% File src/library/utils/man/packageStatus.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2010 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{packageStatus} \title{Package Management Tools} \alias{packageStatus} \alias{print.packageStatus} \alias{summary.packageStatus} \alias{update.packageStatus} \alias{upgrade.packageStatus} \alias{upgrade} \description{ Summarize information about installed packages and packages available at various repositories, and automatically upgrade outdated packages. } \usage{ packageStatus(lib.loc = NULL, repositories = NULL, method, type = getOption("pkgType")) \method{summary}{packageStatus}(object, \dots) \method{update}{packageStatus}(object, lib.loc = levels(object$inst$LibPath), repositories = levels(object$avail$Repository), \dots) \method{upgrade}{packageStatus}(object, ask = TRUE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{lib.loc}{a character vector describing the location of \R library trees to search through, or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all libraries currently known.} \item{repositories}{a character vector of URLs describing the location of \R package repositories on the Internet or on the local machine.} \item{method}{Download method, see \code{\link{download.file}}.} \item{type}{type of package distribution: see \code{\link{install.packages}}.} \item{object}{an object of class \code{"packageStatus"} as returned by \code{packageStatus}.} \item{ask}{if \code{TRUE}, the user is prompted which packages should be upgraded and which not.} \item{\dots}{currently not used.} } \details{ The URLs in \code{repositories} should be full paths to the appropriate contrib sections of the repositories. The default is \code{contrib.url(getOption("repos"))}. There are \code{print} and \code{summary} methods for the \code{"packageStatus"} objects: the \code{print} method gives a brief tabular summary and the \code{summary} method prints the results. The \code{update} method updates the \code{"packageStatus"} object. The \code{upgrade} method is similar to \code{\link{update.packages}}: it offers to install the current versions of those packages which are not currently up-to-date. } \value{ An object of class \code{"packageStatus"}. This is a list with two components \item{inst}{a data frame with columns as the \emph{matrix} returned by \code{\link{installed.packages}} plus \code{"Status"}, a factor with levels \code{c("ok", "upgrade", "unavailable")}. Only the newest version of each package is reported, in the first repository in which it appears. } \item{avail}{a data frame with columns as the \emph{matrix} returned by \code{\link{available.packages}} plus \code{"Status"}, a factor with levels \code{c("installed", "not installed")}. } For the \code{summary} method the result is also of class \code{"summary.packageStatus"} with additional components \item{Libs}{a list with one element for each library} \item{Repos}{a list with one element for each repository} with the elements being lists of character vectors of package name for each status. } \seealso{ \code{\link{installed.packages}}, \code{\link{available.packages}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ x <- packageStatus() print(x) summary(x) upgrade(x) x <- update(x) print(x) }} \keyword{utilities}