% File src/library/utils/man/aspell.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{aspell} \alias{aspell} \title{Spell Check Interface} \description{ Spell check given files via Aspell, Hunspell or Ispell. } \usage{ aspell(files, filter, control = list(), encoding = "unknown", program = NULL, dictionaries = character()) } \arguments{ \item{files}{a character vector with the names of files to be checked.} \item{filter}{an optional filter for processing the files before spell checking, given as either a function (with formals \code{ifile} and \code{encoding}), or a character string specifying a built-in filter, or a list with the name of a built-in filter and additional arguments to be passed to it. See \bold{Details} for available filters. If missing or \code{NULL}, no filtering is performed.} \item{control}{a list or character vector of control options for the spell checker.} \item{encoding}{the encoding of the files. Recycled as needed.} \item{program}{a character string giving the name (if on the system path) or full path of the spell check program to be used, or \code{NULL} (default). By default, the system path is searched for \command{aspell}, \command{hunspell} and \command{ispell} (in that order), and the first one found is used.} \item{dictionaries}{a character vector of names or file paths of additional R level dictionaries to use. Elements with no path separator specify R system dictionaries (in subdirectory \file{share/dictionaries} of the R home directory). The file extension (currently, only \file{.rds}) can be omitted.} } \details{ The spell check programs employed must support the so-called Ispell pipe interface activated via command line option \option{-a}. In addition to the programs, suitable dictionaries need to be available. See \url{http://aspell.net}, \url{http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/} and \url{http://lasr.cs.ucla.edu/geoff/ispell.html}, respectively, for obtaining the Aspell, Hunspell and (International) Ispell programs and dictionaries. The currently available built-in filters are \code{"Rd"} (corresponding to \code{\link{RdTextFilter}}), \code{"Sweave"} (corresponding to \code{\link{SweaveTeXFilter}}), \code{"R"}, \code{"pot"} and \code{"dcf"}. Filter \code{"R"} is for R code and extracts the message string constants in calls to \code{\link{message}}, \code{\link{warning}}, \code{\link{stop}}, \code{\link{packageStartupMessage}}, \code{\link{gettext}}, \code{\link{gettextf}}, and \code{\link{ngettext}} (the unnamed string constants for the first five, and \code{fmt} and \code{msg1}/\code{msg2} string constants, respectively, for the latter two). Filter \code{"pot"} is for message string catalog \file{.pot} files. Both have an argument \code{ignore} allowing to give regular expressions for parts of message strings to be ignored for spell checking: e.g., using \code{"[ \t]'[^']*'[ \t[:punct:]]"} ignores all text inside single quotes. Filter \code{"dcf"} is for files in Debian Control File format. The fields to keep can be controlled by argument \code{keep} (a character vector with the respective field names). By default, \samp{Title} and \samp{Description} fields are kept. The print method for the objects returned by \code{aspell} has an \code{indent} argument controlling the indentation of the positions of possibly mis-spelled words. The default is 2; Emacs users may find it useful to use an indentation of 0 and visit output in grep-mode. It also has a \code{verbose} argument: when this is true, suggestions for replacements are shown as well. It is possible to employ additional R level dictionaries. Currently, these are files with extension \file{.rds} obtained by serializing character vectors of word lists using \code{\link{saveRDS}}. If such dictionaries are employed, they are combined into a single word list file which is then used as the spell checker's personal dictionary (option \option{-p}): hence, the default personal dictionary is not used in this case. } \value{ A data frame inheriting from \code{aspell} (which has a useful print method) with the information about possibly mis-spelled words. } \references{ Kurt Hornik and Duncan Murdoch (2011), Watch your spelling! \emph{The R Journal} \bold{3}(2), 22--28. \url{http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2011-2/RJournal_2011-2_Hornik+Murdoch.pdf}. } \seealso{ \link{aspell-utils} for utilities for spell checking packages. Package \pkg{Aspell} on Omegahat (\url{http://www.omegahat.net/Aspell}) for a fine-grained R interface to the Aspell library. } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## To check all Rd files in a directory, (additionally) skipping the ## \references sections. files <- Sys.glob("*.Rd") aspell(files, filter = list("Rd", drop = "\\\\references")) ## To check all Sweave files files <- Sys.glob(c("*.Rnw", "*.Snw", "*.rnw", "*.snw")) aspell(files, filter = "Sweave", control = "-t") ## To check all Texinfo files (Aspell only) files <- Sys.glob("*.texi") aspell(files, control = "--mode=texinfo") } ## List the available R system dictionaries. Sys.glob(file.path(R.home("share"), "dictionaries", "*.rds")) } \keyword{utilities}