% File src/library/tools/man/Rdiff.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2010-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{Rdiff} \alias{Rdiff} \title{Difference R Output Files} \description{ Given two \R output files, compute differences ignoring headers, footers and some other differences. } \usage{ Rdiff(from, to, useDiff = FALSE, forEx = FALSE, nullPointers = TRUE, Log = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{from, to}{filepaths to be compared} \item{useDiff}{should \command{diff} always be used to compare results?} \item{forEx}{logical: extra pruning for \file{-Ex.Rout} files to exclude the header.} \item{nullPointers}{logical: should the displayed addresses of pointers be set to \code{0x00000000} before comparison?} \item{Log}{logical: should the returned value include a log of differences found?} } \details{ The \R startup banner and any timing information from \command{R CMD BATCH} are removed from both files, together with lines about loading packages. UTF-8 fancy quotes (see \code{\link{sQuote}}) and on Windows, Windows' so-called \sQuote{smart quotes}, are mapped to a simple quote. Addresses of environments, compiled bytecode and other exotic types expressed as hex addresses (e.g., \code{}) are mapped to \code{0x00000000}. The files are then compared line-by-line. If there are the same number of lines and \code{useDiff} is false, a simple \command{diff -b} -like display of differences is printed (which ignores trailing spaces and differences in numbers of consecutive spaces), otherwise \command{diff -bw} is called on the edited files. (This tries to ignore all differences in whitespace: note that flag \option{-w} is not required by POSIX but is supported by GNU, Solaris and FreeBSD versions.) This can compare uncompressed PDF files, ignoring differences in creation and modification dates. } \value{ If \code{Log} is true, a list with components \code{status} (see below) and \code{out}, a character vector of descriptions of differences, possibly of zero length. Otherwise, a status indicator, \code{0L} if and only if no differences were found. } \seealso{ The shell script run as \command{R CMD Rdiff}. } \keyword{utilities}