% File src/library/tools/man/toRd.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2010-1 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{toRd} \alias{toRd} \alias{toRd.default} \alias{toRd.bibentry} \title{ Generic function to convert object to a fragment of Rd code. } \description{ Methods for this function render their associated classes as a fragment of Rd code, which can then be rendered into text, HTML, or LaTeX. } \usage{ toRd(obj, ...) \S3method{toRd}{bibentry}(obj, style = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{ The object to be rendered. } \item{style}{ The style to be used in converting a \code{\link{bibentry}} object. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments used by methods. } } \details{ See \code{\link{bibstyle}} for a discussion of styles. The default \code{style = NULL} value gives the default style. } \value{ Returns a character vector containing a fragment of Rd code that could be parsed and rendered. The default method converts \code{obj} to mode \code{character}, then escapes any Rd markup within it. The \code{bibentry} method converts an object of that class to markup appropriate for use in a bibliography. } \keyword{ utilities } \keyword{ documentation }