% File src/library/tools/man/checkVignettes.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{checkVignettes} \alias{checkVignettes} \alias{print.checkVignettes} \title{Check Package Vignettes} \description{ Check all \code{\link{Sweave}} files of a package by running \code{\link{Sweave}} and/or \code{\link{Stangle}} on them. All R source code files found after the tangling step are \code{\link{source}}ed to check whether all code can be executed without errors. } \usage{ checkVignettes(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, tangle = TRUE, weave = TRUE, latex = FALSE, workdir = c("tmp", "src", "cur"), keepfiles = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{package}{a character string naming an installed package. If given, Sweave files are searched in subdirectory \file{doc}.} \item{dir}{a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This subdirectory \file{inst/doc} is searched for Sweave files.} \item{lib.loc}{a character vector of directory names of \R libraries, or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for \code{package}.} \item{tangle}{Perform a tangle and \code{\link{source}} the extracted code?} \item{weave}{Perform a weave?} \item{latex}{logical: if \code{weave} and \code{latex} are \code{TRUE} and there is no \file{Makefile} in the vignettes directory, run the weaved files through \command{pdflatex}.} \item{workdir}{Directory used as working directory while checking the vignettes. If \code{"tmp"} then a temporary directory is created, this is the default. If \code{"src"} then the directory containing the vignettes itself is used, if \code{"cur"} then the current working directory of \R is used.} %% R CMD check makes a copy and uses workdir = "src" \item{keepfiles}{Delete files in the temporary directory? This option is ignored when \code{workdir != "tmp"}.} } \details{ A \sQuote{vignette} is a file in the package's \file{inst/doc} directory with extension \file{.Rnw} (preferred), \file{.Snw}, \file{.Rtex} or \file{.Stex} (and lower-case versions are also accepted). If \code{tangle} is true, this function runs \code{\link{Stangle}} to produce (one or more) \R code files from each vignette, then \code{source}s each code file in turn. If \code{weave} is true, the vignettes are run through \code{\link{Sweave}}, which will produce a \file{.tex} file for each vignette. If \code{latex} is also true, \code{\link{texi2pdf}} is run on the \file{.tex} files from those vignettes which did not give errors in the previous steps. } \value{ An object of class \code{"checkVignettes"}, which is a list with the error messages found during the tangle, source, weave and latex steps. There is a \code{print} method for displaying the information contained in such objects. } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{documentation}