package Text::Diff; use 5.00503; use strict; use Carp; use Exporter (); use Algorithm::Diff (); use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT}; BEGIN { $VERSION = '1.41'; @ISA = 'Exporter'; @EXPORT = 'diff'; }; ## Hunks are made of ops. An op is the starting index for each ## sequence and the opcode: use constant A => 0; # Array index before match/discard use constant B => 1; use constant OPCODE => 2; # "-", " ", "+" use constant FLAG => 3; # What to display if not OPCODE "!" my %internal_styles = ( Unified => undef, Context => undef, OldStyle => undef, Table => undef, ## "internal", but in another module ); sub diff { my @seqs = ( shift, shift ); my $options = shift || {}; for my $i ( 0 .. 1 ) { my $seq = $seqs[$i]; my $type = ref $seq; while ( $type eq "CODE" ) { $seqs[$i] = $seq = $seq->( $options ); $type = ref $seq; } my $AorB = !$i ? "A" : "B"; if ( $type eq "ARRAY" ) { ## This is most efficient :) $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 0 unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"}; } elsif ( $type eq "SCALAR" ) { $seqs[$i] = [split( /^/m, $$seq )]; $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1 unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"}; } elsif ( ! $type ) { $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1 unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"}; $options->{"FILENAME_$AorB"} = $seq unless defined $options->{"FILENAME_$AorB"}; $options->{"MTIME_$AorB"} = (stat($seq))[9] unless defined $options->{"MTIME_$AorB"}; local $/ = "\n"; open F, "<$seq" or carp "$!: $seq"; $seqs[$i] = []; close F; } elsif ( $type eq "GLOB" || UNIVERSAL::isa( $seq, "IO::Handle" ) ) { $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1 unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"}; local $/ = "\n"; $seqs[$i] = [<$seq>]; } else { confess "Can't handle input of type ", ref; } } ## Config vars my $output; my $output_handler = $options->{OUTPUT}; my $type = ref $output_handler ; if ( ! defined $output_handler ) { $output = ""; $output_handler = sub { $output .= shift }; } elsif ( $type eq "CODE" ) { ## No problems, mate. } elsif ( $type eq "SCALAR" ) { my $out_ref = $output_handler; $output_handler = sub { $$out_ref .= shift }; } elsif ( $type eq "ARRAY" ) { my $out_ref = $output_handler; $output_handler = sub { push @$out_ref, shift }; } elsif ( $type eq "GLOB" || UNIVERSAL::isa $output_handler, "IO::Handle" ) { my $output_handle = $output_handler; $output_handler = sub { print $output_handle shift }; } else { croak "Unrecognized output type: $type"; } my $style = $options->{STYLE}; $style = "Unified" unless defined $options->{STYLE}; $style = "Text::Diff::$style" if exists $internal_styles{$style}; if ( ! $style->can( "hunk" ) ) { eval "require $style; 1" or die $@; } $style = $style->new if ! ref $style && $style->can( "new" ); my $ctx_lines = $options->{CONTEXT}; $ctx_lines = 3 unless defined $ctx_lines; $ctx_lines = 0 if $style->isa( "Text::Diff::OldStyle" ); my @keygen_args = $options->{KEYGEN_ARGS} ? @{$options->{KEYGEN_ARGS}} : (); ## State vars my $diffs = 0; ## Number of discards this hunk my $ctx = 0; ## Number of " " (ctx_lines) ops pushed after last diff. my @ops; ## ops (" ", +, -) in this hunk my $hunks = 0; ## Number of hunks my $emit_ops = sub { $output_handler->( $style->file_header( @seqs, $options ) ) unless $hunks++; $output_handler->( $style->hunk_header( @seqs, @_, $options ) ); $output_handler->( $style->hunk ( @seqs, @_, $options ) ); $output_handler->( $style->hunk_footer( @seqs, @_, $options ) ); }; ## We keep 2*ctx_lines so that if a diff occurs ## at 2*ctx_lines we continue to grow the hunk instead ## of emitting diffs and context as we go. We ## need to know the total length of both of the two ## subsequences so the line count can be printed in the ## header. my $dis_a = sub {push @ops, [@_[0,1],"-"]; ++$diffs ; $ctx = 0 }; my $dis_b = sub {push @ops, [@_[0,1],"+"]; ++$diffs ; $ctx = 0 }; Algorithm::Diff::traverse_sequences( @seqs, { MATCH => sub { push @ops, [@_[0,1]," "]; if ( $diffs && ++$ctx > $ctx_lines * 2 ) { $emit_ops->( [ splice @ops, 0, $#ops - $ctx_lines ] ); $ctx = $diffs = 0; } ## throw away context lines that aren't needed any more shift @ops if ! $diffs && @ops > $ctx_lines; }, DISCARD_A => $dis_a, DISCARD_B => $dis_b, }, $options->{KEYGEN}, # pass in user arguments for key gen function @keygen_args, ); if ( $diffs ) { $#ops -= $ctx - $ctx_lines if $ctx > $ctx_lines; $emit_ops->( \@ops ); } $output_handler->( $style->file_footer( @seqs, $options ) ) if $hunks; return defined $output ? $output : $hunks; } sub _header { my ( $h ) = @_; my ( $p1, $fn1, $t1, $p2, $fn2, $t2 ) = @{$h}{ "FILENAME_PREFIX_A", "FILENAME_A", "MTIME_A", "FILENAME_PREFIX_B", "FILENAME_B", "MTIME_B" }; ## remember to change Text::Diff::Table if this logic is tweaked. return "" unless defined $fn1 && defined $fn2; return join( "", $p1, " ", $fn1, defined $t1 ? "\t" . localtime $t1 : (), "\n", $p2, " ", $fn2, defined $t2 ? "\t" . localtime $t2 : (), "\n", ); } ## _range encapsulates the building of, well, ranges. Turns out there are ## a few nuances. sub _range { my ( $ops, $a_or_b, $format ) = @_; my $start = $ops->[ 0]->[$a_or_b]; my $after = $ops->[-1]->[$a_or_b]; ## The sequence indexes in the lines are from *before* the OPCODE is ## executed, so we bump the last index up unless the OP indicates ## it didn't change. ++$after unless $ops->[-1]->[OPCODE] eq ( $a_or_b == A ? "+" : "-" ); ## convert from 0..n index to 1..(n+1) line number. The unless modifier ## handles diffs with no context, where only one file is affected. In this ## case $start == $after indicates an empty range, and the $start must ## not be incremented. my $empty_range = $start == $after; ++$start unless $empty_range; return $start == $after ? $format eq "unified" && $empty_range ? "$start,0" : $start : $format eq "unified" ? "$start,".($after-$start+1) : "$start,$after"; } sub _op_to_line { my ( $seqs, $op, $a_or_b, $op_prefixes ) = @_; my $opcode = $op->[OPCODE]; return () unless defined $op_prefixes->{$opcode}; my $op_sym = defined $op->[FLAG] ? $op->[FLAG] : $opcode; $op_sym = $op_prefixes->{$op_sym}; return () unless defined $op_sym; $a_or_b = $op->[OPCODE] ne "+" ? 0 : 1 unless defined $a_or_b; return ( $op_sym, $seqs->[$a_or_b][$op->[$a_or_b]] ); } SCOPE: { package Text::Diff::Base; sub new { my $proto = shift; return bless { @_ }, ref $proto || $proto; } sub file_header { return "" } sub hunk_header { return "" } sub hunk { return "" } sub hunk_footer { return "" } sub file_footer { return "" } } @Text::Diff::Unified::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base ); sub Text::Diff::Unified::file_header { shift; ## No instance data my $options = pop ; _header( { FILENAME_PREFIX_A => "---", FILENAME_PREFIX_B => "+++", %$options } ); } sub Text::Diff::Unified::hunk_header { shift; ## No instance data pop; ## Ignore options my $ops = pop; return join( "", "@@ -", _range( $ops, A, "unified" ), " +", _range( $ops, B, "unified" ), " @@\n", ); } sub Text::Diff::Unified::hunk { shift; ## No instance data pop; ## Ignore options my $ops = pop; my $prefixes = { "+" => "+", " " => " ", "-" => "-" }; return join "", map _op_to_line( \@_, $_, undef, $prefixes ), @$ops } @Text::Diff::Context::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base ); sub Text::Diff::Context::file_header { _header { FILENAME_PREFIX_A=>"***", FILENAME_PREFIX_B=>"---", %{$_[-1]} }; } sub Text::Diff::Context::hunk_header { return "***************\n"; } sub Text::Diff::Context::hunk { shift; ## No instance data pop; ## Ignore options my $ops = pop; ## Leave the sequences in @_[0,1] my $a_range = _range( $ops, A, "" ); my $b_range = _range( $ops, B, "" ); ## Sigh. Gotta make sure that differences that aren't adds/deletions ## get prefixed with "!", and that the old opcodes are removed. my $after; for ( my $start = 0; $start <= $#$ops ; $start = $after ) { ## Scan until next difference $after = $start + 1; my $opcode = $ops->[$start]->[OPCODE]; next if $opcode eq " "; my $bang_it; while ( $after <= $#$ops && $ops->[$after]->[OPCODE] ne " " ) { $bang_it ||= $ops->[$after]->[OPCODE] ne $opcode; ++$after; } if ( $bang_it ) { for my $i ( $start..($after-1) ) { $ops->[$i]->[FLAG] = "!"; } } } my $b_prefixes = { "+" => "+ ", " " => " ", "-" => undef, "!" => "! " }; my $a_prefixes = { "+" => undef, " " => " ", "-" => "- ", "!" => "! " }; return join( "", "*** ", $a_range, " ****\n", map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, A, $a_prefixes ), @$ops ), "--- ", $b_range, " ----\n", map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, B, $b_prefixes ), @$ops ), ); } @Text::Diff::OldStyle::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base ); sub _op { my $ops = shift; my $op = $ops->[0]->[OPCODE]; $op = "c" if grep $_->[OPCODE] ne $op, @$ops; $op = "a" if $op eq "+"; $op = "d" if $op eq "-"; return $op; } sub Text::Diff::OldStyle::hunk_header { shift; ## No instance data pop; ## ignore options my $ops = pop; my $op = _op $ops; return join "", _range( $ops, A, "" ), $op, _range( $ops, B, "" ), "\n"; } sub Text::Diff::OldStyle::hunk { shift; ## No instance data pop; ## ignore options my $ops = pop; ## Leave the sequences in @_[0,1] my $a_prefixes = { "+" => undef, " " => undef, "-" => "< " }; my $b_prefixes = { "+" => "> ", " " => undef, "-" => undef }; my $op = _op $ops; return join( "", map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, A, $a_prefixes ), @$ops ), $op eq "c" ? "---\n" : (), map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, B, $b_prefixes ), @$ops ), ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets =head1 SYNOPSIS use Text::Diff; ## Mix and match filenames, strings, file handles, producer subs, ## or arrays of records; returns diff in a string. ## WARNING: can return B diffs for large files. my $diff = diff "file1.txt", "file2.txt", { STYLE => "Context" }; my $diff = diff \$string1, \$string2, \%options; my $diff = diff \*FH1, \*FH2; my $diff = diff \&reader1, \&reader2; my $diff = diff \@records1, \@records2; ## May also mix input types: my $diff = diff \@records1, "file_B.txt"; =head1 DESCRIPTION C provides a basic set of services akin to the GNU C utility. It is not anywhere near as feature complete as GNU C, but it is better integrated with Perl and available on all platforms. It is often faster than shelling out to a system's C executable for small files, and generally slower on larger files. Relies on L for, well, the algorithm. This may not produce the same exact diff as a system's local C executable, but it will be a valid diff and comprehensible by C. We haven't seen any differences between Algorithm::Diff's logic and GNU diff's, but we have not examined them to make sure they are indeed identical. B: If you don't want to import the C function, do one of the following: use Text::Diff (); require Text::Diff; That's a pretty rare occurence, so C is exported by default. =head1 OPTIONS diff() takes two parameters from which to draw input and a set of options to control it's output. The options are: =over =item FILENAME_A, MTIME_A, FILENAME_B, MTIME_B The name of the file and the modification time "files" These are filled in automatically for each file when diff() is passed a filename, unless a defined value is passed in. If a filename is not passed in and FILENAME_A and FILENAME_B are not provided or C, the header will not be printed. Unused on C diffs. =item OFFSET_A, OFFSET_B The index of the first line / element. These default to 1 for all parameter types except ARRAY references, for which the default is 0. This is because ARRAY references are presumed to be data structures, while the others are line oriented text. =item STYLE "Unified", "Context", "OldStyle", or an object or class reference for a class providing C, C, C, C and C methods. The two footer() methods are provided for overloading only; none of the formats provide them. Defaults to "Unified" (unlike standard C, but Unified is what's most often used in submitting patches and is the most human readable of the three. If the package indicated by the STYLE has no hunk() method, c will load it automatically (lazy loading). Since all such packages should inherit from Text::Diff::Base, this should be marvy. Styles may be specified as class names (C