% File src/library/utils/man/unix/make.packages.html.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{make.packages.html} \alias{make.packages.html} \title{Update HTML Package List} \usage{ make.packages.html(lib.loc = .libPaths(), temp = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, docdir = R.home("doc")) } \description{ Re-create the HTML list of packages. } \arguments{ \item{lib.loc}{character vector. List of libraries to be included.} \item{temp}{logical: should the package indices be created in a temporary location for use by the HTTP server?} \item{verbose}{logical. If true, print out a message. #ifdef windows On Windows, show a progress bar. #endif } \item{docdir}{If \code{temp} is false, directory in whose \file{html} directory the \file{packages.html} file is to be created/updated.} } \details{ This creates the \file{packages.html} file, either a temporary copy for use by \code{\link{help.start}}, or the copy in #ifdef unix \file{R.home("doc")/html} #endif #ifdef windows \file{\var{\link{R_HOME}}\\doc\\html} #endif (for which you will need write permission). It can be very slow, as all the package \file{DESCRIPTION} files in all the library trees are read. For \code{temp = TRUE} there is some caching of information, so the file will only be re-created if \code{lib.loc} or any of the directories it lists have been changed. } \value{ Invisible logical, with \code{FALSE} indicating a failure to create the file, probably due to lack of suitable permissions. } \seealso{ \code{\link{help.start}} } \examples{\dontrun{ make.packages.html() # this can be slow for large numbers of installed packages. }} \keyword{utilities}