# File src/library/utils/R/head.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ### placed in the public domain 2002 ### Patrick Burns patrick@burns-stat.com ### ### Adapted for negative arguments by Vincent Goulet ### , 2006 head <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("head") head.default <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1L) n <- if (n < 0L) max(length(x) + n, 0L) else min(n, length(x)) x[seq_len(n)] } ## head.matrix and tail.matrix are now exported (to be used for other classes) head.data.frame <- head.matrix <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1L) n <- if (n < 0L) max(nrow(x) + n, 0L) else min(n, nrow(x)) x[seq_len(n), , drop=FALSE] } head.table <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { (if(length(dim(x)) == 2L) head.matrix else head.default)(x, n=n) } head.ftable <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { r <- format(x) dimnames(r) <- list(rep.int("", nrow(r)), rep.int("", ncol(r))) noquote(head.matrix(r, n = n + nrow(r) - nrow(x), ...)) } head.function <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { lines <- as.matrix(deparse(x)) dimnames(lines) <- list(seq_along(lines),"") noquote(head(lines, n=n)) } tail <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tail") tail.default <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1L) xlen <- length(x) n <- if (n < 0L) max(xlen + n, 0L) else min(n, xlen) x[seq.int(to = xlen, length.out = n)] } tail.data.frame <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1L) nrx <- nrow(x) n <- if (n < 0L) max(nrx + n, 0L) else min(n, nrx) x[seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n), , drop = FALSE] } tail.matrix <- function(x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, ...) { stopifnot(length(n) == 1L) nrx <- nrow(x) n <- if (n < 0L) max(nrx + n, 0L) else min(n, nrx) sel <- as.integer(seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n)) ## TODO: Once we allow "LONG_DIM" for matrices, need ## sel <- seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n) ## if(nrx <= .Machine$integer.max) sel <- as.integer(sel) ans <- x[sel, , drop = FALSE] if (addrownums && is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(ans) <- format(sprintf("[%d,]", sel), justify="right") ans } tail.table <- function(x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, ...) { (if(length(dim(x)) == 2L) tail.matrix else tail.default)(x, n=n, addrownums = addrownums, ...) } tail.ftable <- function(x, n = 6L, addrownums = FALSE, ...) { r <- format(x) dimnames(r) <- list(if(!addrownums) rep.int("", nrow(r)), rep.int("", ncol(r))) noquote(tail.matrix(r, n = n, addrownums = addrownums, ...)) } tail.function <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) { lines <- as.matrix(deparse(x)) dimnames(lines) <- list(seq_along(lines),"") noquote(tail(lines, n=n)) }