% File src/library/tools/man/Rd2txt_options.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2010 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{Rd2txt_options} \alias{Rd2txt_options} \title{ Set formatting options for text help } \description{ This function sets various options for displaying text help. } \usage{ Rd2txt_options(...) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{A list containing named options, or options passed as individual named arguments. See below for currently defined ones.} } \details{ This function persistently sets various formatting options for the \code{\link{Rd2txt}} function which is used in displaying text format help. Currently defined options are: \describe{ \item{width}{(default 80): The width of the output page.} \item{minIndent}{(default 10): The minimum indent to use in a list.} \item{extraIndent}{(default 4): The extra indent to use in each level of nested lists.} \item{sectionIndent}{(default 5): The indent level for a section.} \item{sectionExtra}{(default 2): The extra indentation for each nested section level.} \item{itemBullet}{(default \code{"* "}, with the asterisk replaced by a Unicode bullet in UTF-8 and most Windows locales): The symbol to use as a bullet in itemized lists.} \item{enumFormat}{: A function to format item numbers in enumerated lists.} \item{showURLs}{(default \code{FALSE}): Whether to show URLs when expanding \verb{\href} tags.} \item{code_quote}{(default \code{TRUE}): Whether to render \verb{\code} and similar with single quotes.} \item{underline_titles}{default \code{TRUE}): Whether to render section titles with underlines (via backspacing).} } } \value{ If called with no arguments, returns all option settings in a list. Otherwise, it changes the named settings and invisibly returns their previous values. } \author{ Duncan Murdoch } \seealso{ \code{\link{Rd2txt}} } \examples{ \donttest{ # The itemBullet is locale-specific saveOpts <- Rd2txt_options() saveOpts Rd2txt_options(minIndent = 4) Rd2txt_options() Rd2txt_options(saveOpts) Rd2txt_options() } } \keyword{ documentation }