% File src/library/utils/man/prompt.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{prompt} \title{Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File} \alias{prompt} \alias{prompt.default} \alias{prompt.data.frame} \alias{promptImport} \description{ Facilitate the constructing of files documenting \R objects. } \usage{ prompt(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, \dots) \method{prompt}{default}(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, force.function = FALSE, \dots) \method{prompt}{data.frame}(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, \dots) promptImport(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, importedFrom = NULL, importPage = name, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an \R object, typically a function for the default method. Can be \code{\link{missing}} when \code{name} is specified.} \item{filename}{usually, a \link{connection} or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file whose name is \code{name} followed by \code{".Rd"}. Can also be \code{NA} (see below).} \item{name}{a character string specifying the name of the object.} \item{force.function}{a logical. If \code{TRUE}, treat \code{object} as function in any case.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} \item{importedFrom}{a character string naming the package from which \code{object} was imported. Defaults to the environment of \code{object} if \code{object} is a function.} \item{importPage}{a character string naming the help page in the package from which \code{object} was imported.} } \value{ If \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly. } \details{ Unless \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a documentation shell for \code{object} is written to the file specified by \code{filename}, and a message about this is given. For function objects, this shell contains the proper function and argument names. R documentation files thus created still need to be edited and moved into the \file{man} subdirectory of the package containing the object to be documented. If \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to \code{cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\\n")}, where \code{x} is the list-style representation. When \code{prompt} is used in \code{\link{for}} loops or scripts, the explicit \code{name} specification will be useful. The \code{importPage} argument for \code{promptImport} needs to give the base of the name of the help file of the original help page. For example, the \code{\link{approx}} function is documented in \file{approxfun.Rd} in the \pkg{stats} package, so if it were imported and re-exported it should have \code{importPage = "approxfun"}. Objects that are imported from other packages are not normally documented unless re-exported. } \note{ The documentation file produced by \code{prompt.data.frame} does not have the same format as many of the data frame documentation files in the \pkg{base} package. We are trying to settle on a preferred format for the documentation. } \section{Warning}{ The default filename may not be a valid filename under limited file systems (e.g., those on Windows). Currently, calling \code{prompt} on a non-function object assumes that the object is in fact a data set and hence documents it as such. This may change in future versions of \R. Use \code{\link{promptData}} to create documentation skeletons for data sets. } \seealso{ \code{\link{promptData}}, \code{\link{help}} and the chapter on \dQuote{Writing \R documentation} in \dQuote{Writing \R Extensions} (see the \file{doc/manual} subdirectory of the \R source tree). For creation of many help pages (for a package), see \code{\link{package.skeleton}}. To prompt the user for input, see \code{\link{readline}}. } \author{Douglas Bates for \code{prompt.data.frame}} \references{ Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) \emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. } \examples{ require(graphics) prompt(plot.default) prompt(interactive, force.function = TRUE) unlink("plot.default.Rd") unlink("interactive.Rd") prompt(women) # data.frame unlink("women.Rd") prompt(sunspots) # non-data.frame data unlink("sunspots.Rd") \dontrun{ ## Create a help file for each function in the .GlobalEnv: for(f in ls()) if(is.function(get(f))) prompt(name = f) } } \keyword{documentation}