% File src/library/utils/man/mirrorAdmin.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{mirrorAdmin} \alias{mirrorAdmin} \alias{mirror2html} \alias{checkCRAN} \title{Managing Repository Mirrors} \description{ Functions helping to maintain CRAN, some of them may also be useful for administrators of other repository networks. } \usage{ mirror2html(mirrors = NULL, file = "mirrors.html", head = "mirrors-head.html", foot = "mirrors-foot.html") checkCRAN(method) } \arguments{ \item{mirrors}{A data frame, by default the CRAN list of mirrors is used.} \item{file}{A \link{connection} or a character string.} \item{head}{Name of optional header file.} \item{foot}{Name of optional footer file.} \item{method}{Download method, see \code{download.file}.} } \details{ \code{mirror2html} creates the HTML file for the CRAN list of mirrors and invisibly returns the HTML text. \code{checkCRAN} performs a sanity checks on all CRAN mirrors. } \keyword{misc}