% File src/library/utils/man/SweaveSyntConv.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{SweaveSyntConv} \alias{SweaveSyntConv} \title{Convert Sweave Syntax} \description{ This function converts the syntax of files in \code{\link{Sweave}} format to another Sweave syntax definition. } \usage{ SweaveSyntConv(file, syntax, output = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Name of Sweave source file.} \item{syntax}{An object of class \code{SweaveSyntax} or a character string with its name giving the target syntax to which the file is converted.} \item{output}{Name of output file, default is to remove the extension from the input file and to add the default extension of the target syntax. Any directory names in \code{file} are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.}} \author{Friedrich Leisch} \seealso{ \sQuote{\href{../doc/Sweave.pdf}{Sweave User Manual}}, a vignette in the \pkg{utils} package. \code{\link{RweaveLatex}}, \code{\link{Rtangle}} } \examples{ testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") ## convert the file to latex syntax SweaveSyntConv(testfile, SweaveSyntaxLatex) ## and run it through Sweave Sweave("Sweave-test-1.Stex") \dontshow{if(!interactive()) unlink("Sweave-test-1*")} } \keyword{utilities}