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Serial port service requirements

A serial port service must meet the requirements for an I/O object service with support for movability, as well as the additional requirements listed below.

In the table below, X denotes a serial port service class, a and ao denote values of type X, d denotes a serial port device name of type std::string, b and c denote values of type X::implementation_type, n denotes a value of type X::native_handle_type, ec denotes a value of type error_code, s denotes a value meeting SettableSerialPortOption requirements, g denotes a value meeting GettableSerialPortOption requirements, mb denotes a value satisfying mutable buffer sequence requirements, rh denotes a value meeting ReadHandler requirements, cb denotes a value satisfying constant buffer sequence requirements, and wh denotes a value meeting WriteHandler requirements. and u and v denote identifiers.

Table 24. SerialPortService requirements


return type



The implementation-defined native representation of a serial port. Must satisfy the requirements of CopyConstructible types (C++ Std, 20.1.3), and the requirements of Assignable types (C++ Std, 23.1).


From IoObjectService requirements.
post: !a.is_open(b).


From IoObjectService requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations, as if by calling a.close(b, ec).

a.move_construct(b, c);

From IoObjectService requirements. The underlying native representation is moved from c to b.

a.move_assign(b, ao, c);

From IoObjectService requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations associated with b, as if by calling a.close(b, ec). Then the underlying native representation is moved from c to b.

const std::string& u = d;, u, ec);


pre: !a.is_open(b).
post: !!ec || a.is_open(b).

a.assign(b, n, ec);


pre: !a.is_open(b).
post: !!ec || a.is_open(b).



const X& u = a;
const X::implementation_type& v = b;


a.close(b, ec);


If a.is_open() is true, causes any outstanding asynchronous operations to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error code error::operation_aborted.
post: !a.is_open(b).



a.cancel(b, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).
Causes any outstanding asynchronous operations to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error code error::operation_aborted.

a.set_option(b, s, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

a.get_option(b, g, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

const X& u = a;
const X::implementation_type& v = b;
u.get_option(v, g, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

a.send_break(b, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

a.read_some(b, mb, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

Reads one or more bytes of data from a serial port b.

The mutable buffer sequence mb specifies memory where the data should be placed. The operation shall always fill a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.

If successful, returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise returns 0. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence mb is 0, the function shall return 0 immediately.

If the operation completes due to graceful connection closure by the peer, the operation shall fail with error::eof.

a.async_read_some(b, mb, rh);


pre: a.is_open(b).

Initiates an asynchronous operation to read one or more bytes of data from a serial port b. The operation is performed via the io_service object a.get_io_service() and behaves according to asynchronous operation requirements.

The mutable buffer sequence mb specifies memory where the data should be placed. The operation shall always fill a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.

The implementation shall maintain one or more copies of mb until such time as the read operation no longer requires access to the memory specified by the buffers in the sequence. The program must ensure the memory is valid until:

— the last copy of mb is destroyed, or

— the handler for the asynchronous operation is invoked,

whichever comes first. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence mb is 0, the asynchronous read operation shall complete immediately and pass 0 as the argument to the handler that specifies the number of bytes read.

If the operation completes due to graceful connection closure by the peer, the operation shall fail with error::eof.

If the operation completes successfully, the ReadHandler object rh is invoked with the number of bytes transferred. Otherwise it is invoked with 0.

a.write_some(b, cb, ec);


pre: a.is_open(b).

Writes one or more bytes of data to a serial port b.

The constant buffer sequence cb specifies memory where the data to be written is located. The operation shall always write a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.

If successful, returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise returns 0. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence cb is 0, the function shall return 0 immediately.

a.async_write_some(b, cb, wh);


pre: a.is_open(b).

Initiates an asynchronous operation to write one or more bytes of data to a serial port b. The operation is performed via the io_service object a.get_io_service() and behaves according to asynchronous operation requirements.

The constant buffer sequence cb specifies memory where the data to be written is located. The operation shall always write a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.

The implementation shall maintain one or more copies of cb until such time as the write operation no longer requires access to the memory specified by the buffers in the sequence. The program must ensure the memory is valid until:

— the last copy of cb is destroyed, or

— the handler for the asynchronous operation is invoked,

whichever comes first. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence cb is 0, the asynchronous operation shall complete immediately and pass 0 as the argument to the handler that specifies the number of bytes read.

If the operation completes successfully, the WriteHandler object wh is invoked with the number of bytes transferred. Otherwise it is invoked with 0.
