbose = FALSE) { dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) dir <- file.path(dir, "R") exts <- .make_file_exts("code") R_files <- list_files_with_exts(dir, exts) for(d in c("unix", "windows", "aqua")) { OSdir <- file.path(dir, d) if(dir.exists(OSdir)) R_files <- c(R_files, list_files_with_exts(OSdir, exts)) } out <- vector("list", length = length(R_files)) names(out) <- R_files find_strings <- function(e) { if(is.call(e) && is.name(e[[1L]]) && as.character(e[[1L]]) %in% "ngettext") { e <- match.call(ngettext, e) domain <- e[["domain"]] suppress <- !is.null(domain) && !is.name(domain) && is.na(domain) if (!suppress && is.character(e[["msg1"]]) && is.character(e[["msg2"]])) strings <<- c(strings, list(c(msg1 = e[["msg1"]], msg2 = e[["msg2"]]))) } else if(is.recursive(e)) for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]]) } for(f in R_files) { if(verbose) message(gettextf("parsing '%s'", f), domain = NA) strings <- list() for(e in parse(file = f)) find_strings(e) out[[f]] <- structure(strings, class="xngettext") } out[lengths(out) > 0L] } xgettext2pot <- function(dir, potFile, name = "R", version, bugs) { dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) if(missing(potFile)) potFile <- paste0("R-", basename(dir), ".pot") tmp <- unique(unlist(xgettext(dir, asCall = FALSE))) tmp <- tmp[nzchar(tmp)] if(length(tmp) > 0L) tmp <- shQuote(encodeString(tmp), type="cmd") # need to quote \n, \t etc con <- file(potFile, "wt") on.exit(close(con)) if(missing(version)) version <- paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = ".") if(missing(bugs)) bugs <- "bugs.r-project.org" writeLines(con = con, c('msgid ""', 'msgstr ""', sprintf('"Project-Id-Version: %s %s\\n"', name, version), sprintf('"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: %s\\n"', bugs), paste0('"POT-Creation-Date: ', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), # %z is not portable '\\n"'), '"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n"', '"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \\n"', '"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \\n"', '"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"', '"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\\n"', '"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"', '')) for(e in tmp) writeLines(con=con, c('', paste('msgid', e), 'msgstr ""')) tmp <- xngettext(dir) un <- unique(unlist(tmp, recursive=TRUE)) for(ee in tmp) for(e in ee) if(e[1L] %in% un) { writeLines(con=con, c('', paste('msgid ', shQuote(encodeString(e[1L]), type="cmd")), paste('msgid_plural', shQuote(encodeString(e[2L]), type="cmd")), 'msgstr[0] ""', 'msgstr[1] ""') ) un <- un[-match(e, un)] } } checkPoFile <- function(f, strictPlural = FALSE) { getfmts <- function(s) .Call(C_getfmts, s) lines <- readLines(f, encoding = "bytes") i <- 0 noCformat <- FALSE f1_plural <- NULL ref <- NA fuzzy <- FALSE result <- matrix(character(), ncol = 5L, nrow = 0L) while (i < length(lines)) { i <- i + 1L if (startsWith(lines[i], "#,")) { # useBytes=TRUE (speedup ?) noCformat <- noCformat || grepl("no-c-format", lines[i], useBytes = TRUE) fuzzy <- fuzzy || grepl("fuzzy", lines[i], useBytes = TRUE) } else if (startsWith(lines[i], "#:")) { if (!is.na(ref)) ref <- paste(ref, "etc.") else ref <- sub("^#:[[:blank:]]*", "", lines[i]) } else if (startsWith(lines[i], "msgid ")) { s1 <- sub('^msgid[[:blank:]]+["](.*)["][[:blank:]]*$', "\\1", lines[i]) while (startsWith(lines[i+1L], '"')) { i <- i + 1L s1 <- paste0(s1, sub('^["](.*)["][[:blank:]]*$', "\\1", lines[i])) } f1 <- tryCatch(getfmts(s1), error = function(e)e) j <- i + 1L if (noCformat || inherits(f1, "error")) { noCformat <- FALSE next } while (j <= length(lines)) { if (grepl("^msgid_plural[[:blank:]]", lines[j], useBytes = TRUE)) statement <- "msgid_plural" else if (grepl("^msgstr[[:blank:]]", lines[j], useBytes = TRUE)) statement <- "msgstr" else if (grepl("^msgstr\\[[[:digit:]]+\\][[:blank:]]", lines[j], useBytes = TRUE)) statement <- sub("^(msgstr)\\[([[:digit:]]+)\\].*$", "\\1\\\\[\\2\\\\]", lines[j]) else break s2 <- sub( paste0("^", statement, "[[:blank:]]+[\"](.*)[\"][[:blank:]]*$"), "\\1", lines[j]) while (!is.na(lines[j+1L]) && startsWith(lines[j+1L], '"')) { j <- j+1L s2 <- paste0(s2, sub('^["](.*)["][[:blank:]]*$', "\\1", lines[j])) } if (s1 == "") { # The header encoding <- sub(".*Content-Type:[^\\]*charset=([^\\[:space:]]*)[[:space:]]*\\\\n.*", "\\1", s2) lines <- iconv(lines, encoding, "UTF-8") break } f2 <- tryCatch(getfmts(s2), error = function(e)e) if (statement == "msgid_plural") { if (!strictPlural) { f1_plural <- f2 j <- j+1L next } } if (nzchar(s2) && !(identical(f1, f2) || identical(f1_plural, f2))) { location <- paste0(f, ":", j) if (inherits(f2, "error")) diff <- conditionMessage(f2) else { if (length(f1) < length(f2)) { diff <- "too many entries" length(f2) <- length(f1) } else if (length(f1) > length(f2)) { diff <- "too few entries" length(f1) <- length(f2) } else diff <- "" diffs <- which(f1 != f2) if (length(diffs)) { if (nzchar(diff)) diff <- paste0(diff, ", ") if (length(diffs) > 1) diff <- paste(paste0(diff, "differences in entries"), paste(diffs, collapse = ",")) else diff <- paste(paste0(diff, "difference in entry"), diffs) } if (grepl("\u066A", s2, fixed=TRUE)) diff <- paste0(diff, ", translation contains arabic percent sign U+066A") if (grepl("\uFE6A", s2, fixed=TRUE)) diff <- paste0(diff, ", translation contains small percent sign U+FE6A") if (grepl("\uFF05", s2, fixed=TRUE)) diff <- paste0(diff, ", translation contains wide percent sign U+FF05") } if (!fuzzy) result <- rbind(result, c(location, ref, diff, s1, s2)) } j <- j+1L } i <- j-1L noCformat <- FALSE f1_plural <- NULL ref <- NA fuzzy <- FALSE } } structure(result, class = "check_po_files") } checkPoFiles <- function(language, dir=".") { files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = paste0(language, "[.]po$"), full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) result <- matrix(character(), ncol = 5L, nrow = 0L) for (f in files) { errs <- checkPoFile(f, strictPlural = startsWith(basename(f), "R-")) if (nrow(errs)) result <- rbind(result, errs) } structure(result, class = "check_po_files") } print.check_po_files <- function(x, ...) { if (!nrow(x)) cat("No errors\n") else for (i in 1:nrow(x)) { if (is.na(x[i, 2L])) cols <- c(1L, 3:5) else cols <- 1:5 cat(x[i, cols], sep = "\n") cat("\n") } }