# File src/library/utils/R/aspell.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ aspell <- function(files, filter, control = list(), encoding = "unknown", program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { ## Take the given files and feed them through spell checker in ## Ispell pipe mode. ## Think about options and more command line options eventually. program <- aspell_find_program(program) if(is.na(program)) stop("No suitable spell-checker program found") ## Be nice. if(inherits(files, "Rd")) files <- list(files) files_are_names <- is.character(files) filter_args <- list() if(missing(filter) || is.null(filter)) { filter <- if(!files_are_names) { function(ifile, encoding) { if(inherits(ifile, "srcfile")) readLines(ifile$filename, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) else if(inherits(ifile, "connection")) readLines(ifile, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) else { ## What should this do with encodings? as.character(ifile) } } } else NULL } else if(is.character(filter)) { ## Look up filter in aspell filter db. filter_name <- filter[1L] filter <- aspell_filter_db[[filter_name]] ## Warn if the filter was not found in the db. if(is.null(filter)) warning(gettextf("Filter '%s' is not available.", filter_name), domain = NA) } else if(is.list(filter)) { ## Support ## list("Rd", drop = "\\references" ## at least for now. filter_name <- filter[[1L]][1L] filter_args <- filter[-1L] filter <- aspell_filter_db[[filter_name]] ## Warn if the filter was not found in the db. if(is.null(filter)) warning(gettextf("Filter '%s' is not available.", filter_name), domain = NA) } else if(!is.function(filter)) stop("Invalid 'filter' argument.") encoding <- rep(encoding, length.out = length(files)) verbose <- getOption("verbose") db <- data.frame(Original = character(), File = character(), Line = integer(), Column = integer(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) db$Suggestions <- list() tfile <- tempfile("aspell") on.exit(unlink(tfile)) if(length(dictionaries)) { paths <- aspell_find_dictionaries(dictionaries) ind <- paths == "" if(any(ind)) { warning(gettextf("The following dictionaries were not found:\n%s", paste(sprintf(" %s", dictionaries[ind]), collapse = "\n")), domain = NA) paths <- paths[!ind] } if(length(paths)) { words <- unlist(lapply(paths, readRDS), use.names = FALSE) personal <- tempfile("aspell_personal") on.exit(unlink(personal), add = TRUE) ## ## How can we get the right language set (if needed)? ## Maybe aspell() needs an additional 'language' arg? aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file(words, personal, program = program) ## control <- c(control, "-p", shQuote(personal)) } } ## No special expansion of control argument for now. control <- as.character(control) fnames <- names(files) files <- as.list(files) for (i in seq_along(files)) { file <- files[[i]] if(files_are_names) fname <- file else { ## Try srcfiles and srcrefs ... fname <- if(inherits(file, "srcfile")) file$filename else attr(attr(file, "srcref"), "srcfile")$filename ## As a last resort, try the names of the files argument. if(is.null(fname)) fname <- fnames[i] ## If unknown ... if(is.null(fname)) fname <- "" } enc <- encoding[i] if(verbose) message(gettextf("Processing file %s", fname), domain = NA) lines <- if(is.null(filter)) readLines(file, encoding = enc, warn = FALSE) else { ## Assume that filter takes an input file (and additional ## arguments) and return a character vector. do.call(filter, c(list(file, encoding = enc), filter_args)) } ## Allow filters to pass additional control arguments, in case ## these need to be inferred from the file contents. control <- c(control, attr(lines, "control")) ## Need to escape all lines with carets to ensure Aspell handles ## them as data: the Aspell docs say ## It is recommended that programmatic interfaces prefix every ## data line with an uparrow to protect themselves against ## future changes in Aspell. writeLines(paste0("^", lines), tfile) ## Note that this re-encodes character strings with marked ## encodings to the current encoding (which is definitely fine ## if this is UTF-8 and Aspell was compiled with full UTF-8 ## support). Alternatively, we could try using something along ## the lines of ## writeLines(paste0("^", lines), tfile, ## useBytes = TRUE) ## and pass the encoding info to Aspell in case we know it. out <- tools:::.system_with_capture(program, c("-a", control), stdin = tfile) if(out$status != 0L) stop(gettextf("Running aspell failed with diagnostics:\n%s", paste(out$stderr, collapse = "\n")), domain = NA) ## Hopefully everything worked ok. lines <- out$stdout[-1L] pos <- cumsum(lines == "") + 1L ## Format is as follows. ## First line is a header. ## Blank lines separate the results for each line. ## Results for the word on each line are given as follows. ## * If the word was found in the main dictionary, or your personal ## dictionary, then the line contains only a `*'. ## * If the word is not in the dictionary, but there are ## suggestions, then the line contains an `&', a space, the ## misspelled word, a space, the number of near misses, the number ## of characters between the beginning of the line and the ## beginning of the misspelled word, a colon, another space, and a ## list of the suggestions separated by commas and spaces. ## * If the word does not appear in the dictionary, and there are no ## suggestions, then the line contains a `#', a space, the ## misspelled word, a space, and the character offset from the ## beginning of the line. ## This can be summarized as follows: ## OK: * ## Suggestions: & original count offset: miss, miss, ... ## None: # original offset ## Look at words not in dictionary with suggestions. if(any(ind <- startsWith(lines, "&"))) { info <- strsplit(lines[ind], ": ", fixed = TRUE) one <- strsplit(sapply(info, `[`, 1L), " ", fixed = TRUE) two <- strsplit(sapply(info, `[`, 2L), ", ", fixed = TRUE) db1 <- data.frame(Original = as.character(sapply(one, `[`, 2L)), File = fname, Line = pos[ind], Column = as.integer(sapply(one, `[`, 4L)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) db1$Suggestions <- two db <- rbind(db, db1) } ## Looks at words not in dictionary with no suggestions. if(any(ind <- startsWith(lines, "#"))) { one <- strsplit(lines[ind], " ", fixed = TRUE) db1 <- data.frame(Original = as.character(sapply(one, `[`, 2L)), File = fname, Line = pos[ind], Column = as.integer(sapply(one, `[`, 3L)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) db1$Suggestions <- vector("list", length(one)) db <- rbind(db, db1) } } class(db) <- c("aspell", "data.frame") db } format.aspell <- function(x, sort = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, indent = 2L, ...) { if(!nrow(x)) return(character()) if(sort) x <- x[order(x$Original, x$File, x$Line, x$Column), ] from <- split(sprintf("%s:%d:%d", x$File, x$Line, x$Column), x$Original) if(verbose) { unlist(Map(function(w, f, s) { sprintf("Word: %s\nFrom: %s\n%s", w, paste0(c("", rep.int(" ", length(f) - 1L)), f, collapse = "\n"), paste(strwrap(paste("Suggestions:", paste(s[[1L]], collapse = " ")), exdent = 6L, indent = 0L), collapse = "\n")) }, names(from), from, split(x$Suggestions, x$Original))) } else { sep <- sprintf("\n%s", strrep(" ", indent)) paste(names(from), sapply(from, paste, collapse = sep), sep = sep) } } print.aspell <- function(x, ...) { if(nrow(x)) writeLines(paste(format(x, ...), collapse = "\n\n")) invisible(x) } summary.aspell <- function(object, ...) { words <- sort(unique(object$Original)) if(length(words)) { writeLines("Possibly mis-spelled words:") print(words) } invisible(words) } aspell_filter_db <- new.env(hash = FALSE) # small aspell_filter_db$Rd <- tools::RdTextFilter aspell_filter_db$Sweave <- tools::SweaveTeXFilter aspell_find_program <- function(program = NULL) { check <- !is.null(program) || !is.null(names(program)) if(is.null(program)) program <- getOption("aspell_program") if(is.null(program)) program <- c("aspell", "hunspell", "ispell") program <- Filter(nzchar, Sys.which(program))[1L] if(!is.na(program) && check) { out <- c(system(sprintf("%s -v", program), intern = TRUE), "")[1L] if(grepl("really Aspell", out)) names(program) <- "aspell" else if(grepl("really Hunspell", out)) names(program) <- "hunspell" else if(grepl("International Ispell", out)) names(program) <- "ispell" else names(program) <- NA_character_ } program } aspell_dictionaries_R <- "en_stats" aspell_find_dictionaries <- function(dictionaries, dirnames = character()) { dictionaries <- as.character(dictionaries) if(!(n <- length(dictionaries))) return(character()) ## Always search the R system dictionary directory first. dirnames <- c(file.path(R.home("share"), "dictionaries"), dirnames) ## For now, all dictionary files should be .rds files. if(any(ind <- !endsWith(dictionaries, ".rds"))) dictionaries[ind] <- sprintf("%s.rds", dictionaries[ind]) out <- character(n) ## Dictionaries with no path separators are looked for in the given ## dictionary directories (by default, the R system dictionary ## directory). ind <- grepl(.Platform$file.sep, dictionaries, fixed = TRUE) ## (Equivalently, could check where paths == basename(paths).) if(length(pos <- which(ind))) { pos <- pos[file_test("-f", dictionaries[pos])] out[pos] <- normalizePath(dictionaries[pos], "/") } if(length(pos <- which(!ind))) { out[pos] <- find_files_in_directories(dictionaries[pos], dirnames) } out } ### Utilities. aspell_inspect_context <- function(x) { x <- split(x, x$File) y <- Map(function(f, x) { lines <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE)[x$Line] cbind(f, x$Line, substring(lines, 1L, x$Column - 1L), x$Original, substring(lines, x$Column + nchar(x$Original))) }, names(x), x) y <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, y), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) names(y) <- c("File", "Line", "Left", "Original", "Right") class(y) <- c("aspell_inspect_context", "data.frame") y } print.aspell_inspect_context <- function(x, ...) { s <- split(x, x$File) nms <- names(s) for(i in seq_along(s)) { e <- s[[i]] writeLines(c(sprintf("File '%s':", nms[i]), sprintf(" Line %s: \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"", format(e$Line), gsub("\"", "\\\"", e$Left), e$Original, gsub("\"", "\\\"", e$Right)), "")) } invisible(x) } ## For spell-checking the R manuals: ## This can really only be done with Aspell as the other checkers have ## no texinfo mode. aspell_control_R_manuals <- list(aspell = c("--master=en_US", "--add-extra-dicts=en_GB", "--mode=texinfo", "--add-texinfo-ignore=acronym", "--add-texinfo-ignore=deftypefun", "--add-texinfo-ignore=deftypefunx", "--add-texinfo-ignore=findex", "--add-texinfo-ignore=enindex", "--add-texinfo-ignore=include", "--add-texinfo-ignore=ifclear", "--add-texinfo-ignore=ifset", "--add-texinfo-ignore=math", "--add-texinfo-ignore=macro", "--add-texinfo-ignore=multitable", "--add-texinfo-ignore=node", "--add-texinfo-ignore=pkg", "--add-texinfo-ignore=printindex", "--add-texinfo-ignore=set", "--add-texinfo-ignore=vindex", "--add-texinfo-ignore-env=menu", "--add-texinfo-ignore=CRANpkg" ), hunspell = c("-d en_US,en_GB")) aspell_R_manuals <- function(which = NULL, dir = NULL, program = NULL, dictionaries = aspell_dictionaries_R) { if(is.null(dir)) dir <- tools:::.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd() ## Allow specifying 'R-exts' and alikes, or full paths. files <- if(is.null(which)) { Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "doc", "manual", "*.texi")) } else { ind <- which(which == basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(which))) which[ind] <- file.path(dir, "doc", "manual", sprintf("%s.texi", which[ind])) which } program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, control = aspell_control_R_manuals[[names(program)]], program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking the R Rd files: aspell_control_R_Rd_files <- list(aspell = c("--master=en_US", "--add-extra-dicts=en_GB"), hunspell = c("-d en_US,en_GB")) aspell_R_Rd_files <- function(which = NULL, dir = NULL, drop = "\\references", program = NULL, dictionaries = aspell_dictionaries_R) { files <- character() if(is.null(dir)) dir <- tools:::.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd() if(is.null(which)) { which <- tools:::.get_standard_package_names()$base # CHANGES.Rd could be dropped from checks in the future; # it will not be updated post 2.15.0 files <- c(file.path(dir, "doc", "NEWS.Rd"), file.path(dir, "src", "gnuwin32", "CHANGES.Rd")) files <- files[file_test("-f", files)] } files <- c(files, unlist(lapply(file.path(dir, "src", "library", which, "man"), tools::list_files_with_type, "docs", OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")), use.names = FALSE)) program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("Rd", drop = drop), control = aspell_control_R_Rd_files[[names(program)]], program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking Rd files in a package: aspell_package_Rd_files <- function(dir, drop = c("\\author", "\\references"), control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- normalizePath(dir, "/") subdir <- file.path(dir, "man") files <- if(dir.exists(subdir)) tools::list_files_with_type(subdir, "docs", OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")) else character() meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" defaults <- .aspell_package_defaults(dir, encoding)$Rd_files if(!is.null(defaults)) { ## Direct settings currently override (could add a list add = ## TRUE mechanism eventually). if(!is.null(d <- defaults$drop)) drop <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$control)) control <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$program)) program <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$dictionaries)) { dictionaries <- aspell_find_dictionaries(d, file.path(dir, ".aspell")) } ## ## Deprecated in favor of specifying R level dictionaries. ## Maybe give a warning (in particular if both are given)? if(!is.null(d <- defaults$personal)) control <- c(control, sprintf("-p %s", shQuote(file.path(dir, ".aspell", d)))) ## } aspell(files, filter = list("Rd", drop = drop), control = control, encoding = encoding, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking the R vignettes: ## This should really be done with Aspell as the other checkers have far ## less powerful TeX modes. aspell_control_R_vignettes <- list(aspell = c("--mode=tex", "--master=en_US", "--add-extra-dicts=en_GB", "--add-tex-command='code p'", "--add-tex-command='pkg p'", "--add-tex-command='CRANpkg p'" ), hunspell = c("-t", "-d en_US,en_GB")) aspell_R_vignettes <- function(program = NULL, dictionaries = aspell_dictionaries_R) { files <- Sys.glob(file.path(tools:::.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd(), "src", "library", "*", "vignettes", "*.Rnw")) program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = "Sweave", control = aspell_control_R_vignettes[[names(program)]], program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking vignettes in a package: ## This should really be done with Aspell as the other checkers have far ## less powerful TeX modes. aspell_control_package_vignettes <- list(aspell = c("--add-tex-command='citep oop'", "--add-tex-command='Sexpr p'", "--add-tex-command='code p'", "--add-tex-command='pkg p'", "--add-tex-command='proglang p'", "--add-tex-command='samp p'" )) aspell_package_vignettes <- function(dir, control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(dir) vinfo <- tools::pkgVignettes(dir = dir) files <- vinfo$docs if(!length(files)) return(aspell(character())) ## We need the package encoding to read the defaults file ... meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" defaults <- .aspell_package_defaults(dir, encoding)$vignettes if(!is.null(defaults)) { if(!is.null(d <- defaults$control)) control <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$program)) program <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$dictionaries)) { dictionaries <- aspell_find_dictionaries(d, file.path(dir, ".aspell")) } ## ## Deprecated in favor of specifying R level dictionaries. ## Maybe give a warning (in particular if both are given)? if(!is.null(d <- defaults$personal)) control <- c(control, sprintf("-p %s", shQuote(file.path(dir, ".aspell", d)))) ## } program <- aspell_find_program(program) fgroups <- split(files, vinfo$engines) egroups <- split(vinfo$encodings, vinfo$engines) do.call(rbind, Map(function(fgroup, egroup, engine) { engine <- tools::vignetteEngine(engine) aspell(fgroup, filter = engine$aspell$filter, control = c(engine$aspell$control, aspell_control_package_vignettes[[names(program)]], control), encoding = egroup, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) }, fgroups, egroups, names(fgroups) ) ) } ## Spell-checking R files. aspell_filter_db$R <- function(ifile, encoding = "unknown", ignore = character()) { pd <- get_parse_data_for_message_strings(ifile, encoding) if(is.null(pd) || !NROW(pd)) return(character()) ## Strip the string delimiters. pd$text <- substring(pd$text, 2L, nchar(pd$text) - 1L) ## Replace whitespace C backslash escape sequences by whitespace. pd$text <- gsub("(^|[^\\])\\\\[fnrt]", "\\1 ", pd$text) pd$text <- gsub( "([^\\])\\\\[fnrt]", "\\1 ", pd$text) ## (Do this twice for now because in e.g. ## \n\t\tInformation on package %s ## the first \t is not matched the first time. Alternatively, we ## could match with ## (^|[^\\])((\\\\[fnrt])+) ## but then computing the replacement (\\1 plus as many blanks as ## the characters in \\2) is not straightforward. ## For gettextf() calls, replace basic percent escape sequences by ## whitespace. ind <- pd$caller == "gettextf" if(any(ind)) { pd$text[ind] <- gsub("(^|[^%])%[dioxXfeEgGaAs]", "\\1 ", pd$text[ind]) pd$text[ind] <- gsub(" ([^%])%[dioxXfeEgGaAs]", "\\1 ", pd$text[ind]) ## (See above for doing this twice.) } lines <- readLines(ifile, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) ## Column positions in the parse data have tabs expanded to tab ## stops using a tab width of 8, so for lines with tabs we need to ## map the column positions back to character positions. lines_in_pd <- sort(unique(c(pd$line1, pd$line2))) tab <- Map(function(tp, nc) { if(tp[1L] == -1L) return(NULL) widths <- rep.int(1, nc) for(i in tp) { cols <- cumsum(widths) widths[i] <- 8 - (cols[i] - 1) %% 8 } cumsum(widths) }, gregexpr("\t", lines[lines_in_pd], fixed = TRUE), nchar(lines[lines_in_pd])) names(tab) <- lines_in_pd lines[lines_in_pd] <- gsub("[^\t]", " ", lines[lines_in_pd]) lines[-lines_in_pd] <- "" for(entry in split(pd, seq_len(NROW(pd)))) { line1 <- entry$line1 line2 <- entry$line2 col1 <- entry$col1 col2 <- entry$col2 if(line1 == line2) { if(length(ptab <- tab[[as.character(line1)]])) { col1 <- which(ptab == col1) + 1L col2 <- which(ptab == col2) - 1L } substring(lines[line1], col1, col2) <- entry$text } else { texts <- unlist(strsplit(entry$text, "\n", fixed = TRUE)) n <- length(texts) if(length(ptab <- tab[[as.character(line1)]])) { col1 <- which(ptab == col1) + 1L } substring(lines[line1], col1) <- texts[1L] pos <- seq(from = 2, length.out = n - 2) if(length(pos)) lines[line1 + pos - 1] <- texts[pos] if(length(ptab <- tab[[as.character(line2)]])) { col2 <- which(ptab == col2) - 1L } substring(lines[line2], 1L, col2) <- texts[n] } } blank_out_ignores_in_lines(lines, ignore) } get_parse_data_for_message_strings <- function(file, encoding = "unknown") { ## The message strings considered are the string constants subject to ## translation in gettext-family calls (see below for details). exprs <- suppressWarnings(tools:::.parse_code_file(file = file, encoding = encoding, keep.source = TRUE)) if(!length(exprs)) return(NULL) pd <- getParseData(exprs) ## Function for computing grandparent ids. parents <- pd$parent names(parents) <- pd$id gpids <- function(ids) parents[as.character(parents[as.character(ids)])] ind <- (pd$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL") & !is.na(match(pd$text, c("warning", "stop", "message", "packageStartupMessage", "gettext", "gettextf", "ngettext"))) funs <- pd$text[ind] ids <- gpids(pd$id[ind]) calls <- getParseText(pd, ids) table <- pd[pd$token == "STR_CONST", ] pos <- match(gpids(table$id), ids) ind <- !is.na(pos) table <- split(table[ind, ], factor(pos[ind], seq_along(ids))) ## We have synopses ## message(..., domain = NULL, appendLF = TRUE) ## packageStartupMessage(..., domain = NULL, appendLF = TRUE) ## warning(..., call. = TRUE, immediate. = FALSE, domain = NULL) ## stop(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL) ## gettext(..., domain = NULL) ## ngettext(n, msg1, msg2, domain = NULL) ## gettextf(fmt, ..., domain = NULL) ## For the first five, we simply take all unnamed strings. ## (Could make this more precise, of course.) ## For the latter two, we take the msg1/msg2 and fmt arguments, ## provided these are strings. ## ## Using domain = NA inhibits translation: perhaps it should ## optionally also inhibit spell checking? ## extract_message_strings <- function(fun, call, table) { ## Matching a call containing ... gives ## Error in match.call(message, call) : ## ... used in a situation where it doesn't exist ## so eliminate these. ## (Note that we also drop "..." strings.) call <- parse(text = call)[[1L]] call <- call[ as.character(call) != "..." ] mc <- as.list(match.call(get(fun, envir = .BaseNamespaceEnv), call)) args <- if(fun == "gettextf") mc["fmt"] else if(fun == "ngettext") mc[c("msg1", "msg2")] else { if(!is.null(names(mc))) mc <- mc[!nzchar(names(mc))] mc[-1L] } strings <- as.character(args[vapply(args, is.character, TRUE)]) ## Need to canonicalize to match string constants before and ## after parsing ... texts <- vapply(parse(text = table$text), as.character, "") pos <- which(!is.na(match(texts, strings))) cbind(table[pos, ], caller = rep.int(fun, length(pos))) } do.call(rbind, Map(extract_message_strings, as.list(funs), as.list(calls), table)) } ## For spell-checking the R R files. aspell_R_R_files <- function(which = NULL, dir = NULL, ignore = c("[ \t]'[^']*'[ \t[:punct:]]", "[ \t][[:alnum:]_.]*\\(\\)[ \t[:punct:]]"), program = NULL, dictionaries = aspell_dictionaries_R) { if(is.null(dir)) dir <- tools:::.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd() if(is.null(which)) which <- tools:::.get_standard_package_names()$base files <- unlist(lapply(file.path(dir, "src", "library", which, "R"), tools::list_files_with_type, "code", OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")), use.names = FALSE) program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("R", ignore = ignore), control = aspell_control_R_Rd_files[[names(program)]], program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking R files in a package. aspell_package_R_files <- function(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(dir) subdir <- file.path(dir, "R") files <- if(dir.exists(subdir)) tools::list_files_with_type(subdir, "code", OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")) else character() meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" defaults <- .aspell_package_defaults(dir, encoding)$R_files if(!is.null(defaults)) { if(!is.null(d <- defaults$ignore)) ignore <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$control)) control <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$program)) program <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$dictionaries)) { dictionaries <- aspell_find_dictionaries(d, file.path(dir, ".aspell")) } } program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("R", ignore = ignore), control = control, encoding = encoding, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## Spell-checking pot files. ## (Of course, directly analyzing the message strings would be more ## useful, but require writing appropriate text filters.) ## See also tools:::checkPoFile(). aspell_filter_db$pot <- function (ifile, encoding = "unknown", ignore = character()) { lines <- readLines(ifile, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) ind <- grepl("^msgid[ \t]", lines) do_entry <- function(s) { out <- character(length(s)) i <- 1L out[i] <- blank_out_regexp_matches(s[i], "^msgid[ \t]+\"") while(startsWith(s[i <- i + 1L], '"')) out[i] <- sub("^\"", " ", s[i]) if(grepl("^msgid_plural[ \t]", s[i])) { out[i] <- blank_out_regexp_matches(s[i], "^msgid_plural[ \t]+\"") while(startsWith(s[i <- i + 1L], '"')) out[i] <- sub("^\"", " ", s[i]) } out } entries <- split(lines, cumsum(ind)) lines <- c(character(length(entries[[1L]])), as.character(do.call(c, lapply(entries[-1L], do_entry)))) lines <- sub("\"[ \t]*$", " ", lines) ## ## Could replace backslash escapes for blanks and percent escapes by ## blanks, similar to what the R text filter does. ## blank_out_ignores_in_lines(lines, ignore) } ## For spell-checking all pot files in a package. aspell_package_pot_files <- function(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(dir) subdir <- file.path(dir, "po") files <- if(dir.exists(subdir)) Sys.glob(file.path(subdir, "*.pot")) else character() meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("pot", ignore = ignore), control = control, encoding = encoding, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking the R C files. aspell_R_C_files <- function(which = NULL, dir = NULL, ignore = c("[ \t]'[[:alnum:]_.]*'[ \t[:punct:]]", "[ \t][[:alnum:]_.]*\\(\\)[ \t[:punct:]]"), program = NULL, dictionaries = aspell_dictionaries_R) { if(is.null(dir)) dir <- tools:::.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd() if(is.null(which)) which <- tools:::.get_standard_package_names()$base if(!is.na(pos <- match("base", which))) which[pos] <- "R" files <- sprintf("%s.pot", file.path(dir, "src", "library", which, "po", which)) files <- files[file_test("-f", files)] program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("pot", ignore = ignore), control = aspell_control_R_Rd_files[[names(program)]], program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell-checking package C files. aspell_package_C_files <- function(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(dir) ## Assume that the package C message template file is shipped as ## 'po/PACKAGE.pot'. files <- file.path(dir, "po", paste(basename(dir), "pot", collapse = ".")) files <- files[file_test("-f", files)] meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" defaults <- .aspell_package_defaults(dir, encoding)$C_files if(!is.null(defaults)) { if(!is.null(d <- defaults$ignore)) ignore <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$control)) control <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$program)) program <- d if(!is.null(d <- defaults$dictionaries)) { dictionaries <- aspell_find_dictionaries(d, file.path(dir, ".aspell")) } } program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("pot", ignore = ignore), control = control, encoding = encoding, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## Spell-checking DCF files. aspell_filter_db$dcf <- function(ifile, encoding, keep = c("Title", "Description"), ignore = character()) { lines <- readLines(ifile, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) line_has_tags <- grepl("^[^[:blank:]][^:]*:", lines) tags <- sub(":.*", "", lines[line_has_tags]) lines[line_has_tags] <- blank_out_regexp_matches(lines[line_has_tags], "^[^:]*:") lines <- split(lines, cumsum(line_has_tags)) ind <- is.na(match(tags, keep)) lines[ind] <- lapply(lines[ind], function(s) rep.int("", length(s))) ind <- !ind lines[ind] <- lapply(lines[ind], paste0, " ") lines <- unlist(lines, use.names = FALSE) blank_out_ignores_in_lines(lines, ignore) } ## For spell-checking package DESCRIPTION files. aspell_package_description <- function(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(dir) files <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- tools:::.get_package_metadata(dir, installed = FALSE) if(is.na(encoding <- meta["Encoding"])) encoding <- "unknown" program <- aspell_find_program(program) aspell(files, filter = list("dcf", ignore = ignore), control = control, encoding = encoding, program = program, dictionaries = dictionaries) } ## For spell checking packages. aspell_package <- function(dir, control = list(), program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) { args <- list(dir = dir, program = program, control = control, dictionaries = dictionaries) a <- rbind(do.call(aspell_package_description, args), do.call(aspell_package_Rd_files, args), do.call(aspell_package_vignettes, args), do.call(aspell_package_R_files, args), do.call(aspell_package_C_files, args)) if(nrow(a)) { a$File <- tools:::.file_path_relative_to_dir(a$File, dirname(dir)) } a } ## For writing personal dictionaries: aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file <- function(x, out, language = "en", program = NULL) { if(inherits(x, "aspell")) x <- sort(unique(x$Original)) program <- aspell_find_program(program) if(is.na(program)) stop("No suitable spell check program found.") ## ## Ispell and Hunspell take simple word lists as personal dictionary ## files, but Aspell requires a special format, see e.g. ## http://aspell.net/man-html/Format-of-the-Personal-and-Replacement-Dictionaries.html ## and one has to create these by hand, as ## aspell --lang=en create personal ./foo "a b c" ## gives: Sorry "create/merge personal" is currently unimplemented. ## Encodings are a nightmare. ## Try to canonicalize to UTF-8 for Aspell (which allows recording ## the encoding in the personal dictionary). ## ## What should we do for Hunspell (which can handle UTF-8, but has ## no encoding information in the personal dictionary), or Ispell ## (which cannot handle UTF-8)? ## if(names(program) == "aspell") { header <- sprintf("personal_ws-1.1 %s %d UTF-8", language, length(x)) x <- enc2utf8(x) } else { header <- NULL } writeLines(c(header, x), out, useBytes = TRUE) } ## For reading package defaults: .aspell_package_defaults <- function(dir, encoding = "unknown") { dfile <- file.path(dir, ".aspell", "defaults.R") if(!file_test("-f", dfile)) return(NULL) exprs <- parse(dfile, encoding = encoding) envir <- new.env() for(e in exprs) eval(e, envir) as.list(envir) } ## Utilities. blank_out_regexp_matches <- function(s, re, ...) { m <- gregexpr(re, s, ...) regmatches(s, m) <- Map(function(n) strrep(" ", n), lapply(regmatches(s, m), nchar)) s } blank_out_ignores_in_lines <- function(lines, ignore) { args <- list() if(is.list(ignore)) { args <- ignore[-1L] ignore <- ignore[[1L]] } for(re in ignore[nzchar(ignore)]) lines <- do.call(blank_out_regexp_matches, c(list(lines, re), args)) lines } find_files_in_directories <- function(basenames, dirnames) { dirnames <- dirnames[dir.exists(dirnames)] dirnames <- normalizePath(dirnames, "/") out <- character(length(basenames)) pos <- seq_along(out) for(dir in dirnames) { paths <- file.path(dir, basenames[pos]) ind <- file_test("-f", paths) out[pos[ind]] <- paths[ind] pos <- pos[!ind] if(!length(pos)) break } out }