Release 0.3.3 -- In some system, stampy/bwa/maq part failed to produce bam files due to high memory fingerprint when system usage is quite high. The bash scripts have been changed to facilite IMR_DENOM to check whether alignement has been finished successfully. (This paved the path for IMR/DENOM cluster version) -- Error recovery is now much more powerful.Even your current alignment only finshed several lanes and some lanes have not been alignment at all, you can still use --imrstartfrommerge to resume you job. imr will begin with aligning the absent/unfinished one. -- The imrcollect function now supports multi-threading, much faster -- fix a bug in coarse2cured -- fixed bug in DENOM fasiege function Release 0.3.2 ============ -- script bootstrap is added in for downloading necessary softwares to $IMR_DENOM/external folder -- two options for --overwrite and --bwa are now used. From now on, IMR/DENOM only support stampy version1.0.14+ Release 0.3.1 ============ -- single-command mode and script are implemented Release 0.3.0 ============= - First public release of pre-compiled binaries