% File src/library/utils/man/news.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2015 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{news} \title{Build and Query R or Package News Information} \alias{news} \alias{print.news_db} \description{ Build and query the news data base for \R or add-on packages. } \usage{ news(query, package = "R", lib.loc = NULL, format = NULL, reader = NULL, db = NULL) \S3method{print}{news_db}(x, doBrowse = interactive(), browser = getOption("browser"), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{query}{an expression for selecting news entries} \item{package}{a character string giving the name of an installed add-on package, or \code{"R"}.} \item{lib.loc}{a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all libraries currently known.} \item{format}{Not yet used.} \item{reader}{Not yet used.} \item{db, x}{a news db obtained from \code{news()}.} \item{doBrowse}{logical specifying that the news should be opened in the browser (by \code{\link{browseURL}}, accessible as via \code{\link{help.start}}) instead of printed to the console.} \item{browser}{the browser to be used, see \code{\link{browseURL}}.} \item{\dots}{potentially further arguments passed to \code{print()}.} } \value{ A data frame inheriting from class \code{"news_db"}, with \code{\link{attributes}} \code{"package"} (and \code{"subset"} if the \code{query} lead to proper subsetting). } \details{ If \code{package} is \code{"R"} (default), a news db is built with the news since the 3.0.0 release of R (corresponding to R's top-level \file{NEWS} file). Otherwise, if the given add-on package can be found in the given libraries, it is attempted to read its news in structured form from files \file{inst/NEWS.Rd}, \file{NEWS} or \file{inst/NEWS} (in that order). File \file{inst/NEWS.Rd} should be an Rd file given the entries as Rd \verb{\itemize} lists, grouped according to version using \verb{section} elements with names starting with a suitable prefix (e.g.\sspace{}\dQuote{Changes in version} followed by a space and the version number, and optionally followed by a space and a parenthesized ISO 8601 (\%Y-\%m-\%d, see \code{\link{strptime}}) format date, and possibly further grouped according to categories using \verb{\subsection} elements named as the categories. At the very end of \verb{\section{..}}, the date may also be specified as \verb{(\%Y-\%m-\%d, )}, i.e., including parentheses. The plain text \file{NEWS} files in add-on packages use a variety of different formats; the default news reader should be capable to extract individual news entries from a majority of packages from the standard repositories, which use (slight variations of) the following format: \itemize{ \item Entries are grouped according to version, with version header \dQuote{Changes in version} at the beginning of a line, followed by a version number, optionally followed by an ISO 8601 format date, possibly parenthesized. \item Entries may be grouped according to category, with a category header (different from a version header) starting at the beginning of a line. \item Entries are written as itemize-type lists, using one of \samp{o}, \samp{*}, \samp{-} or \samp{+} as item tag. Entries must be indented, and ideally use a common indentation for the item texts. } Additional formats and readers may be supported in the future. Package \pkg{tools} provides an (internal) utility function \code{news2Rd} to convert plain text \file{NEWS} files to Rd. For \file{NEWS} files in a format which can successfully be handled by the default reader, package maintainers can use \code{tools:::news2Rd(dir, "NEWS.Rd")}, possibly with additional argument \code{codify = TRUE}, with \code{dir} a character string specifying the path to a package's root directory. Upon success, the \file{NEWS.Rd} file can further be improved and then be moved to the \file{inst} subdirectory of the package source directory. The news db built is a character data frame inheriting from \code{"news_db"} with variables \code{Version}, \code{Category}, \code{Date} and \code{Text}, where the last contains the entry texts read, and the other variables may be \code{NA} if they were missing or could not be determined. Using \code{query}, one can select news entries from the db. If missing or \code{NULL}, the complete db is returned. Otherwise, \code{query} should be an expression involving (a subset of) the variables \code{Version}, \code{Category}, \code{Date} and \code{Text}, and when evaluated within the db returning a logical vector with length the number of entries in the db. The entries for which evaluation gave \code{TRUE} are selected. When evaluating, \code{Version} and \code{Date} are coerced to \code{\link{numeric_version}} and \code{\link{Date}} objects, respectively, so that the comparison operators for these classes can be employed. } \examples{ ## Build a db of all R news entries. db <- news() \dontshow{ vv <- capture.output(print(db, doBrowse=FALSE)) # without an error stopifnot(is.character(vv), length(vv) >= 3) # was wrong (for weeks during devel.) } ## Bug fixes with PR number in 3.0.1. db3 <- news(Version == "3.0.1" & grepl("^BUG", Category) & grepl("PR#", Text), db = db) \dontshow{stopifnot( !any(attr(db3,"bad")) && nrow(db3) == 12 )} ## News from a date range ('Matrix' is there in a regular R installation): if(length(iM <- find.package("Matrix", quiet=TRUE)) && nzchar(iM)) { dM <- news(package="Matrix") stopifnot(identical(dM, news(db=dM))) dM2014 <- news("2014-01-01" <= Date & Date <= "2014-12-31", db = dM) stopifnot(paste0("1.1-", 2:4) \%in\% dM2014[,"Version"]) } \donttest{% <- is not sensibly diff-ed against previous versions ## Which categories have been in use? % R-core maybe should standardize a bit more sort(table(db[, "Category"]), decreasing = TRUE) ## Entries with version >= 3.0.0 (including "3.0.0 patched"): table(news(Version >= "3.0.0", db = db)$Version) }}