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Class greg_day

boost::gregorian::greg_day — Represent a day of the month (range 1 - 31)


// In header: <boost/date_time/gregorian/greg_day.hpp>

class greg_day {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  greg_day(unsigned short);

  // public member functions
  unsigned short as_number() const;
  operator unsigned short() const;


This small class allows for simple conversion an integer value into a day of the month for a standard gregorian calendar. The type is automatically range checked so values outside of the range 1-31 will cause a bad_day_of_month exception

greg_day public construct/copy/destruct

  1. greg_day(unsigned short day_of_month);

greg_day public member functions

  1. unsigned short as_number() const;
  2. operator unsigned short() const;
