% File src/library/utils/man/Rscript.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{Rscript} \alias{Rscript} \title{Scripting Front-End for R} \description{ This is an alternative front end for use in \samp{#!} scripts and other scripting applications. } \usage{ \special{Rscript [options] [-e expr [-e expr2 ...] | file] [args]} } \arguments{ \item{options}{a list of options, all beginning with \samp{--}. These can be any of the options of the standard \R front-end, and also those described in the details.} \item{expr, expr2}{\R expression(s), properly quoted.} \item{file}{the name of a file containing \R commands. \samp{-} indicates \file{stdin}.} \item{args}{arguments to be passed to the script in \code{file}.} } \details{ \command{Rscript --help} gives details of usage, and \command{Rscript --version} gives the version of \command{Rscript}. Other invocations invoke the \R front-end with selected options. This front-end is convenient for writing \samp{#!} scripts since it is an executable and takes \code{file} directly as an argument. Options \option{--slave --no-restore} are always supplied: these imply \option{--no-save}. (The standard Windows command line has no concept of \samp{#!} scripts, but Cygwin shells do.) \emph{Either} one or more \option{-e} options or \code{file} should be supplied. When using \option{-e} options be aware of the quoting rules in the shell used: see the examples. Additional options accepted (before \code{file} or \code{args}) are \describe{ \item{\option{--verbose}}{gives details of what \command{Rscript} is doing. Also passed on to \R.} \item{\option{--default-packages=list}}{where \code{list} is a comma-separated list of package names or \code{NULL}. Sets the environment variable \env{R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES} which determines the packages loaded on startup. The default for \command{Rscript} omits \pkg{methods} as it takes about 60\% of the startup time. } } Spaces are allowed in \code{expression} and \code{file} (but will need to be protected from the shell in use, if any, for example by enclosing the argument in quotes). #ifdef unix Normally the version of \R is determined at installation, but this can be overridden by setting the environment variable \env{RHOME}. #endif #ifdef windows The \R files are found from the location of the \file{Rscript.exe} executable. If this is copied elsewhere, the environment variable \env{RHOME} should be set to the top directory of the \R installation. Unlike Unix-alikes, this links directly to \file{R.dll} rather than running a separate process. #endif \code{\link{stdin}()} refers to the input file, and \code{\link{file}("stdin")} to the \code{stdin} file stream of the process. } #ifdef unix \note{ \command{Rscript} is only supported on systems with the \code{execv} system call. } #endif \examples{\dontrun{ #ifdef unix Rscript -e 'date()' -e 'format(Sys.time(), "\%a \%b \%d \%X \%Y")' #endif #ifdef windows # Note that Rscript is not by default in the PATH on Windows, so # either put it there or use an explicit path to Rscript. # at the standard Windows command line Rscript -e "date()" -e "format(Sys.time(), \\"\%a \%b \%d \%X \%Y\\")" # in other shells, e.g. bash or tcsh, prefer Rscript -e 'date()' -e 'format(Sys.time(), "\%a \%b \%d \%X \%Y")' #endif ## example #! script for a Unix-alike #! /path/to/Rscript --vanilla --default-packages=utils args <- commandArgs(TRUE) res <- try(install.packages(args)) if(inherits(res, "try-error")) q(status=1) else q() }} \keyword{utilities}