% File src/library/tools/man/checkRdaFiles.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2009-11 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{checkRdaFiles} \alias{checkRdaFiles} \alias{resaveRdaFiles} \title{ Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them } \description{ This reports for each of the files produced by \code{save} the size, if it was saved in ASCII or XDR binary format, and if it was compressed (and if so in what format). Usually such files have extension \file{.rda} or \file{.RData}, hence the name of the function. } \usage{ checkRdaFiles(paths) resaveRdaFiles(paths, compress = c("auto", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz"), compression_level) } \arguments{ \item{paths}{A character vector of paths to \code{save} files. If this specifies a single directory, it is taken to refer to all \file{.rda} and \file{.RData} files in that directory.} \item{compress, compression_level}{type and level of compression: see \code{\link{save}}. Values of \code{compress} can be abbreviated.} } \details{ \code{compress = "auto"} asks \R to choose the compression and ignores \code{compression_level}. It will try \code{"gzip"}, \code{"bzip2"} and if the \code{"gzip"} compressed size is over 10Kb, \code{"xz"} and choose the smallest compressed file (but with a 10\% bias towards \code{"gzip"}). This can be slow. } \value{ For \code{checkRdaFiles}, a data frame with rows names \code{paths} and columns \item{size}{numeric: file size in bytes, \code{NA} if the file does not exist.} \item{ASCII}{logical: true for save(ASCII = TRUE), \code{NA} if the format is not that of an \R save file.} \item{compress}{character: type of compression. One of \code{"gzip"}, \code{"bzip2"}, \code{"xz"}, \code{"none"} or \code{"unknown"} (which means that if this is an \R save file it is from a later version of \R).} \item{version}{integer: the version of the save -- usually \code{2} but \code{1} for very old files, and \code{NA} for other files.} } \examples{\dontrun{ ## from a package top-level source directory paths <- sort(Sys.glob(c("data/*.rda", "data/*.RData"))) (res <- checkRdaFiles(paths)) ## pick out some that may need attention bad <- is.na(res$ASCII) | res$ASCII | (res$size > 1e4 & res$compress == "none") res[bad, ] }} \keyword{ utilities }