Each line of an sdi file consists of the columns chromosome, position, length, reference base, consensus base. chromosome: The same name as the chromosome id in reference fasta file position: 1-based leftmost position length: the length difference of the changed sequence against reference (0 for SNPs, negative for deletions, positive for insertions) reference base: [-A-Z]+ (regular expression range) consensus base: [-A-Z]+ ((regular expression range), IUPAC code is used for heterozygous sites detection score: (1 detected by both IMR and DENOM, 2 detected by IMR as heterozygous SNP but detected by DENOM as homozygous SNP, 4: detected by IMR only, 5: detected by DENOM only) HMQ coverage: the coverage from reads with mapq >=30 SNP Phred score HMQ consensus base: the consensus base when considering reads with high mapping quality (mapq >= 30)