% File src/library/tools/man/parseLatex.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{parseLatex} \alias{parseLatex} \alias{deparseLatex} \alias{latexToUtf8} \title{ These experimental functions work with a subset of LaTeX code. } \description{ The \code{parseLatex} function parses LaTeX source, producing a structured object; \code{deparseLatex} reverses the process. The \code{latexToUtf8} function takes a LaTeX object, and processes a number of different macros to convert them into the corresponding UTF-8 characters. } \usage{ parseLatex(text, filename = deparse(substitute(text)), verbose = FALSE, verbatim = c("verbatim", "verbatim*", "Sinput", "Soutput")) deparseLatex(x, dropBraces = FALSE) latexToUtf8(x) } \arguments{ \item{text}{ A character vector containing LaTeX source code. } \item{filename}{ A filename to use in syntax error messages. } \item{verbose}{ If \code{TRUE}, print debug error messages. } \item{verbatim}{ A character vector containing the names of LaTeX environments holding verbatim text. } \item{x}{ A \code{"LaTeX"} object. } \item{dropBraces}{ Drop unnecessary braces when displaying a \code{"LaTeX"} object. } } \details{ The parser does not recognize all legal LaTeX code, only relatively simple examples. It does not associate arguments with macros, that needs to be done after parsing, with knowledge of the definitions of each macro. The main intention for this function is to process simple LaTeX code used in bibliographic references, not fully general LaTeX documents. Verbose text is allowed in two forms: the \verb{\\verb} macro (with single character delimiters), and environments whose names are listed in the \code{verbatim} argument. } \value{ The \code{parseLatex()} function returns a recursive object of class \code{"LaTeX"}. Each of the entries in this object will have a \code{ "latex_tag"} attribute identifying its syntactic role. The \code{deparseLatex()} function returns a single element character vector, possibly containing embedded newlines. The \code{latexToUtf8()} function returns a modified version of the \code{"LaTeX"} object that was passed to it. } \author{ Duncan Murdoch } \examples{\donttest{ latex <- parseLatex("fa\\\\c{c}ile") deparseLatex(latexToUtf8(latex)) }} \keyword{ utilities } \keyword{ documentation }