% File src/library/utils/man/sourceutils.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2011-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{sourceutils} \alias{getSrcFilename} \alias{getSrcDirectory} \alias{getSrcref} \alias{getSrcLocation} \title{ Source Reference Utilities } \description{ These functions extract information from source references. } \usage{ getSrcFilename(x, full.names = FALSE, unique = TRUE) getSrcDirectory(x, unique = TRUE) getSrcref(x) getSrcLocation(x, which = c("line", "column", "byte", "parse"), first = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object (typically a function) containing source references. } \item{full.names}{ Whether to include the full path in the filename result. } \item{unique}{ Whether to list only unique filenames/directories. } \item{which}{ Which part of a source reference to extract. Can be abbreviated. } \item{first}{ Whether to show the first (or last) location of the object. } } \details{ Each statement of a function will have its own source reference if the \code{"keep.source"} option is \code{TRUE}. These functions retrieve all of them. The components are as follows: \describe{ \item{line}{The line number where the object starts or ends.} \item{column}{The column number where the object starts or ends.} \item{byte}{As for \code{"column"}, but counting bytes, which may differ in case of multibyte characters.} \item{parse}{As for \code{"line"}, but this ignores \code{#line} directives.} } } \value{ \code{getSrcFilename} and \code{getSrcDirectory} return character vectors holding the filename/directory. \code{getSrcref} returns a list of \code{"srcref"} objects or \code{NULL} if there are none. \code{getSrcLocation} returns an integer vector of the requested type of locations. } \seealso{ \code{\link{srcref}}, \code{\link{getParseData}} } \examples{ fn <- function(x) { x + 1 # A comment, kept as part of the source } # Show the temporary file directory # where the example was saved getSrcDirectory(fn) getSrcLocation(fn, "line") } \keyword{ utilities }