/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 2001-2015 The R Core Team. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include static R_InternetRoutines routines, *ptr = &routines; /* SEXP Rdownload(SEXP args); Rconnection R_newurl(char *description, char *mode); Rconnection R_newsock(char *host, int port, int server, char *mode, int timeout); Next 6 are for use by libxml, only void *R_HTTPOpen(const char *url); int R_HTTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len); void R_HTTPClose(void *ctx); void *R_FTPOpen(const char *url); int R_FTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len); void R_FTPClose(void *ctx); void Rsockopen(int *port) void Rsocklisten(int *sockp, char **buf, int *len) void Rsockconnect(int *port, char **host) void Rsockclose(int *sockp) void Rsockread(int *sockp, char **buf, int *maxlen) void Rsockwrite(int *sockp, char **buf, int *start, int *end, int *len) int Rsockselect(int nsock, int *insockfd, int *ready, int *write, double timeout) int R_HTTPDCreate(const char *ip, int port); void R_HTTPDStop(void); */ static int initialized = 0; R_InternetRoutines * R_setInternetRoutines(R_InternetRoutines *routines) { R_InternetRoutines *tmp; tmp = ptr; ptr = routines; return(tmp); } static void internet_Init(void) { int res; res = R_moduleCdynload("internet", 1, 1); initialized = -1; if(!res) return; if(!ptr->download) error(_("internet routines cannot be accessed in module")); initialized = 1; return; } SEXP Rdownload(SEXP args) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->download)(args); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return R_NilValue; } } Rconnection attribute_hidden R_newurl(const char *description, const char * const mode, int type) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->newurl)(description, mode, type); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return (Rconnection)0; } } Rconnection attribute_hidden R_newsock(const char *host, int port, int server, const char * const mode, int timeout) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->newsock)(host, port, server, mode, timeout); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return (Rconnection)0; } } void *R_HTTPOpen(const char *url) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->HTTPOpen)(url, NULL, 0); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return NULL; } } int R_HTTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->HTTPRead)(ctx, dest, len); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return 0; } } void R_HTTPClose(void *ctx) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->HTTPClose)(ctx); else error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); } void *R_FTPOpen(const char *url) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->FTPOpen)(url); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return NULL; } } int R_FTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->FTPRead)(ctx, dest, len); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return 0; } } void R_FTPClose(void *ctx) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->FTPClose)(ctx); else error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); } int extR_HTTPDCreate(const char *ip, int port) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->HTTPDCreate)(ip, port); else error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return -1; } void extR_HTTPDStop(void) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->HTTPDStop)(); else error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); } SEXP Rsockconnect(SEXP sport, SEXP shost) { if (length(sport) != 1) error("invalid 'socket' argument"); int port = asInteger(sport); char *host[1]; host[0] = (char *) translateChar(STRING_ELT(shost, 0)); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->sockconnect)(&port, host); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); return ScalarInteger(port); // The socket number } SEXP Rsockread(SEXP ssock, SEXP smaxlen) { if (length(ssock) != 1) error("invalid 'socket' argument"); int sock = asInteger(ssock), maxlen = asInteger(smaxlen); char buf[maxlen+1], *abuf[1]; abuf[0] = buf; if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->sockread)(&sock, abuf, &maxlen); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); SET_STRING_ELT(ans, 0, mkCharLen(buf, maxlen)); UNPROTECT(1); return ans; } SEXP Rsockclose(SEXP ssock) { if (length(ssock) != 1) error("invalid 'socket' argument"); int sock = asInteger(ssock); if (sock <= 0) error(_("attempt to close invalid socket")); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->sockclose)(&sock); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); return ScalarLogical(sock); } SEXP Rsockopen(SEXP sport) { if (length(sport) != 1) error("invalid 'port' argument"); int port = asInteger(sport); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->sockopen)(&port); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); return ScalarInteger(port); // The socket number } SEXP Rsocklisten(SEXP ssock) { if (length(ssock) != 1) error("invalid 'socket' argument"); int sock = asInteger(ssock), len = 256; char buf[257], *abuf[1]; abuf[0] = buf; if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->socklisten)(&sock, abuf, &len); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); SEXP ans = PROTECT(ScalarInteger(sock)); // The socket being listened on SEXP host = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); SET_STRING_ELT(host, 0, mkChar(buf)); setAttrib(ans, install("host"), host); UNPROTECT(2); return ans; } SEXP Rsockwrite(SEXP ssock, SEXP sstring) { if (length(ssock) != 1) error("invalid 'socket' argument"); int sock = asInteger(ssock), start = 0, end, len; char *buf = (char *) translateChar(STRING_ELT(sstring, 0)), *abuf[1]; end = len = (int) strlen(buf); abuf[0] = buf; if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) (*ptr->sockwrite)(&sock, abuf, &start, &end, &len); else error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); return ScalarInteger(len); } attribute_hidden int Rsockselect(int nsock, int *insockfd, int *ready, int *write, double timeout) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->sockselect)(nsock, insockfd, ready, write, timeout); else { error(_("socket routines cannot be loaded")); return 0; } } SEXP attribute_hidden do_curlVersion(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->curlVersion)(call, op, args, rho); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return R_NilValue; } } SEXP attribute_hidden do_curlGetHeaders(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->curlGetHeaders)(call, op, args, rho); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return R_NilValue; } } SEXP attribute_hidden do_curlDownload(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->curlDownload)(call, op, args, rho); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return R_NilValue; } } Rconnection attribute_hidden R_newCurlUrl(const char *description, const char * const mode, int type) { if(!initialized) internet_Init(); if(initialized > 0) return (*ptr->newcurlurl)(description, mode, type); else { error(_("internet routines cannot be loaded")); return (Rconnection)0; } return (Rconnection)0; /* -Wall */ }