% File src/library/utils/man/changedFiles.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{changedFiles} \alias{fileSnapshot} \alias{changedFiles} \alias{print.changedFiles} \alias{print.fileSnapshot} \title{ Detect which files have changed } \description{ \code{fileSnapshot} takes a snapshot of a selection of files, recording summary information about each. \code{changedFiles} compares two snapshots, or compares one snapshot to the current state of the file system. The snapshots need not be the same directory; this could be used to compare two directories. } \usage{ fileSnapshot(path = ".", file.info = TRUE, timestamp = NULL, md5sum = FALSE, digest = NULL, full.names = length(path) > 1, ...) changedFiles(before, after, path = before$path, timestamp = before$timestamp, check.file.info = c("size", "isdir", "mode", "mtime"), md5sum = before$md5sum, digest = before$digest, full.names = before$full.names, ...) \S3method{print}{fileSnapshot}(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) \S3method{print}{changedFiles}(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{path}{character vector; the path(s) to record. } \item{file.info}{logical; whether to record \code{\link{file.info}} values for each file. } \item{timestamp}{character string or \code{NULL}; the name of a file to write at the time the snapshot is taken. This gives a quick test for modification, but may be unreliable; see the Details. } \item{md5sum}{logical; whether MD5 summaries of each file should be taken as part of the snapshot. } \item{digest}{a function or \code{NULL}; a function with header \code{function(filename)} which will take a vector of filenames and produce a vector of values of the same length, or a matrix with that number of rows. } \item{full.names}{logical; whether full names (as in \code{\link{list.files}}) should be recorded. Must be \code{TRUE} if \code{length(path) > 1}. } \item{\dots}{ additional parameters to pass to \code{\link{list.files}} to control the set of files in the snapshots. } \item{before, after}{objects produced by \code{fileSnapshot}; two snapshots to compare. If \code{after} is missing, a new snapshot of the current file system will be produced for comparison, using arguments recorded in \code{before} as defaults. } \item{check.file.info}{character vector; which columns from \code{\link{file.info}} should be compared. } \item{x}{the object to print. } \item{verbose}{logical; whether to list all data when printing. } } \details{ The \code{fileSnapshot} function uses \code{\link{list.files}} to obtain a list of files, and depending on the \code{file.info}, \code{md5sum}, and \code{digest} arguments, records information about each file. The \code{changedFiles} function compares two snapshots. If the \code{timestamp} argument to \code{fileSnapshot} is length 1, a file with that name is created. If it is length 1 in \code{changedFiles}, the \code{\link{file_test}} function is used to compare the age of all files common to both \code{before} and \code{after} to it. This test may be unreliable: it compares the current modification time of the \code{after} files to the timestamp; that may not be the same as the modification time when the \code{after} snapshot was taken. It may also give incorrect results if the clock on the file system holding the timestamp differs from the one holding the snapshot files. If the \code{check.file.info} argument contains a non-empty character vector, the indicated columns from the result of a call to \code{\link{file.info}} will be compared. If \code{md5sum} is \code{TRUE}, \code{fileSnapshot} will call the \code{tools::\link{md5sum}} function to record the 32 byte MD5 checksum for each file, and \code{changedFiles} will compare the values. The \code{digest} argument allows users to provide their own digest function. } \value{ \code{fileSnapshot} returns an object of class \code{"fileSnapshot"}. This is a list containing the fields \item{info}{a data frame whose rownames are the filenames, and whose columns contain the requested snapshot data} \item{path}{the normalized \code{path} from the call} \item{timestamp, file.info, md5sum, digest, full.names}{a record of the other arguments from the call} \item{args}{other arguments passed via \code{...} to \code{\link{list.files}}.} \code{changedFiles} produces an object of class \code{"changedFiles"}. This is a list containing \item{added, deleted, changed, unchanged}{character vectors of filenames from the before and after snapshots, with obvious meanings} \item{changes}{a logical matrix with a row for each common file, and a column for each comparison test. \code{TRUE} indicates a change in that test.} \code{\link{print}} methods are defined for each of these types. The \code{\link{print}} method for \code{"fileSnapshot"} objects displays the arguments used to produce them, while the one for \code{"changedFiles"} displays the \code{added}, \code{deleted} and \code{changed} fields if non-empty, and a submatrix of the \code{changes} matrix containing all of the \code{TRUE} values. } \author{ Duncan Murdoch, using suggestions from Karl Millar and others. } \seealso{ \code{\link{file.info}}, \code{\link{file_test}}, \code{\link{md5sum}}. } \examples{ # Create some files in a temporary directory dir <- tempfile() dir.create(dir) writeBin(1L, file.path(dir, "file1")) writeBin(2L, file.path(dir, "file2")) dir.create(file.path(dir, "dir")) # Take a snapshot snapshot <- fileSnapshot(dir, timestamp = tempfile("timestamp"), md5sum=TRUE) # Change one of the files. writeBin(3L:4L, file.path(dir, "file2")) # Display the detected changes. We may or may not see mtime change... changedFiles(snapshot) changedFiles(snapshot)$changes } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{file}