/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* This is an effort to merge the 3 different dynload.c files in the distribution from the unix/, macintosh/dll/ and gnuwin32/ directories. The aim is to consolidate these different implementations into i) a generic or platform-independent common core ii) platform-dependent routines that are registered as function pointers. The reason for using function pointers rather than explicit linking of symbols is a) to avoid confusion in the linking b) to allow for easily overriding these in embedded applications in which a host application needs to control how R finds symbols. This may be necessary for security reasons. */ /* Dynamic Loading Support * * This module provides support for run-time loading of shared objects * access to symbols within such objects via .C and .Fortran. This is * done under Unix with dlopen, dlclose and dlsym (the exception is * hpux, where we use compatibility code provided by Luke Tierney). * There are two cases: * * * 1. The dlopen interface is available. * * In this case all symbol location in packages is done using the * dlopen routines. We maintain a list of currently loaded shared * objects in an array called "LoadedDLL" with the number of currently * loaded objects being "CountDLL". To locate a symbol, we probe * the loaded objects in order until the symbol is located. If we * do not find a symbol in the loaded objects, we search the * executable itself. This search is not very efficient, but this * probably pales into insignificance when compared with the * inefficiencies in the R interpreter. * * Loading and unloading of shared objects is done via the routines * AddDLL and DeleteDLL. These routines maintain the list of * currently loaded objects. When an object is added, any existing * reference to that object is deleted and then the object is * inserted at the start of the search list. This way, symbols in * more recently loaded objects are found first. * * * Accessing native routines in base (the R executable). * * In this case, we use the registration mechanism and the DllInfo array * in ../main/Rdynload.c to locate functions in the executable. We do this * by straight linear search through the table. * Note that the base routines registered are listed in * ../main/registration.c * and are registered during the initialization of the R engine. * (This replaces the previous mechanism that built a table * from ../appl/ROUTINES using Perl/sed). * * * If speed is ever an issue in the lookup of registered symbols, we can * store the registered routines in a hashtable or binary tree as they * are being registered. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef Unix /* HP-UX 11.0 has dlfcn.h, but according to libtool as of Dec 2001 this support is broken. So we force use of shlib even when dlfcn.h is available */ # ifdef __hpux # ifdef HAVE_DL_H # define HAVE_DYNAMIC_LOADING # endif # else # ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H # define HAVE_DYNAMIC_LOADING # endif # endif /* __hpux */ # ifndef HAVE_NO_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE # ifdef HAVE_ELF_H # define HAVE_NO_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE # endif /* HAVE_ELF_H */ # endif /* HAVE_NO_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE */ #endif #ifdef Win32 # define HAVE_DYNAMIC_LOADING #endif #ifdef CACHE_DLL_SYM /* Used on Windows */ #define MAX_CACHE 100 /* keep a record of symbols that have been found, about 70 bytes each */ R_CPFun CPFun[MAX_CACHE]; int nCPFun = 0; #endif #define MAX_NUM_DLLS 100 static int CountDLL = 0; #include static DllInfo LoadedDLL[MAX_NUM_DLLS]; static int addDLL(char *dpath, char *name, HINSTANCE handle); static SEXP Rf_MakeDLLInfo(DllInfo *info); static SEXP createRSymbolObject(SEXP sname, DL_FUNC f, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol, Rboolean withRegistrationInfo); static DllInfo *R_RegisterDLL(HINSTANCE handle, const char *path); attribute_hidden OSDynSymbol Rf_osDynSymbol; attribute_hidden OSDynSymbol *R_osDynSymbol = &Rf_osDynSymbol; void R_init_base(DllInfo *); /* In Registration.c */ DL_FUNC R_dlsym(DllInfo *dll, char const *name, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol); void attribute_hidden InitDynload() { DllInfo *dll; int which = addDLL(strdup("base"), "base", NULL); dll = &LoadedDLL[which]; R_init_base(dll); InitFunctionHashing(); } /* returns DllInfo used by the embedding application. the underlying "(embedding)" entry is created if not present */ DllInfo *R_getEmbeddingDllInfo() { DllInfo *dll = R_getDllInfo("(embedding)"); if (dll == NULL) { int which = addDLL(strdup("(embedding)"), "(embedding)", NULL); dll = &LoadedDLL[which]; /* make sure we don't attempt dynamic lookup */ R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE); } return dll; } Rboolean R_useDynamicSymbols(DllInfo *info, Rboolean value) { Rboolean old; old = info->useDynamicLookup; info->useDynamicLookup = value; return old; } Rboolean R_forceSymbols(DllInfo *info, Rboolean value) { Rboolean old; old = info->forceSymbols; info->forceSymbols = value; return old; } static void R_addCRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_CMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotCSymbol *sym); static void R_addCallRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_CallMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotCallSymbol *sym); static void R_addFortranRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_FortranMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym); static void R_addExternalRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_ExternalMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotExternalSymbol *sym); /* Returns a reference to the DllInfo object associated with the shared object with the path name `path'. This ensures uniqueness rather than having the undesirable situation of two object with the same name but in different directories. This is available so that it can be called from arbitrary C routines that need to call R_registerRoutines(). The initialization routine R_init_ is passed the DllInfo reference as an argument. Other routines must explicitly request it using this routine. */ DllInfo * R_getDllInfo(const char *path) { int i; for(i = 0; i < CountDLL; i++) { if(strcmp(LoadedDLL[i].path, path) == 0) return(&LoadedDLL[i]); } return (DllInfo*) NULL; } /* Explicitly register the native routines for use in .Call(), .C() and .Fortran() functions. These registered values are used to resolve symbols in an object that makes a call to this routine, rather than the usual dynamic resolution done by dlsym() or the equivalent on the different platforms. */ int R_registerRoutines(DllInfo *info, const R_CMethodDef * const croutines, const R_CallMethodDef * const callRoutines, const R_FortranMethodDef * const fortranRoutines, const R_ExternalMethodDef * const externalRoutines) { int i, num; if(info == NULL) error(_("R_RegisterRoutines called with invalid DllInfo object.")); /* Default is to look in registered and then dynamic (unless the is no handle such as in "base" or "embedded") Potentially change in the future to be only registered if there are any registered values. */ info->useDynamicLookup = (info->handle) ? TRUE : FALSE; info->forceSymbols = FALSE; if(croutines) { for(num = 0; croutines[num].name != NULL; num++) {;} info->CSymbols = (Rf_DotCSymbol*)calloc((size_t) num, sizeof(Rf_DotCSymbol)); info->numCSymbols = num; for(i = 0; i < num; i++) { R_addCRoutine(info, croutines+i, info->CSymbols + i); } } if(fortranRoutines) { for(num = 0; fortranRoutines[num].name != NULL; num++) {;} info->FortranSymbols = (Rf_DotFortranSymbol*)calloc((size_t) num, sizeof(Rf_DotFortranSymbol)); info->numFortranSymbols = num; for(i = 0; i < num; i++) R_addFortranRoutine(info, fortranRoutines+i, info->FortranSymbols + i); } if(callRoutines) { for(num = 0; callRoutines[num].name != NULL; num++) {;} info->CallSymbols = (Rf_DotCallSymbol*)calloc((size_t) num, sizeof(Rf_DotCallSymbol)); info->numCallSymbols = num; for(i = 0; i < num; i++) R_addCallRoutine(info, callRoutines+i, info->CallSymbols + i); } if(externalRoutines) { for(num = 0; externalRoutines[num].name != NULL; num++) {;} info->ExternalSymbols = (Rf_DotExternalSymbol*)calloc((size_t) num, sizeof(Rf_DotExternalSymbol)); info->numExternalSymbols = num; for(i = 0; i < num; i++) R_addExternalRoutine(info, externalRoutines+i, info->ExternalSymbols + i); } return(1); } static void R_setPrimitiveArgTypes(const R_FortranMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym) { sym->types = (R_NativePrimitiveArgType *) malloc(sizeof(R_NativePrimitiveArgType) * (size_t) croutine->numArgs); if(!sym->types) error("allocation failure in R_setPrimitiveArgTypes"); if(sym->types) memcpy(sym->types, croutine->types, sizeof(R_NativePrimitiveArgType) * (size_t) croutine->numArgs); } static void R_setArgStyles(const R_FortranMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym) { sym->styles = (R_NativeArgStyle *) malloc(sizeof(R_NativeArgStyle) * (size_t) croutine->numArgs); if(!sym->styles) error("allocation failure in R_setArgStyles"); if(sym->styles) memcpy(sym->styles, croutine->styles, sizeof(R_NativeArgStyle) * (size_t) croutine->numArgs); } static void R_addFortranRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_FortranMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym) { sym->name = strdup(croutine->name); sym->fun = croutine->fun; sym->numArgs = croutine->numArgs > -1 ? croutine->numArgs : -1; if(croutine->types) R_setPrimitiveArgTypes(croutine, sym); if(croutine->styles) R_setArgStyles(croutine, sym); } static void R_addExternalRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_ExternalMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotExternalSymbol *sym) { sym->name = strdup(croutine->name); sym->fun = croutine->fun; sym->numArgs = croutine->numArgs > -1 ? croutine->numArgs : -1; } static void R_addCRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_CMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotCSymbol *sym) { sym->name = strdup(croutine->name); sym->fun = croutine->fun; sym->numArgs = croutine->numArgs > -1 ? croutine->numArgs : -1; if(croutine->types) R_setPrimitiveArgTypes(croutine, sym); if(croutine->styles) R_setArgStyles(croutine, sym); } static void R_addCallRoutine(DllInfo *info, const R_CallMethodDef * const croutine, Rf_DotCallSymbol *sym) { sym->name = strdup(croutine->name); sym->fun = croutine->fun; sym->numArgs = croutine->numArgs > -1 ? croutine->numArgs : -1; } static void Rf_freeCSymbol(Rf_DotCSymbol *sym) { free(sym->name); } static void Rf_freeCallSymbol(Rf_DotCallSymbol *sym) { free(sym->name); } static void Rf_freeExternalSymbol(Rf_DotCallSymbol *sym) { free(sym->name); } static void Rf_freeFortranSymbol(Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym) { free(sym->name); } static void Rf_freeDllInfo(DllInfo *info) { int i; free(info->name); free(info->path); if(info->CSymbols) { for(i = 0; i < info->numCSymbols; i++) Rf_freeCSymbol(info->CSymbols+i); free(info->CSymbols); } if(info->CallSymbols) { for(i = 0; i < info->numCallSymbols; i++) Rf_freeCallSymbol(info->CallSymbols+i); free(info->CallSymbols); } if(info->ExternalSymbols) { for(i = 0; i < info->numExternalSymbols; i++) Rf_freeExternalSymbol(info->ExternalSymbols+i); free(info->ExternalSymbols); } if(info->FortranSymbols) { for(i = 0; i < info->numFortranSymbols; i++) Rf_freeFortranSymbol(info->FortranSymbols+i); free(info->FortranSymbols); } } typedef void (*DllInfoUnloadCall)(DllInfo *); typedef DllInfoUnloadCall DllInfoInitCall; static Rboolean R_callDLLUnload(DllInfo *dllInfo) { char buf[1024]; DllInfoUnloadCall f; R_RegisteredNativeSymbol symbol; symbol.type = R_ANY_SYM; snprintf(buf, 1024, "R_unload_%s", dllInfo->name); f = (DllInfoUnloadCall) R_dlsym(dllInfo, buf, &symbol); if(f) f(dllInfo); return(TRUE); } /* Remove the specified DLL from the current DLL list */ /* Returns 1 if the DLL was found and removed from */ /* the list and returns 0 otherwise. */ static int DeleteDLL(const char *path) { int i, loc; for (i = 0; i < CountDLL; i++) { if (!strcmp(path, LoadedDLL[i].path)) { loc = i; goto found; } } return 0; found: #ifdef CACHE_DLL_SYM if(R_osDynSymbol->deleteCachedSymbols) R_osDynSymbol->deleteCachedSymbols(&LoadedDLL[loc]); #endif R_callDLLUnload(&LoadedDLL[loc]); R_osDynSymbol->closeLibrary(LoadedDLL[loc].handle); Rf_freeDllInfo(LoadedDLL+loc); /* FIXME: why not use memcpy here? */ for(i = loc + 1 ; i < CountDLL ; i++) { LoadedDLL[i - 1].path = LoadedDLL[i].path; LoadedDLL[i - 1].name = LoadedDLL[i].name; LoadedDLL[i - 1].handle = LoadedDLL[i].handle; LoadedDLL[i - 1].useDynamicLookup = LoadedDLL[i].useDynamicLookup; LoadedDLL[i - 1].numCSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].numCSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].numCallSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].numCallSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].numFortranSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].numFortranSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].numExternalSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].numExternalSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].CSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].CSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].CallSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].CallSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].FortranSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].FortranSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].ExternalSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].ExternalSymbols; LoadedDLL[i - 1].forceSymbols = LoadedDLL[i].forceSymbols; } CountDLL--; return 1; } attribute_hidden DL_FUNC Rf_lookupCachedSymbol(const char *name, const char *pkg, int all) { #ifdef CACHE_DLL_SYM int i; for (i = 0; i < nCPFun; i++) if (!strcmp(name, CPFun[i].name) && (all || !strcmp(pkg, CPFun[i].pkg))) return CPFun[i].func; #endif return((DL_FUNC) NULL); } #ifdef Win32 #define DLLerrBUFSIZE 4000 #else /* Not Windows */ #define DLLerrBUFSIZE 1000 #endif static char DLLerror[DLLerrBUFSIZE] = ""; /* the error message; length taken from ERRBUFSIZE in ./hpdlfcn.c */ /* Inserts the specified DLL at the head of the DLL list */ /* Returns 1 if the DLL was successfully added */ /* and returns 0 if the DLL table is full or */ /* or if dlopen fails for some reason. */ static DllInfo* AddDLL(const char *path, int asLocal, int now, const char *DLLsearchpath) { HINSTANCE handle; DllInfo *info = NULL; DeleteDLL(path); if(CountDLL == MAX_NUM_DLLS) { strcpy(DLLerror, _("`maximal number of DLLs reached...")); return NULL; } handle = R_osDynSymbol->loadLibrary(path, asLocal, now, DLLsearchpath); if(handle == NULL) { R_osDynSymbol->getError(DLLerror, DLLerrBUFSIZE); return NULL; } info = R_RegisterDLL(handle, path); /* Now look for an initializing routine named R_init_. If it is present, we call it. It should take a reference to the DllInfo object currently being initialized. */ if(info) { const char *nm = info->name; size_t len = strlen(nm) + 9; char tmp[len]; // R_init_ + underscore + null DllInfoInitCall f; #ifdef HAVE_NO_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE snprintf(tmp, len, "%s%s","R_init_", info->name); #else snprintf(tmp, len, "_%s%s","R_init_", info->name); #endif f = (DllInfoInitCall) R_osDynSymbol->dlsym(info, tmp); /* If that failed, might have used the package name with . replaced by _ (as . it not valid in symbol names). */ if(!f) { /* This is potentially unsafe in MBCSs, as '.' might be part of a character: but is not in UTF-8 */ for(char *p = tmp; *p; p++) if(*p == '.') *p = '_'; f = (DllInfoInitCall) R_osDynSymbol->dlsym(info, tmp); } if(f) f(info); } return info; } static DllInfo *R_RegisterDLL(HINSTANCE handle, const char *path) { char *dpath, DLLname[PATH_MAX], *p; DllInfo *info; info = &LoadedDLL[CountDLL]; /* default is to use old-style dynamic lookup. The object's initialization routine can limit access by setting this to FALSE. */ info->useDynamicLookup = TRUE; info->forceSymbols = FALSE; dpath = (char *) malloc(strlen(path)+1); if(dpath == NULL) { strcpy(DLLerror, _("could not allocate space for 'path'")); R_osDynSymbol->closeLibrary(handle); return 0; } strcpy(dpath, path); if(R_osDynSymbol->fixPath) R_osDynSymbol->fixPath(dpath); /* keep only basename from path */ p = Rf_strrchr(dpath, FILESEP[0]); if(!p) p = dpath; else p++; if(strlen(p) < PATH_MAX) strcpy(DLLname, p); else error(_("DLLname '%s' is too long"), p); /* remove SHLIB_EXT if present */ p = DLLname + strlen(DLLname) - strlen(SHLIB_EXT); #ifdef Win32 /* case-insensitive file system */ if(p > DLLname && stricmp(p, SHLIB_EXT) == 0) *p = '\0'; #else if(p > DLLname && strcmp(p, SHLIB_EXT) == 0) *p = '\0'; #endif addDLL(dpath, DLLname, handle); return(info); } static int addDLL(char *dpath, char *DLLname, HINSTANCE handle) { int ans = CountDLL; char *name = (char *) malloc(strlen(DLLname)+1); if(name == NULL) { strcpy(DLLerror, _("could not allocate space for 'name'")); if(handle) R_osDynSymbol->closeLibrary(handle); free(dpath); return 0; } strcpy(name, DLLname); LoadedDLL[CountDLL].path = dpath; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].name = name; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].handle = handle; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].numCSymbols = 0; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].numCallSymbols = 0; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].numFortranSymbols = 0; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].numExternalSymbols = 0; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].CSymbols = NULL; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].CallSymbols = NULL; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].FortranSymbols = NULL; LoadedDLL[CountDLL].ExternalSymbols = NULL; CountDLL++; return(ans); } static Rf_DotCSymbol * Rf_lookupRegisteredCSymbol(DllInfo *info, const char *name) { for(int i = 0; i < info->numCSymbols; i++) { if(strcmp(name, info->CSymbols[i].name) == 0) return(&(info->CSymbols[i])); } return NULL; } static Rf_DotFortranSymbol * Rf_lookupRegisteredFortranSymbol(DllInfo *info, const char *name) { for(int i = 0; i < info->numFortranSymbols; i++) { if(strcmp(name, info->FortranSymbols[i].name) == 0) return(&(info->FortranSymbols[i])); } return (Rf_DotFortranSymbol*) NULL; } static Rf_DotCallSymbol * Rf_lookupRegisteredCallSymbol(DllInfo *info, const char *name) { for(int i = 0; i < info->numCallSymbols; i++) { if(strcmp(name, info->CallSymbols[i].name) == 0) return(&(info->CallSymbols[i])); } return (Rf_DotCallSymbol*) NULL; } static Rf_DotExternalSymbol * Rf_lookupRegisteredExternalSymbol(DllInfo *info, const char *name) { for(int i = 0; i < info->numExternalSymbols; i++) { if(strcmp(name, info->ExternalSymbols[i].name) == 0) return(&(info->ExternalSymbols[i])); } return (Rf_DotExternalSymbol*) NULL; } static DL_FUNC R_getDLLRegisteredSymbol(DllInfo *info, const char *name, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol) { NativeSymbolType purpose = R_ANY_SYM; if(symbol) purpose = symbol->type; if((purpose == R_ANY_SYM || purpose == R_C_SYM) && info->numCSymbols > 0) { Rf_DotCSymbol *sym; sym = Rf_lookupRegisteredCSymbol(info, name); if(sym) { if(symbol) { symbol->type = R_C_SYM; symbol->symbol.c = sym; symbol->dll = info; } return((DL_FUNC) sym->fun); } } if((purpose == R_ANY_SYM || purpose == R_CALL_SYM) && info->numCallSymbols > 0) { Rf_DotCallSymbol *sym; sym = Rf_lookupRegisteredCallSymbol(info, name); if(sym) { if(symbol) { symbol->type = R_CALL_SYM; symbol->symbol.call = sym; symbol->dll = info; } return((DL_FUNC) sym->fun); } } if((purpose == R_ANY_SYM || purpose == R_FORTRAN_SYM) && info->numFortranSymbols > 0) { Rf_DotFortranSymbol *sym; sym = Rf_lookupRegisteredFortranSymbol(info, name); if(sym) { if(symbol) { symbol->type = R_FORTRAN_SYM; symbol->symbol.fortran = sym; symbol->dll = info; } return((DL_FUNC) sym->fun); } } if((purpose == R_ANY_SYM || purpose == R_EXTERNAL_SYM) && info->numExternalSymbols > 0) { Rf_DotExternalSymbol *sym; sym = Rf_lookupRegisteredExternalSymbol(info, name); if(sym) { if(symbol) { symbol->type = R_EXTERNAL_SYM; symbol->symbol.external = sym; symbol->dll = info; } return((DL_FUNC) sym->fun); } } return((DL_FUNC) NULL); } DL_FUNC attribute_hidden R_dlsym(DllInfo *info, char const *name, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol) { size_t len = strlen(name) + 4; char buf[len]; /* up to 3 additional underscores */ DL_FUNC f; f = R_getDLLRegisteredSymbol(info, name, symbol); if(f) return(f); if(info->useDynamicLookup == FALSE) return(NULL); #ifdef HAVE_NO_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE snprintf(buf, len, "%s", name); #else snprintf(buf, len, "_%s", name); #endif #ifdef HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE if(symbol && symbol->type == R_FORTRAN_SYM) { strcat(buf, "_"); # ifdef HAVE_F77_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE if(strchr(name, '_')) strcat(buf, "_"); # endif } #endif f = (DL_FUNC) R_osDynSymbol->dlsym(info, buf); #ifdef HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE if (!f && symbol && symbol->type == R_ANY_SYM) { strcat(buf, "_"); # ifdef HAVE_F77_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE if(strchr(name, '_')) strcat(buf, "_"); # endif f = (DL_FUNC) R_osDynSymbol->dlsym(info, buf); } #endif return f; } /* R_FindSymbol checks whether one of the objects that have been loaded contains the symbol name and returns a pointer to that symbol upon success. */ DL_FUNC R_FindSymbol(char const *name, char const *pkg, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol) { DL_FUNC fcnptr = (DL_FUNC) NULL; int i, all = (strlen(pkg) == 0), doit; if(R_osDynSymbol->lookupCachedSymbol) fcnptr = R_osDynSymbol->lookupCachedSymbol(name, pkg, all); if(fcnptr) return(fcnptr); /* The following is not legal ANSI C. */ /* It is only meant to be used in systems supporting */ /* the dlopen() interface, in which systems data and */ /* function pointers _are_ the same size and _can_ */ /* be cast without loss of information. */ for (i = CountDLL - 1; i >= 0; i--) { doit = all; if(!doit && !strcmp(pkg, LoadedDLL[i].name)) doit = 2; if(doit && LoadedDLL[i].forceSymbols) doit = 0; if(doit) { fcnptr = R_dlsym(&LoadedDLL[i], name, symbol); /* R_osDynSymbol->dlsym */ if (fcnptr != (DL_FUNC) NULL) { if(symbol) symbol->dll = LoadedDLL+i; #ifdef CACHE_DLL_SYM if(strlen(pkg) <= 20 && strlen(name) <= 40 && nCPFun < MAX_CACHE && (!symbol || !symbol->symbol.c)) { strcpy(CPFun[nCPFun].pkg, LoadedDLL[i].name); strcpy(CPFun[nCPFun].name, name); CPFun[nCPFun++].func = fcnptr; } #endif return fcnptr; } } if(doit > 1) return (DL_FUNC) NULL; /* Only look in the first-matching DLL */ } return (DL_FUNC) NULL; } static void GetFullDLLPath(SEXP call, char *buf, const char *const path) { R_osDynSymbol->getFullDLLPath(call, buf, path); } /* do_dynload implements the R-Interface for the */ /* loading of shared objects */ /* Extended to support 2 additional arguments (3 in total). First argument is the name of the DLL. Second argument is a logical indicating whether we want the symbols to be kept in their own local symbol table or added to the global symbol table of the application. Third argument is a logical indicating whether the dynamic loading should relocate all routine symbols now and signal any errors immediately or lazily relocate the symbols as they are invoked. This is useful for developers so that they can ensure that all the symbols are available before they release, and allows users to call routines from "incomplete" DLLs. */ SEXP attribute_hidden do_dynload(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { char buf[2 * PATH_MAX]; DllInfo *info; checkArity(op,args); if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1) error(_("character argument expected")); GetFullDLLPath(call, buf, translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0))); /* AddDLL does this DeleteDLL(buf); */ info = AddDLL(buf, LOGICAL(CADR(args))[0], LOGICAL(CADDR(args))[0], translateChar(STRING_ELT(CADDDR(args), 0))); if(!info) error(_("unable to load shared object '%s':\n %s"), buf, DLLerror); return(Rf_MakeDLLInfo(info)); } SEXP attribute_hidden do_dynunload(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { char buf[2 * PATH_MAX]; checkArity(op,args); if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1) error(_("character argument expected")); GetFullDLLPath(call, buf, translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0))); if(!DeleteDLL(buf)) error(_("shared object '%s\' was not loaded"), buf); return R_NilValue; } int R_moduleCdynload(const char *module, int local, int now) { char dllpath[PATH_MAX], *p = getenv("R_HOME"); DllInfo *res; if(!p) return 0; #ifdef R_ARCH snprintf(dllpath, PATH_MAX, "%s%smodules%s%s%s%s%s", p, FILESEP, FILESEP, R_ARCH, FILESEP, module, SHLIB_EXT); #else snprintf(dllpath, PATH_MAX, "%s%smodules%s%s%s", p, FILESEP, FILESEP, module, SHLIB_EXT); #endif res = AddDLL(dllpath, local, now, ""); if(!res) warning(_("unable to load shared object '%s':\n %s"), dllpath, DLLerror); return res != NULL ? 1 : 0; } int R_cairoCdynload(int local, int now) { char dllpath[PATH_MAX], *p = getenv("R_HOME"), *module = "cairo"; DllInfo *res; if(!p) return 0; #ifdef R_ARCH snprintf(dllpath, PATH_MAX, "%s/library/grDevices/libs/%s/%s%s", p, R_ARCH, module, SHLIB_EXT); #else snprintf(dllpath, PATH_MAX, "%s/library/grDevices/libs/%s%s", p, module, SHLIB_EXT); #endif res = AddDLL(dllpath, local, now, ""); if(!res) warning(_("unable to load shared object '%s':\n %s"), dllpath, DLLerror); return res != NULL ? 1 : 0; } /** Creates an R object representing the value of the function pointer given by `f'. This object has class NativeSymbol and can be used to relay symbols from one DLL to another. */ static SEXP Rf_MakeNativeSymbolRef(DL_FUNC f) { SEXP ref, klass; PROTECT(ref = R_MakeExternalPtrFn(f, install("native symbol"), R_NilValue)); PROTECT(klass = mkString("NativeSymbol")); setAttrib(ref, R_ClassSymbol, klass); UNPROTECT(2); return(ref); } static void freeRegisteredNativeSymbolCopy(SEXP ref) { void *ptr; ptr = R_ExternalPtrAddr(ref); if (ptr) free(ptr); } static SEXP Rf_MakeRegisteredNativeSymbol(R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol) { SEXP ref, klass; R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *copy; copy = (R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *) malloc(1 * sizeof(R_RegisteredNativeSymbol)); if(!copy) { error(ngettext("cannot allocate memory for registered native symbol (%d byte)", "cannot allocate memory for registered native symbol (%d bytes)", (int) sizeof(R_RegisteredNativeSymbol)), (int) sizeof(R_RegisteredNativeSymbol)); } *copy = *symbol; PROTECT(ref = R_MakeExternalPtr(copy, install("registered native symbol"), R_NilValue)); R_RegisterCFinalizer(ref, freeRegisteredNativeSymbolCopy); PROTECT(klass = mkString("RegisteredNativeSymbol")); setAttrib(ref, R_ClassSymbol, klass); UNPROTECT(2); return(ref); } static SEXP Rf_makeDllObject(HINSTANCE inst) { SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = R_MakeExternalPtr(inst, install("DLLHandle"), R_NilValue)); setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("DLLHandle")); UNPROTECT(1); return(ans); } static SEXP Rf_makeDllInfoReference(HINSTANCE inst) { SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = R_MakeExternalPtr(inst, install("DLLInfo"), install("DLLInfo"))); setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("DLLInfoReference")); UNPROTECT(1); return(ans); } /** Creates an R object representing the public DLL information stored in info. Currently this is only the short and the long, fully qualified name of the DLL and whether we only look for symbols that have been registered in this DLL or do we also use dynamic lookup. */ static SEXP Rf_MakeDLLInfo(DllInfo *info) { SEXP ref, elNames, tmp; int i, n; const char *const names[] = {"name", "path", "dynamicLookup", "handle", "info"}; n = sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]); PROTECT(ref = allocVector(VECSXP, n)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ref, 0, tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); if(info->name) SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, mkChar(info->name)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ref, 1, tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); if(info->path) SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, mkChar(info->path)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ref, 2, ScalarLogical(info->useDynamicLookup)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ref, 3, Rf_makeDllObject(info->handle)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ref, 4, Rf_makeDllInfoReference((HINSTANCE) info)); PROTECT(elNames = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(elNames, i, mkChar(names[i])); setAttrib(ref, R_NamesSymbol, elNames); setAttrib(ref, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("DLLInfo")); UNPROTECT(2); return(ref); } /* This is the routine associated with the getNativeSymbolInfo() function and it takes the name of a symbol and optionally an object identifier (package usually) in which to restrict the search for this symbol. It resolves the symbol and returns it to the caller giving the symbol address, the package information (i.e. name and fully qualified shared object name). If the symbol was explicitly registered (rather than dynamically resolved by R), then we pass back that information also, giving the number of arguments it expects and the interface by which it should be called. The returned object has class NativeSymbol. If the symbol was registered, we add a class identifying the interface type for which it is intended (i.e. .C(), .Call(), etc.) */ SEXP attribute_hidden R_getSymbolInfo(SEXP sname, SEXP spackage, SEXP withRegistrationInfo) { const void *vmax = vmaxget(); const char *package, *name; R_RegisteredNativeSymbol symbol = {R_ANY_SYM, {NULL}, NULL}; SEXP sym = R_NilValue; DL_FUNC f = NULL; package = ""; name = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sname, 0)); if(length(spackage)) { if(TYPEOF(spackage) == STRSXP) package = translateChar(STRING_ELT(spackage, 0)); else if(TYPEOF(spackage) == EXTPTRSXP && R_ExternalPtrTag(spackage) == install("DLLInfo")) { f = R_dlsym((DllInfo *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(spackage), name, &symbol); package = NULL; } else error(_("must pass package name or DllInfo reference")); } if(package) f = R_FindSymbol(name, package, &symbol); if(f) sym = createRSymbolObject(sname, f, &symbol, LOGICAL(withRegistrationInfo)[0]); vmaxset(vmax); return sym; } SEXP attribute_hidden R_getDllTable() { int i; SEXP ans; again: PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, CountDLL)); for(i = 0; i < CountDLL; i++) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, i, Rf_MakeDLLInfo(&(LoadedDLL[i]))); } setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("DLLInfoList")); UNPROTECT(1); /* There is a problem here: The allocations can cause gc, and gc may result in no longer referenced DLLs being unloaded. So CountDLL can be reduced during this loop. A simple work-around is to just try again until CountDLL at the end is the same as it was at the beginning. LT */ if (CountDLL != LENGTH(ans)) goto again; return(ans); } static SEXP createRSymbolObject(SEXP sname, DL_FUNC f, R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol, Rboolean withRegistrationInfo) { SEXP tmp, klass, sym, names; int n = (symbol->type != R_ANY_SYM) ? 4 : 3; int numProtects = 0; PROTECT(sym = allocVector(VECSXP, n)); numProtects++; PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, n)); numProtects++; if(!sname || sname == R_NilValue) { PROTECT(sname = mkString(symbol->symbol.call->name)); numProtects++; } SET_VECTOR_ELT(sym, 0, sname); SET_STRING_ELT(names, 0, mkChar("name")); SET_VECTOR_ELT(sym, 1, withRegistrationInfo && symbol && symbol->symbol.c && symbol->dll ? Rf_MakeRegisteredNativeSymbol(symbol) : Rf_MakeNativeSymbolRef(f)); SET_STRING_ELT(names, 1, mkChar("address")); if(symbol->dll) SET_VECTOR_ELT(sym, 2, Rf_MakeDLLInfo(symbol->dll)); SET_STRING_ELT(names, 2, mkChar("dll")); PROTECT(klass = allocVector(STRSXP, (symbol->type != R_ANY_SYM ? 2 : 1))); numProtects++; SET_STRING_ELT(klass, LENGTH(klass) - 1, mkChar("NativeSymbolInfo")); if(n > 3) { /* Add the registration information: the number of arguments and the classname. */ int nargs = -1; char *className = ""; switch(symbol->type) { case R_C_SYM: nargs = symbol->symbol.c->numArgs; className = "CRoutine"; break; case R_CALL_SYM: nargs = symbol->symbol.call->numArgs; className = "CallRoutine"; break; case R_FORTRAN_SYM: nargs = symbol->symbol.fortran->numArgs; className = "FortranRoutine"; break; case R_EXTERNAL_SYM: nargs = symbol->symbol.external->numArgs; className = "ExternalRoutine"; break; default: /* Something unintended has happened if we get here. */ error(_("unimplemented type %d in 'createRSymbolObject'"), symbol->type); break; } SET_VECTOR_ELT(sym, 3, tmp = ScalarInteger(nargs)); SET_STRING_ELT(klass, 0, mkChar(className)); SET_STRING_ELT(names, 3, mkChar("numParameters")); } setAttrib(sym, R_ClassSymbol, klass); setAttrib(sym, R_NamesSymbol, names); UNPROTECT(numProtects); return(sym); } static SEXP R_getRoutineSymbols(NativeSymbolType type, DllInfo *info) { SEXP ans; int i, num; R_RegisteredNativeSymbol sym; DL_FUNC address = NULL; sym.dll = info; sym.type =type; switch(type) { case R_CALL_SYM: num = info->numCallSymbols; break; case R_C_SYM: num = info->numCSymbols; break; case R_FORTRAN_SYM: num = info->numFortranSymbols; break; case R_EXTERNAL_SYM: num = info->numExternalSymbols; break; default: num = 0; } PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, num)); for(i = 0; i < num ; i++) { switch(type) { case R_CALL_SYM: sym.symbol.call = &info->CallSymbols[i]; address = sym.symbol.call->fun; break; case R_C_SYM: sym.symbol.c = &info->CSymbols[i]; address = sym.symbol.c->fun; break; case R_FORTRAN_SYM: sym.symbol.fortran = &info->FortranSymbols[i]; address = sym.symbol.fortran->fun; break; case R_EXTERNAL_SYM: sym.symbol.external = &info->ExternalSymbols[i]; address = sym.symbol.external->fun; break; default: continue; } SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, i, createRSymbolObject(NULL, address, &sym, TRUE));/* XXX */ } setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("NativeRoutineList")); UNPROTECT(1); return(ans); } SEXP attribute_hidden R_getRegisteredRoutines(SEXP dll) { DllInfo *info; SEXP ans, snames; int i; const char * const names[] = {".C", ".Call", ".Fortran", ".External"}; if(TYPEOF(dll) != EXTPTRSXP && R_ExternalPtrTag(dll) != install("DLLInfo")) error(_("R_getRegisteredRoutines() expects a DllInfo reference")); info = (DllInfo *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(dll); if(!info) error(_("NULL value passed for DllInfo")); PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, 4)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_C_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_CALL_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_FORTRAN_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_EXTERNAL_SYM, info)); PROTECT(snames = allocVector(STRSXP, 4)); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(snames, i, mkChar(names[i])); setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, snames); UNPROTECT(2); return(ans); } SEXP attribute_hidden do_getSymbolInfo(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { const char *package = "", *name; R_RegisteredNativeSymbol symbol = {R_ANY_SYM, {NULL}, NULL}; SEXP sym = R_NilValue; DL_FUNC f = NULL; checkArity(op, args); SEXP sname = CAR(args), spackage = CADR(args), withRegistrationInfo = CADDR(args); name = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sname, 0)); if(length(spackage)) { if(TYPEOF(spackage) == STRSXP) package = translateChar(STRING_ELT(spackage, 0)); else if(TYPEOF(spackage) == EXTPTRSXP && R_ExternalPtrTag(spackage) == install("DLLInfo")) { f = R_dlsym((DllInfo *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(spackage), name, &symbol); package = NULL; } else error(_("must pass package name or DllInfo reference")); } if(package) f = R_FindSymbol(name, package, &symbol); if(f) sym = createRSymbolObject(sname, f, &symbol, LOGICAL(withRegistrationInfo)[0]); return sym; } /* .Internal(getLoadedDLLs()) */ SEXP attribute_hidden do_getDllTable(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP ans, nm; checkArity(op, args); again: PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, CountDLL)); for(int i = 0; i < CountDLL; i++) SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, i, Rf_MakeDLLInfo(&(LoadedDLL[i]))); setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, mkString("DLLInfoList")); UNPROTECT(1); /* There is a problem here: The allocations can cause gc, and gc may result in no longer referenced DLLs being unloaded. So CountDLL can be reduced during this loop. A simple work-around is to just try again until CountDLL at the end is the same as it was at the beginning. LT */ if (CountDLL != LENGTH(ans)) goto again; PROTECT(ans); PROTECT(nm = allocVector(STRSXP, CountDLL)); setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, nm); for(int i = 0; i < CountDLL; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(nm, i, STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(ans, i), 0), 0)); UNPROTECT(2); return ans; } SEXP attribute_hidden do_getRegisteredRoutines(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { const char * const names[] = {".C", ".Call", ".Fortran", ".External"}; checkArity(op, args); SEXP dll = CAR(args), ans, snames; if(TYPEOF(dll) != EXTPTRSXP && R_ExternalPtrTag(dll) != install("DLLInfo")) error(_("R_getRegisteredRoutines() expects a DllInfo reference")); DllInfo *info = (DllInfo *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(dll); if(!info) error(_("NULL value passed for DllInfo")); PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, 4)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_C_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_CALL_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_FORTRAN_SYM, info)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, R_getRoutineSymbols(R_EXTERNAL_SYM, info)); PROTECT(snames = allocVector(STRSXP, 4)); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(snames, i, mkChar(names[i])); setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, snames); UNPROTECT(2); return(ans); } /* Experimental interface for exporting and importing functions and data from one package for use from C code in a package. The registration part probably ought to be integrated with the other registrations. The naming of these routines may be less than ideal. */ static SEXP CEntryTable = NULL; static SEXP get_package_CEntry_table(const char *package) { SEXP penv, pname; if (CEntryTable == NULL) { CEntryTable = R_NewHashedEnv(R_NilValue, ScalarInteger(0)); R_PreserveObject(CEntryTable); } pname = install(package); penv = findVarInFrame(CEntryTable, pname); if (penv == R_UnboundValue) { penv = R_NewHashedEnv(R_NilValue, ScalarInteger(0)); defineVar(pname, penv, CEntryTable); } return penv; } void R_RegisterCCallable(const char *package, const char *name, DL_FUNC fptr) { SEXP penv = get_package_CEntry_table(package); PROTECT(penv); SEXP eptr = R_MakeExternalPtrFn(fptr, R_NilValue, R_NilValue); PROTECT(eptr); defineVar(install(name), eptr, penv); UNPROTECT(2); } DL_FUNC R_GetCCallable(const char *package, const char *name) { SEXP penv = get_package_CEntry_table(package); PROTECT(penv); SEXP eptr = findVarInFrame(penv, install(name)); UNPROTECT(1); if (eptr == R_UnboundValue) error(_("function '%s' not provided by package '%s'"), name, package); else if (TYPEOF(eptr) != EXTPTRSXP) error(_("table entry must be an external pointer")); return R_ExternalPtrAddrFn(eptr); }