% File src/library/utils/man/windows/getWindowsHandle.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{getWindowsHandle} \alias{getWindowsHandle} \title{Get a Windows Handle} \description{ Get the Windows handle of a window or of the \R{} process. } \usage{ getWindowsHandle(which = "Console") } \arguments{ \item{which}{A string (see below), or the number of a graphics device window} } \details{ \code{getWindowsHandle} gets the Windows handle. Possible choices for \code{which} are: \tabular{ll}{ \code{"Console"} \tab The console window handle. \cr \code{"Frame"} \tab The MDI frame window handle. \cr \code{"Process"} \tab The process pseudo-handle. \cr A device number \tab The window handle of a graphics device } These values are not normally useful to users, but may be used by developers making add-ons to \R{}. \code{NULL} is returned for the Frame handle if not running in MDI mode, for the Console handle when running Rterm, for any unrecognized string for \code{which}, or for a graphics device with no corresponding window. Other windows (help browsers, etc.) are not accessible through this function. } \note{ This is only available on Windows. } \value{ An external pointer holding the Windows handle, or \code{NULL}. } \seealso{\code{\link{getIdentification}}, \code{\link{getWindowsHandles}}} \examples{ getWindowsHandle() } \keyword{utilities}