% File src/library/utils/man/browseEnv.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2015 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{browseEnv} \alias{browseEnv} \alias{wsbrowser} \title{Browse Objects in Environment} \description{ The \code{browseEnv} function opens a browser with list of objects currently in \code{sys.frame()} environment. } \usage{ browseEnv(envir = .GlobalEnv, pattern, excludepatt = "^last\\\\.warning", html = .Platform$GUI != "AQUA", expanded = TRUE, properties = NULL, main = NULL, debugMe = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{envir}{an \code{\link{environment}} the objects of which are to be browsed.} \item{pattern}{a \link{regular expression} for object subselection is passed to the internal \code{\link{ls}()} call.} \item{excludepatt}{a regular expression for \emph{dropping} objects with matching names.} \item{html}{is used to display the workspace on a HTML page in your favorite browser. The default except when running from \command{R.app} on OS X.} \item{expanded}{whether to show one level of recursion. It can be useful to switch it to \code{FALSE} if your workspace is large. This option is ignored if \code{html} is set to \code{FALSE}.} \item{properties}{a named list of global properties (of the objects chosen) to be showed in the browser; when \code{NULL} (as per default), user, date, and machine information is used.} \item{main}{a title string to be used in the browser; when \code{NULL} (as per default) a title is constructed.} \item{debugMe}{logical switch; if true, some diagnostic output is produced.} } \details{ Very experimental code: displays a static HTML page on all platforms except \command{R.app} on OS X. Only allows one level of recursion into object structures. It can be generalized. See sources for details. Most probably, this should rather work through using the \pkg{tkWidget} package (from \url{https://www.bioconductor.org}). } \seealso{ \code{\link{str}}, \code{\link{ls}}. } \examples{ if(interactive()) { ## create some interesting objects : ofa <- ordered(4:1) ex1 <- expression(1+ 0:9) ex3 <- expression(u, v, 1+ 0:9) example(factor, echo = FALSE) example(table, echo = FALSE) example(ftable, echo = FALSE) example(lm, echo = FALSE, ask = FALSE) example(str, echo = FALSE) ## and browse them: browseEnv() ## a (simple) function's environment: af12 <- approxfun(1:2, 1:2, method = "const") browseEnv(envir = environment(af12)) } } \keyword{interface}