The Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits in Heterogeneous Stock Mice
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Updated August 2008 - eQTL Data and Build 37 Mapping
The Background
The laboratory mouse is a key model organism for understanding
gene function in mammals. The production of novel, highly penetrant mutations that can
either be targeted to a gene of interest or introduced randomly in the genome by
mutagenesis, are well established techniques for this purpose. However many aspects of gene
function only become apparent from the analysis of low penetrance mutations, whose effects
are not always related to those of the fully penetrant allele.
Naturally occurring genetic variants are a source of low penetrance mutations. They
explain, in part, why inbred strains of mice differ in so many ways: in physical and
behavioural characteristics, in susceptibility to infection or to developing cancer. Because
they give rise to quantitative variation they are often called quantitative trait loci or
QTLs. The effect of each QTL is usually small, and this is one reason they are notoriously
difficult to identify at a molecular level. Despite new genomic resources, such as access to
dense maps of sequence variation, and the ability to interrogate the expression levels of
virtually every gene, molecular dissection of QTLs remains a challenge. Yet, if we could
find the genes they act upon, we would have a way of understanding the biology of many
phenotypes of medical importance, such as weight, high blood pressure, anxiety and
One obstacle to progress is the difficulty in resolving QTLs into sufficiently small
intervals to make gene identification possible. The classical approach begins by genetic
mapping in a cross between two inbred strains and eventually results in the identification
of a small number of independently segregating loci mapped into intervals larger than 20
megabases. Subsequent fine-mapping typically proceeds by repeatedly backcrossing one inbred
strain onto another to isolate each locus. Such attempts are frequently frustrated when it
is discovered that a single QTL segregating in inbred crosses fractionates into multiple
smaller effects, each of which typically contributes much less than 5% to the total
phenotypic variance.
We have developed alternative methods for fine-mapping small-effect QTL that use outbred
mice of known ancestry. We use a genetically heterogeneous stock (HS) of mice descended from
eight inbred progenitor strains. Because the stock has been maintained for more than 50
generations, each chromosome is a fine-grained mosaic of the progenitor strains: the average
distance between recombinants is small (less than 2 centimorgans) so that the HS provide
high resolution mapping of multiple QTLs across the genome. This picture illustrates what happens during the
construction of the stock. It shows one chromosome pair from each of the inbred strains
above one chromosome pair from an HS mouse. Each inbred strain is shown in a different colour.
You can see that the HS chromosome is a mosaic of its progenitors.
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On this site we provide information about the stock and about an experiment we carried
out to map QTLs that contribute to variation in over 100 traits, including models of human
disease (asthma, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and anxiety) as well as immunological,
biochemical and haemotological phenotypes.
You can browse the results, download
the phenotypes and genotypes and, through the links we provide, obtain information about the
genes that are present underneath the QTL peaks. However, in order to understand our
results, and thereby use our data effectively, we encourage you to read the description of
the methods we employed. In particular, it is important to understand how we report the
significance of our findings, since we use a metric with which you may not be familiar: a
Resample-based Model Inclusion Probability (RMIP).
The Mice
The HS mice we used are derived from the following eight inbred strains:
A/J, AKR/J, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, CBA/J, DBA/2J and LP/J
The progenitors were crossed to produce a genetically heterogeneous, and prolific stock.
The stock was originally
created by Dr Robert Hitzemann in the 1980s and is currently maintained in his laboratory at
the Department of
Behavioral Neuroscience in the Oregon Health & Science University We set up a colony
using 40 mating pairs to generate offspring for testing. Over a three year period, from 2002
to 2005, we tested more than 2,000 HS mice. We tested the eight progenitors on the same
protocol, using 12 mice of each strain. There were 84 HS pedigrees, eight of which were
large complex multi-generational families with inbreeding loops, encompassing the majority
(61.1%) of individuals. The remaining 76 families were nuclear, with an average sibship size
of 9.6 (range 2-34). The pedigrees consisted of over 4,000 potentially informative meioses,
of which the average number of informative meioses per marker was 1,296.7 (range: 9-2,755
per marker), and the average number of phase-known meioses was 198.1 (range: 7-964 per
The Phenotypes
Our intention is to analyse phenotypes of importance to human health. We targeted three diseases: anxiety, type
II diabetes and asthma. These are all common and disabling conditions for which we currently have relatively
ineffective treatments. We aimed also to collect as broad a range of measures as possible. We have information
about each animal's respiratory physiology, its metabolism, as well as how it learnt and remembered a behavioural
task. We obtained biochemistry, haematology and immunology profiles of each mouse. Collaborators are collecting
data on bone density and morphology. Over time, we anticipate that additional phenotypes will be added to our
database of results. This table provides a summary of the phenotypes we collected and for which we have
mapping information. A full description has been published Solberg LC, Valdar W, Gauguier D, Nunez G, Taylor A, Burnett S, Arboledas-Hita C, Hernandez-Pliego P, Davidson S, Burns P, Bhattacharya S, Hough T, Higgs D, Klenerman P, Cookson WO, Zhang Y, Deacon RM, Rawlins JN, Mott R, Flint J. (2006) A protocol for high-throughput phenotyping, suitable for quantitative trait analysis in mice. Mamm Genome. 17(2) :129-46. and a PDF is available here
Weight 6 weeks
Body Weight at the beginning of testing
CD4, CD3, CD8 and B220 antibody staining
Open field arena: distance in the perimeter, the
centre and total distance in five minutes
Elevated plus maze:distance travelled, time spent
and entries into close and open arms
Food hyponeophagia: time taken to sample a novel
foodstuff (overnight food deprivation)
Number of pellets removed from burrow in 1.5 hours
Activity measured in a home cage in 30 minutes
Startle to a loud noise
Context freezing
Freezing to the context in which a tone is
associated with a footshock
Cue freezing
Freezing to a tone after association with a foot
Animals sensitized by injection with ovalbumin
inhale metacholine and changes in lung function are measured by
plethysmography (a model of asthma). Respiratory rate, tidal volume, minute
volume, expiratory time, inspiratory time and enhanced pause are recorded
with and without exposure to metacholine.
Glucose and insulin values taken at 0, 15, 30 and 75
minutes after i.p. glucose injection (a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus)
Weight 10 weeks
Body Weight
at the end of testing
Full blood count (Haematocrit, Hb concentration,
mean cellular volume, mean cellular Hb concentration, white cell count,
platelet count).
Tissue Harvest |
Adrenal weight
Wound Healing
Reduction in size of a 2mm ear punch hole
Albumin, Alkaline phosphatase, Alanine transaminase,
Aspartate transaminase, Calcium, Chloride, Creatinine, High density lipoprotein,
Low density lipoprotein, Phosphorous, Sodium, Total cholesterol,Total protein, Triglycerides
The Genotypes
We selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) across the genome that distinguish between the eight HS founders. We used datasets to select SNPs that are validated and polymorphic in at least some of the HS founders. The SNPs were mapped onto the mouse genome and those closer than 50kb with identical strain distribution patterns were discarded. All gaps without SNPs over 500kb were filled using SNPs from Celera, Affymetrix SNPs and from the CZECHII mouse. The genotyping was carried out at Illumina (San Diego, CA) using their proprietary BeadArray genotyping platform.
The SNP selection process provided 15,348 SNPs, including 120 unmapped SNPs at the time of the selection (build 33). The average interval between the selected SNPs based on build 34 is 167.0 Kb (SD=141.5). 99.0% of the intervals are below 500Kb and 81.2% below 250Kb. We obtained genotypes for 13,459 SNPs on 1,904 fully phenotyped mice and 298 parents, with an average of 13,441 genotypes per animal. The estimated accuracy of the genotypes is 99.99% based on the inheritance of alleles in 1,097 trios and 25 samples genotyped twice. 12,534 SNPs were polymorphic in the founder strains and 11,558 were heterozygous in the HS population, indicating that since the inception of the HS 7.8% of markers have drifted to fixation. The mean minor allele frequency was 30.5% in the founders and 26.7% in the HS. The mean interval between markers was 204.4 Kb, (s.d. 231.2 Kb) and 92.5% of the genome is within 500 Kb of a SNP. However, five intervals are larger than 3 Mb of which the largest (11.3Mb) is on the X chromosome.
The genotypes can be downloaded here. The data are formatted for analysis by the HAPPY package, as pairs of chromosome-specific text files. E.g., chr1.build34.alleles. The "data" files are in ped-file format and contain the genotypes. The "alleles" files contain the marker information. An explanation of the format may be found here.
The Genetic Map
We constructed a new genetic map for the mouse, using the SNP data. This is the first high resolution
map of the mouse genome to be created using SNPs and will be an essential resource for genetic mapping
experiments. A full description of the map and how it was created is in Shifman et al, 2006 PlosBiology 4(12) e395 . We provide the following maps (these are identical to those on the PlosBiology web site as supplemental data):
The Analysis
The family structure in our sample causes genotype correlations (or linkage disequilibrium (LD)) that inflate QTL effects and complicate
the interpretation of QTL mapping results: the effect at one QTL could be attributable to the effect at a second
locus, possibly on a different chromosome. Genotype correlations can also result in one QTL becoming
non-significant given the presence of a second, correlated, effect, even if both are genuine. Therefore we need
to consider the joint effects of QTLs, and to identify a set of QTLs that act independently to explain the
phenotypic variation.
To deal with these issues we used model-averaging techniques. There are many possible multiple-QTL models
built from the candidate QTLs found in the genome scans that can explain the data. So far we have considered
only models built from autosomal additive QTLs identified in the genome scans. We created multiple datasets of
2,000 mice for analysis by randomly selecting animals from the genuine dataset. We sampled with replacement so
that some animals are re-sampled several times and others not at all. For each of these bootstrap datasets, we
constructed a multiple QTL model iteratively by forward selection. Starting with a model with no QTLs, the effect
of adding a candidate QTL was tested. The QTL with the most significant improvement in fit was added to the
model, provided the improvement exceeded a 5% genome-wide significance threshold. The procedure was repeated
until no more significant QTLs could be added. We then averaged across all models. We scored each QTL by its
Resample-based Model Inclusion Probability (RMIP), the proportion of bootstraps in which it was selected and estimated
its apparent effect size after first removing variance attributed to covariates (such as sex and age). The
apparent effect size is defined as the percentage variance explained by a given QTL after allowing for the other
QTLs in the model, averaged across all models containing that QTL.
Unfortunately simply knowing a RMIP does not immediately provide us with the likelihood that a QTL is
genuine. The interpretation of a RMIP depends on the experiment from which it was derived. We have to calibrate
RMIPs and we do so by simulation. In our case, since we found an average of seven QTLs per model, for each
simulation we selected seven SNPs at random across the genome as true QTL locations. Then, without altering the
genotypes or family structure, we simulated QTLs at these SNPs, each with an effect size explaining 5% of the
phenotypic variance. A simulated 5% effect corresponds to an apparent 3% effect in the HS, typical of the
apparent effect sizes we obtained in the genome scans. To investigate false positive rates we simulated a null
QTL scenario which consisted solely of 35% family and 20% environment effects, under the assumption that there
are no detectable QTLs, but that the genetic effect is due to independent genes of infinitesimally small effect.
The table below shows the results of the simulations and provides performance measures for RMIP thresholds
between 0.05 and 1. Each row collates the results for all peaks detected in the model averaging with RMIP
exceeding the given threshold. We report three measures: first, the proportion of QTLs detected after model
averaging that exceed a given RMIP threshold and match a true QTL; second, the proportion of true QTLs that are
detected (this figure estimates power); third, the expected number of false positive QTLs detected per genome
scan under the null QTL scenario. We see that over a wide range of RMIP values, the power to detect a QTL is
about 90%. Furthermore, a QTL that exceeds a RMIP threshold of 0.5 will be true in 85% of cases, and in 70% of
cases for a threshold of 0.25. Finally, under the assumptions of the simulations consisting solely of
infinitesimal genetic effects, at a RMIP threshold of 0.25, about one false positive QTL occurs every 4 genome scans. This
value can be thought of as the upper limit of the number of false positive QTLs under an infinitesimal genetic
RMIP Threshold
Number of QTLs discovered |
Proportion of detected QTLs that are true
Proportion of true 5% QTLs detected |
Expected number of false QTLs per genome scan |
NOTE The data in the Table are based on 100 simulation trials. In each trial, seven 5% QTLs were simulated and mapped. The fourth Column gives the proportion of the seven that were detected at a given RMIP threshold. For example, at RMIP=0.05 most simulations found 6 of them.
However, it is not possible to infer the total number of QTLs from this table, for two reasons. First, because the fourth column does not refer to all QTLs (only those with efffect size exceeding 5%), and second, because it is not possible to infer the total number of QTLs, which is a meaningless quantity unless parameterized by the size of the effect.
Consider a model of QTL action in which a large number of QTLs influence the trait with effect sizes distributed according to a exponential-like distribution in which there are a few major players (eg, >5% QTLs) and 1000s of minor actors (less than 1% QTLs). Suppose there are seven 5% QTLs and one thousand 0.001% QTLs. If we found all seven 5% QTLs that would be a pretty good result. Yet, if the power in the fourth colum were based on the total number of QTLs then the proportion would be 7/1007= ~0.007. Moreover, under an infinitesimal model the number in the fourth column would always be 0 regardless of how successful we were.
Therefore, for the power column to be meaningful in any sense its definition is constrained to refer to 5% QTLs. That is reasonable a priori since 5% is a typical effect size seen in reported QTLs (Flint et al, NRG, 2005), though a posteriori we might conject 2-3% is more common in our study. Note the above means that column three, also based on these simulations, is conservative because whereas dropping to low RMIPs is unlikely to yeild many more 5% QTLs it will pick up more QTLs of smaller effect.
Mapping eQTLs
Natural genetic variation contributes significantly to variation in gene expression and the loci of regulatory variation for individual transcripts have been mapped using both genetic linkage and association methodologies in a number of organisms. These studies show that variation in transcript abundance arises from expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) that can be classified as either local (cis-eQTLs) or distant (trans-eQTLs) regulatory variants. Typically multiple eQTLs contribute to variation in the abundance of a single transcript.
We used an Illumina array with 47,430 oligonucleotides to assess expression of 21,288 Ensembl annotated transcripts, representing 19,687 genes. We analysed mRNA extracted from the hippocampus of 460 HS animals, and the livers and lungs of 260. Genome scans were performed to map the eQTLs for all transcripts and tissues on to build 37 of the mouse genome.
eQTLs were categorized as either cis or trans depending on whether an eQTL peak was either less or more than 2 Mb from the mid point of its cognate transcript (in the HS the linkage disequilibrium measured by the mean r2 falls to less than 0.5 within 2 megabases and is less than 0.2 within 8 Mb). The number of eQTLs detected depends on the RMIP threshold applied. In the hippocampus, at the most stringent RMIP value of 1.0, we detected 2,732 cis-eQTLs and 205 trans eQTLs; at the lower RMIP value of 0.25 there are 3,961 cis-eQTLs and 4,586 trans eQTLs. It is important to appreciate that while the RMIP measures the robustness of the eQTL detection, it is not a measure of the effect size of the eQTL. This is shown by the lack of correlation between RMIP and either the ANOVA logP or the percentage of variance explained (which do correlate).
We have now incorporated the cis-eQTL results into gscandb so that it is possible to see which genes at a QTL are likely candidates. We faced a number of difficulties in presenting the data.
First, because there are so many loci, it would be impossible to show individual scans for all 20,000 or so transcripts. We decided to show only the cis-effects, indicating the peak of the logP by an arrow, whose shaft is placed in the cognate gene. In this way we are able to show all cis-eQTLs in one track. To see this track you must do two things: first, enable the "cis.SNPs" and/or "cis.noSNPs" in the Scan Types box on the right of the screen. Second, choose one or more tissues from the list of Plottable Scans. There are currently three to choose from: eQTL.Lung, eQTL.liver and eQTL.hippocampus.The example below shows cis eQTLs for the Hippocampus on part of chromosome 1.
Second, we found that among cis-eQTLs with a logP greater than 20, about 40% contain a known polymorphism in the target sequence; we estimate that a further 10% are associated with unannotated SNPs. Therefore we felt it was imperative to indicate which cis-eQTLs might be false positives due to the presence of SNPs. We have used colour to distinguish those eQTLs that have SNPs (red) from those that do not (black). The two displays are chosen by enabling the "cis.SNPs" and/or "cis.noSNPs" in the Scan Types box
What the Genome Scans Look Like
The example below shows the region view for two immunology phenotypes, CD4/CD8 ratio and CD4:CD3 over the mouse MHC on chromosome 17.