% File src/library/tools/man/getDepList.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{getDepList} \alias{getDepList} \alias{pkgDepends} \title{Functions to Retrieve Dependency Information} \description{ These functions retrieve information about the dependencies of a package or a dependency matrix, resulting in a \code{DependsList} object. Given a dependency matrix, \code{getDepList()} creates a \code{DependsList} object for that package. That object includes the dependencies for that matrix, which ones are installed, which unresolved dependencies were found online, which unresolved dependencies were not found online, and any R dependencies. \code{pkgDepends()} for convenience takes a package name, builds a dependency matrix and then returns a corresponding \code{getDepList()}. } \usage{ getDepList(depMtrx, instPkgs, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE, reduce = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL) pkgDepends(pkg, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE, reduce = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{depMtrx}{a dependency matrix as from \code{\link{package.dependencies}()}.} \item{pkg}{the name of the package} \item{instPkgs}{a matrix specifying all packages installed on the local system, as from \code{installed.packages}} \item{recursive}{whether or not to include indirect dependencies.} \item{local}{whether or not to search only locally} \item{reduce}{whether or not to collapse all sets of dependencies to a minimal value} \item{lib.loc}{what libraries to use when looking for installed packages. \code{NULL} indicates all library directories in the current \code{.libPaths()}. Note that \code{lib.loc} is not used in \code{getDepList()} and deprecated there.} } \details{ The convenience function \code{pkgDepends(pkg)} queries \code{\link{installed.packages}} and generates a dependency matrix, calling \code{getDepList} with this information and returning the result. If \code{recursive} is \code{TRUE}, any package that is specified as a dependency will in turn have its dependencies included (and so on), these are known as indirect dependencies. If \code{recursive} is \code{FALSE}, only the dependencies directly stated by the package will be used. If \code{local} is \code{TRUE}, the system will only look at the user's local install and not online to find unresolved dependencies. If \code{reduce} is \code{TRUE}, the system will collapse the fields in the \code{DependsList} object such that a minimal set of dependencies are specified (for instance if there was \samp{foo, foo (>= 1.0.0), foo (>= 1.3.0)}, it would only return \samp{foo (>= 1.3.0)}). } \value{ An object of S3 class \code{"DependsList"}, which is a \code{\link{list}} with components \item{Depends}{A vector of the dependencies for this package.} \item{Installed}{A vector of the dependencies which have been satisfied by the currently installed packages.} \item{Found}{A list representing the dependencies which are not in \code{Installed} but were found online. This list has element names which are the URLs for the repositories in which packages were found and the elements themselves are vectors of package names which were found in the respective repositories. If \code{local = TRUE}, the \code{Found} element will always be empty.} \item{NotFound}{...} \item{R}{Any R version dependencies.} } \author{ Jeff Gentry } \seealso{\code{\link{installFoundDepends}}} \examples{ pkgDepends("tools", local = FALSE) } \keyword{utilities}