/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1997--2016 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* char here is mainly handled as a whole string. Does need readline to support it. Appending \n\0 is OK in UTF-8, not general MBCS. Removal of \r is OK on UTF-8. ? use of isspace OK? */ /* See system.txt for a description of functions */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #define R_USE_SIGNALS 1 #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H /* may be needed to define bzero in FD_ZERO (eg AIX) */ #include #endif #include "Fileio.h" #include "Runix.h" #include "Startup.h" #include #include // for REprintf #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include /* for unlink */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include /* for struct timeval */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H # include /* for select, according to recent POSIX */ #endif extern SA_TYPE SaveAction; extern Rboolean UsingReadline; extern FILE* ifp; /* from system.c */ /* * 1) FATAL MESSAGES AT STARTUP */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_Suicide(const char *s) { REprintf("Fatal error: %s\n", s); /* Might be called before translation is running */ R_CleanUp(SA_SUICIDE, 2, 0); } /* * 2. CONSOLE I/O */ /*--- I/O Support Code ---*/ /* These routines provide hooks for supporting console I/O. * Under raw Unix these routines simply provide a * connection to the stdio library. * Under a Motif interface the routines would be * considerably more complex. */ #define __SYSTEM__ #include #undef __SYSTEM__ /* The following provides a version of select() that catches interrupts and handles them using the supplied interrupt handler or the default one if NULL is supplied. The interrupt handler must exit using a longjmp. If the supplied timout value os zero, select is called without setting up an error handler since it should return immediately. */ static SIGJMP_BUF seljmpbuf; static RETSIGTYPE (*oldSigintHandler)(int) = SIG_DFL; typedef void (*sel_intr_handler_t)(void); static RETSIGTYPE NORET handleSelectInterrupt(int dummy) { signal(SIGINT, oldSigintHandler); SIGLONGJMP(seljmpbuf, 1); } int R_SelectEx(int n, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout, void (*intr)(void)) { if (timeout != NULL && timeout->tv_sec == 0 && timeout->tv_usec == 0) /* Is it right for select calls with a timeout to be non-interruptable? LT */ return select(n, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout); else { volatile sel_intr_handler_t myintr = intr != NULL ? intr : onintr; volatile int old_interrupts_suspended = R_interrupts_suspended; if (SIGSETJMP(seljmpbuf, 1)) { myintr(); R_interrupts_suspended = old_interrupts_suspended; error(_("interrupt handler must not return")); return 0; /* not reached */ } else { int val; /* make sure interrupts are enabled -- this will be restored if there is a LONGJMP from myintr() to another context. */ R_interrupts_suspended = FALSE; /* install a temporary signal handler for breaking out of a blocking select */ oldSigintHandler = signal(SIGINT, handleSelectInterrupt); /* once the new sinal handler is in place we need to check for and handle any pending interrupt registered by the standard handler. */ if (R_interrupts_pending) myintr(); /* now do the (possibly blocking) select, restore the signal handler, and return the result of the select. */ val = select(n, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout); signal(SIGINT, oldSigintHandler); R_interrupts_suspended = old_interrupts_suspended; return val; } } } /* This object is used for the standard input and its file descriptor value is reset by setSelectwblplotMask() each time to ensure that it points to the correct value of stdin. */ static InputHandler BasicInputHandler = {StdinActivity, -1, NULL}; /* This can be reset by the initialization routines which can ignore stdin, etc.. */ InputHandler *R_InputHandlers = &BasicInputHandler; /* Initialize the input source handlers used to check for input on the different file descriptors. */ InputHandler * initStdinHandler(void) { InputHandler *inputs; inputs = addInputHandler(R_InputHandlers, fileno(stdin), NULL, StdinActivity); /* Defer the X11 registration until it is loaded and actually used. */ return(inputs); } /* Creates and registers a new InputHandler with the linked list `handlers'. This sets the global variable InputHandlers if it is not already set. In the standard interactive case, this will have been set to be the BasicInputHandler object. Returns the newly created handler which can be used in a call to removeInputHandler. */ InputHandler * addInputHandler(InputHandler *handlers, int fd, InputHandlerProc handler, int activity) { InputHandler *input, *tmp; input = (InputHandler*) calloc(1, sizeof(InputHandler)); input->activity = activity; input->fileDescriptor = fd; input->handler = handler; tmp = handlers; if(handlers == NULL) { R_InputHandlers = input; return(input); } /* Go to the end of the list to append the new one. */ while(tmp->next != NULL) { tmp = tmp->next; } tmp->next = input; return(input); } /* Removes the specified handler from the linked list. See getInputHandler() for first locating the target handler instance. */ int removeInputHandler(InputHandler **handlers, InputHandler *it) { InputHandler *tmp; /* If the handler is the first one in the list, move the list to point to the second element. That's why we use the address of the first element as the first argument. */ if (it == NULL) return(0); if(*handlers == it) { *handlers = (*handlers)->next; free(it); return(1); } tmp = *handlers; while(tmp) { if(tmp->next == it) { tmp->next = it->next; free(it); return(1); } tmp = tmp->next; } return(0); } InputHandler * getInputHandler(InputHandler *handlers, int fd) { InputHandler *tmp; tmp = handlers; while(tmp != NULL) { if(tmp->fileDescriptor == fd) return(tmp); tmp = tmp->next; } return(tmp); } /* Arrange to wait until there is some activity or input pending on one of the file descriptors to which we are listening. We could make the file descriptor mask persistent across calls and change it only when a listener is added or deleted. Later. This replaces the previous version which looked only on stdin and the X11 device connection. This allows more than one X11 device to be open on a different connection. Also, it allows connections a la S4 to be developed on top of this mechanism. */ /* A package can enable polled event handling by making R_PolledEvents point to a non-dummy routine and setting R_wait_usec to a suitable timeout value (e.g. 100000) */ static void nop(void){} void (* R_PolledEvents)(void) = nop; int R_wait_usec = 0; /* 0 means no timeout */ /* For X11 devices */ void (* Rg_PolledEvents)(void) = nop; int Rg_wait_usec = 0; static int setSelectMask(InputHandler *, fd_set *); fd_set *R_checkActivityEx(int usec, int ignore_stdin, void (*intr)(void)) { int maxfd; struct timeval tv; static fd_set readMask; if (R_interrupts_pending) { if (intr != NULL) intr(); else onintr(); } /* Solaris (but not POSIX) requires these times to be normalized. POSIX requires up to 31 days to be supported, and we only use up to 2147 secs here. */ tv.tv_sec = usec/1000000; tv.tv_usec = usec % 1000000; maxfd = setSelectMask(R_InputHandlers, &readMask); if (ignore_stdin) FD_CLR(fileno(stdin), &readMask); if (R_SelectEx(maxfd+1, &readMask, NULL, NULL, (usec >= 0) ? &tv : NULL, intr) > 0) return(&readMask); else return(NULL); } fd_set *R_checkActivity(int usec, int ignore_stdin) { return R_checkActivityEx(usec, ignore_stdin, NULL); } /* Create the mask representing the file descriptors select() should monitor and return the maximum of these file descriptors so that it can be passed directly to select(). If the first element of the handlers is the standard input handler then we set its file descriptor to the current value of stdin - its file descriptor. */ static int setSelectMask(InputHandler *handlers, fd_set *readMask) { int maxfd = -1; InputHandler *tmp = handlers; FD_ZERO(readMask); /* If we are dealing with BasicInputHandler always put stdin */ if(handlers == &BasicInputHandler) handlers->fileDescriptor = fileno(stdin); while(tmp) { FD_SET(tmp->fileDescriptor, readMask); maxfd = maxfd < tmp->fileDescriptor ? tmp->fileDescriptor : maxfd; tmp = tmp->next; } return(maxfd); } void R_runHandlers(InputHandler *handlers, fd_set *readMask) { InputHandler *tmp = handlers, *next; if (readMask == NULL) { Rg_PolledEvents(); R_PolledEvents(); } else while(tmp) { /* Do this way as the handler function might call removeInputHandlers */ next = tmp->next; if(FD_ISSET(tmp->fileDescriptor, readMask) && tmp->handler != NULL) tmp->handler((void*) tmp->userData); tmp = next; } } /* The following routine is still used by the internet routines, but * it should eventually go away. */ InputHandler * getSelectedHandler(InputHandler *handlers, fd_set *readMask) { InputHandler *tmp = handlers; /* Temporarily skip the first one if a) there is another one, and b) this is the BasicInputHandler. */ if(handlers == &BasicInputHandler && handlers->next) tmp = handlers->next; while(tmp) { if(FD_ISSET(tmp->fileDescriptor, readMask)) return(tmp); tmp = tmp->next; } /* Now deal with the first one. */ if(FD_ISSET(handlers->fileDescriptor, readMask)) return(handlers); return((InputHandler*) NULL); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE # ifdef HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H # include /* For compatibility with pre-readline-4.2 systems, also missing in Apple's emulation via the NetBSD editline library.*/ # if !defined (_RL_FUNCTION_TYPEDEF) typedef void rl_vcpfunc_t (char *); # endif /* _RL_FUNCTION_TYPEDEF */ # else typedef void rl_vcpfunc_t (char *); extern void rl_callback_handler_install(const char *, rl_vcpfunc_t *); extern void rl_callback_handler_remove(void); extern void rl_callback_read_char(void); extern char *tilde_expand (const char *); extern const char *rl_readline_name; /* Other externals are used, but only if the readline >= 6.3 is detected, and that requires the header. */ # endif attribute_hidden char *R_ExpandFileName_readline(const char *s, char *buff) { #if defined(__APPLE__) char *s2 = tilde_expand((char *)s); #else char *s2 = tilde_expand(s); #endif strncpy(buff, s2, PATH_MAX); if(strlen(s2) >= PATH_MAX) buff[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; free(s2); return buff; } # ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H # include # endif /* callback for rl_callback_read_char */ /* There has been a general problem with asynchonous calls to browser and anything that uses the standard console reading facilties asynchronously (e.g. scan(), parse(), menu()). The basic problem is as follows. We are in the usual input loop awaiting characters typed by the user. Then asynchronously, we enter the browser due to a callback that is invoked from the background event loop that is active while waiting for the user input. At this point, we essentially are starting a new readline session and it is important that we restore the old one when we complete the browse-related one. But unfortunately, we are using global variables and restoring it is not currently being done. So this is an attempt to a) remove the global variables (which will help with threading), and b) ensure that the relevant readline handlers are restored when an asynchronous reader completes its task. Cleaning up after errors is still an issue that needs investigation and whether the current setup does the correct thing. Related to this is whether nested calls (e.g. within a browser, we do other calls to browser() or scan and whether these i) accumulate on our readline stack, and ii) are unwound correctly. If they don't accumulate, we need only keep function pointers on this stack. 10 seems safe for most use and is an improvement over the abort's that we were getting due to the lack of a readline handler being registered. DTL. */ typedef struct _R_ReadlineData R_ReadlineData; struct _R_ReadlineData { int readline_gotaline; int readline_addtohistory; int readline_len; int readline_eof; unsigned char *readline_buf; R_ReadlineData *prev; }; static R_ReadlineData *rl_top = NULL; #define MAX_READLINE_NESTING 10 static struct { int current; int max; rl_vcpfunc_t *fun[MAX_READLINE_NESTING]; } ReadlineStack = {-1, MAX_READLINE_NESTING - 1}; /* Registers the specified routine and prompt with readline and keeps a record of it on the top of the R readline stack. */ static void pushReadline(const char *prompt, rl_vcpfunc_t f) { if(ReadlineStack.current >= ReadlineStack.max) { warning(_("An unusual circumstance has arisen in the nesting of readline input. Please report using bug.report()")); } else ReadlineStack.fun[++ReadlineStack.current] = f; rl_callback_handler_install(prompt, f); /* flush stdout in case readline wrote the prompt, but didn't flush stdout to make it visible. (needed for Apple's readline emulation). */ fflush(stdout); } #if defined(RL_READLINE_VERSION) && RL_READLINE_VERSION >= 0x0600 /* Fix for PR#16603. The readline interface is somewhat messy. readline contains the function rl_free_line_state(), which its internal SIGINT handler calls. However, it only cancels keyboard macros and certain other things: it does not clear the line. Also, as of readline 6.3, its SIGINT handler is no longer triggered during our select() loop since rl_callback_handler_install() no longer installs signal handlers. So we have to catch the signal and do all the work ourselves to get Bash-like behavior on Ctrl-C. */ static void resetReadline(void) { rl_free_line_state(); rl_cleanup_after_signal(); RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_ISEARCH | RL_STATE_NSEARCH | RL_STATE_VIMOTION | RL_STATE_NUMERICARG | RL_STATE_MULTIKEY); /* The following two lines should be equivalent, but doing both won't hurt. */ rl_line_buffer[rl_point = rl_end = rl_mark = 0] = 0; rl_done = 1; } #endif /* Unregister the current readline handler and pop it from R's readline stack, followed by re-registering the previous one. */ static void popReadline(void) { if(ReadlineStack.current > -1) { #if defined(RL_READLINE_VERSION) && RL_READLINE_VERSION >= 0x0600 resetReadline(); #endif rl_callback_handler_remove(); ReadlineStack.fun[ReadlineStack.current--] = NULL; if(ReadlineStack.current > -1 && ReadlineStack.fun[ReadlineStack.current]) rl_callback_handler_install("", ReadlineStack.fun[ReadlineStack.current]); } } static void readline_handler(char *line) { R_size_t buflen = rl_top->readline_len; popReadline(); if ((rl_top->readline_eof = !line)) /* Yes, I don't mean ==...*/ return; if (line[0]) { # ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H if (strlen(line) && rl_top->readline_addtohistory) add_history(line); # endif /* We need to append a \n if the completed line would fit in the buffer but not otherwise. Byte [buflen] is zeroed in the caller. */ strncpy((char *)rl_top->readline_buf, line, buflen); size_t l = strlen(line); if(l < buflen - 1) { rl_top->readline_buf[l] = '\n'; rl_top->readline_buf[l+1] = '\0'; } } else { rl_top->readline_buf[0] = '\n'; rl_top->readline_buf[1] = '\0'; } free(line); rl_top->readline_gotaline = 1; } /* An extension or override for the standard interrupt handler (Ctrl-C) that pops the readline stack and then calls the regular/standard interrupt handler. This could be done in a nicer and more general way. It may be necessary for embedding, etc. although it may not be an issue there (as the host application will presumably handle signals). by allowing us to add C routines to be called at the conclusion of the context. At the moment there is only one such routine allowed, and so we would have to chain them. This just leads to a different set of maintenance problems when we rely on the authors of individual routines to not break the chain! Note that the readline stack is not popped when a SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 occurs during the select. But of course, we are about to terminate the R session at that point so it shouldn't be relevant except in the embedded case. But the host application will probably not let things get that far and trap the signals itself. */ static void handleInterrupt(void) { popReadline(); onintr(); } #ifdef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_MATCHES /* ============================================================ function-completion interface formerly in package rcompletion by Deepayan Sarkar, whose comments these are (mainly). */ static char **R_custom_completion(const char *text, int start, int end); static char *R_completion_generator(const char *text, int state); static SEXP RComp_assignBufferSym, RComp_assignStartSym, RComp_assignEndSym, RComp_assignTokenSym, RComp_completeTokenSym, RComp_getFileCompSym, RComp_retrieveCompsSym; attribute_hidden void set_rl_word_breaks(const char *str) { static char p1[201], p2[203]; strncpy(p1, str, 200); p1[200]= '\0'; strncpy(p2, p1, 200); p2[200] = '\0'; strcat(p2, "[]"); rl_basic_word_break_characters = p2; rl_completer_word_break_characters = p1; } /* Tell the GNU Readline library how to complete. */ static int rcompgen_active = -1; static SEXP rcompgen_rho; #include static void initialize_rlcompletion(void) { if(rcompgen_active >= 0) return; /* Find if package utils is around */ if(rcompgen_active < 0) { char *p = getenv("R_COMPLETION"); if(p && streql(p, "FALSE")) { rcompgen_active = 0; return; } /* First check if namespace is loaded */ if(findVarInFrame(R_NamespaceRegistry, install("utils")) != R_UnboundValue) rcompgen_active = 1; else { /* Then try to load it */ SEXP cmdSexp, cmdexpr; ParseStatus status; int i; char *p = "try(loadNamespace('rcompgen'), silent=TRUE)"; PROTECT(cmdSexp = mkString(p)); cmdexpr = PROTECT(R_ParseVector(cmdSexp, -1, &status, R_NilValue)); if(status == PARSE_OK) { for(i = 0; i < length(cmdexpr); i++) eval(VECTOR_ELT(cmdexpr, i), R_GlobalEnv); } UNPROTECT(2); if(findVarInFrame(R_NamespaceRegistry, install("utils")) != R_UnboundValue) rcompgen_active = 1; else { rcompgen_active = 0; return; } } } rcompgen_rho = R_FindNamespace(mkString("utils")); RComp_assignBufferSym = install(".assignLinebuffer"); RComp_assignStartSym = install(".assignStart"); RComp_assignEndSym = install(".assignEnd"); RComp_assignTokenSym = install(".assignToken"); RComp_completeTokenSym = install(".completeToken"); RComp_getFileCompSym = install(".getFileComp"); RComp_retrieveCompsSym = install(".retrieveCompletions"); /* Tell the completer that we want a crack first. */ rl_attempted_completion_function = R_custom_completion; /* Disable sorting of possible completions; only readline >= 6 */ #if RL_READLINE_VERSION >= 0x0600 /* if (rl_readline_version >= 0x0600) */ rl_sort_completion_matches = 0; #endif /* token boundaries. Includes *,+ etc, but not $,@ because those are easier to handle at the R level if the whole thing is available. However, this breaks filename completion if partial filenames contain things like $, % etc. Might be possible to associate a M-/ override like bash does. One compromise is that we exclude / from the breakers because that is frequently found in filenames even though it is also an operator. This can be handled in R code (although it shouldn't be necessary if users surround operators with spaces, as they should). */ /* FIXME: quotes currently lead to filename completion without any further ado. This is not necessarily the best we can do, since quotes after a [, $, [[, etc should be treated differently. I'm not testing this now, but this should be doable by removing quote characters from the strings below and handle it with other things in 'specialCompletions()' in R. The problem with that approach is that file name completion will probably have to be done manually in R, which is not trivial. One way to go might be to forego file name completion altogether when TAB completing, and associate M-/ or something to filename completion (a startup message might say so, to remind users) All that might not be worth the pain though (vector names would be practically impossible, to begin with) */ return; } /* Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END bound the region of rl_line_buffer that contains the word to complete. TEXT is the word to complete. We can use the entire contents of rl_line_buffer in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return the array of matches, or NULL if there aren't any. */ static char ** R_custom_completion(const char *text, int start, int end) /* Make some relevant information available to R, then call rl_completion_matches to generate matches. FIXME: It would be nice if we could figure whether we are in a partially completed line (R prompt == "+"), in which case we could keep the old line buffer around and do useful things with it. */ { char **matches = (char **)NULL; SEXP infile, linebufferCall = PROTECT(lang2(RComp_assignBufferSym, mkString(rl_line_buffer))), startCall = PROTECT(lang2(RComp_assignStartSym, ScalarInteger(start))), endCall = PROTECT(lang2(RComp_assignEndSym,ScalarInteger(end))); SEXP filecompCall; /* Don't want spaces appended at the end. Need to do this everytime, as readline>=6 resets it to ' ' */ rl_completion_append_character = '\0'; eval(linebufferCall, rcompgen_rho); eval(startCall, rcompgen_rho); eval(endCall, rcompgen_rho); UNPROTECT(3); matches = rl_completion_matches(text, R_completion_generator); filecompCall = PROTECT(lang1(RComp_getFileCompSym)); infile = PROTECT(eval(filecompCall, rcompgen_rho)); if (!asLogical(infile)) rl_attempted_completion_over = 1; UNPROTECT(2); return matches; } /* R_completion_generator does the actual work (it is called from somewhere inside rl_completion_matches repeatedly). See readline documentation for details, but one important fact is that the return value of R_completion_generator will be free()-d by readline */ /* Generator function for command completion. STATE lets us know whether to start from scratch: we do so when STATE == 0 */ static char *R_completion_generator(const char *text, int state) { static int list_index, ncomp; static char **compstrings; /* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This involves saving 'text' to somewhere R can get at it, calling completeToken(), and retrieving the completions. */ if (!state) { int i; SEXP completions, assignCall = PROTECT(lang2(RComp_assignTokenSym, mkString(text))), completionCall = PROTECT(lang1(RComp_completeTokenSym)), retrieveCall = PROTECT(lang1(RComp_retrieveCompsSym)); const void *vmax = vmaxget(); eval(assignCall, rcompgen_rho); eval(completionCall, rcompgen_rho); PROTECT(completions = eval(retrieveCall, rcompgen_rho)); list_index = 0; ncomp = length(completions); if (ncomp > 0) { compstrings = (char **) malloc(ncomp * sizeof(char*)); if (!compstrings) { UNPROTECT(4); return (char *)NULL; } for (i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) compstrings[i] = strdup(translateChar(STRING_ELT(completions, i))); } UNPROTECT(4); vmaxset(vmax); } if (list_index < ncomp) return compstrings[list_index++]; else { /* nothing matched or remaining, so return NULL. */ if (ncomp > 0) free(compstrings); } return (char *)NULL; } /* ============================================================ */ #else attribute_hidden void set_rl_word_breaks(const char *str) { } #endif /* HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_MATCHES */ #else static void handleInterrupt(void) { onintr(); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ /* Fill a text buffer from stdin or with user typed console input. */ static void *cd = NULL; int attribute_hidden Rstd_ReadConsole(const char *prompt, unsigned char *buf, int len, int addtohistory) { if(!R_Interactive) { size_t ll; int err = 0; if (!R_Slave) { fputs(prompt, stdout); fflush(stdout); /* make sure prompt is output */ } if (fgets((char *)buf, len, ifp ? ifp: stdin) == NULL) return 0; ll = strlen((char *)buf); /* remove CR in CRLF ending */ if (ll >= 2 && buf[ll - 1] == '\n' && buf[ll - 2] == '\r') { buf[ll - 2] = '\n'; buf[--ll] = '\0'; } /* translate if necessary */ if(strlen(R_StdinEnc) && strcmp(R_StdinEnc, "native.enc")) { size_t res, inb = strlen((char *)buf), onb = len; /* NB: this is somewhat dangerous. R's main loop and scan will not call it with a larger value, but contributed code might. */ char obuf[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; const char *ib = (const char *)buf; char *ob = obuf; if(!cd) { cd = Riconv_open("", R_StdinEnc); if(cd == (void *)-1) error(_("encoding '%s' is not recognised"), R_StdinEnc); } res = Riconv(cd, &ib, &inb, &ob, &onb); *ob = '\0'; err = res == (size_t)(-1); /* errors lead to part of the input line being ignored */ if(err) printf(_("\n"), R_StdinEnc); strncpy((char *)buf, obuf, len); } /* according to system.txt, should be terminated in \n, so check this at eof and error */ if ((err || feof(ifp ? ifp : stdin)) && (ll == 0 || buf[ll - 1] != '\n') && ll < len) { buf[ll++] = '\n'; buf[ll] = '\0'; } if (!R_Slave) { fputs((char *)buf, stdout); fflush(stdout); } return 1; } else { #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE R_ReadlineData rl_data; if (UsingReadline) { rl_data.readline_gotaline = 0; rl_data.readline_buf = buf; rl_data.readline_addtohistory = addtohistory; rl_data.readline_len = len; rl_data.readline_eof = 0; rl_data.prev = rl_top; rl_top = &rl_data; /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */ rl_readline_name = "R"; pushReadline(prompt, readline_handler); #ifdef HAVE_RL_COMPLETION_MATCHES initialize_rlcompletion(); #endif } else #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ { fputs(prompt, stdout); fflush(stdout); } if(R_InputHandlers == NULL) initStdinHandler(); for (;;) { fd_set *what; int wt = -1; if (R_wait_usec > 0) wt = R_wait_usec; if (Rg_wait_usec > 0 && (wt < 0 || wt > Rg_wait_usec)) wt = Rg_wait_usec; what = R_checkActivityEx(wt, 0, handleInterrupt); /* This is slightly clumsy. We have advertised the * convention that R_wait_usec == 0 means "wait forever", * but we also need to enable R_checkActivity to return * immediately. */ R_runHandlers(R_InputHandlers, what); if (what == NULL) continue; if (FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin), what)) { /* We could make this a regular handler, but we need * to pass additional arguments. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE if (UsingReadline) { rl_callback_read_char(); if(rl_data.readline_eof || rl_data.readline_gotaline) { rl_top = rl_data.prev; return(rl_data.readline_eof ? 0 : 1); } } else #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ { if(fgets((char *)buf, len, stdin) == NULL) return 0; else return 1; } } } } } /* Write a text buffer to the console. */ /* All system output is filtered through this routine (unless R_Consolefile is used). */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_WriteConsole(const char *buf, int len) { printf("%s", buf); fflush(stdout); } /* The extended version allows the distinction of errors and warnings. It is not enabled by default unless pretty-printing is desired. */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_WriteConsoleEx(const char *buf, int len, int otype) { if (otype) printf("\033[1m%s\033[0m", buf); else printf("%s", buf); fflush(stdout); } /* Indicate that input is coming from the console */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_ResetConsole() { } /* Stdio support to ensure the console file buffer is flushed */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_FlushConsole() { /* fflush(stdin); really work on Solaris on pipes */ } /* Reset stdin if the user types EOF on the console. */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_ClearerrConsole() { clearerr(stdin); } /* * 3) ACTIONS DURING (LONG) COMPUTATIONS */ void attribute_hidden Rstd_Busy(int which) { } /* * 4) INITIALIZATION AND TERMINATION ACTIONS */ /* R_CleanUp is invoked at the end of the session to give the user the option of saving their data. If ask == SA_SAVEASK the user should be asked if possible (and this option should not occur in non-interactive use). If ask = SA_SAVE or SA_NOSAVE the decision is known. If ask = SA_DEFAULT use the SaveAction set at startup. In all these cases run .Last() unless quitting is cancelled. If ask = SA_SUICIDE, no save, no .Last, possibly other things. */ void R_CleanTempDir(void) { char buf[1024]; if((Sys_TempDir)) { #if defined(sun) || defined(__sun) /* On Solaris the working directory must be outside this one */ chdir(R_HomeDir()); #endif snprintf(buf, 1024, "rm -rf %s", Sys_TempDir); buf[1023] = '\0'; R_system(buf); } } void attribute_hidden NORET Rstd_CleanUp(SA_TYPE saveact, int status, int runLast) { if(saveact == SA_DEFAULT) /* The normal case apart from R_Suicide */ saveact = SaveAction; if(saveact == SA_SAVEASK) { if(R_Interactive) { unsigned char buf[1024]; qask: R_ClearerrConsole(); R_FlushConsole(); int res = R_ReadConsole("Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: ", buf, 128, 0); if(res) { switch (buf[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': saveact = SA_SAVE; break; case 'n': case 'N': saveact = SA_NOSAVE; break; case 'c': case 'C': jump_to_toplevel(); break; default: goto qask; } } else saveact = SA_NOSAVE; /* probably EOF */ } else saveact = SaveAction; } switch (saveact) { case SA_SAVE: if(runLast) R_dot_Last(); if(R_DirtyImage) R_SaveGlobalEnv(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE # ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H if(R_Interactive && UsingReadline) { int err; R_setupHistory(); /* re-read the history size and filename */ stifle_history(R_HistorySize); err = write_history(R_HistoryFile); if(err) warning(_("problem in saving the history file '%s'"), R_HistoryFile); } # endif /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ break; case SA_NOSAVE: if(runLast) R_dot_Last(); break; case SA_SUICIDE: default: break; } R_RunExitFinalizers(); CleanEd(); if(saveact != SA_SUICIDE) KillAllDevices(); R_CleanTempDir(); if(saveact != SA_SUICIDE && R_CollectWarnings) PrintWarnings(); /* from device close and (if run) .Last */ if(ifp) { fclose(ifp); /* input file from -f or --file= */ ifp = NULL; /* To avoid trying to close it again */ } fpu_setup(FALSE); exit(status); } /* * 7) PLATFORM DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS */ # include int attribute_hidden Rstd_ShowFiles(int nfile, /* number of files */ const char **file, /* array of filenames */ const char **headers, /* the `headers' args of file.show. Printed before each file. */ const char *wtitle, /* title for window = `title' arg of file.show */ Rboolean del, /* should files be deleted after use? */ const char *pager) /* pager to be used */ { /* This function can be used to display the named files with the given titles and overall title. On GUI platforms we could use a read-only window to display the result. Here we just make up a temporary file and invoke a pager on it. */ int c, i, res; char *filename; FILE *fp, *tfp; char buf[1024]; if (nfile > 0) { if (pager == NULL || strlen(pager) == 0) pager = "more"; filename = R_tmpnam(NULL, R_TempDir); /* mallocs result */ if ((tfp = R_fopen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { if (headers[i] && *headers[i]) fprintf(tfp, "%s\n\n", headers[i]); errno = 0; /* some systems require this */ /* File expansion is now done in file.show(), but left here in case other callers assumed it */ if ((fp = R_fopen(R_ExpandFileName(file[i]), "r")) != NULL) { while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) fputc(c, tfp); fprintf(tfp, "\n"); fclose(fp); if(del) unlink(R_ExpandFileName(file[i])); } else fprintf(tfp, _("Cannot open file '%s': %s\n\n"), file[i], strerror(errno)); } fclose(tfp); } snprintf(buf, 1024, "'%s' < '%s'", pager, filename); //might contain spaces res = R_system(buf); unlink(filename); free(filename); return (res != 0); } return 1; } /* Prompt the user for a file name. Return the length of the name typed. On Gui platforms, this should bring up a dialog box so a user can choose files that way. */ int attribute_hidden Rstd_ChooseFile(int _new, char *buf, int len) { size_t namelen; char *bufp; R_ReadConsole("Enter file name: ", (unsigned char *)buf, len, 0); namelen = strlen(buf); bufp = &buf[namelen - 1]; while (bufp >= buf && isspace((int)*bufp)) *bufp-- = '\0'; return (int) strlen(buf); } void attribute_hidden Rstd_ShowMessage(const char *s) { REprintf("%s\n", s); } void attribute_hidden Rstd_read_history(const char *s) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE # ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H if(R_Interactive && UsingReadline) { read_history(s); } # endif /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ } void attribute_hidden Rstd_loadhistory(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP sfile; char file[PATH_MAX]; const char *p; sfile = CAR(args); if (!isString(sfile) || LENGTH(sfile) < 1) errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "file"); p = R_ExpandFileName(translateChar(STRING_ELT(sfile, 0))); if(strlen(p) > PATH_MAX - 1) errorcall(call, _("'file' argument is too long")); strcpy(file, p); #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H) if(R_Interactive && UsingReadline) { clear_history(); read_history(file); } else errorcall(call, _("no history mechanism available")); #else errorcall(call, _("no history mechanism available")); #endif } void attribute_hidden Rstd_savehistory(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP sfile; char file[PATH_MAX]; const char *p; sfile = CAR(args); if (!isString(sfile) || LENGTH(sfile) < 1) errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "file"); p = R_ExpandFileName(translateChar(STRING_ELT(sfile, 0))); if(strlen(p) > PATH_MAX - 1) errorcall(call, _("'file' argument is too long")); strcpy(file, p); #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H) if(R_Interactive && UsingReadline) { int err; err = write_history(file); if(err) error(_("problem in saving the history file '%s'"), file); /* Note that q() uses stifle_history, but here we do not want * to truncate the active history when saving during a session */ #ifdef HAVE_HISTORY_TRUNCATE_FILE R_setupHistory(); /* re-read the history size */ err = history_truncate_file(file, R_HistorySize); if(err) warning(_("problem in truncating the history file")); #endif } else errorcall(call, _("no history available to save")); #else errorcall(call, _("no history available to save")); #endif } void attribute_hidden Rstd_addhistory(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { SEXP stamp; int i; checkArity(op, args); stamp = CAR(args); if (!isString(stamp)) errorcall(call, _("invalid timestamp")); #if defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE) && defined(HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H) if(R_Interactive && UsingReadline) for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(stamp); i++) add_history(CHAR(STRING_ELT(stamp, i))); /* ASCII */ # endif } #define R_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) void Rsleep(double timeint) { double tm = timeint * 1e6, start = currentTime(), elapsed; for (;;) { fd_set *what; tm = R_MIN(tm, 2e9); /* avoid integer overflow */ int wt = -1; if (R_wait_usec > 0) wt = R_wait_usec; if (Rg_wait_usec > 0 && (wt < 0 || wt > Rg_wait_usec)) wt = Rg_wait_usec; int Timeout = (int) (wt > 0 ? R_MIN(tm, wt) : tm); what = R_checkActivity(Timeout, 1); /* For polling, elapsed time limit ... */ R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* Time up? */ elapsed = currentTime() - start; if(elapsed >= timeint) break; /* Nope, service pending events */ R_runHandlers(R_InputHandlers, what); /* Servicing events might take some time, so recheck: */ elapsed = currentTime() - start; if(elapsed >= timeint) break; tm = 1e6*(timeint - elapsed); } }