useDynLib(lme4, .registration=TRUE) import(Matrix)# including update() import(lattice) ## Generics for which we define new methods: importFrom("nlme", fixef, ranef, VarCorr) importFrom("graphics", plot) importFrom("stats4", AIC, BIC, logLik)# so S4 methods are used! importFrom("stats", anova, coef, confint, deviance, fitted, formula, model.frame, model.matrix, predict, residuals, resid, # 'resid' needed too, unfortunately.. simulate, terms, ## update, -- already from 'Matrix' vcov ) ## but import("stats") is not ok, because Matrix exports "better" versions of ## update(), xtabs() and cov2cor() #exportPattern("^[^\\.]") ## re-export imported S4 generics export(AIC, BIC, logLik) ## and the rest (S3 generics; regular functions): export("HPDinterval", "getME", "isLMM", "isGLMM", "isNLMM", "isREML", "glmer", #"gsummary", "hatTrace", "lmList", "lmer", "lmer2", "mcmcsamp", "nlmer", #"pooledSD", "refit", "sigma", "VarCorr") exportClasses("lmList", "mer", "merMCMC", "summary.mer") exportMethods( "HPDinterval", "VarCorr", "anova", "as.matrix", "", "chol", "coef", "coerce", "confint", "densityplot", "deviance", "expand", "fitted", "fixef", "formula", # "gsummary", "head", "logLik", "mcmcsamp", "model.frame", "model.matrix", "plot", "print", "qqmath", "ranef", "refit", "resid", "residuals", "show", "simulate", "summary", "tail", "terms", "update", "vcov", "with", "xyplot" ) S3method(terms, mer)# even though we have it S4 method as well S3method(drop1, mer) S3method(extractAIC, mer) S3method(isLMM, mer) S3method(isGLMM, mer) S3method(isNLMM, mer) S3method(isREML, mer) S3method(plot, coef.mer) S3method(plot, ranef.mer) S3method(print, coef.mer) S3method(print, ranef.mer) S3method(qqmath, ranef.mer) S3method(dotplot, ranef.mer)