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Prepare Project Configuration File

The easiest way to run IMR/DENOM is using the project description textfile, which defines all the necessary information. A typical project might involve the assembly of more than one library with different insert sizes. The description file tells how to interpret the input files and group them together. A first simple example with a single library looks like this:

outputfolder /home/xianggan/bur_0/
reference /data/genomes/arabidopsis_v2.fa
iterations 5
threads 6

loaddata /data/save/s_5_1_sequence.txt /data/save/s_5_2_sequence.txt
loaddata /data/save/s_6_1_sequence.txt /data/save/s_6_2_sequence.txt

#only used by MCMERGE, can be download from the web sites
profilebam /data/sim/sim_tair10.bam
## ---end--

A second more complicated example involving two libraries looks like this:

outputfolder /data/sequencing_project/
reference /data/Arabidopsis/tair10_um.fa
iterations 5
threads 6
maxreads 4000000

#Group 1
grouppara_1 ID:bur0LA,LB:bur0_LIB1,PL:Illumina,SM:bur0
prepara_1 -q solexa 
mappara_1 --substitutionrate=0.001
loaddata_1 /data/s_7_1_sequence.txt /data/s_7_2_sequence.txt

#Group 2
grouppara_2 ID:bur0LB,LB:bur0_LIB2,PL:Illumina,SM:bur0
prepara_2 -q sanger 
loaddata_2 /data/save/Hi_SR03/solexafiles/s_4_sequence.txt
loaddata_2 /data/save/Hi_SR03solexafiles/s_5_sequence.txt

#only used by MCMERGE, can be download from the web sites
profilebam /data/sim/sim_tair10.bam
## ---end--

This example uses additional entries to group the data:

Other useful keywords or tips: