/* * R : A Computer Langage for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1998-2015 The R Core Team. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define R_USE_SIGNALS 1 #include #include SEXP attribute_hidden do_debug(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { SEXP ans = R_NilValue; checkArity(op,args); #define find_char_fun \ if (isValidString(CAR(args))) { \ SEXP s; \ PROTECT(s = installTrChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0))); \ SETCAR(args, findFun(s, rho)); \ UNPROTECT(1); \ } find_char_fun if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != CLOSXP && TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != SPECIALSXP && TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != BUILTINSXP) errorcall(call, _("argument must be a function")); switch(PRIMVAL(op)) { case 0: // debug() SET_RDEBUG(CAR(args), 1); break; case 1: // undebug() if( RDEBUG(CAR(args)) != 1 ) warningcall(call, "argument is not being debugged"); SET_RDEBUG(CAR(args), 0); break; case 2: // isdebugged() ans = ScalarLogical(RDEBUG(CAR(args))); break; case 3: // debugonce() SET_RSTEP(CAR(args), 1); break; } return ans; } /* primitives .primTrace() and .primUntrace() */ SEXP attribute_hidden do_trace(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); find_char_fun if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != CLOSXP && TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != SPECIALSXP && TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != BUILTINSXP) errorcall(call, _("argument must be a function")); switch(PRIMVAL(op)) { case 0: SET_RTRACE(CAR(args), 1); break; case 1: SET_RTRACE(CAR(args), 0); break; } return R_NilValue; } /* maintain global trace & debug state */ static Rboolean tracing_state = TRUE, debugging_state = TRUE; #define GET_TRACE_STATE tracing_state #define GET_DEBUG_STATE debugging_state #define SET_TRACE_STATE(value) tracing_state = value #define SET_DEBUG_STATE(value) debugging_state = value SEXP attribute_hidden do_traceOnOff(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); SEXP onOff = CAR(args); Rboolean trace = (PRIMVAL(op) == 0), prev = trace ? GET_TRACE_STATE : GET_DEBUG_STATE; if(length(onOff) > 0) { Rboolean _new = asLogical(onOff); if(_new == TRUE || _new == FALSE) if(trace) SET_TRACE_STATE(_new); else SET_DEBUG_STATE(_new); else error(_("Value for '%s' must be TRUE or FALSE"), trace ? "tracingState" : "debuggingState"); } return ScalarLogical(prev); } // GUIs, packages, etc can query: Rboolean R_current_debug_state() { return GET_DEBUG_STATE; } Rboolean R_current_trace_state() { return GET_TRACE_STATE; } /* memory tracing */ /* report when a traced object is duplicated */ #ifdef R_MEMORY_PROFILING SEXP attribute_hidden do_tracemem(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { SEXP object; char buffer[21]; checkArity(op, args); check1arg(args, call, "x"); object = CAR(args); if (TYPEOF(object) == CLOSXP || TYPEOF(object) == BUILTINSXP || TYPEOF(object) == SPECIALSXP) errorcall(call, _("argument must not be a function")); if(object == R_NilValue) errorcall(call, _("cannot trace NULL")); if(TYPEOF(object) == ENVSXP || TYPEOF(object) == PROMSXP) errorcall(call, _("'tracemem' is not useful for promise and environment objects")); if(TYPEOF(object) == EXTPTRSXP || TYPEOF(object) == WEAKREFSXP) errorcall(call, _("'tracemem' is not useful for weak reference or external pointer objects")); SET_RTRACE(object, 1); snprintf(buffer, 21, "<%p>", (void *) object); return mkString(buffer); } SEXP attribute_hidden do_untracemem(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { SEXP object; checkArity(op, args); check1arg(args, call, "x"); object=CAR(args); if (TYPEOF(object) == CLOSXP || TYPEOF(object) == BUILTINSXP || TYPEOF(object) == SPECIALSXP) errorcall(call, _("argument must not be a function")); if (RTRACE(object)) SET_RTRACE(object, 0); return R_NilValue; } #else SEXP attribute_hidden NORET do_tracemem(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); check1arg(args, call, "x"); errorcall(call, _("R was not compiled with support for memory profiling")); } SEXP attribute_hidden NORET do_untracemem(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); check1arg(args, call, "x"); errorcall(call, _("R was not compiled with support for memory profiling")); } #endif /* R_MEMORY_PROFILING */ #ifndef R_MEMORY_PROFILING void memtrace_report(void* old, void *_new) { return; } #else static void memtrace_stack_dump(void) { RCNTXT *cptr; for (cptr = R_GlobalContext; cptr; cptr = cptr->nextcontext) { if ((cptr->callflag & (CTXT_FUNCTION | CTXT_BUILTIN)) && TYPEOF(cptr->call) == LANGSXP) { SEXP fun = CAR(cptr->call); Rprintf("%s ", TYPEOF(fun) == SYMSXP ? translateChar(PRINTNAME(fun)) : ""); } } Rprintf("\n"); } void memtrace_report(void * old, void * _new) { if (!R_current_trace_state()) return; Rprintf("tracemem[%p -> %p]: ", (void *) old, _new); memtrace_stack_dump(); } #endif /* R_MEMORY_PROFILING */ SEXP attribute_hidden do_retracemem(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { #ifdef R_MEMORY_PROFILING SEXP object, previous, ans, argList; char buffer[21]; static SEXP do_retracemem_formals = NULL; if (do_retracemem_formals == NULL) do_retracemem_formals = allocFormalsList2(install("x"), R_PreviousSymbol); PROTECT(argList = matchArgs(do_retracemem_formals, args, call)); if(CAR(argList) == R_MissingArg) SETCAR(argList, R_NilValue); if(CADR(argList) == R_MissingArg) SETCAR(CDR(argList), R_NilValue); object = CAR(argList); if (TYPEOF(object) == CLOSXP || TYPEOF(object) == BUILTINSXP || TYPEOF(object) == SPECIALSXP) errorcall(call, _("argument must not be a function")); previous = CADR(argList); if(!isNull(previous) && !isString(previous)) errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "previous"); if (RTRACE(object)) { snprintf(buffer, 21, "<%p>", (void *) object); ans = mkString(buffer); } else { R_Visible = 0; ans = R_NilValue; } if (previous != R_NilValue){ SET_RTRACE(object, 1); if (R_current_trace_state()) { /* FIXME: previous will have <0x....> whereas other values are without the < > */ Rprintf("tracemem[%s -> %p]: ", translateChar(STRING_ELT(previous, 0)), (void *) object); memtrace_stack_dump(); } } UNPROTECT(1); return ans; #else R_Visible = 0; /* for consistency with other case */ return R_NilValue; #endif }