# File src/library/utils/R/news.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ news <- function(query, package = "R", lib.loc = NULL, format = NULL, reader = NULL, db = NULL) { if(new.db <- is.null(db)) { db <- if(package == "R") tools:::.build_news_db_from_R_NEWS_Rd() else tools:::.build_news_db(package, lib.loc, format, reader) } if(is.null(db)) return(NULL) if(new.db) attr(db, "package") <- package ## Is there a way to directly call/use subset.data.frame? ## E.g., ## subset(db, query) ## does not work. if(missing(query)) return(db) ## For queries we really need to force Version to package_version ## and Date to Date ... ## This is tricky because we do not necessarily have valid package ## versions (e.g., R NEWS has "2.8.1 patched") or could have the ## version info missing (and package_version() does not like NAs). has_bad_attr <- !is.null(bad <- attr(db, "bad")) && (length(bad) == NROW(db)) ## Manipulate fields for querying (but return the original ones). db1 <- db ## Canonicalize version entries which *start* with a valid numeric ## version, i.e., drop things like " patched". version <- db$Version pos <- regexpr(sprintf("^%s", .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_version), version) if(any(ind <- (pos > -1L))) version[ind] <- substring(version[ind], 1L, attr(pos, "match.length")[ind]) db1$Version <- numeric_version(version, strict = FALSE) db1$Date <- as.Date(db$Date) r <- eval(substitute(query), db1, parent.frame()) ## Do something if this is not logical ... if(!is.null(r)) { if(!is.logical(r) || length(r) != length(version)) stop("invalid query") r <- r & !is.na(r) db <- db[r, ] if (!all(r)) db <- structure(db, subset = r) if(has_bad_attr) db <- structure(db, bad = bad[r]) } db } format.news_db <- function(x, ...) { if(inherits(x, "news_db_from_Rd") || (!is.null(bad <- attr(x, "bad")) && length(bad) == NROW(x) && !any(bad))) { ## Format news in the preferred input format: ## Changes in $VERSION [($DATE)]: ## [$CATEGORY$] ## indented/formatted bullet list of $TEXT entries. ## ## Add support for DATE. ## vchunks <- split(x, x$Version) ## Re-order according to decreasing version. ## R NEWS has invalid "versions" such as "R-devel" and ## "2.4.1 patched". We can remap the latter (to e.g. ## and need to ensure the former come first. vstrings <- names(vchunks) ind <- vstrings != "R-devel" pos <- c(which(!ind), which(ind)[order(as.numeric_version(sub(" *patched", ".1", vstrings[ind])), decreasing = TRUE)]) vchunks <- vchunks[pos] if(length(vchunks)) { dates <- sapply(vchunks, function(v) v$Date[1L]) vstrings <- names(vchunks) ind <- vstrings != "R-devel" vstrings[ind] <- sprintf("version %s", vstrings[ind]) vheaders <- sprintf("Changes in %s%s:", vstrings, ifelse(is.na(dates), "", sprintf(" (%s)", dates))) } else vheaders <- character() format_items <- function(x) paste0(" o ", gsub("\n", "\n\t", x$Text)) format_vchunk <- function(vchunk) { if(all(!is.na(category <- vchunk$Category) & nzchar(category))) { ## need to preserve order of headings. cchunks <- split(vchunk, factor(category, levels = unique(category))) Map(c, names(cchunks), lapply(cchunks, format_items), USE.NAMES = FALSE) } else { format_items(vchunk) } } Map(c, vheaders, lapply(vchunks, format_vchunk), USE.NAMES = FALSE) } else { ## Simple and ugly. ## Drop all-NA variables. apply(as.matrix(x), 1L, function(e) paste(formatDL(e[!is.na(e)], style = "list"), collapse = "\n")) } } print.news_db <- function(x, doBrowse = interactive(), browser = getOption("browser"), ...) { port <- if (doBrowse && !identical("false", browser) && is.character(pkg <- attr(x, "package"))) tools::startDynamicHelp(NA) else 0L if (port > 0L) { url <- if (pkg == "R") sprintf("", port) else sprintf("", port, pkg) if (!is.null(subset <- attr(x, "subset"))) { # Subsets are typically ranges of dates or version numbers, so we run-length encode # the subset vector. We put TRUE in front so the values alternate TRUE, FALSE, ... . rle <- paste(rle(c(TRUE, subset))$lengths, collapse="_") url <- paste0(url, "?subset=", rle) } browseURL(url) } else ## simply show in console: writeLines(paste(unlist(format(x, ...)), collapse = "\n\n")) invisible(x) }