# File src/library/utils/R/prompt.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ prompt <- function(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, ...) UseMethod("prompt") prompt.default <- function(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, force.function = FALSE, ...) { is.missing.arg <- function(arg) typeof(arg) == "symbol" && deparse(arg) == "" if(missing(name)) name <- if(is.character(object)) object else { name <- substitute(object) ## ## This used to be: ## if(is.language(name) && !is.name(name)) ## name <- eval(name) ## as.character(name) ## but what is this trying to do? ## It seems that the eval() will typically give the given ## object, and surely we cannot use that as the name (even ## if the subsequent as.character() does not fail ...) ## Better to be defensive about this, and handle only cases ## we know will make sense ... if(is.name(name)) as.character(name) else if(is.call(name) && (as.character(name[[1L]]) %in% c("::", ":::", "getAnywhere"))) { name <- as.character(name) name[length(name)] } else stop("cannot determine a usable name") ## } if(is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0(name, ".Rd") x <- if(!missing(object)) object else { ## Better than get(); works when called in fun : x <- get(name, envir = parent.frame()) } ## ## If not a function or forced to document a function (?), always ## assume data set. if(!(is.function(x) || force.function)) return(promptData(x, filename = filename, name = name)) ## n <- length(argls <- formals(x)) if(n) { arg.names <- arg.n <- names(argls) arg.n[arg.n == "..."] <- "\\dots" } ## Construct the 'call' for \usage. Call <- paste0(name, "(") for(i in seq_len(n)) { # i-th argument Call <- paste0(Call, arg.names[i], if(!is.missing.arg(argls[[i]])) paste0(" = ", ## need to backtick symbols paste(deparse(argls[[i]], backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500L), collapse="\n"))) if(i != n) Call <- paste0(Call, ", ") } ## Construct the definition for \examples. x.def <- deparse(x) if(any(br <- substr(x.def, 1L, 1L) == "}")) x.def[br] <- paste(" ", x.def[br]) ## escape "%" : x.def <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", x.def) Call <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", Call) Rdtxt <- list(name = paste0("\\name{", name, "}"), # version = "\\Rdversion{1.1}", aliases = c(paste0("\\alias{", name, "}"), paste("%- Also NEED an '\\alias' for EACH other topic", "documented here.")), title = "\\title{\n%% ~~function to do ... ~~\n}", description = c("\\description{", paste("%% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what", "the function does. ~~"), "}"), usage = c("\\usage{", paste0(Call, ")"), "}", paste("%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects", "documented here.")), arguments = NULL, details = c("\\details{", paste("%% ~~ If necessary, more details than the", "description above ~~"), "}"), value = c("\\value{", "%% ~Describe the value returned", "%% If it is a LIST, use", "%% \\item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}", "%% \\item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}", "%% ...", "}"), references = paste("\\references{\n%% ~put references to the", "literature/web site here ~\n}"), author = "\\author{\n%% ~~who you are~~\n}", note = c("\\note{\n%% ~~further notes~~\n}", "", paste("%% ~Make other sections like Warning with", "\\section{Warning }{....} ~"), ""), seealso = paste("\\seealso{\n%% ~~objects to See Also as", "\\code{\\link{help}}, ~~~\n}"), examples = c("\\examples{", "##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----", "##-- ==> Define data, use random,", "##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.", "", "## The function is currently defined as", x.def, "}"), keywords = c(paste("% Add one or more standard keywords,", "see file 'KEYWORDS' in the"), "% R documentation directory.", "\\keyword{ ~kwd1 }% use one of RShowDoc(\"KEYWORDS\")", "\\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line")) Rdtxt$arguments <- if(n) c("\\arguments{", paste0(" \\item{", arg.n, "}{", "\n%% ~~Describe \\code{", arg.n, "} here~~\n}"), "}") ## else NULL if(is.na(filename)) return(Rdtxt) cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n") message(gettextf("Created file named %s.", sQuote(filename)), "\n", gettext("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory."), domain = NA) invisible(filename) } prompt.data.frame <- function(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, ...) { if(missing(name)) name <- if(is.character(object)) object else { name <- substitute(object) if(is.name(name)) as.character(name) else stop("cannot determine a usable name") } if(is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0(name, ".Rd") x <- if(!missing(object)) object else { ## Better than get(); works when called in fun : x <- get(name, envir = parent.frame()) } ## ## Always assume data set ??? promptData(x, filename = filename, name = name) ## } promptData <- function(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL) { if(missing(name)) name <- if(is.character(object)) object else { name <- substitute(object) if(is.name(name)) as.character(name) else stop("cannot determine a usable name") } if(is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0(name, ".Rd") x <- if(!missing(object)) object else { ## Better than get(); works when called in fun : x <- get(name, envir = parent.frame()) } ## Construct the format. if(is.data.frame(x)) { make_item_tag <- function(s) { ## For syntactic names, use \code; otherwise, use \samp. if(grepl("^([[:alpha:]]|[.][[:alpha:]._])[[:alnum:]._]*$", s)) { paste0("\\code{", s, "}") } else { paste0("\\samp{", gsub("([%{}])", "\\\\\\1", s), "}") } } fmt <- c("\\format{", paste(" A data frame with", nrow(x), "observations on the following", ifelse(ncol(x) == 1, "variable.", paste(ncol(x), "variables."))), " \\describe{") for(i in names(x)) { xi <- x[[i]] fmt <- c(fmt, paste0(" \\item{", make_item_tag(i), "}{", if(inherits(xi, "ordered")) { paste("an", data.class(xi), "factor with levels", paste0("\\code{", levels(xi), "}", collapse = " < "), collapse = " ") } else if(inherits(xi, "factor")) { paste("a factor with levels", paste0("\\code{", levels(xi), "}", collapse = " "), collapse = " ") } else if(is.vector(xi)) { paste("a", data.class(xi), "vector") } else if(is.matrix(xi)) { paste("a matrix with", ncol(xi), "columns") } else { paste("a", data.class(xi)) }, "}")) } fmt <- c(fmt, " }", "}") } else { tf <- tempfile(); on.exit(unlink(tf)) sink(tf) ; str(object) ; sink() fmt <- c("\\format{", " The format is:", scan(tf, "", quiet = !getOption("verbose"), sep = "\n"), "}") } Rdtxt <- list(name = paste0("\\name{", name, "}"), # version = "\\Rdversion{1.1}", aliases = paste0("\\alias{", name, "}"), docType = "\\docType{data}", title = "\\title{\n%% ~~ data name/kind ... ~~\n}", description = c("\\description{", "%% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of the dataset. ~~", "}"), usage = paste0("\\usage{data(\"", name, "\")}"), format = fmt, details = c("\\details{", paste("%% ~~ If necessary, more details than the", "__description__ above ~~"), "}"), source = c("\\source{", paste("%% ~~ reference to a publication or URL", "from which the data were obtained ~~"), "}"), references = c("\\references{", "%% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~", "}"), examples = c("\\examples{", paste0("data(", name, ")"), paste0("## maybe str(", name, ") ; plot(", name, ") ..."), "}"), keywords = "\\keyword{datasets}") if(is.na(filename)) return(Rdtxt) cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n") message(gettextf("Created file named %s.", sQuote(filename)), "\n", gettext("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory."), domain = NA) invisible(filename) } promptPackage <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL, filename = NULL, name = NULL, final = FALSE) { ## Most of this should not be translated -- PR#11191 ## lib.loc is not used any more ## if (is.null(lib.loc)) lib.loc <- .libPaths() insert1 <- function(field, new) { prev <- Rdtxt[[field]] Rdtxt[[field]] <<- c(prev[-length(prev)], new, prev[length(prev)]) } insert2 <- function(field, new) insert1(field, paste("~~", new, "~~")) if(missing(name)) name <- paste0(package, "-package") if(is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0(name, ".Rd") Rdtxt <- list(name = paste0("\\name{", name, "}"), # version = "\\Rdversion{1.1}", aliases = c(paste0("\\alias{", name, "}"), c(paste0("\\alias{", package, "}"))), docType = "\\docType{package}", title = c("\\title{", "}"), description = c("\\description{","}"), details = c("\\details{","}"), author = c("\\author{","}"), references = character(0L), keywords = c("\\keyword{ package }") ) insert1("title", paste0("\\packageTitle{", package,"}")) insert1("description", paste0("\\packageDescription{", package,"}")) insert1("author", c(paste0("\\packageAuthor{", package,"}"), "", paste("Maintainer:",paste0("\\packageMaintainer{", package,"}")))) insert1("details", c("", "The DESCRIPTION file:")) insert1("details", paste0("\\packageDESCRIPTION{", package, "}")) insert1("details", paste0("\\packageIndices{", package, "}")) if (!final) { insert2("details", strwrap( "An overview of how to use the package, including the most important functions")) Rdtxt$references <- c("\\references{", paste("~~", "Literature or other references for background information", "~~"), "}") Rdtxt$seealso <- c("\\seealso{", "}") insert2("seealso", c("Optional links to other man pages, e.g.", "\\code{\\link[:-package]{}}")) Rdtxt$examples <- c("\\examples{","}") insert2("examples", "simple examples of the most important functions") insert2("keywords", strwrap("Optionally other standard keywords, one per line, from file KEYWORDS in the R documentation directory")) } if(is.na(filename)) return(Rdtxt) cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n") message(gettextf("Created file named %s.", sQuote(filename)), "\n", gettext("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory."), domain = NA) invisible(filename) } promptImport <- function(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, importedFrom = NULL, importPage = name, ...) { if(missing(name)) name <- if(is.character(object)) object else { name <- substitute(object) if(is.name(name)) as.character(name) else if (is.language(name) && length(name) == 3 && identical(name[[1]], as.name("::"))) as.character(name[[3]]) else stop("cannot determine a usable name") } if(is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0(name, ".Rd") x <- if(!missing(object)) object else { ## Better than get(); works when called in fun : x <- get(name, envir = parent.frame()) } if(is.null(importedFrom)) { if (is.function(x)) importedFrom <- getNamespaceName(environment(x)) else stop("cannot determine import name") } Rdtxt <- list(name = paste0("\\name{", name, "}"), aliases = paste0("\\alias{", name, "}"), docType = "\\docType{import}", title = paste0("\\title{Import from package \\pkg{", importedFrom, "}}"), description = c("\\description{", paste0("The \\code{", name, "} object is imported from package \\pkg{", importedFrom, "}."), paste0("Help is available here: \\code{\\link[", importedFrom, ":", importPage, "]{", importedFrom, "::", importPage, "}}."), "}")) if(is.na(filename)) return(Rdtxt) cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n") message(gettextf("Created file named %s.", sQuote(filename)), "\n", gettext("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory."), domain = NA) }