% File src/library/tools/man/HTMLheader.Rd
% Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
% Copyright 2009-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
Generate a standard HTML header for R help
This function generates the standard HTML header used on R help pages.
HTMLheader(title = "R", logo = TRUE, up = NULL,
top = file.path(Rhome, "doc/html/index.html"),
Rhome = "",
css = file.path(Rhome, "doc/html/R.css"),
headerTitle = paste("R:", title),
outputEncoding = "UTF-8")
The title to display and use in the HTML headers. Should have had any
HTML escaping already done.
Whether to display the \R{} logo after the title.
Which page (if any) to link to on the \dQuote{up} button.
Which page (if any) to link to on the \dQuote{top} button.
A \bold{relative} path to the R home directory. See the \sQuote{Details}.
The relative URL for the Cascading Style Sheet.
The title used in the headers.
The declared encoding for the whole page.
The \code{up} and \code{top} links should be relative to the current page.
The \code{Rhome} path default works with dynamic help; for static help, a
relative path (e.g., \file{../..}) to it should be used.
A character vector containing the lines of an HTML header which can be used
to start a page in the R help system.
cat(HTMLheader("This is a sample header"), sep="\n")
\keyword{ utilities }
\keyword{ documentation }