% File src/library/utils/man/glob2rx.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2008 R Core Team % Copyright 2002-2008 The R Foundation % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{glob2rx} \alias{glob2rx} \title{Change Wildcard or Globbing Pattern into Regular Expression} \description{ Change \emph{wildcard} aka \emph{globbing} patterns into the corresponding regular expressions (\code{\link{regexp}}). } \usage{ glob2rx(pattern, trim.head = FALSE, trim.tail = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{character vector} \item{trim.head}{logical specifying if leading \code{"^.*"} should be trimmed from the result.} \item{trim.tail}{logical specifying if trailing \code{".*$"} should be trimmed from the result.} } \details{ This takes a wildcard as used by most shells and returns an equivalent regular expression. \code{?} is mapped to \code{.} (match a single character), \code{*} to \code{.*} (match any string, including an empty one), and the pattern is anchored (it must start at the beginning and end at the end). Optionally, the resulting regexp is simplified. Note that now even \code{(}, \code{[} and \code{\{} can be used in \code{pattern}, but \code{glob2rx()} may not work correctly with arbitrary characters in \code{pattern}. } \value{ A character vector of the same length as the input \code{pattern} where each wildcard is translated to the corresponding regular expression. } \author{Martin Maechler, Unix/sed based version, 1991; current: 2004} \seealso{ \code{\link{regexp}} about regular expression, \code{\link{sub}}, etc about substitutions using regexps. } \examples{ stopifnot(glob2rx("abc.*") == "^abc\\\\.",% '\\' doubled in Rd file! glob2rx("a?b.*") == "^a.b\\\\.", glob2rx("a?b.*", trim.tail = FALSE) == "^a.b\\\\..*$", glob2rx("*.doc") == "^.*\\\\.doc$", glob2rx("*.doc", trim.head = TRUE) == "\\\\.doc$", glob2rx("*.t*") == "^.*\\\\.t", glob2rx("*.t??") == "^.*\\\\.t..$", glob2rx("*[*") == "^.*\\\\[" ) } \keyword{file} \keyword{character} \keyword{utilities}