% File src/library/utils/man/chooseBioCmirror.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2009-2015 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{chooseBioCmirror} \alias{chooseBioCmirror} \alias{getBioCmirrors} \title{Select a Bioconductor Mirror} \description{ Interact with the user to choose a Bioconductor mirror. } \usage{ chooseBioCmirror(graphics = getOption("menu.graphics"), ind = NULL, useHTTPS = getOption("useHTTPS", TRUE), local.only = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{graphics}{Logical. If true, use a graphical list: on Windows or the OS X GUI use a list box, and on a Unix-alike use a Tk widget if package \pkg{tcltk} and an X server are available. Otherwise use a text \code{\link{menu}}.} \item{ind}{Optional numeric value giving which entry to select.} \item{useHTTPS}{Whether to prefer HTTPS mirrors (see \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}}).} \item{local.only}{Logical, try to get most recent list from the Bioconductor master or use file on local disk only.} } \details{ This sets the \link{option} \code{"BioC_mirror"}: it is used before a call to \code{\link{setRepositories}}. The out-of-the-box default for that option is \code{NULL}, which currently corresponds to the mirror \url{https://bioconductor.org}. The \sQuote{Bioconductor (World-wide)} \sQuote{mirror} is a network of mirrors providing reliable world-wide access; other mirrors may provide faster access on a geographically local scale. \code{ind} chooses a row in \file{\var{\link{R_HOME}}/doc/BioC_mirrors.csv}, by number. } \value{ None: this function is invoked for its side effect of updating \code{options("BioC_mirror")}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{setRepositories}}, \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}}. } \keyword{ utilities }