% File src/library/tools/man/Rd2HTML.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2008-2016 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{Rd2HTML} \alias{Rd2txt} \alias{Rd2HTML} \alias{Rd2ex} \alias{Rd2latex} \title{ Rd Converters } \description{ These functions take the output of the \code{\link{parse_Rd}} function and produce a help page from it. As they are mainly intended for internal use, their interfaces are subject to change. } \usage{ Rd2HTML(Rd, out = "", package = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type, Links = NULL, Links2 = NULL, stages = "render", outputEncoding = "UTF-8", dynamic = FALSE, no_links = FALSE, fragment = FALSE, stylesheet = "R.css", ...) Rd2txt(Rd, out = "", package = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render", outputEncoding = "", fragment = FALSE, options, ...) Rd2latex(Rd, out = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render", outputEncoding = "ASCII", fragment = FALSE, ..., writeEncoding = TRUE) Rd2ex(Rd, out = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render", outputEncoding = "UTF-8", commentDontrun = TRUE, commentDonttest = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{Rd}{ a filename or \code{Rd} object to use as input. } \item{out}{ a filename or connection object to which to write the output. } \item{package}{ the package to list in the output. } \item{defines}{ string(s) to use in \verb{#ifdef} tests. } \item{stages}{ at which stage (\code{"build"}, \code{"install"}, or \code{"render"}) should \verb{\Sexpr} macros be executed? See the notes below.} \item{outputEncoding}{ see the \sQuote{Encodings} section below.} \item{dynamic}{logical: set links for render-time resolution by dynamic help system.} \item{no_links}{logical: suppress hyperlinks to other help topics. Used by \command{R CMD \link{Rdconv}}.} \item{fragment}{logical: should fragments of Rd files be accepted? See the notes below.} \item{stylesheet}{character: a URL for a stylesheet to be used in the header of the HTML output page.} \item{Links, Links2}{\code{NULL} or a named (by topics) character vector of links, as returned by \code{\link{findHTMLlinks}}.} \item{options}{An optional named list of options to pass to \code{\link{Rd2txt_options}}.} \item{...}{ additional parameters to pass to \code{\link{parse_Rd}} when \code{Rd} is a filename. } \item{writeEncoding}{should \verb{\inputencoding} lines be written in the file for non-ASCII encodings?} \item{commentDontrun}{should \verb{\dontrun} sections be commented out?} \item{commentDonttest}{should \verb{\donttest} sections be commented out?} } \details{ These functions convert help documents: \code{Rd2HTML} produces HTML, \code{Rd2txt} produces plain text, \code{Rd2latex} produces LaTeX. \code{Rd2ex} extracts the examples in the format used by \code{\link{example}} and \R utilities. Each of the functions accepts a filename for an Rd file, and will use \code{\link{parse_Rd}} to parse it before applying the conversions or checks. The difference between arguments \code{Link} and \code{Link2} is that links are looked in them in turn, so lazy-evaluation can be used to only do a second-level search for links if required. Note that the default for \code{Rd2latex} is to output ASCII, including using the second option of \verb{\enc} markup. This was chosen because use of UTF-8 in LaTeX requires version \sQuote{2005/12/01} or later, and even with that version the coverage of UTF-8 glyphs is not extensive (and not even as complete as Latin-1). \code{Rd2txt} will format text paragraphs to a width determined by \code{width}, with appropriate margins. The default is to be close to the rendering in versions of \R < 2.10.0. \code{Rd2txt} will use directional quotes (see \code{\link{sQuote}}) if option \code{"useFancyQuotes"} is true (the default) and #ifdef unix the current encoding is UTF-8. #endif #ifdef windows the current locale uses a single-byte encoding (except C). (Directional quotes are not attempted in East Asian locales as they are usually double-width, which looks wrong with English text.) #endif Various aspects of formatting by \code{Rd2txt} are controlled by the \code{options} argument, documented with the \code{\link{Rd2txt_options}} function. Changes made using \code{options} are temporary, those made with \code{\link{Rd2txt_options}} are persistent. When \code{fragment = TRUE}, the \code{Rd} file will be rendered with no processing of \verb{\Sexpr} elements or conditional defines using \verb{#ifdef} or \verb{#ifndef}. Normally a fragment represents text within a section, but if the first element of the fragment is a section macro, the whole fragment will be rendered as a series of sections, without the usual sorting. } \section{Encodings}{ Rd files are normally intended to be rendered on a wide variety of systems, so care must be taken in the encoding of non-ASCII characters. In general, any such encoding should be declared using the \samp{encoding} section for there to be any hope of correct rendering. For output, the \code{outputEncoding} argument will be used: \code{outputEncoding = ""} will choose the native encoding for the current system. If the text cannot be converted to the \code{outputEncoding}, byte substitution will be used (see \code{\link{iconv}}): \code{Rd2latex} and \code{Rd2ex} give a warning. } \note{ The \verb{\Sexpr} macro is a new addition to Rd files. It includes \R code that will be executed at one of three times: \emph{build} time (when a package's source code is built into a tarball), \emph{install} time (when the package is installed or built into a binary package), and \emph{render} time (when the man page is converted to a readable format). For example, this man page was: \enumerate{ \item built on \Sexpr[stage=build]{format(Sys.time(), "\%Y-\%m-\%d at \%H:\%M:\%S")}, \item installed on \Sexpr[stage=install]{format(Sys.time(), "\%Y-\%m-\%d at \%H:\%M:\%S")}, and \item rendered on \Sexpr[stage=render]{format(Sys.time(), "\%Y-\%m-\%d at \%H:\%M:\%S")}. } } \value{ These functions are executed mainly for the side effect of writing the converted help page. Their value is the name of the output file (invisibly). For \code{Rd2latex}, the output name is given an attribute \code{"latexEncoding"} giving the encoding of the file in a form suitable for use with the LaTeX \samp{inputenc} package. } \author{ Duncan Murdoch, Brian Ripley } \references{ \url{https://developer.r-project.org/parseRd.pdf} } \seealso{ \code{\link{parse_Rd}}, \code{\link{checkRd}}, \code{\link{findHTMLlinks}}, \code{\link{Rd2txt_options}}. } \examples{\donttest{ \dontrun{ ## Simulate install and rendering of this page in HTML and text format: Rd <- file.path("src/library/tools/man/Rd2HTML.Rd") outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html") browseURL(Rd2HTML(Rd, outfile, package = "tools", stages = c("install", "render"))) outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") file.show(Rd2txt(Rd, outfile, package = "tools", stages = c("install", "render"))) checkRd(Rd) # A stricter test than Rd2HTML uses }}} \keyword{ documentation }