% File src/library/utils/man/Rtangle.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{Rtangle} \alias{Rtangle} \alias{RtangleSetup} \title{R Driver for Stangle} \description{ A driver for \code{\link{Stangle}} that extracts \R code chunks. } \usage{ Rtangle() RtangleSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, annotate = TRUE, split = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Name of Sweave source file. See the description of the corresponding argument of \code{\link{Sweave}}.} \item{syntax}{An object of class \code{SweaveSyntax}.} \item{output}{Name of output file used unless \code{split = TRUE}: see \sQuote{Details}.} \item{annotate}{By default, code chunks are separated by comment lines specifying the names and numbers of the code chunks. If \code{FALSE} the decorating comments are omitted.} \item{split}{Split output into a file for each code chunk?} \item{quiet}{If \code{TRUE} all progress messages are suppressed.} \item{\dots}{Additional named arguments setting defaults for further options.} } \details{ Unless \code{split = TRUE}, the default name of the output file is \code{basename(file)} with an extension corresponding to the Sweave syntax (e.g., \file{Rnw}, \file{Stex}) replaced by \file{R}. File names \code{"stdout"} and \code{"stderr"} are interpreted as the output and message connection respectively. If splitting is selected (including by the options in the file), each chunk is written to a separate file with extension the name of the \sQuote{engine} (default \file{.R}). The annotation is of one of the forms% \preformatted{################################################### ### code chunk number 3: viewport ################################################### ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: grid.Rnw:647-648 ################################################### ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: trellisdata (eval = FALSE) ################################################### } using either the chunk label or the file name and line numbers. Note that this driver does not simple extract the code chunks verbatim because code chunks can re-use earlier chunks. } \section{Supported Options}{ \code{Rtangle} supports the following options for code chunks (the values in parentheses show the default values): \describe{ \item{engine:}{character string (\code{"R"}). Only chunks with \code{engine} equal to \code{"R"} or \code{"S"} are processed.} \item{keep.source:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). If \code{keep.source == TRUE} the original source is copied to the file. Otherwise, deparsed source is output.} \item{eval:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). If \code{FALSE}, the code chunk is copied across but commented out.} \item{prefix}{Used if \code{split = TRUE}. See \code{prefix.string}.} \item{prefix.string:}{a character string, default is the name of the source file (without extension). Used if \code{split = TRUE} as the prefix for the filename if the chunk has no label, or if it has a label and \code{prefix = TRUE}. Note that this is used as part of filenames, so needs to be portable.} \item{show.line.nos}{logical (\code{FALSE}). Should the output be annotated with comments showing the line number of the first code line of the chunk?} } } \author{Friedrich Leisch and R-core.} \seealso{ \sQuote{\href{../doc/Sweave.pdf}{Sweave User Manual}}, a vignette in the \pkg{utils} package. \code{\link{Sweave}}, \code{\link{RweaveLatex}} } \keyword{utilities}